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全球電子郵件安全市場:預測(2023-2028)Email Security Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
電子郵件安全是指用於保護電子郵件通訊和帳戶免受詐欺的入侵以及潛在的遺失或損害的技術和工具。組織可以加強電子郵件安全態勢,以應對從惡意軟體、垃圾郵件到網路釣魚攻擊等惡意威脅。電子郵件安全產業為廣泛的最終用戶提供服務,包括 BFSI、政府機構、醫療保健以及資訊科技和通訊產業。電子郵件安全市場的主要促進因素是網路攻擊頻率的增加和對資料外洩預防的日益重視。
電子郵件安全在資料遺失防護 (DLP) 中發揮著至關重要的作用。這是因為它有助於保護敏感資訊免遭詐欺的電子郵件傳輸,這是資料外洩的常見途徑,而且經常被忽視。例如,據電子與資訊科技部稱,2023 年 6 月,印度電腦緊急應變小組 (CERT-In) 將發布一套指南,概述正確使用和管理資訊安全的最佳實踐。
網路釣魚攻擊對企業和個人用戶都構成重大威脅,尤其是在零售等處理大量敏感資料的行業。這些網路釣魚攻擊似乎是合法電子郵件,試圖誘騙收件者洩露密碼或信用卡號等敏感資訊。威脅的增加增加了對強大的電子郵件安全解決方案的需求。根據反網路釣魚工作小組(APWG) 的報告,2022 年第二季度,APWG 在全球範圍內總合報告了1,097,811 起網路釣魚攻擊,而2021 年12 月觀察到的網路釣魚攻擊為316,747 起,大幅增加了246%。
電子郵件安全產業的成長預計將受到電子郵件安全解決方案的進步,特別是人工智慧(AI)和機器學習(ML)的整合的顯著推動。透過利用人工智慧和機器學習技術,電子郵件安全系統可以動態適應和發展,以檢測網路釣魚和惡意軟體等進階網路威脅,使其成為最先進的電子郵件安全解決方案,並將推廣招募。例如,2023年2月,SlashNext宣布推出業界首個生成式人工智慧技術Generative HumanAI,以對抗商業電子郵件詐騙(BEC)、供應鏈攻擊、負責人主管冒充和財務詐騙等高階網路威脅。
由於領先公司在電子郵件安全方面的重大投資和收購,預計北美將主導市場。例如,2022 年 2 月,Cloudflare 以約 1.62 億美元收購了 Area 1 Security。這將使 Cloudflare 透過整合經過驗證的電子郵件安全產品來增強其零信任服務。此外,2021年3月,Hornetsecurity收購了加拿大的Zerospam,此類策略收購讓Hornetsecurity擴大了在北美市場的足跡。網路攻擊的增加進一步增加了對電子郵件安全市場的需求。根據微軟數位防禦報告,2022 年,過去一年偵測到的 DDoS 攻擊中有 54% 針對美國實體。
進階電子郵件安全解決方案,尤其是那些利用人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 功能的解決方案,可能成本高昂,並對中小型企業構成重大挑戰。雖然這些複雜的技術在減輕電子郵件威脅方面非常有效,但對於中小型企業來說,它們的成本往往過高。例如,對於員工少於 500 名的小型企業,設定電子郵件安全的成本通常為 100 至 500 美元,這可能是一筆巨大的財務負擔。因此,儘管高級電子郵件安全解決方案的有效性已得到證實,但採用和實施的成本很高,這對於資源有限的中小型企業來說是一個重大挑戰,也可能成為阻礙力。
The email security market was evaluated at US$3976.114 million in 2021 and will grow at a CAGR of 17.01% to be worth US$11941.054 million by 2028.
Email security refers to the methodologies and tools used to safeguard email communications and accounts against unauthorized intrusion, potential loss, or compromise. Organizations can bolster their stance on email security to counteract malicious threats, which can range from malware and spam to phishing attacks. BFSI, government, healthcare, and information technology & telecommunications sectors, among others, represent a diverse spectrum of end users served by the email security industry. The email security market is primarily driven by the escalating frequency of cyber-attacks and an increasing emphasis on preventing data leakage
Email security plays a critical role in Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) as it aids in safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized transmission through emails, a common and often overlooked channel for data leaks Government bodies globally are implementing stringent data protection laws and regulations to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data. For instance, according to the Ministry of Electronics & IT, in June 2023, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) published a set of guidelines outlining best practices concerning the appropriate usage and management of information security practices.
Phishing attacks pose a considerable threat to both businesses and individual users, particularly in sectors like retail where vast amounts of sensitive data are handled. These deceptive attacks involve seemingly legitimate emails that attempt to deceive recipients into revealing confidential information such as passwords or credit card numbers. The rising prevalence of such threats has amplified the need for robust email security solutions. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) report, in the second quarter of 2022, the APWG reported a total of 1,097,811 phishing attacks globally, marking a significant surge of 246% compared to the 316,747 attacks observed in December 2021.
The email security industry growth is significantly propelled by advancements in email security solutions, particularly the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). By leveraging AI and ML technologies, email security systems can dynamically adapt and evolve to detect sophisticated cyber threats such as phishing, and malware, thereby driving the adoption of cutting-edge email security solutions. For instance, in February 2023, SlashNext unveiled Generative HumanAI which is the first in the industry to leverage generative artificial intelligence technology to counteract advanced cyber threats such as business email compromise (BEC), supply chain attacks, executive impersonation, financial fraud.
North America will be the dominant player in the market due to the significant investments and acquisitions in email security by major companies. For instance, in February 2022, Cloudflare acquired Area 1 Security, for approximately $162 million, which will enable Cloudflare to augment its zero-trust offerings by incorporating a well-established email security product. Additionally, in March 2021, Hornetsecurity acquired Canada-based Zerospam and such a strategic acquisition enabled Hornetsecurity to extend its footprint in the North American market. Growing cyber-attack prevalence is further booming the email security market demand. According to the Microsoft Digital Defense Report, in 2022, out of all the DDoS attacks detected within the past year, 54% were targeted against entities in the United States. Also,
Advanced email security solutions, especially those harnessing the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), carry substantial costs that can pose significant challenges for small and medium-sized businesses. These sophisticated technologies, though highly effective in mitigating email threats, often come with a high price tag which can be prohibitive for smaller organizations. For instance, a small enterprise with fewer than 500 employees might typically face configuration fees for email security in the range of $100 to $500, representing a potentially hefty financial burden. Thus, the high cost of adopting and implementing advanced email security solutions, despite their demonstrated effectiveness, can be a notable deterrent for smaller businesses with limited resources.