

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence | 英文 140 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



PTFE是一種由碳鏈與兩個氟原子共用結形成的聚合物,廣泛應用於多種領域,特別是在烹調器具等不黏製品的製造中。聚四氟乙烯或 PTFE 屬於含氟聚合物家族,是一種化學和熱穩定性非常好的材料。商標包括 Teflon、Hostaflon 和 Polyflon。 PTFE材料摩擦力低、不沾黏、熔化溫度高、不易引起化學反應。其中一些用於不沾烹調器具。此外,它還用於工業應用,例如軸承、管道襯裡以及閥門和泵浦的某些部分。


  • 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)產品的技術進步提供了更好的性能,如耐磨性、低摩擦、導熱性和導電性,這將推動市場成長。這些發展確保了聚四氟乙烯在高要求領域的應用,例如汽車工業、飛機工業和其他機械工業。此外,許多專用 PTFE 組合物符合嚴格的規定,並用於醫療設備、電子和化學工業。例如,快速成長的英國手術縫線製造商Dolphin Sutures於2021年4月在印度牙科領域推出了一系列新的不可吸收聚四氟乙烯縫線。

Alioth Alipore TAHF系列也是其中之一。此系列由疏水性且化學惰性的PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)過濾膜製成。透過嚴格的液體細菌截留檢驗,可有效截留潮濕或潮濕氣體中的微生物和顆粒物。它也很堅固,可以承受反覆的蒸氣滅菌。適用於對製藥應用有嚴格品質標準的氣體無菌過濾和有機溶劑過濾。此外,大金化成的「Polyflon PTFE複合系列」是一種用途廣泛的模製粉。它是將填料與聚四氟乙烯共混而成,在保持聚四氟乙烯良好性能的同時提高機械性能。根據成型過程的不同,細粒粉末可用於壓縮成型、自動成型和柱塞擠壓成型。


  • 由於其各種特性,PTFE 在醫療和製藥領域有多種用途。這也意味著它可以安全地用於植入和設備,並且對身體沒有負面影響。同時,由於貿易增加,聚四氟乙烯市場預計將擴大。例如,根據國際貿易局的報告,美國和印度之間涉及醫療器材與設備的醫療貿易額從2019年的89.75億美元增加到2021年的119.14億美元。

此外,根據墨西哥經濟部的數據,醫療科學儀器和設備進口額最高的州是下加利福尼亞州(3.8億美元)、塔毛利帕斯州(2.95億美元)和墨西哥城(2.1億美元)。斯科州(9,310 萬美元)和新萊昂州(7,410 萬美元)。 PTFE適合製備密封件、墊片、塗層和其他需要生物相容性、化學穩定性和能夠承受惡劣條件的高性能聚合物的產品,進一步推動全球PTFE市場的發展。

PTFE具有優良的化學惰性,因此即使接觸藥品、人體體液、滅菌化學品,也不會影響其品質或污染周圍環境。此外,它們的低摩擦係數允許在整個身體內平穩移動,這對於導管和導管導引線等應用至關重要。這些特性以及耐熱性使得 PTFE 廣泛應用於可靠性和安全性至關重要的醫療設備、植入和製藥設備。


  • 擴大聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE) 在汽車產業的使用

由於其寶貴的特性,聚四氟乙烯正在穩步引入汽車行業。汽車產業對 PTFE 的需求不斷成長,因為它有助於提高燃油效率,並改善密封件、軸承和減摩等應用中關鍵部件的生命週期和可靠性。此外,預計市場將受到汽車行業成長的正面影響。據PIB稱,2021-22年的主要市場佔有率將是二輪車和乘用車。摩托車市場佔有率為77%,乘用車市佔率為18%。

