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電子病歷市場 - 2023 年至 2028 年預測Electronic Medical Record Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
醫療保健環境中基礎設施的資訊化程度不斷提高是全球電子病歷市場的主要驅動力。 此外,將人工智能 (AI) 納入 EHRS 軟件的創建以及非政府和政府組織增加醫療保健支出預計也將推動市場擴張。 此外,世界各國政府都鼓勵在醫療保健行業使用 IT 解決方案。 電子健康記錄使整個醫療保健系統能夠輕鬆訪問有關患者和其他用戶的資訊。
預計北美在預測期內將佔據較高的市場份額。 該地區電子病歷(EMR) 市場的推動因素包括控制醫療保健成本的壓力日益增大、對更高質量醫療保健服務的需求不斷增加,以及政府為促進健康和醫療記錄技術等身份驗證技術的採用而提供的資金。
電子病歷系統的發展推動了電子病歷解決方案的採用,該系統具有更好的交付模式,而醫療資訊技術研發支出的增加則推動了電子病歷系統的發展。 例如,根據美國國家衛生統計研究所的數據,2021年醫療資訊健康相關的研發費用比2020年增長1.2%。 此外,技術進步正在支持該行業的擴張。
最小化 EMR 維護要求和增加可訪問性也有助於市場增長。 在 2022 年 2 月的一篇文章中,HHS 網絡安全計劃聲稱 EMR 經常互換使用,以實現資訊健康數據的電子輸入、存儲和保存。 EMR 可以共享患者數據,從而提高護理標準。
Specialty EMR 是專門為滿足特定醫療科室(如心髒病科、皮膚科、腫瘤科和兒科)的需求而設計的電子病歷系統。 這些系統為醫療保健提供者提供了特定於專業的工作流程、模板和臨床決策支持工具,以更高效地記錄患者訪談、訂購測試並創建治療計劃。使其成為可能。 這些模板可以進行定制,以適應每個醫療保健組織獨特的工作流程和文檔要求,從而提高文檔質量並降低錯誤風險。 專業電子病歷還可以讓醫生使用劑量計算、藥物相互作用警報和特定疾病指南等特定專業的臨床決策支持工具,從而改善患者的治療效果。 這可以帶來更準確的診斷、更好的治療計劃並改善患者的治療效果。
電子病歷 (EMR) 市場按地區分為北美、南美、歐洲、中東/非洲和亞太地區。
在北美,HITECH 法案和有意義的使用等政府法規和激勵措施正在推動 EMR 的採用。 這些法規為採用經過認證的電子病歷並證明“有意義的使用”的醫療保健提供者提供了經濟激勵,從而導致該地區電子病歷採用率顯著提高。 2009 年通過的《經濟和臨床健康健康資訊技術 (HITECH) 法案》為採用經過認證的 EMR 並證明“有意義的使用”的醫療保健提供者提供經濟激勵。
隨著醫療保健環境中生成的患者數據量的增加,需要高效且有效的方法來管理和訪問這些數據。 EMR 為醫療保健提供者提供了一個集中平台,用於訪問患者記錄、簡化通信並改善患者治療結果。 基於雲的解決方案的趨勢正在推動 EMR 市場的增長。 雲端基準的 EMR 為醫療保健提供商提供了靈活性、可擴展性和成本效益,因為它不需要安裝昂貴的硬件或軟件。
The growing digitalization of infrastructure within the healthcare setting is a primary driver of the global electronic health record market. Additionally, the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating EHRS software and rising healthcare spending by non-government and governmental organizations is anticipated to fuel market expansion. Furthermore, governments worldwide are encouraging the use of IT solutions in the healthcare industry. Through the use of electronic medical records, the entire healthcare system may easily access information on patients and other users.
North America is expected to constitute a high market share during the forecast period. The region's EMR market is being boosted by government funding promoting the widespread significant use of certified technology, such as health and medical records technology, supplemented by increasing pressure to control healthcare costs and a rise in demand for higher-quality medical services.
The adoption of EMR solutions is being aided by the development of electric medical record systems with better delivery modes, which is made possible by the increase in R&D spending on healthcare information technology. For instance, according to the National Institute of Health Statistics, the research and development expenditure on healthcare information health was 1.2% in 2021 over 2020. Furthermore, technological advancement is supporting the expansion of this industry.
The increasing EMR's minimal maintenance requirements and increased accessibility are also leading to market growth. HHS Cyber Security Programme claimed in an article from February 2022 that EMRs are frequently used interchangeably and enable the electronic entry, storage, and preservation of digital medical data. They allow the sharing of patient data, which enhances the standard of care.
Specialty EMRs are electronic medical record systems specifically designed to meet the needs of specific medical specialties, such as cardiology, dermatology, oncology, and pediatrics. These systems provide healthcare providers with specialty-specific workflows, templates, and clinical decision support tools that enable them to document patient encounters, order tests, and create treatment plans more efficiently and effectively. These templates can be tailored to match each practice's specific workflows and documentation requirements, which can help improve documentation quality and reduce the risk of errors. Specialty EMRs also improve patient outcomes by providing physicians access to specialty-specific clinical decision support tools, such as dosage calculators, drug interaction alerts, and disease-specific guidelines. This can lead to more accurate diagnoses, better treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes.
The electronic medical record (EMR) market has been segmented by geography into North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific.
Government regulations and incentives, such as the HITECH Act and Meaningful Use, drive the adoption of EMRs in North America. These regulations provide financial incentives to healthcare providers who adopt and demonstrate "meaningful use" of certified EMRs, which has led to a significant increase in EMR adoption rates in the region. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, passed in 2009, provides financial incentives to healthcare providers who adopt and demonstrate "meaningful use" of certified EMRs.
The increasing amount of patient data generated in healthcare settings has created a need for efficient and effective ways to manage and access this data. EMRs provide a centralized platform for healthcare providers to access patient records, streamline communication, and improve patient outcomes. The trend toward cloud-based solutions is driving growth in the EMR market. Cloud-based EMRs provide healthcare providers with flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, as they do not require expensive hardware or software installations.