

RF Acoustic Wave Filters - Patent Landscape Analysis 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: KnowMade | 英文 PDF >110 slides, Excel file >11,300 patent families | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


在本報告中,我們分析了全球射頻聲波濾波器市場的最新專利狀況,包括已公佈專利隨時間的變化、主要技術(SAW、BAW等)和專利申請國家的趨勢以及專利趨勢. 我們彙編並提供知識產權趨勢等信息,例如法律狀況、主要公司的知識產權概況以及中國境內的詳細趨勢。


  • PDF:110 多張投影片
  • Excel 文件:超過 11,300 個同族專利
  • 全球專利趨勢:專利公佈數量、專利申請國家等的時間趨勢。
  • 主要專利權人與新進者:依供應鏈細分領域
  • 主要公司智慧財產權地位和專利組合的相對豐富度
  • 關注中國生態系統
  • 關鍵技術IP分析
    • SAW(表面聲波)濾波器
    • BAW(體聲波)濾波器
    • LBAW 濾波器(包括 XBAR)
    • 多工器和帶有聲學濾波器的 RF FEM(前端模組)
  • 重點在於近期關鍵創新:SAW、BAW、複合壓電基板等。
  • 領導企業與中國新進業者的智慧財產權概況(專利組合概覽、技術覆蓋範圍、地理覆蓋範圍等)
  • 包含本報告中分析的所有專利的 Excel 資料庫,包括專利類別和最新線上資料庫的超連結。


自 1990 年代以來,聲學濾波器產業已分為兩種主要技術:低頻段聲表面波 (SAW) 濾波器和高頻段聲表面波 (BAW) 濾波器。 該市場和公司都很成熟,其產品、技術和專有技術受到龐大且強大的智慧財產權 (IP) 組合的保護。 Murata Manufacturing 和 Skyworks 在 SAW 專利方面領先,而 Broadcom 在 BAW 專利方面領先。 隨著行動電話服務和網路的擴展,頻段逐漸變得更寬、更高。 例如,在5G應用中,除了sub-6GHz頻段(例如3.3-3.8GHz(B78)、3.3-4.2GHz(B77)、4.4-5.0GHz(B79))之外,毫米波頻段(例如24.25-29.5GHz ) (B257、B258、B261)、37-40GHz (B260))。 達到更高的頻率是挑戰的一部分;另一個挑戰是提供不僅在更高頻率下工作,而且還提供更寬的絕對和相對頻寬的射頻濾波器。

目前,SAW 和 BAW 裝置符合 3GHz 以下頻段的要求。 然而,當涉及到3-5GHz頻段時,就出現了許多問題。 SAW 裝置需要越來越窄的電極寬度,從而導致更高的損耗、較差的功率處理能力以及更高的光刻成本。 BAW 裝置同樣具有相對較低的壓電耦合,並且缺乏支援急需的高頻寬的能力。 因此,解決損耗、功耗和散熱問題以及 3 GHz 以上頻寬需求的新解決方案變得很有吸引力。

為了克服這些限制,公司正在尋找新技術。 新的解決方案包括開發具有 ScAlN 或 Sc 摻雜 AlN 壓電薄膜的 BAW,以增強電聲耦合性能。 同時,新型複合基板的開發為SAW領域開啟了新的大門。 最後,橫向激勵體聲波(LBAW)技術也進入了競爭。

許多公司將這種演變視為進入這個利潤豐厚的市場的機會,並明確希望成為 5G 下一代射頻濾波器的下一個供應商。 這樣,不僅是新進者,現有公司也都進入了激烈的競爭,而智慧財產權可以成為支持其策略的關鍵工具。 此外,中美技術競爭帶動了中國國家供應鏈的發展。 這些因素共同構成了一個高度動態和競爭的產業。

在此背景下,射頻聲波濾波器專利態勢報告旨在了解當前的智慧財產權活動以及它們如何支持公司的市場策略。 透過分析 25,000 多項專利,可以為公司如何利用其智慧財產權來確保自己的地位或獲得新的市場份額提供獨特的見解。


