2023年至2028年尿袋市場預測Urinary Drainage Bags Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
尿道感染、腎結石、膀胱控制問題、攝護腺問題等只是泌尿系統疾病和病症的一部分,預計這些病症病例的增加將推動尿袋市場的發展。 13% 的女性和 5% 的男性在一生中的某個階段經歷過尿失禁。根據 2021 年 NHS資料,英國有 300 萬至 600 萬人被認為有尿失禁。據 NIDDK 稱,過去 12泌尿系統月內估計有 330 萬名女性患有間質性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛症候群(IC/BPS),160 萬男性患有慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛症候群(CP/CPPS )。膀胱充盈時疼痛。根據多年的國家公共衛生調查,大約 54% 的女性(20 歲及以上)報告有尿失禁。
如果使用便盆會帶來疼痛,例如髖部骨折,則需要使用導尿管。整形外科手術後常出現的問題之一是術後閉尿症(POUR),即手術後無法排尿。肌肉骨骼疾病嚴重限制運動和手動靈活性,導致提早退休、幸福感下降以及參與社會的能力下降。限制運動功能並需要手術的肌肉骨骼疾病病例的增加預計將推動尿袋市場的發展。例如,根據世界衛生組織的數據,肌肉骨骼問題影響全球整體約 17.1 億人,是導致殘疾的主要原因。
大多數尿失禁患者年齡超過 60 歲,老年女性出現尿失禁的可能性是年輕女性的兩倍。老年人口正在迅速增加。例如,根據世界衛生組織的數據,2020年人口為10億,但到2030年,六分之一的人將超過60歲。屆時,全球60歲以上人口將達14億。此外,世界衛生組織預測,2020年至2050年間,80歲及以上的成年人數將增加兩倍,達到4.26億。根據NHS估計,良性攝護腺增生的發生率從50歲至60歲男性的50%上升到80歲以上男性的90%,需要使用引流袋。老年人口的增加預計將推動尿袋市場的發展。
除了導尿袋因其便利性而日益偏好外,上述成長機會也是擴大導尿袋市場的重大機會。全球醫療保健支出的增加為進入尿袋市場提供了時機。例如,根據聯邦基金的數據,2021年美國醫療保健產業貢獻了GDP的17.8%。科學研究和宣傳活動也在擴大機會。 Bladder Matters宣傳活動由倫敦健康科學中心於 2023 年發起,旨在審查和改進目前的導管插入方法。
預計在預測期內,北美地區將佔據尿袋市場的主要佔有率。這一比例是由於某些疾病的發生率增加所致,包括膀胱阻塞、UI、良性前列腺增生 (BPH)、閉尿症和膀胱癌。例如,美國家庭醫師學會 (AAFP) 報告稱,每年有超過 25 萬名 BPH 患者接受手術。此外,根據 NAC 的數據,每年有近 75% 至 80% 的美國女性患有尿失禁。此外,康德樂 (Cardinal Health)、康樂保 (Coloplast) 和 Teleflex Inc. 等主要市場參與者的存在預計將透過加強產品發布來加強該地區的尿袋市場。
2022 年 11 月,康樂保在美國推出了 SpeediCath Flex Set,這是一款專為膀胱和泌尿系統疾病患者設計的新型導管。它具有導管和袋子解決方案、非接觸式乾燥套管和全向尖端。 2022年11月,Ur24 Technology Inc.推出了TrueClr導管產品線,以消除導管引起的尿道感染。世界上第一個體外導管已添加到新的無乳膠 TrueClr 產品線中,並在 Medica 2022 上展示。 2022年1月,Actreen由大塚製藥廠作為間歇性泌尿系統上市。此導尿管是一種拋棄式導尿管,可用於排尿困難的患者自行導尿。它還塗布有親水性潤滑劑,使其易於打開和處理。
The urinary drainage bags market was valued at US$19.757 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.51% during the forecast period.
Systems or containers known as urinary drainage bags are used to collect and hold urine from a catheter (tube) that has been put into the bladder or fastened to the external male genitalia. The growing prevalence of urological disorders and orthopedic conditions restricting mobility are major growth drivers in the urinary drainage bags market. Moreover, the aging population and their higher chance of developing illnesses requiring the need for urinary bags are also expected to propel the urinary drainage bags market. The technological innovations and product launches by the market players are further contemplated to augment the urinary drainage bags market.
Urinary tract infections, kidney stones, issues with bladder control, and prostate issues are just a few examples of urologic disorders or conditions, and increasing cases of these conditions are expected to propel the urinary drainage bags market. 13% of women and 5% of men experience urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. According to NHS data from 2021, 3 to 6 million persons in the UK are thought to suffer urine incontinence. According to the NIDDK, 3.3 million women are estimated to have interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), and 1.6 million men are estimated to have chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS), which includes urologic symptoms including pain when the bladder fills in the past 12 months. According to several years' worth of national public health surveys, about 54% of women (20 years and older) reported having urine incontinence.
The use of a urinary catheter is necessary in cases when it would be painful to use a bedpan, such as a fractured hip. One of the more frequent problems following orthopedic surgery is postoperative urine retention (POUR), or the inability to void after surgery. Musculoskeletal disorders severely restrict movement and dexterity, which results in early retirement from the workforce, decreased levels of well-being, and a decreased capacity to engage in society. The rise in cases of musculoskeletal conditions restricting mobility and followed by surgery is expected to boost the urinary drainage bags market. For instance, musculoskeletal problems affect approximately 1.71 billion individuals globally, and it constitutes the main cause of disability as per the WHO.
The majority of people with urinary incontinence are over 60, and older women are twice are likely to experience it than younger women. The elderly population is increasing quickly. For instance, according to the WHO, by 2030, one in six individuals on the earth will be 60 or older, up from one billion in 2020. At that time, there will be 1.4 billion people who are 60 or older worldwide. Furthermore, the WHO predicts that between 2020 and 2050, the number of adults 80 or older will treble, reaching 426 million. According to estimates from the NHS, the incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia rises from 50% of men between the ages of 50 and 60 to 90% of men over the age of 80 necessitating the use of urinary drainage bags. This growing older population is expected to aid the urinary drainage bags market.
All the growth factors mentioned along with the rising preference for urinary drainage bags owing to convenience provide an immense opportunity for urinary drainage bags market expansion. Increasing healthcare expenditure worldwide further provides an opportunity to enter the urinary drainage bags market. For instance, in 2021, the US healthcare sector contributed 17.8% to the GDP of the country, according to the Commonwealth Fund Organisation. Scientific research and campaigns are also expanding the opportunity. The Bladder Matters Campaign was launched by London Health Science Centre in 2023 to review current catheterization practices and improve current catheterization insertion techniques.
The North American region is expected to hold a significant share of the urinary drainage bags market during the forecast period. Several factors attributed to such a share are escalating rates of certain disorders such as bladder blockage, UI, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), urine retention, and bladder cancer. For instance, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) reports that each year, more than 250,000 people with BPH have surgery. Moreover, nearly 75% - 80% of American women suffer from urinary incontinence every year as per the NAC. Further, the presence of major market players such as Cardinal Health, Coloplast, and Teleflex Inc. is expected to bolster the urinary drainage bags market in the region through enhanced product launches.