根據GTAI(德國貿易投資署)公告,2021年德國製造商生產的汽車數量超過1,560萬輛。 15 家汽車製造商已從德國擴展業務,成為全球 75 家最大的一級供應商之一。 2021年,德國製造商將組裝超過310萬輛乘用車和351萬輛商用車,使德國成為歐洲最大的汽車製造國。此外,與2026年汽車使命計畫、國內市場報廢政策和新的生產連結獎勵計畫計畫一樣,這些計畫都是政府主導的。根據印度品牌股權基金會(IBEF)的資料,該組織預計 2023 年乘用車和商用車產量將達到 2,390 萬輛。

由於 PTFE 的摩擦係數非常低,因此它用於對摩擦至關重要的應用,例如活塞環、密封件和軸承。 PTFE 具有化學惰性和高度耐腐蝕,使其在惡劣的汽車條件下非常效用,可確保較長的使用壽命和可靠性。隨著製造商繼續優先考慮經濟性和永續性,PTFE 的軟性特性使其成為推動汽車產業創新和成長的關鍵材料。

  • 亞太地區聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)市場預計將大幅成長

在亞太地區,工業化正在加速,特別是中國、印度和東南亞國家等開發中國家,汽車零件、電子、建築等領域對PTFE材料產生了新一波需求。因此,由於製造業和基礎設施的發展,對 PTFE 的需求正在增加。例如,印度政府計劃在年終擴大汽車產業規模,從2000年4月到2022年9月,汽車產業獲得了330億美元的直接投資。根據PIB的數據,印度的外國直接投資(FDI)達770億美元,位居世界第三,相當於印度國內生產總值(2兆美元)的5%。

此外,由於PTFE的化學惰性和無毒性,醫療保健產業、食品包裝、汽車產業等領域非常嚴格的規範也提供了長期前景。對此,NIH 2022年發表的一項研究顯示,在中國,92%的注射患者已經使用胰島素筆,而3.4%仍在使用注射器,3%使用胰島素筆和注射器,0.7%使用筆和注射器。 。中國胰島素筆的使用和成長預計將成為推動市場成長的關鍵因素之一。

PTFE 由於其介電特性可增強奈米電子元件的絕緣和保護,因此進一步用於奈米電子學。印度政府透過電子和資訊技術部 (MeitY) 啟動了多項計劃,以促進印度的奈米電子學研究和創新。該國首屈一指的研究機構已建立了具有國際標準的領先奈米電子學中心。這些中心最先進的奈米加工設施不僅在印度而且在全世界都很受歡迎。



  • 2022 年 3 月,東麗利用低摩擦 PTFE 纖維 Toyoflon 開發了一種高強度紡織品。這種新型紡織品保留了含氟聚合物優異的耐磨性。
  • 2022 年 2 月,Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited 計劃擴大其位於印度 Dahej 的 PTFE 和 PVDF 一體化生產設施的產能。該成長計劃包括在 2023 年增加乳液 PTFE 產能,並在未來兩到三年內增加約 10,000 噸電池級 PVDF 產能。



  • 市場概況
  • 市場定義
  • 調查範圍
  • 市場區隔
  • 貨幣
  • 先決條件
  • 基準年和預測年時間表
  • 相關人員的主要利益


  • 研究設計
  • 調查過程


  • 主要發現
  • 分析師觀點


  • 市場促進因素
    • 廣泛應用於各種最終用途產業
    • 技術進步
  • 市場限制因素
    • 更換替代產品
    • 環境問題
  • 波特五力分析
  • 產業價值鏈分析


  • 介紹
  • 顆粒狀
  • 微粉
  • 細粉
  • 其他


  • 介紹
  • 床單
  • 塗層
  • 管道
  • 電影
  • 其他

第7章全球聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE) 市場:依最終用途產業

  • 介紹
  • 化學/工業製程
  • 電子/電力
  • 汽車/航太
  • 醫療/製藥
  • 建築/施工
  • 其他


  • 世界概況
  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 歐洲
    • 英國
    • 德國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他歐洲國家
  • 中東/非洲
    • 沙烏地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
    • 其他中東/非洲
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韓國
    • 台灣
    • 泰國
    • 印尼
    • 其他亞太地區


