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全球醫療品管軟體市場:預測(2023-2028)Healthcare Quality Management Software Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
品管軟體帶來的眾多好處預計將推動醫療保健品管軟體市場的發展。例如,品管軟體使組織能夠發現模式、實施最佳實踐並持續改善患者照護。醫療保健組織可以使用品管軟體來收集、檢查和報告品質指標,從而實現資料主導的決策並提高績效。此外,電子病歷、病患安全報告系統和風險管理工具等醫療保健 IT 系統經常與醫療保健品管軟體交互,以提供整個組織的全面品質狀況。
病人安全和護理標準對於醫療機構來說變得越來越重要。醫療保健品管軟體透過識別危險、追蹤事件並採取糾正措施來幫助監控、分析和改進患者安全措施。世界衛生組織估計,在低收入和中等收入國家 (LMIC) 的醫院中,不安全的照護每年會導致 1.34 億不利事件和 260 萬人死亡。在 2019 年通過的病人安全決議中,世界衛生大會 (WHA) 批准設立世界病人安全日,由會員國於每年 9 月 17 日慶祝,並支持技術援助、病人安全改進,這包括監測因此,對病人安全的日益重視預計將推動醫療品管軟體市場的發展。
醫療保健提供者不斷尋求提高業務效率、消除醫療錯誤和簡化業務的方法。醫療錯誤的增加是醫療保健品管軟體市場的主要成長要素。醫療保健系統中的大多數傷害和不必要的傷害都是由於用藥錯誤造成的。例如,世界衛生組織估計,用藥錯誤每年造成全世界 420 億美元的損失。此外,在門診臨床環境中,5% 的人經歷過診斷錯誤,其中超過一半可能會導致嚴重傷害。根據世界衛生組織歐洲區域用藥錯誤報告,透過全面、系統化的病人安全方法可以預防近 50-70% 的錯誤。
全球老年人數量的不斷增加表明醫療保健品管軟體的採用率增加。據世界衛生組織稱,到 2030 年,地球上六分之一的人口將超過 60 歲。此外,在美國,65歲以下的人均每年醫療支出為11.3萬美元,大約是美國衛生與公眾服務部公佈的年輕人每年醫療支出的三倍。醫療保健費用的增加意味著更多的疾病、更多的醫療需求以及更高的醫療錯誤機會。因此,老齡化人口的增加預計將對醫療品管軟體市場產生正面影響。
除了市場促進因素外,預計還有一些因素限制醫療品管軟體市場。例如,一些醫療機構可能會發現很難資助品管軟體的安裝和維護。例如,一個完整的品管軟體,無需附加服務,成本在 15,000 美元到 50,000 美元之間。此外,缺乏軟體知識、抵制變革和培訓不足也會阻礙產品的採用和有效使用。由於醫療保健資料高度機密,人們擔心侵犯隱私,這可能會阻礙市場擴張。
預計北美地區將在醫療保健品管軟體市場中佔據主要佔有率。因素包括用藥錯誤率高、醫療成本、政府有關病人安全的法規以及醫療保健提供者的意識。例如,FDA 在 2019 年收到了超過 10 萬份與用藥錯誤相關的報告。此外,根據 NCBI 的數據,用藥錯誤每年導致 7,000 至 9,000 名美國死亡,而美國每年治療用藥錯誤患者的費用超過 400 億美元(NCBI,2021)。因此,計劃在該地區擴大醫療品管軟體市場,以消除錯誤並降低醫療成本。
The global healthcare quality management software market was valued at US$3.48 billion in 2021.
The healthcare quality management software market is anticipated to grow at a steady pace throughout the forecast period. A system of business procedures designed to consistently satisfy patients' needs and raise their satisfaction levels is known as a healthcare quality management system. The growing emphasis on patient safety and the huge burden of medical errors are major growth drivers in the healthcare quality management software market as it helps in both. Moreover, there are numerous workflow benefits associated with it which is also positively impacting the market growth. Additionally, the ageing population and technological advancements resulting in enhanced product launches are further propelling the healthcare quality management market.
The numerous advantages associated with quality management software are expected to drive the healthcare quality management software market. For example, organizations may spot patterns, put best practices into place, and make sustainable improvements to patient care with the use of quality management software, which makes it easier to continuously monitor, analyze, and improve quality indicators. Healthcare organizations can gather, examine, and report on quality indicators using quality management software, enabling data-driven decision-making and performance enhancement. Moreover, healthcare IT systems including EHRs, patient safety reporting systems, and risk management tools frequently interact with healthcare quality management software to provide a comprehensive picture of quality across the organization.
Patient safety and the standard of treatment are becoming increasingly important to healthcare organizations. By identifying hazards, tracking occurrences, and putting corrective measures in place, healthcare quality management software aids in monitoring, analyzing, and improving patient safety measures. WHO estimates that due to hazardous care, 134 million adverse events take place in hospitals each year in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), resulting in 2.6 million fatalities. The World Health Assembly (WHA) backed the creation of World Patient Safety Day, which will be marked yearly by Member States on September 17 in a resolution on patient safety that was adopted in 2019 which includes technical support, and monitoring patient safety improvements. Therefore, the growing emphasis on patient safety is anticipated to drive the healthcare quality management software market.
Healthcare providers are continually looking for ways to improve operational efficiency, eliminate medical errors, and streamline operations. The rising number of medical errors is a major growth factor in the healthcare quality management software market. The majority of injuries and unnecessary harm in healthcare systems are caused by medication errors. For instance, the cost of medication errors worldwide is estimated by the WHO to be $42 billion per year. Moreover, in outpatient care settings, 5% of individuals experience diagnostic mistakes, of which more than half have the potential to be seriously harmful. According to the report of medication errors in the European region by WHO, nearly 50-70% of these errors can be prevented through comprehensive systematic approaches towards patient safety.
The rising number of older people worldwide is indicating the increased adoption of healthcare quality management software. According to the WHO, one in six individuals on the planet will be 60 or older by 2030. Moreover, in the United States, the average cost of healthcare increases to $11.3K per person, per year, by the time people are aged 65 years, and this is about three times more than the annual healthcare expenditure by younger people per the US Department of Health & Human Services. This increased expenditure shows the higher diseases and medical requirement and their increased chances of getting medical errors. Therefore, the rising ageing population is expected to positively impact the healthcare quality management software market.
Apart from all the growth drivers, a few factors are envisaged to limit the healthcare quality management software market. For example, some healthcare organizations may find it difficult to afford the expense of installing and maintaining quality management software, especially smaller ones with fewer resources as quality management software is highly expensive. For instance, the cost of full-quality management software, without the extra services, is between $15,000 and $50,000. Additionally, a lack of knowledge of the software, resistance to change, and inadequate training can prevent the product from being adopted and used effectively. Due to the sensitivity of healthcare data, there is also a concern about privacy breaches, which can restrain market expansion.
The North American region is projected to hold a significant share of the healthcare quality management software market. Various attributable factors for such a share are the higher prevalence of medication errors, healthcare costs, government regulations for patient safety, and awareness among healthcare providers. For instance, the FDA received more than 100,000 reports associated with medication errors in 2019. Moreover, according to the NCBI, drug mistakes result in the deaths of 7,000-9,000 Americans per year and the cost of treating individuals who have had medication errors in the U.S. exceeds $40 billion annually (NCBI, 2021). Therefore, the healthcare quality management software market is contemplated to expand in the region to eliminate errors and reduce healthcare costs.