家庭輸液治療市場:2023年至2028年預測Home Infusion Therapy Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
居家輸液治療為患者帶來了廣泛的好處,從而促進了家庭輸液治療的採用並促進了家庭輸液治療市場的發展。患者對居家輸液治療的滿意度很高,研究表明,在家病患比住院病患有更好的臨床結果。根據您的個人醫療保健計劃,它可能比在醫院或診所獲得相同的服務便宜。此外,Evernorth Health Services 發現 78% 的客戶表示,他們「非常」或「有些」願意採用其他類型的護理,例如讓臨床醫生上門服務。近年來,對更多服務的需求不斷增加護理方法方面的靈活性和選擇。據信,患者對居家照護的傾向以及相關的好處將推動家庭輸液治療市場的發展。
限制身體活動的不動障礙病例數量不斷增加,顯示對家庭輸液治療的需求不斷成長。例如,有13億重度身障者。根據世界衛生組織 2023 年 3 月發布的最新資訊,這相當於我們六分之一的人,即世界人口的 16%。據世界衛生組織稱,殘障人士找到方便且負擔得起的交通途徑的難度是正常人的 15 倍。因此,這些行動障礙預計將對家庭輸液治療市場產生積極影響,因為它為患者提供了便利的家庭環境。
居家輸液治療有助於縮短住院時間。據世界衛生組織稱,每 100 名急診醫院患者中,高所得國家有 7 名患者,中低收入國家有 15 名患者在住院期間預計會感染至少 1 例醫療保健相關感染疾病(HAI)。 。平均每 10 名受影響者就會死於 HAI。世界衛生組織 2022 年的一項研究發現,超過一半的伴有器官衰竭的膿毒症病例在成人加護病房接受治療,並且在醫院接受治療的膿毒症患者中約有四分之一與醫療保健有關。據透露。這種醫院感染帶來了問題,並正在推動家庭輸液治療市場的採用。
上述成長動力顯示家庭輸液治療市場存在巨大機會。此外,政府法規也為居家輸液治療市場創造了成長機會。例如,2021 年,醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心 (CMS) 通過了新法規,擴大了家庭輸液治療的覆蓋範圍,除了治療本身之外,還涵蓋各種相關的護理和監測服務。此外,Eitan Medical 還推出了 Avoset(TM),這是一種最連網型的連接輸液多療法門診輸液系統,正在徹底改變急性後護理和專業輸液治療。此外,家庭輸液治療的監管核准將進一步推動家庭輸液治療市場並提供進入機會。例如,抗癌藥物家庭注射療法於2020年6月獲得ASCO董事會核准。
預計在預測期內,北美地區將在家庭輸液治療市場中佔據重要佔有率。造成這一佔有率的因素包括鼓勵家庭輸液治療的有利政府法規,以及不活動的增加、癌症等慢性疾病和人口老化。例如,12.1% 的美國成年人患有行動障礙,導致行走或爬樓梯變得極其困難,而最近的 CDC資料顯示,12.8% 的美國成年人在集中註意力、記憶或做決定方面存在明顯困難。此外,Baxter 和 Braun Melsungen AG 等市場參與者預計將進一步推動該地區的家庭輸液治療市場。
門診手術中心、聘用醫生網路、兩家 HMO 和 15 家醫院均屬於 McLaren Healthcare 的一部分。醫療保健認證聯合委員會 (JCAHO) 和社區健康認證計劃 (CHAP) 均對麥克拉倫的家庭輸液服務進行了認證。
The global home infusion therapy market was valued at US$32.781 billion in 2021.
The home infusion therapy market is anticipated to grow at a steady pace throughout the forecast period. Home infusion is just one of the many pharmaceutical treatments that are generally offered to patients in their homes as outpatient care. The bulk of these medications must be provided via a needle or catheter, a process known as an infusion; however, some can also be given intramuscularly, epidurally, or using self-injectable devices. Multiple associated benefits of home infusion therapy coupled with the increasing immobility disorders are major growth drivers in the home infusion therapy market. Moreover, the higher rate of hospital-acquired infections and government regulation to encourage home therapy are further contemplated to boost the home infusion therapy market.