  • 主要企業及策略分析
  • 市場佔有率分析
  • 併購/協議/合作
  • 競爭對手儀表板

第10章 公司簡介

  • 3M
  • AGC Chemicals Company
  • Daikin Chemicals, Inc.
  • Dongyue Group
  • Toray Fluorofibers America, Inc.
  • Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
  • HaloPolymer
  • Standard Fluoromers Pvt. Ltd.
  • AFT Fluorotec
  • Ensinger Plastics
  • The Chemours Company
  • Cangzhou Quanshengfu New Materials Co., Ltd.
Product Code: KSI061616940

The global polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.84% between the period 2024 and 2029.

PTFE is a polymer formed out of a carbon chain covalently bonded with two entities of fluorine and is widely used across diverse fields, especially in the production of non-stick articles like utensils. Polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE is a highly chemical and thermally stable material that belongs to the fluoropolymer. Teflon, Hostaflon, Polyflon are some of its trade marks. PTFE materials have low friction and are non-stick, they have high melting temperatures and do not chemically react easily. Some of these are used in non-stick-coated cookware. Further, it has been used for application in industrial goods such as bearings, pipe liners, and some of the sections of valves and pumps.


  • Technological advancements in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) products that make the material exhibit better attributes such as wear resistance, low friction, heat, and electric conductivity drive market growth. These developments have ensured that PTFE finds application in highly demanding areas of the economy like the automobile industry, the aircraft industry, and other mechanical industries. In addition, numerous specific PTFE compositions meet strict legislation and have found their use in medical devices, electronics, and chemical industries. For example, a fast-growing UK-based surgical sutures manufacturer, Dolphin Sutures, launched a new range of non-absorbable polytetrafluoroethylene sutures in the dental sector in India in April 2021.

Another such example is the Alioth Alipore TAHF series. The series is made of a hydrophobic and chemically inert PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) filter membrane. This device can efficiently maintain microorganisms or particles in moist or humid gases due to strict liquid bacteria retention verification. It also has high strength and can withstand repeated steam sterilizations. It is appropriate for gas sterile filtration and organic solvent filtration with stringent quality criteria in pharmaceutical applications. Besides this, POLYFLON PTFE Compound-Series offered by Daikin Chemicals is a molding powder with a wide variety of applications. It is manufactured by combining POLYFLON PTFE with fillers to increase mechanical qualities while retaining POLYFLON PTFE's good properties. Depending on the molding process, the fine or granular powder can be used for compression, automated, or ram extrusion molding.

Nonetheless, sustainable advancements in eco-friendly formulations also promote market growth while resolving environmental issues. Altogether, PTFE's constant product diversification not only expands the domains of its use but also provides it with a competitive defense.

  • PTFE has many uses in medical and pharmaceutical applications as it possesses a range of distinctive features. It also implies that it can safely be put to use in implants and devices with no negative effects on the body. With this, the increase in trade is expected to cause the polytetrafluoroethylene market to expand. For example, United States medical trade with India, involving medical devices and equipment, rose from US$ 8,975 million in 2019 to US$ 11,914 million in the year 2021 as reported by the International Trade Administration.

Furthermore, according to Mexico's Ministry of Economy, the states with the largest amounts of imports of instruments and appliances used in medical sciences were Baja California (USD 380 million), Tamaulipas (USD 295 million), Mexico City (USD 210 million), Jalisco (USD 93.1 million), and Nuevo Leon (USD 74.1 million). Expansion in the number of imported medical instruments and appliances fuels the overall need for PTFE, which is apt for the preparation of parts like seals, gaskets, coatings, and other such products that require biocompatibility, chemical stability, high-performance polymers that can beat extreme conditions and further fuel the global PTFE market.

