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油籽加工市場-2024年至2029年預測Oilseed Processing Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
油籽加工市場預計將以 5.33% 的複合年成長率成長,市場規模將從 2022 年的 1,903.45 億美元增至 2029 年的 2,737.63 億美元。
透過清洗、乾燥、溶劑萃取和機械壓榨等技術提取的油都是油籽加工的一部分。下一步是精製和包裝以供分銷。油籽的種類、含量和所需的油品質都會影響加工技術的選擇。對食用油的需求不斷成長、生質燃料產量不斷增加以及消費者對油籽產品營養價值的認知不斷提高,是推動油籽加工市場的關鍵因素。此外,有利的政府政策、生態考量和技術進步也支持該產業的發展。美國農業部稱,經歷兩年嚴重乾旱後,澳洲油籽產量在2021/22會計年度強勁反彈,延續了2020/21會計年度開始的復甦勢頭。 2021/22會計年度油菜籽產量為390萬噸。此外,由於高價格和樂觀的濕度預測,種植面積增加。
油籽加工市場受到生質燃料,這增加了對油籽的需求,而油籽是生物柴油生產的主要原料。油籽加工領域對於從大豆、油菜籽、向日葵和棕櫚等作物中提取油至關重要,該領域與全球生質燃料業務同時成長。這項需求推動了最佳化油籽育種以提高含油量和加工效率。生質燃料產業正在迅速擴張,雖然精確的預測因假設和情境而異,但人們普遍認為其重要性正在增加。根據石油天然氣部統計,2023年液體生質燃料產量為3.901EJ。到 2021 年,永續航空燃料 (SAF) 產量預計將超過 1 億公升。同時,全球每年生產沼氣778.75 GJ。到 2026 年,全球沼氣市場預計將從 2022 年的 390 億美元成長到 500 億美元以上,其中大部分成長發生在歐洲、中東和非洲地區。此外,根據石油和天然氣部的國家生質燃料政策,位置經濟特區(SEZ)/出口導向單位(EoU)的單位可以無限制地進口用於生產出口生質燃料的原料。根據商業資訊和統計總局的數據,2022-2023 會計年度印度貿易分類號為 3826,0000(根據統一系統)的生物柴油和混合物的運輸量約為 3,520,064 公斤。政府法規、獎勵和環境目標進一步促進了油籽加工與生質燃料供應鏈的整合。油籽加工和生質燃料生產之間存在動態相互作用,影響貿易模式、市場動態、技術採用和全球農業實踐。因此,油籽加工產業將發生變化,以反映生質燃料在整個能源產業中日益成長的重要性。
印度油籽產品的日益普及,以及作物種植和加工先進技術的採用,預計將在未來幾年推動油籽加工市場的發展。例如,根據印度品牌資產基金會的數據,過去五年產量有所增加,從 2017 年的 3,550 萬噸增至 2022 年的 4,090 萬噸。此外,該國畜牧業的加強預計將進一步推動市場成長。這主要是因為油籽粕是油籽加工的產品,富含蛋白質,因此被廣泛用作動物飼料。例如,據印度投資局稱,該國已經建立了強大的牛和家禽飼料市場,促進了油籽加工業的需求。根據印度大豆加工商協會(SOPA)預測,2023年大豆主要產區包括中央邦、馬哈拉斯特拉邦、拉賈斯坦邦和卡納塔克邦。這反映出該國油籽加工業的良好前景,以及對植物油等油籽產品不斷成長的需求。此外,主要參與者對擴大業務的興趣日益濃厚,預計將在預測期內對市場產生積極影響。例如,2020年,Amul將進入食用油業務,預計將為該國的油籽農民帶來豐厚的收入。
The oilseed processing market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.33% to reach a market size of US$273.763 billion in 2029 from US$190.345 billion in 2022.
Cleaning, drying, and extracting oil using techniques like solvent extraction or mechanical pressing are all part of oilseed processing. Refinement and packing for distribution come next in the process. The kind of oilseed, its content, and the desired oil quality all influence the processing technique selection. Growing demand for edible oils, increasing biofuel production, and rising consumer awareness of the nutritional advantages of goods generated from oilseeds are major factors propelling the oilseed processing market. Furthermore, the development of the industry is also aided by favorable government policies, ecological concerns, and technical improvements. As per the USDA, after two years of severe drought, Australia's oilseed output rebounded strongly in the 2021/22 marketing year (MY), carrying on the recovery that began in MY 2020/21. 3.9 million metric tonnes (MMT) of canola were produced in MY 2021/22. In addition, the planting area also increased due to high prices and promising moisture predictions.
Increasing biofuel production propels the oilseed processing market.
The market for oilseed processing is positively impacted by the rising production of biofuels, which increases demand for oilseeds as a main feedstock for the manufacturing of biodiesel. The oilseed processing sector, which is essential to the extraction of oils from crops including soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower, and palm, is growing concurrently with the global biofuel business. Innovation in oilseed cultivars optimized for increased oil content and processing efficiency is stimulated by this need. The biofuel industry is expanding rapidly, and although precise projections differ depending on assumptions and scenarios, there is a general agreement on its increasing significance. As per the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the production of liquid biofuel in 2023 was 3.901 EJ. In 2021, the output of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) was estimated to be over 100 million liters. In the meantime, 778.75 GJ of biogas are produced annually worldwide. By 2026, the worldwide biogas market is expected to have grown from USD 39 billion in 2022 to over USD 50 billion, with the majority of this increase occurring in the EMEA area. In addition, the import of feedstock for the manufacture of biofuels intended for export by units situated in Special Economic Zones (SEZ)/Export Oriented Units (EoUs) is permitted without limitation, following the National Policy on Biofuels, as per the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. According to the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, about 3520064 kg of biodiesel and mixture bearing Indian Trade Classification number 38260000 (based on the Harmonised System) were shipped in the Financial Year 2022-2023. Comprehensively, the integration of oilseed processing into the biofuel supply chain is further facilitated by government regulations, incentives, and environmental goals. Oilseed processing and biofuel production have a dynamic interaction that affects trade patterns, market dynamics, technological adoption, and agricultural practices globally. Owing to this, the oilseed processing sector changes to reflect the growing importance of biofuels in the overall energy sector.
It is projected that the global oilseed processing market in the Asia Pacific will grow steadily.
The rising popularity of oilseed products in India in addition to the adoption of advanced technologies for crop plantation as well as processing is anticipated to boost the oilseed processing market in upcoming years. For instance- as per the India Brand Equity Foundation, the production has grown over the last five years, reaching up to 40.9 million tons in 2022 from 35.5 million tons in the year 2017. Furthermore, the intensification of animal husbandry in the country will provide additional impetus to market growth. This is mainly because oilseed meal, a by-product of oilseed processing is extensively preferred for animal feed as it is rich in protein. For instance, as per Invest India, the country has established a strong market for cattle and poultry feeds, contributing to the demand for the oilseed processing industry. Also, as per the Soybean Processor Association of India (SOPA), in 2023, the major soybean-producing states were Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Karnataka among others. This reflects favourable prospects for the oilseed processing industry in the country coupled with rising demand for oilseed products such as vegetable oil. Also, the growing interest of major companies in business expansion will impact the market positively throughout the forecast period. For instance, in 2020, Amul entered into the edible oil business which is expected to result in remunerative income for oilseed farmers in the country.
Market Key Developments