Home infusion therapy offers a wider range of benefits to patients that encourage its adoption and thereby boost the home infusion therapy market. Studies demonstrate that patients are highly satisfied with home infusion therapy and that clinical results are more positive at home than in inpatient hospital settings. Depending on an individual's healthcare plan, it can be less expensive than receiving the same service at a hospital or clinic. Moreover, with 78% of customers indicating they would be very or somewhat inclined to employ alternative types of treatment, such as a clinician visiting the home, according to EverNorth Health Services, there has been an increase in the demand for more flexibility and choice in how care is given in recent years. The patients' inclination towards home care coupled with associated benefits is contemplated to propel the home infusion therapy market.
The increasing cases of immobility disorders restraining physical movement indicate the growing demand for home infusion therapy. For instance, there are 1.3 billion persons who are severely disabled. This equates to 1 in 6 of us, or 16% of the world's population as per WHO updates in March 2023. According to the WHO, Accessible and inexpensive transit is 15 times more difficult to find for people with disabilities than it is for people without impairments. Therefore, these immobility disorders are expected to positively impact the home infusion therapy market as it offers a convenient at-home setting to the patients.
Numerous infections occur when a person stays longer at the hospital and home infusion therapy helps to reduce the infections acquired from the hospitals. According to the WHO, Seven patients in high-income nations and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries are expected to contract at least one healthcare-associated infection (HAI) during their hospital stay per 100 patients in acute-care hospitals. Every ten people who are impacted will die as a result of their HAI, on average. Newborns and those in critical care are particularly vulnerable and the WHO 2022 study finds that over half of all instances of sepsis with organ failure are treated in adult intensive-care units and about one in four hospital-treated sepsis cases are related to medical care. These hospital-acquired infections pose a problem and therefore encourage the adoption of the home infusion therapy market.
The growth drivers mentioned above indicate an immense opportunity for the home infusion therapy market. Moreover, government regulations are also providing a growth opportunity in the home infusion therapy market. For instance, in 2021, the Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) passed new regulations that increased the coverage of home infusion therapy to cover a variety of related nursing and monitoring services in addition to the treatment itself. Moreover, Eitan Medical launched a new cutting-edge connected infusion multi-therapy ambulatory infusion system named Avoset™ to transform post-acute care and speciality infusion therapy. Additionally, the approvals of home infusion therapy by the authorities further propel the home infusion therapy market thereby providing an entrance opportunity. For instance, home infusion of anticancer therapy was approved by the ASCO board of directors in June 2020.
There are a few complexities that are supposed to restrain the home infusion therapy market. For example, home infusion pharmacies, patients, doctors, hospital discharge planners, health insurance, and other parties must work closely together to complete the procedure because it can be a complex ecology. Disconnected data poses a significant problem because there are so many parties involved and it can lead to a variety of prescribing, administering, and/or coding problems. For instance, the physician normally submits prior authorization requests and prescription claims, but they go through the plan separately.
The North American region is anticipated to hold a significant share of the home infusion therapy market during the forecasted period. Various factors attributed to such a share are increasing immobility disorders, chronic diseases such as cancer, and the aging population along with the favorable government regulations to encourage home infusion therapy. For instance, 12.1 percent of adult U.S. citizens have a mobility impairment that makes walking and climbing stairs extremely difficult and 12.8 percent of adults in the United States struggle greatly with concentration, memory, and decision-making as per the recent CDC data. Moreover, the market players such as Baxter, and Braun Melsungen AG are further expected to propel the home infusion therapy market in the region.
Baxter International is a US-based healthcare company with a portfolio including acute, nutritional, renal, hospital, and surgical care products. The company provides a portfolio of intravenous premixed medication and injectable drugs that are ready to fill patients' needs.
Ambulatory surgery centers, employed physician networks, two HMOs, and 15 hospitals are all part of McLaren Health Care. The Joint Commission (JCAHO) and the Community Health Accreditation Programme (CHAP) have both granted accreditation to McLaren's home infusion service.