PTFE's excellent chemical inertness allows it to come into touch with pharmaceuticals, human fluids, and sterilization chemicals without affecting its qualities or polluting the surroundings. Additionally, its low friction coefficient allows for smooth movement throughout the body, which is vital for applications like catheters and guidewires. These characteristics, together with its heat resistance, lead to PTFE's extensive usage in medical devices, implants, and pharmaceutical production equipment, where dependability and safety are of utmost importance.


  • Growing application of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in the automotive industry.

PTFE is steadily being incorporated into the automotive industry owing to its valuable characteristics. The automotive business advances the need for PTFE given that the chemical contributes to improving fuel economy and extending the life cycle and reliability of components essential for applications like seals, bearings, and friction-reducing. Further, with the growth in the automobile industry, the market is anticipated to be positively impacted. As per the PIB, two-wheelers moto, and passenger automobiles took the major market shares for the FY 2021-22. The market share was 77% for two-wheeler motors and 18% for passenger automobiles.

In line with this, in 2021, the production of automobiles by German manufacturers exceeded 15.6 million units as per the GTAI (Germany Trade & Invest). There were fifteen automotive companies from Germany, which form part of the 75 biggest tier-one suppliers from across the globe. More than 3. 1 million passenger cars and 3,51,000 units come from commercial automobiles assembled in Germany's manufacturing industries in the year 2021 to show that Germany is the largest automotive manufacturing industry in Europe. Furthermore, much like the Automotive Mission Plan 2026, the scrappage policy in the domestic market, and the new production-linked incentive scheme the plans are government-driven. Based on data from the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the organization estimated the manufacturing of both passenger and commercial vehicles was 23.90 million in the financial year 2023.

Based on the very low value of the coefficient of friction, PTFE is used in applications where negligible friction is important such as piston rings, seals, and bearings. Its chemical inertness and resistance to corrosion enhance its usefulness in tough automotive conditions, assuring longevity and dependability. As manufacturers continue to prioritize economy and sustainability, PTFE's flexible qualities make it a crucial material driving innovation and growth in the automobile industry.

  • Asia Pacific's polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) market is anticipated to grow significantly.

Faster industrialization, particularly in developing countries such as China, India, and the Southeast Asian nations has created a new wave of demand for PTFE materials in automobile components, electronic devices, and construction in the Asia Pacific region. Their expansion has, therefore, been occasioned by a growing manufacturing sector as well as infrastructural growth. For instance, the Indian government plans to boost the size of the automotive sector to Rs. 15 lakh crores by the end of 2024. Thus, from April 2000 to September 2022 the industry received USD 33 billion. It ranked third globally with FDI amounting to 77 billion, which equates to 5% of India's two trillion dollars in gross domestic product as stated by PIB.

In addition, highly stringent and demanding norms in sectors such as the healthcare sector, food packaging, and automotive sectors due to the chemical inertness and non-toxicity of PTFE also offer long-term prospects. Concerning this, based on research published by NIH in 2022, it was found that ninety-two percent of the injecting patients in China already use insulin pens and on the other hand, 3.4% still use syringes, whereas 3% use a combination of insulin pens and syringes and 0.7% use pens and pumps. The usage and the growth of insulin pens in China are expected to be one of significant factors that are responsible for driving the market growth.

PTFE is further used in nanoelectronics due to the dielectric properties it offers in enhanced insulation and protection of nano-electrical parts. The government of India through the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has initiated several programs to foster nanoelectronics research and innovation in India. Major Nanoelectronics Centres of International Standards have been created at the country's best institutes. These Centres' cutting-edge nanofabrication facilities have gained popularity both in India and throughout the world.

Comprehensively, the Asia Pacific PTFE market is characterized by strong industrial expansion, rising consumer markets, regulatory compliance requirements, technical innovation, and sustainability initiatives, positioning it as a dominant region in the worldwide PTFE industry landscape.