本報告手動提取了超過 11,000 個與 SAW 濾波器、BAW 濾波器以及多路復用器和 RF 前端模組相關的專利族(發明),以概述當前全球 IP 格局。趨勢和概述事態發展。 透過專利分析,我們解釋每家公司在供應鏈上的地位,揭示加強其智慧財產權組合的策略,強調其限制其他公司專利活動和營運自由的能力,並識別有前途的新公司,識別和預測未來的知識產權領導者。 此外,該報告還可以讓您了解每家公司在有前途的技術方面的智慧財產權地位。 它確定了參與開發新技術的關鍵公司,並描述了應對這些挑戰的主要解決方案。

本報告強調,SAW 與 BAW 之間的智慧財產權格局存在重大差異。 一方面,SAW濾波器的發展已經達到高度成熟,IP公司開始轉向模組化設計和濾波器架構。 特定產業的創新者在智慧財產權領域佔據主導地位,很難挑戰他們。 另一方面,BAW IP 格局的特徵是競爭激烈。 最近博通和太陽誘電的專利活動下降,加上 AlScN 壓電層的興起,正在創造許多中國和老牌 SAW 公司不容錯過的新機會。



本報告首次確定了最著名的中國專利持有者,並分析了他們如何開發智慧財產權以建立國內供應鏈。 此外,透過智慧財產權分析,我們發現正在透過向海外拓展專利來實施國際智慧財產權策略的中國企業。 最後,我們全面調查了最著名的中國公司的專利活動,並分析了他們近年來的技術進步。

IP 如何支援新濾波器技術的開發?

5G 需求催生了多項新技術的發展。 最值得注意的是過濾器中使用的基材和材料。 複合壓電基板和AlScN已成為滿足要求的兩種最有前途的技術。 為了確保未來 10 年的技術安全,必須申請與這些技術相關的專利。 KnowMade 首次分析了這個特定智慧財產權領域的格局,並調查了哪些公司擁有最強大的智慧財產權組合。


本版塊涵蓋主要公司(Murata/Resonant、Skyworks、Qualcomm、Taiyo Yuden、Samsung Electro-Mechanics、ROFS Microsystem、Akoustis、Qorvo、Kyocera、Wisol)和新的中國IP 公司(MEMSonics、EpicMEMS、StarShine、Sanansol)和新的中國IP 公司(MEMSonics、EpicMEMS、StarShine、Sanan IC) ,Sappland Microelectronics)。

有用的 Excel 專利資料庫

該報告還包括一個內容廣泛的 Excel 資料庫,其中包含分析中分析的所有專利。 這個方便的專利資料庫可進行多標準搜索,包括專利公開號、更新的線上資料庫的超連結(來源文字、法律狀態等)、優先權日期、標題、摘要、專利受讓人、片段(SAW、BAW 、LBAW/XBAR) 、多工器和使用它們的 RF FEM)。


Murata、Taiyo Yuden、TDK Epcos、Skyworks、Kyocera、Qualcomm、Broadcom、Hitachi、Toshiba、Toyo Communication Equipment、Samsung Electro Mechanics、Qorvo、Seiko Epson、Oki Electric Industry、LG Innotek、NDK、NEC、Epson Toyocom、Sanyo Electric、Samsung Electronics、NGK Insulators、Philips、Intel、Japan Radio、Nokia、Thales、Advanced Saw Products、Motorola、Wisol、Ube Industries、Mitsubishi Electric、Sumitomo Electric Industries、LG Electronics、China Electronics Technology (CETC)、Alps Electric、Tianjin University、Toko、Sappland Microelectronics Technology、Zenith Radio、Texas Instruments、Sony、Intellectual Ventures Holding、Resonant、STMicroelectronics、Institute of Acoustics - Chinese Academy of Sciences、Mitsubishi Materials、CEA、Shoulder Electronics等。





