Desktop as a Service市場 - 預測 2023-2028Desktop as a Service Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
桌面即服務市場預計到 2028 年將達到 178.76 億美元,複合年增長率為 20.31%,而 2021 年市場規模為 49.01 億美元。 Desktop as a Service(DaaS)是一種雲計算服務模式,允許用戶遠程訪問虛擬桌面,而無需物理硬件或本地軟件。 桌面環境由第三方提供商託管和管理,並通過互聯網交付給最終用戶。 在 DaaS 環境中,提供商通常處理配置、維護、更新、安全和數據備份等任務,從而減輕最終用戶的這些責任。 最終用戶可以從任何連接互聯網的設備(包括筆記本電腦、平板電腦和智能手機)訪問虛擬桌面,並像使用物理桌面一樣使用它們。
智能設備的激增是Desktop as a Service (DaaS) 市場的主要驅動力,這就產生了對能夠跨不同設備和操作系統訪問桌面環境和應用程序的解決方案的需求。美國總務管理局 (GSA) 報告稱,近年來政府僱員使用的移動設備數量顯著增加。 隨著智能手機、平板電腦和筆記本電腦等移動設備的激增,員工越來越多地使用這些設備來訪問與工作相關的應用程序和數據。 因此,您需要一種能夠跨多個設備和操作系統提供一致的用戶體驗,同時確保安全性和合規性的解決方案。 DaaS 解決方案通過提供可從任何互聯網設備訪問的虛擬桌面環境來實現這種一致性。 這使員工能夠使用最方便的設備在任何地方工作,而不會影響桌面環境的安全性或性能。
高速互聯網的普及將極大地有利於桌面即服務市場,因為它使 DaaS 提供商能夠通過互聯網提供桌面環境和應用程序,並提高性能和可靠性。 根據聯邦通信委員會 (FCC) 的報告,近年來,美國高速互聯網的可用性顯著增加。 根據FCC發布的2021年寬帶採用報告,目前97%的美國人可以使用高速固定寬帶互聯網服務。 高速互聯網連接對於 DaaS 解決方案的性能至關重要,因為它們允許用戶以低延遲和高寬頻訪問桌面環境和應用程序。 這對於影像編輯、CAD 和 3D 建模等需要高性能計算的應用程序尤其重要。
提供基於雲的桌面解決方案的桌面即服務 (DaaS) 市場預計將在預測期內出現顯著增長,尤其是在 IT 和電信最終用戶中。 DaaS 使組織能夠輕鬆地從雲端配置和管理虛擬桌面和應用程序,使員工能夠在任何地方、在任何設備上工作。 該技術有助於降低桌面設備的初始成本和總擁有成本 (TCO),同時提高安全性、用戶體驗和生產力。
按地區劃分,Desktop as a Service市場分為北美、南美、歐洲、中東和非洲以及亞太地區。 北美Desktop as a Service市場對全球 DaaS 市場的整體增長做出了重大貢獻。 該地區基於雲的解決方案和先進 IT 基礎設施的採用率很高,這正在推動市場增長。 由於雲計算的高滲透率和大量中小企業採用DaaS解決方案,美國已成為DaaS最大的市場之一。 北美市場的增長也可歸因於 COVID-19 爆發加速了遠程工作的增長趨勢。
Desktop-as-a-service market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.31% from a market size of US$4.901 billion in 2021 to reach US$17.876 billion in 2028. Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a cloud computing service model that allows users to access virtual desktops remotely, without the need for physical hardware or on-premises software. Instead, the desktop environment is hosted and managed by a third-party provider, who delivers it over the internet to the end-users. In a DaaS environment, the provider typically handles tasks such as provisioning, maintenance, updates, security, and data backup, freeing the end-users from those responsibilities. The end-users can access their virtual desktops from any device with an internet connection, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and can use them as if they were running on a physical desktop.
The increasing number of smart devices is a major driver for the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) market, as it creates a need for a solution that can provide access to desktop environments and applications across different devices and operating systems. The United States General Services Administration (GSA) has reported that the number of mobile devices used by government employees has increased significantly in recent years. With the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile devices, employees are increasingly using these devices to access their work-related applications and data. This has created a need for a solution that can deliver a consistent user experience across multiple devices and operating systems while ensuring security and compliance. DaaS solutions can provide this consistency by delivering a virtual desktop environment that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This allows employees to work from anywhere, using the device that is most convenient for them, without compromising the security or performance of the desktop environment.
The Increased Availability of High-speed Internet significantly benefits the Desktop-as-a-Service market as it enables DaaS providers to deliver desktop environments and applications over the internet with improved performance and reliability. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reports that the availability of high-speed internet has improved significantly in recent years. According to the FCC's 2021 Broadband Deployment Report, 97% of Americans now have access to high-speed fixed broadband internet services. High-speed internet connections are critical to the performance of DaaS solutions because they allow users to access desktop environments and applications with low latency and high bandwidth. This is especially important for applications that require high-performance computing, such as video editing, CAD, and 3D modeling.
The Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) market, which provides cloud-based desktop solutions, is expected to experience significant growth during the projected period, particularly among IT and telecom end-users. DaaS enables organizations to easily provision and manage virtual desktops and applications from the cloud, enabling employees to work from anywhere on any device. This technology helps to reduce upfront costs and lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of desktop equipment while providing improved security, user experience, and productivity.
Based on geography, the desktop-as-a-service market is segmented into North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The North American desktop-as-a-service market is a significant contributor to the overall growth of the global DaaS market. The region has a high adoption rate of cloud-based solutions and advanced IT infrastructure, which has facilitated the growth of the market. The United States is one of the largest markets for DaaS due to the high penetration of cloud computing and the large number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adopting DaaS solutions. The growth of the market in North America can also be attributed to the increasing trend of remote working, which was accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.