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3D 列印手術模型市場:2023-2028 年預測3D Printing Surgical Models Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
預計 3D 列印手術模型市場在預測期內將以 16.49% 的複合年成長率成長。
3D列印手術模型是患者解剖結構的精確複製品,適合外科醫生在對真實患者進行手術之前規劃和練習複雜的手術。多重優勢和不斷成長的微創手術需求是3D列印手術模型市場的關鍵成長動力。此外,癌症和心血管疾病等慢性病患者數量的增加進一步推動了市場的擴張。此外,由於投資和技術進步而增加的產品推出預計也將推動 3D 列印手術模型市場的發展。
與 3D 模型相關的多重優勢是 3D 列印手術模型市場的主要成長要素。 3D 手術模型非常精確且詳細地展現了患者的解剖結構,使外科醫生能夠仔細評估和規劃手術治療。外科醫生可以在模型上進行虛擬手術,熟悉手術過程並完善他們的技術。這種術前練習提高了手術精確度,減少了手術時間,並增加了外科醫生的信心。患者可以更了解自己的病情和提案的程序,從而改善知情同意。該模型的視覺和觸覺特性增強了患者教育,並使患者能夠就治療做出更明智的決定。
腹腔鏡手術和機器人輔助手術等微創手術技術的興起,需要高度的精確度和空間意識。 3D 列印的手術模型可幫助外科醫生熟悉個別患者獨特的解剖學差異,確定最佳的套管針放置位置,並磨練操作手術器械的技能。因此,微創手術需求的不斷成長預計將推動3D列印手術模型市場的發展。例如,根據美國整形外科醫師協會的數據,2020 年進行的 1,560 萬例整容手術中,有 1,320 萬例為微創手術。
3D 列印的手術模型可以幫助規劃心血管問題和整形外科疾病等慢性疾病的患者的治療。 3D 手術模型有助於制定治療計劃。慢性病的增加預計將推動 3D 列印手術模型市場的發展。例如,世界衛生組織估計2019年全球有1,790萬人死亡,其中心血管疾病(CVD)佔所有死亡人數的32%。根據美國心臟協會的數據,在美國,CVD 每年奪去的生命比所有類型的癌症和慢性下呼吸道疾病 (CLRD) 的總和還要多。
3D 列印手術模型的使用可能會在許多外科專業中顯著增加。未來幾年,我們將有機會探索該技術在泌尿系統、牙科和整形外科等其他專業領域的潛力,為擴大 3D 列印手術模型市場提供充足的機會。隨著外科醫生和醫療相關人員了解 3D 列印的好處,3D 列印手術模型的使用可能會變得更加廣泛。此外,3D 列印和先進醫學影像技術的整合為開發自動分割演算法、先進視覺化工具和軟體解決方案創造了機會,這些解決方案可將影像資料無縫轉換為 3D 列印模型。
儘管 3D 列印手術模型市場正在經歷成長和開拓,但一些市場抑制因素和挑戰可能會影響其擴張。 3D 列印技術、材料和後處理的價格會嚴重阻礙普及。 3D 列印手術模型的治療效用依賴於其卓越的品質和準確性。解析度、表面拋光和材料品質可能受到 3D 列印製程和材料的限制。此外,多種顯像模式和軟體系統之間的相容性問題使得從眾多來源獲取和整合高品質醫學影像資料變得困難。
預計在預測期內,北美將佔據 3D 列印手術模型市場的主要佔有率。這一比例是由可支配收入增加、研發計劃、慢性病患病率上升以及人口老齡化率上升所推動的。例如,根據社區生活管理局 (ACL) 的數據,到 2040 年,65 歲及以上的人口預計將增加到 8,000 萬以上。此外,Stratasys Ltd. 和 3D Systems, Inc. 等主要市場領導在該地區的存在透過改善准入和產品發布進一步推動了 3D 列印手術模型市場的成長。
Stratasys Ltd. 是領先的 3D 列印和積層製造公司之一。 Stratasys 為航太、汽車、醫療保健和消費品等多種行業提供各種 3D 列印機。該公司的 3D 列印技術包括熔融積層製造 (FDM)、PolyJet 和選擇性雷射燒結 (SLS)。 3D Systems 以其多樣化的 3D 列印技術而聞名,包括立體光刻技術(SLA)、選擇性雷射燒結 (SLS)、多噴頭列印 (MJP) 和直接金屬列印 (DMP)。 3D Systems 的 VSP(R) 手術規劃解決方案整合了數位工作流程和積層製造印表機,提供全面的、適合患者的解決方案。 Axial3D 是一家專門從事手術規劃和醫療 3D 列印的公司。 Axial3D 的解決方案使用電腦斷層掃描和 MRI 掃描等醫學影像資料來創建極其準確和全面的 3D 模型。
2023 年 6 月,Mighty Oak Medical 將與 HP 建立技術合作夥伴關係,利用 HP Jet Fusion 5200 3D 列印機進行 3D 列印,改善脊椎手術。隨著 Jet Fusion 5200 3D 列印機的推出,我們實現了 99.7% 的螺絲更換精度,並提高了重複性和一致性。 2021 年 12 月,NUH 與新加坡強生公司啟動了 3D 列印照護端合作,以擴大該國外科 3D 列印的範圍。此次合作的目的是提高患者治療能力和個人化醫療保健。 2021 年 4 月,3D Systems 在其虛擬手術規劃 (VSP) 醫療規劃產品組合中加入了新的混合顎顏面指南。這有利於咬合配準,使外科醫生能夠提供更準確、更自信的治療。
The 3D printing surgical models market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16.49% during the forecast period.