  • 聲表面波濾波器
  • 摘要
    • 專利公開數量:時間序列變化
    • 主要專利權人排名
    • 主要知識產權公司:時間表
    • 專利的當前法律地位:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 有效專利的地理覆蓋範圍:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 專利權人的智慧財產權領先地位以及 2019 年後的演變
  • BAW 濾波器(FBAR/SMR)
    • 摘要
    • 專利公開數量:時間序列變化
    • 主要專利權人排名
    • 主要知識產權公司:時間表
    • 當前專利法律狀態:主要知識產權公司
    • 有效專利的地理覆蓋範圍:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 專利權人的智慧財產權領先地位以及 2019 年後的演變
    • 專利訴訟
  • LBAW 濾波器(包括 XBAR)
    • 定義
    • 專利公開數量:時間序列變化
    • 主要專利權人排名
    • 主要知識產權公司:時間表
    • 專利的當前法律地位:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 有效專利的地理覆蓋範圍:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 射頻濾波器電路和架構(例如多路復用器)
    • 專利公開數量:時間序列變化
    • 主要專利權人排名
    • 專利的當前法律地位:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 有效專利的地理覆蓋範圍:以主要知識產權公司劃分
    • 專利權人的智慧財產權領先地位以及 2019 年後的演變
  • 中國的生態系統
    • 摘要
    • 中國IP企業在SAW濾波器供應鏈中的地位
    • 中國主要專利權人
    • 有海外智慧財產權策略的中國企業和有國內智慧財產權戰略的中國企業
    • 中國最知名的外國IP玩家


  • SAWRF 濾波器的最新創新
  • BAWRF 過濾器的最新創新
  • 複合壓電基板
    • 主要智慧財產權公司:依專利申請國家劃分
    • 專利中所描述的主要黏合製程(Smart Cut、黏合劑、有機黏合劑等)
    • 專利中所描述的主要支撐基材
  • 用於 BAW 濾波器的 lScN 壓電層
    • 有關 Sc 摻雜和 AlScN 生長的主要專利權人
    • 知識產權動態和專利的當前法律地位


  • Murata/Resonant、Skyworks、Qualcomm、Taiyo Yuden、Samsung Electro-Mechanics、ROFS Microsystem、Akoustis、Qorvo、Kyocera、Wisol、新中國 IP 公司(MEMSonics、EpicMEMS、StarShine、Sanan IC、Sappland Micro electronics)


Product Code: KM24001


  • PDF>110 slides
  • Excel file>11,300 patent families
  • Global patenting trends, including time evolution of patent publications, countries of patent filings, etc.
  • Main patent assignees and IP newcomers in the different segments of the supply chain.
  • Key players' IP position and the relative strength of their patent portfolio.
  • Focus on the Chinese ecosystem.
  • IP analysis of the main technologies:
    • SAW filters
    • BAW filters
    • LBAW filters (incl. XBAR)
    • Multiplexers & RF FEM using acoustic filters
  • Focus on recent key innovations for SAW, BAW, composite piezoelectric substrates, etc.
  • IP profile of key players and Chinese newcomers (patent portfolio overview, technical coverage, geographical coverage, etc.)
  • Excel database containing all patents analyzed in the report, including patent segmentations and hyperlinks to an updated online database.

The need of new solutions for high bands

Since the 1990's, the acoustic filter industry has been divided into two main technologies: surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters for the lower bands and bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filters for the higher bands. This market and the players were well-established, and their products, technologies, and know-how were protected by large and strong intellectual property (IP) portfolios. Murata and Skyworks were leading the SAW patent landscape, while Broadcom was leading the BAW one. The expansion of cell phone services and networks drove the need for progressively wider and higher frequency bands. 5G applications, for instance, require frequencies in the sub-6GHz range (e.g., 3.3-3.8 GHz (B78), 3.3-4.2 GHz (B77), 4.4-5.0 GHz (B79)) as well as mm-wave bands (e.g., 24.25-29.5 GHz (B257, B258, B261), 37-40 GHz (B260)). While reaching higher frequencies is one part of the challenge, the other part is to provide RF filters that not only work at higher frequencies, but also offer wider absolute and relative bandwidths.

