Plus 託管網路交換器全球市場:預測(2024-2029 年)Plus-Managed Network Switch Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
Plus 託管網路交換器是一個網路小工具,可以更好地管理您的網路基礎架構。此類交換器允許乙太網路設備相互通訊,並具有配置、管理和監控區域網路(LAN) 流量的能力。由於其網路監控功能,交換器被用於小型企業和資料中心。加速此類應用的成長預計將推動整體市場的成長。
Plus 託管網路交換器在以非常實惠的價格提供基本網路功能、為中小型企業提供網路監控、流量優先順序和網路分段方面發揮著重要作用。它還具有即插即用的優點,使其成為中小型企業的理想選擇。中小微型企業的增加預計將對 Plus 託管網路交換器的市場需求產生正面影響。例如,根據小型企業協會(SBA)的美國,美國有3,320萬家小型企業,佔所有企業的99.9%。
Plus 網管交換器專為擁有更大網路的企業規模公司或利用資料中心並需要對其網路內的流量進行更多控制的公司而設計。新資料中心的建設和推出正在為未來的市場成長鋪平道路。例如,2023年3月,OVHcloud宣布將在印度開設第一個資料中心,作為其亞太擴張計畫的一部分,其中包括到年終在新加坡和澳洲再建兩個資料中心。
此外,託管交換器在提高頻寬和速度方面發揮關鍵作用。對更快資料傳輸速度的需求不斷成長,推動了對提供更高頻寬的網路交換器的需求,例如 10 Gigabit乙太網路 (10GbE) 和 25 Gigabit乙太網路 (25GbE)。交換器技術的進步將繼續提高速度,以滿足現代應用程式和資料密集型工作負載的期望。
由於高速連接的穩定成長,預計北美將在增強型託管網路交換器市場中佔據重要佔有率。美國和加拿大政府正在投資改善最終用戶的網路連線存取和低延遲,從而導致該地區的顯著成長。例如,2021年8月,加拿大政府和安大略省政府投資超過3.62億美元,為安大略省東部帶來高速網路。怡陶碧谷中心 (Etobicoke Centre) 省議員強調,將共同投資 3.62 億加元,為安大略省東部的 90,124 個家庭提供寬頻網路存取。
與 Plus 網管交換器相關的高維護成本以及根據業務規模和網路流量而變化的複雜程度可能會對 Plus 網管交換器市場的成長產生負面影響。此外,管理型交換器的更換和維修成本很高,從而導致額外的初期成本。
Plus-Managed Network Switches are network gadgets that help better manage network infrastructure. Such switches enable ethernet devices to communicate with one another and include features for configuring, managing, and monitoring traffic on a Local Area Network (LAN). Owing to their network monitoring features such switches are used in small enterprises and data centers. The bolstering growth in such applications is expected to propel the overall market growth.
Market Drivers
Plus-managed network switches play a vital role in delivering essential networking features at a very affordable price and provide network monitoring, traffic prioritization, and network segmentation to small businesses. It has the advantage of being plug-and-play, making it ideal for small-to-medium-sized businesses. The growing MSME establishments are expected to positively impact the market demand for plus-managed network switches. For instance, as per the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), there are 33.2 million small businesses in America accounting for 99.9% of all firms.
Plus-managed switches are particularly designed for enterprise-sized businesses with a much larger network scope, or for businesses that use data centers and require much more control over the traffic within their network. New data center establishments and launches have paved the way for future market growth. For instance, in March 2023, OVHcloud announced the opening of its first data center in India as part of its Asia Pacific expansion plans, which include the construction of two additional data centers in Singapore and Australia by the end of next year.
Plus-managed switches play a vital role in increasing bandwidth and speed. With the growing demand for faster data transfer rates, there has been a push for network switches that enable higher bandwidths, such as 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) and 25 Gigabit Ethernet (25GbE). Switch technology advancements are likely to continue improving speeds to meet the expectations of modern applications and data-intensive workloads.
North America is anticipated to dominate the market.
North America is projected to account for a major share of the plus-managed network switch market owing to the region's robust growth in high-speed connectivity. Us and Canadian governments are initially investing to increase internet connectivity access and low latency to their end-users which gains substantial growth in the region. For instance, in August 2021, The Canadian and Ontario governments invested over $362 million to bring high-speed Internet to Eastern Ontario. Member of Provincial Parliament for Etobicoke Centre, emphasized a $362 million joint investment to bring broadband internet access to 90,124 rural the province of Ontario households in Eastern Ontario.
Market Challenges
The high maintenance costs associated with plus managed network switches and different levels of complexity depending on the business sizes and network traffic can negatively impact the plus managed switch market's growth. Furthermore, the cost of replacing and repairing the managed switch is high, resulting in additional upfront costs.
Market Developments
Company Products
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