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醫療保健教育市場:2023年至2028年預測Healthcare Education Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
由於疾病發病率上升、新產品發布以及市場參與企業的其他行動等因素,預計該市場將會成長。全球感染疾病的爆發不斷增加,對其檢測和治療的重視進一步推動了市場的發展。根據 CDC 的數據,2022 年美國記錄了 8,300 例結核病病例,而 2021 年為 7,874 例。 2022 年,結核病發生率也有所增加(每 10 萬人中有 2.5 例)。經過2020年的大幅下降後,美國報告的結核病病例數和發病率都已恢復至疫情前的水準。
隨著時間的推移,傳統學校教育的替代方案越來越受歡迎。控制學習過程、提供有吸引力的學習環境以及添加新功能以增強學習能力是線上教育系統的主要目標。提高學校數位教育質量,增加本科階段STEM領域(科學、技術、工程、數學)專業的學生數量,將提高下一代勞工的基本能力。據英國政府稱,每年有超過 12,000 名學生學習電腦科學 A-level 課程,85,000 名學生學習電腦科學學士學位,77,000 名學生學習電腦科學 GCSE 課程。該國的目標是透過提高 GCSE 和 A-level 課程的入學人數來維持電腦科學作為 STEM 重要學科的地位。
主要市場參與者的產品創新和合作進一步推動了醫療保健教育市場的發展。例如,2023 年 3 月,倫敦醫療教育集團 (LHEG) 和倫敦醫學教育集團 (LMED) 呼籲成員大學提供高達 35,000 英鎊的計劃資金提案,該專案於 5 月啟動。該基金旨在資助有利於倫敦的創造性醫療保健教育舉措。向 LHEG/LMED 成員開放的計劃必須由至少兩所大學或一所大學和一個合作組織共同設計和實施,以提供可量化的成果,加強倫敦的醫學教育和/或醫療保健系統。這是必須的。
多項政府措施正在推動世界各地的數位教育。電子與資訊科技部為各學術機構及研發實驗室的數位學習相關研發(R&D)計畫提供經費。過去,MeitY 參與了與遠端教育製作、研究和技術開發計劃、HRD計劃相關的資訊通訊,我們為教師培訓提供了津貼。
此外,《CARES法案》也向美國提供了307.5億美元。 《CARES 法案》的資金以多種方式使用,包括獲得技術和能力支持,例如設備、軟體、連接和教學經驗,以促進遠距學習。
技術進步、心血管疾病 (CVD) 的流行以及線上課程的可用性預計將推動美國醫療保健教育的需求。此外,根據美國疾病管制與預防中心 (CDC) 的數據,心臟病是 2020 年 9 月美國的首要死因。每年約有 805,000 名美國人患有心臟病。此外,根據美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)2022年2月發表的報導,有關心臟病的實際情況如下。同一消息來源還指出,每年有超過 659,000 名美國人患有心臟病,這對市場擴張產生了重大影響。
此外,私人企業投資的增加進一步支持了市場擴張。例如,2023年1月,HealthStream(美國)收購了Electronic Education Documentation System, LLC(美國)。此次收購為醫療保健機構提供了最先進的雲端基礎的繼續教育管理系統,該系統以軟體即服務 (SaaS) 的形式提供創造性解決方案,從而擴展了 Healthstream 的生態系統。
The healthcare education market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.83% from US$108.596 billion in 2021 to US$184.044 billion in 2028.
Several factors, such as advances in medical knowledge, an increase in the demand for healthcare services, a focus on interprofessional cooperation, and shifting healthcare delivery methods, are driving the expansion of the healthcare education market.
The market is anticipated to grow due to factors like rising illness rates, new product releases, and other actions by major industry participants. The prevalence of infectious illnesses is rising globally, leading to an increased emphasis on their detection and treatment further boosting the market. According to the CDC, compared to 7,874 cases in 2021, 8,300 cases of tuberculosis were recorded in the US in 2022. The incidence of tuberculosis also increased in 2022 (2.5 cases per 100,000 people). After a significant reduction in 2020, both reported cases and incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States are back to pre-pandemic levels.
Alternatives to traditional schooling have grown in popularity over time. Control over the learning process and the provision of an engaging learning environment, where new features are added to enhance learning capabilities, are the key goals of online education systems. Enhancing the quality of digital education in schools and raising the number of students majoring in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at the undergraduate level improves the foundational abilities of the upcoming generation of workers. As per the Government of the UK, over 12,000 students study computer science A levels, 85,000 people pursue undergraduate degrees in computer science, and 77,000 students do computer science GCSEs annually. The nation's goal is to maintain computer science's standing as an essential STEM subject by promoting its enrollment in both GCSE and A-level programs.
Product innovation and collaboration by major market players are further fueling the market for healthcare education. For instance, in March 2023, the London Healthcare Education Group (LHEG) and the London Medicine Education Group (LMED), invited member universities to submit proposals for up to £35,000 in project funding, which was given out in May. The fund seeks to provide funding for creative healthcare education initiatives that benefit London. It is available to LHEG/LMED members, projects must be collaborative, planned, and carried out by a minimum of two universities or a university and a partner organization, and have quantifiable results that enhance London's medical education and/or healthcare systems.
Several government initiatives are boosting digital education around the globe. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has been providing financial assistance for research and development (R&D) programs related to e-learning at different academic institutions, R&D labs, etc. In the past, MeitY has offered grants-in-aid for research and development (R&D) projects about content creation, R&D/technology development projects, HRD projects, and faculty training to enhance literacy via distance learning utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools (PCs, Multimedia, and the Web).
Moreover, the CARES Act provided $30.75 billion to the U.S. Department. Funding from the CARES Act was used in a variety of ways, including supporting technology access and capacity, such as gear and software, connection, and instructional experience, to facilitate remote learning.
Rising technology developments, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and the availability of online courses are some of the factors that are predicted to drive up demand for healthcare education in the United States. Further, heart disease is the country's biggest cause of death in September 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Approximately 805,000 Americans suffer from heart attacks annually. Moreover, according to an article published in February 2022 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) titled "Heart Disease Facts." The same source also states that over 659,000 Americans have a heart attack annually, which has a big effect on market expansion.
Moreover, the market's expansion is being further assisted by the private players' growing investment. For instance, in January 2023, HealthStream (US) purchased Electronic Education Documentation System, LLC (US). This acquisition will broaden Healthstream's ecosystem by bringing to healthcare organizations a state-of-the-art, cloud-based continuing education management system that offers creative solutions in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).