Currently, SAW and BAW devices fulfill the requirements for bands below 3GHz. However, when it comes to the 3-5 GHz range, numerous issues arise. SAW devices require increasingly narrower electrodes, which result in higher losses, reduced power handling, and more expensive lithography. BAW devices likewise have relatively small piezoelectric coupling and lack the capacity to support the wider bandwidths required. Therefore, new solutions that address losses, power, thermal issues, and bandwidth needs above 3 GHz will be attractive.

To overcome these limitations, players are looking for new technologies. New solutions include the development of BAW with a ScAlN or Sc-doped AlN piezoelectric film in order to enhance the electroacoustic coupling characteristic. On the other hand, the development of new composite substrates has opened new doors for the SAW segment. Last, laterally excited BAW (LBAW) technology has also entered the race.

Many players have seen this evolution as a good opportunity to enter this lucrative market and explicitly desire to be the upcoming provider of the next generation of RF filters for 5G. Newcomers as well as established players have thus entered a fierce race in which IP can be a major tool to support their strategy. Furthermore, the US vs. China technology battle has led to the development of a national supply chain in China. All these elements are adding up to result in a very dynamic and competitive industry.

In this context, the RF Acoustic Wave Filters Patent Landscape report aims to understand the current IP activities and how they can support the market strategies of players. The analysis of more than 25,000 patents offers a unique view of how players can leverage their IP to secure their position or conquer new market shares.

Understanding the main trends, the key players' IP position and IP strategy

In this report, we have manually selected more than 11,000 patent families (inventions) related to SAW filters, BAW filters, and multiplexers and RF front-end modules using them, and provide a general overview of today's IP landscape global trends and dynamics. Through patent analysis, we describe the position of players along the supply chain, unveil their strategies to strengthen their IP portfolio, highlight their capability to limit other firms' patenting activity and freedom-to-operate, identify promising new players, and forecast what would be the future IP leaders. Furthermore, this report provides an understanding of players' IP position on promising technologies. The main players involved in the development of new technologies are identified, and the main solutions to address these challenges are described.

The analysis highlights a significant difference between the SAW and BAW IP landscape. On one hand, the development of SAW filters has reached a high level of maturity, and IP players have started to look at module design and filters architecture. Vertical innovators are controlling the IP landscape and will be difficult to challenge. On the other hand, the BAW IP landscape is characterized by intense competition. The recent decline in patent activity from Broadcom and Taiyo Yuden, paired with the rise of the AlScN piezoelectric layer, has created new opportunities that numerous Chinese players and established SAW players are not going to miss!

What is the position and strategy of Chinese IP players?

The report provides an understanding of the current IP positions of major Chinese players.

We have identified the most noticeable Chinese patent owners and provide a first view of how they are developing their IP in order to establish a national supply chain. Additionally, the IP analysis allows us to pinpoint Chinese players who are implementing a global IP strategy by extending their patents abroad. Lastly, the report offers a comprehensive overview of the patent activity of the most noticeable Chinese players, providing insight into their recent technological advancements.

How can IP support the development of new filter technologies?

The 5G requirements led to the development of several new technologies. The most noticeable being related to the substrate and materials used in the filters. Composite piezoelectric substrates and AlScN have become two of the most promising technologies to fulfill the requirements. Filing patents related to these technologies seems necessary to secure the technology for the next 10 years. KnowMade provides a first status of this specific IP segment to understand which players have the strongest IP portfolio that can be used to hamper the freedom to operate of the competition in the coming years.