3D printing surgical models are precise replicas of a patient's anatomy which allows surgeons to better plan and practice complex procedures before performing them on the actual patient. Multiple advantages and growing demand for minimally invasive surgeries are major growth drivers of the 3D printing surgical models market. Moreover, the rising cases of chronic illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and others are further propelling the market expansion. Additionally, the increasing investments and technological advancements resulting in enhanced product launches are also expected to boost the 3D printing surgical models market.
The multiple advantages associated with 3D models are a major growth driver of the 3D printing surgical models market. The anatomy of a patient is represented in great accuracy and detail by 3D surgical models, which enable surgeons to carefully evaluate and plan surgical treatments. Surgeons can perform virtual surgeries on the model, familiarize themselves with the steps, and refine their techniques. This preoperative practice helps improve surgical precision, reduces operative time, and increases surgeon confidence. Patients can better understand their condition and the proposed procedures, leading to improved informed consent. The visual and tactile nature of the models enhances patient education, allowing them to make more informed decisions about their treatment.
The rise of minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopy and robotic-assisted surgery, demands a high level of precision and spatial awareness. 3D-printed surgical models assist surgeons in getting acquainted with the unique anatomical variances of individual patients, determining optimal trocar placements, and honing their skills in manipulating surgical instruments. The growing demand for minimally invasive procedures is therefore expected to propel the 3D printing surgical models market. For instance, out of a total of 15.6 million cosmetic surgeries processed in 2020, 13.2 million were minimally invasive surgeries as per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
3D-printed surgical models can help in treatment planning for patients with chronic disorders, such as cardiovascular issues or orthopaedic conditions. 3D surgical models can assist in treatment planning. The rising cases of chronic conditions are contemplated to propel the 3D printing surgical models market. For instance, according to the WHO estimates, 17.9 million deaths worldwide in 2019 were attributable to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) representing 32% of all fatalities. In the United States, CVD claims more lives each year than all types of cancer and Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (CLRD) put together as per the American Heart Association.
A large number of surgical specialities have the potential to greatly increase their utilization of 3D-printed surgical models. There are chances to investigate the technology's potential in other specialties including urology, dentistry, plastic surgery, and more in the coming years thereby providing an ample opportunity for 3D printing surgical models market expansion. The use of 3D-printed surgical models may become more widespread as surgeons and medical professionals learn more about the advantages. Moreover, the integration of 3D printing with advanced medical imaging technologies opens up opportunities for developing automated segmentation algorithms, advanced visualization tools, and software solutions that seamlessly convert imaging data into 3D printed models.
The 3D printing surgical model market has experienced growth and development, however, some restraints or challenges can impact its expansion. Adoption may be significantly hampered by the price of 3D printing technology, materials, and post-processing. The therapeutic usefulness of 3D-printed surgical models depends on their excellent quality and accuracy. Resolution, surface polish, and material qualities may be constrained by the 3D printing process and materials. Moreover, due to compatibility concerns between multiple imaging modalities and software systems, acquiring and integrating high-quality medical imaging data from numerous sources can be difficult.
North America is expected to hold a significant share of the 3D printing surgical model market during the forecast period. The factors attributed to such a share are the rising disposable income, R&D initiatives, higher prevalence of chronic diseases, and rising aging population. For instance, the population aged 65 years or above is estimated to grow to over 80 million by 2040 as per the Administration of Community Living (ACL). Moreover, the presence of major market leaders in the region such as Stratasys Ltd., and 3D Systems, Inc. further boosts the 3D printing surgical models market growth through enhanced accessibility and product launches.