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分佈式溫度傳感市場 - 2023-2028 年預測Distributed Temperature Sensing Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
分佈式溫度傳感市場預計將從2021年的688,176,000美元增至2028年的1,159,817,000美元,複合年增長率為7.74%。 分佈式溫度傳感 (DTS) 是一種測量光纖電纜溫度的技術。 用於沿著受監控基礎設施(例如管道和電力電纜)的長度安裝光纖電纜,並將電纜連接到 DTS 單元,以計算沿電纜長度的每個點的溫度 它用於石油和天然氣等行業氣體、電力和運輸產生相互作用的信號,通過與電纜結構和周圍環境相互作用的電纜傳輸光脈衝,並監控和管理關鍵基礎設施的溫度變化。
通過在業務應用中採用DTS,企業可以連續、實時地監控溫度,主動識別潛在問題,並根據實際溫度數據調整加熱和冷卻系統,以提高性能並進行優化。 檢測熱點和異常溫度變化還有助於降低成本、提高效率並提高安全性。 石油和天然氣行業的擴張以及製造業對溫度監測解決方案日益增長的需求預計將在預測期內推動市場增長。
為了防止列車屈曲、斷軌、限速、維護成本增加等各種問題,保障鐵路安全高效運營,鐵路軌道溫度監測儀的重要性日益凸顯。預計將增加DTS的消耗。 例如,AP Sensing 提供的 DTS 技術可以持續管理鐵軌溫度,從而更輕鬆地檢測地鐵站、火車和電纜管道內的火災。 高溫導致鋼軌膨脹,導致列車屈曲、軌道扭曲,造成乘客危險和設備損壞等脫軌事故。 例如,2022年7月,英國鐵路國王十字車站的列車服務暫停,以防止因104.36華氏度的高溫而導致屈曲。
民用基礎設施等建築物的不斷發展為使用 DTS 技術來監測建築物溫度提供了機會。 例如,阿聯酋2020年預算已批准613.5億迪拉姆的零赤字聯邦預算,其中14.00%用於建設和經濟增長。 安裝 DTS 技術來監控建築物溫度,以優化供暖和製冷系統並減少能源消耗。 例如,2021年4月,迪拜區域供冷運營商協會透露,使用阿聯酋酋長國區域供冷公司提供的DTS產品區域供冷系統,在2020年節省了近650 GWh的電力。
對於 DTS 技術的優勢缺乏認識,對其改善業務運營的能力了解不夠,已經減緩了尚未開始使用 DTS 的行業中的公司對 DTS 產品的採用。 此外,由於 DTS 技術的成本效益和易於實施,來自熱成像和無線傳感器等替代技術的競爭日益激烈,限制了某些應用中對 DTS 技術的需求。
OTDR 主要用於測量光纜中光功率隨距離的損耗。 OTDR 使用高功率激光器在光纖中產生脈衝,並測量反射光返回設備所需的時間。 隨著光纜消耗的不斷增加,在光纜的敷設、維護和故障排除等應用中採用了OTDR,提供了對光纖的全面分析,這對故障排除和維護至關重要,從而增加了消耗。
隨著生產活動不斷擴大以滿足消費者需求,DTS 產品在石油和天然氣行業的需求量很大。 該行業嚴重依賴關鍵基礎設施,這些基礎設施必須在嚴格的溫度參數下運行,以確保安全高效的性能。 DTS技術用於石油和天然氣行業的管道監測、油藏監測、油井監測和水力壓裂。 持續監測管道溫度變化,檢測漏水和熱點等潛在問題,並降低管道故障和環境破壞的風險,其消耗量顯著。
由於天然氣管道的增加,DTS市場預計將擴大。 例如,美國與巴基斯坦啟動了20億美元的天然氣管道合同,與印度啟動了400億美元的天然氣出口合同。 2021 年年度預算中還包括印度政府宣布的查謨和克什米爾管道項目。 印度石油和天然氣部估計,石油和天然氣監管委員會已經批准了約 33,764 公裡的天然氣管道,用於建設該國的天然氣矩陣並增強印度各地的天然氣供應。此外,石油和天然氣行業的政府法規和指令(例如管道監控和維護的法規要求)正在導致 DTS 技術的採用增加。
光纖技術的進步是推動該地區 DTS 市場增長的關鍵因素。 這些進步使得光纖電纜變得更加堅固、可靠且具有成本效益,並使 DTS 技術在各個行業得到廣泛採用。 企業對實時溫度監控和分析的需求也日益增長,以提高運營效率並降低成本。 DTS 解決方案提供連續、高分辨率的溫度數據,使企業能夠在關鍵時刻之前快速識別並解決問題,減少停機時間和維護成本,從而為市場的擴大做出貢獻。
The distributed temperature sensing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.74% to reach US$1,159.817 million in 2028 from US$688.176 million in 2021. Distributed temperature sensing (DTS) is a technology for measuring temperature along a fiber optic cable. It is often used in industries such as oil and gas, power, and transportation to monitor and manage temperature variations in critical infrastructure by installing a fiber optic cable along the length of the infrastructure being monitored, such as a pipeline or power cable, and connecting the cable to a DTS unit that sends pulses of light through the cable that interact with the cable's structure and the surrounding environment to produce a signal that is used to calculate the temperature at each point along the cable's length.