IP profile of key players

In a dedicated section, we focus on the IP portfolios held by key players (Murata/Resonant, Skyworks, Qualcomm, Taiyo Yuden, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, ROFS Microsystem, Akoustis, Qorvo, Kyocera, Wisol) and Chinese IP newcomers (MEMSonics, EpicMEMS, StarShine, Sanan IC, Sappland Microelectronics).

Useful Excel patent database

This report also includes an extensive Excel database with all patents analyzed in this study. This useful patent database allows for multi-criteria searches and includes patent publication numbers, hyperlinks to an updated online database (original documents, legal status, etc.), priority date, title, abstract, patent assignees, and segments (SAW, BAW, LBAW/XBAR, multiplexer & RF FEM using them).

Companies mentioned in the report (non-exhaustive)

Murata, Taiyo Yuden, TDK Epcos, Skyworks, Kyocera, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Hitachi, Toshiba, Toyo Communication Equipment, Samsung Electro Mechanics, Qorvo, Seiko Epson, Oki Electric Industry, LG Innotek, NDK, NEC, Epson Toyocom, Sanyo Electric, Samsung Electronics, NGK Insulators, Philips, Intel, Japan Radio, Nokia, Thales, Advanced Saw Products, Motorola, Wisol, Ube Industries, Mitsubishi Electric, Sumitomo Electric Industries, LG Electronics, China Electronics Technology (CETC), Alps Electric, Tianjin University, Toko, Sappland Microelectronics Technology, Zenith Radio, Texas Instruments, Sony, Intellectual Ventures Holding, Resonant, STMicroelectronics, Institute of Acoustics - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mitsubishi Materials, CEA, Shoulder Electronics, and more.



  • Definitions
  • Context of the report: 2019 IP landscape conclusions
  • Scope of the report 2024
  • Methodology


  • Status of main IP players
  • Position of IP players in acoustic wave filter supply chain
  • Main IP players evolution from 2019 to today
  • IP newcomers
  • IP landscape evolution from 2019 to today


  • SAW filters
  • Summary
    • Time evolution of patent publications
    • Ranking of main patent assignees
    • Timeline of main IP players
    • Current legal status of patents per main IP players
    • Geographical coverage of alive patents per main IP players
    • IP leadership of patent assignees and evolution since 2019
  • BAW filters (FBAR and SMR)
    • Summary
    • Time evolution of patent publications
    • Ranking of main patent assignees
    • Timeline of main IP players
    • Current legal status of patents per main IP players
    • Geographical coverage of alive patents per main IP players
    • IP leadership of patent assignees and evolution since 2019
    • Patent litigations
  • LBAW filters (including XBAR)
    • Definition
    • Time evolution of patent publications
    • Ranking of main patent assignees
    • Timeline of main IP players
    • Geographical coverage of alive patents per main IP players
    • RF filter circuit and architecture (multiplexers, etc.)
    • Time evolution of patent publications
    • Ranking of main patent assignees
    • Current legal status of patents per main IP players
    • Geographical coverage of alive patents per main IP players
    • IP leadership of patent assignees and evolution since 2019
  • China ecosystem
    • Summary
    • Position of Chinese IP players in acoustic wave filter supply chain
    • Leading patent assignees in China
    • Chinese players with global IP strategy and those with domestic IP strategy
    • Most established foreign IP players in China


  • Recent innovations for SAWRF filters
  • Recent innovations for BAWRF filters
  • Composite piezoelectric substrate
    • Main IP players per country of origin
    • Main bonding processes mentioned in patents (SmartCut, bonding, organic adhesive, etc.)
    • Main support substrate mentioned in patents
  • AlScN piezoelectric layer for BAW filters
    • Main patent assignees for Sc doping and for AlScN growth
    • IP dynamics and current legal status of patents


  • Murata/Resonant, Skyworks, Qualcomm, Taiyo Yuden, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, ROFS Microsystem, Akoustis, Qorvo, Kyocera, Wisol, and Chinese IP newcomers: MEMSonics, EpicMEMS, StarShine, Sanan IC, Sappland Microelectronics