Adopting DTS in business applications allows companies to monitor temperature continuously and in real-time, identify potential problems before they become critical, and optimize performance by adjusting heating or cooling systems based on actual temperature data. It can also help companies to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve safety by detecting hotspots and abnormal temperature changes. The expansion of the oil and gas industry and the growing need for temperature monitoring solutions among manufacturing industries is anticipated to drive the growth of the market over the forecast period.
The growing importance of railway track temperature monitor to ensure safe and efficient railway operations by preventing the occurrence of several issues, such as train buckling, rail breaks, speed restrictions, and increased maintenance costs, is expected to increase the consumption of DTS. For instance, AP Sensing company offers DTS technology to continuously administer the railway track temperature, which further facilitates the detection of fires in the interior of metro stations, trains, and cable ducts. High temperatures can cause steel tracks to expand and lead to train buckling and track warping, which cause derailments and accidents by endangering passengers and damaging equipment. For instance, in July 2022, trains were canceled at the King's Cross railway station by the UK railway to prevent buckling due to a high temperature of 104.36 degrees Fahrenheit.
The increasing development of civil infrastructure and other buildings provides an opportunity for the consumption of DTS technology to monitor building temperatures. For instance, a zero-deficit federal budget of AED 61.35 billion has been approved as part of the UAE's fiscal year 2020 budget, with 14.00% allocated towards construction and economic growth. DTS technology is implemented to monitor the temperature of buildings to optimize heating and cooling systems and reduce energy consumption. For example, the Association of District Cooling Operators in Dubai revealed in April 2021 that using the district cooling system, a DTS product offered by Emirates District Cooling Company in the UAE, resulted in electricity savings of close to 650 GWh in 2020.
The limited awareness of the benefits of DTS technology and the incomplete understanding of its ability to improve business operations is resulting in the slow adoption of DTS products by companies operating in industries that have not yet commenced consuming DTS. Further, the growing competition by alternative technologies such as infrared imaging or wireless sensors limits the demand for DTS technology in certain applications due to their relative cost-effectiveness and easier implementation.
OTDRs are mainly employed to measure the loss of optical power in fiber optic cables over distance. They use a high-power laser to generate pulses of light transmitted through the fiber to enable the OTDR to measure the response time taken for the reflected light to return to the device, which provides information about the attenuation and location of any breaks or splices in the fiber. The growing consumption of fiber optic cables is increasing the consumption of OTDRs as they are adopted in applications such as fiber optic cable installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting to provide a comprehensive analysis of the fiber essential for troubleshooting and maintenance.
The expansion of the production activities by the oil and gas sector to meet consumer demand is generating a high for DTS products as this industry relies heavily on critical infrastructure that must operate within strict temperature parameters to ensure safe and efficient performance. DTS technology is used in the oil and gas industry for pipeline monitoring, reservoir monitoring, wellbore monitoring, and hydraulic fracturing. It is prominently consumed to continuously monitor temperature changes along pipelines to detect potential issues such as leaks or hotspots and reduce the risk of pipeline failures and environmental damage.
The increase in gas pipelines is expected to result in the expansion of the DTS market. For instance, Russia initiated a US$2 billion gas pipeline deal with Pakistan and a US$40 billion natural gas export agreement with India. In addition, the annual budget 2021 included a pipeline project announcement from the Indian government for Jammu and Kashmir. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India estimated that roughly 33,764 km of the natural gas pipeline has been approved by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board to build the nation's gas matrix and enhance the accessibility of natural gas throughout India. Moreover, government regulations and mandates in the oil and gas industry, such as regulatory requirements for pipeline monitoring and maintenance, have led to increased adoption of DTS technology.
The advancements in fiber optic technology are a significant factor promoting the growth of the DTS market in the region, as such advancements have resulted in the creation of fiber optic cables with enhanced robustness, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, enabling the widespread adoption of DTS technology across various industries. In addition, the growing need for real-time temperature monitoring and analysis to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs among companies is contributing to the expansion of the market in the region as DTS solutions provide continuous, high-resolution temperature data that enable businesses to quickly identify and address issues before critical time to reduce the downtime and maintenance costs.