Global Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Market Key Developments:

  • In March 2022, Toray Industries, Inc. created a high-strength textile using Toyoflon, a low-friction PTFE fiber. The new textile preserves fluoropolymer's exceptional friction resistance. Toray studies revealed that the slide endurance is 25 times better than that of existing counterparts, with friction reduced by more than half.
  • In February 2022, Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited planned to expand its PTFE and PVDF capacity at its integrated production facility in Dahej, India. The growth plan includes adding emulsion PTFE capacity in 2023 and about 10,000 tonnes of battery-grade PVDF capacity over the following 2-3 years.

The global polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) market is segmented and analyzed as follows:

By Form

  • Granular
  • Micro Powder
  • Fine Powder
  • Others

By Application

  • Sheet
  • Coatings
  • Pipes
  • Films
  • Others

By End-User Industry

  • Chemical & Industrial Processing
  • Electronics & Electrical
  • Automotive & Aerospace
  • Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • Building & Construction
  • Others

By Geography

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Rest of South America
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Rest of Europe
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Rest of Asia-Pacific



  • 1.1. Market Overview
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Scope of the Study
  • 1.4. Market Segmentation
  • 1.5. Currency
  • 1.6. Assumptions
  • 1.7. Base and Forecast Years Timeline
  • 1.8. Key benefits for the stakeholders


  • 2.1. Research Design
  • 2.2. Research Process


  • 3.1. Key Findings
  • 3.2. Analyst View


  • 4.1. Market Drivers
    • 4.1.1. Wide Range of Applications in Various End-User Industries
    • 4.1.2. Advancements in Technology
  • 4.2. Market Restraints
    • 4.2.1. Substitution by Alternative Products
    • 4.2.2. Environmental Concerns
  • 4.3. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3. The Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4. Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry
  • 4.4. Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Granular
  • 5.3. Micro Powder
  • 5.4. Fine Powder
  • 5.5. Others


  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Sheet
  • 6.3. Coatings
  • 6.4. Pipes
  • 6.5. Films
  • 6.6. Others


  • 7.1. Introduction
  • 7.2. Chemical & Industrial Processing
  • 7.3. Electronics & Electrical
  • 7.4. Automotive & Aerospace
  • 7.5. Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 7.6. Building & Construction
  • 7.7. Others


  • 8.1. Global Overview
  • 8.2. North America
    • 8.2.1. United States
    • 8.2.2. Canada
    • 8.2.3. Mexico
  • 8.3. South America
    • 8.3.1. Brazil
    • 8.3.2. Argentina
    • 8.3.3. Rest of South America
  • 8.4. Europe
    • 8.4.1. United Kingdom
    • 8.4.2. Germany
    • 8.4.3. France
    • 8.4.4. Italy
    • 8.4.5. Spain
    • 8.4.6. Rest of Europe
  • 8.5. Middle East and Africa
    • 8.5.1. Saudi Arabia
    • 8.5.2. United Arab Emirates
    • 8.5.3. Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • 8.6. Asia-Pacific
    • 8.6.1. China
    • 8.6.2. India
    • 8.6.3. Japan
    • 8.6.4. South Korea
    • 8.6.5. Taiwan
    • 8.6.6. Thailand
    • 8.6.7. Indonesia
    • 8.6.8. Rest of Asia-Pacific


  • 9.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis
  • 9.2. Market Share Analysis
  • 9.3. Mergers, Acquisitions, Agreements, and Collaborations
  • 9.4. Competitive Dashboard


  • 10.1. 3M
  • 10.2. AGC Chemicals Company
  • 10.3. Daikin Chemicals, Inc.
  • 10.4. Dongyue Group
  • 10.5. Toray Fluorofibers America, Inc.
  • 10.6. Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
  • 10.7. HaloPolymer
  • 10.8. Standard Fluoromers Pvt. Ltd.
  • 10.9. AFT Fluorotec
  • 10.10. Ensinger Plastics
  • 10.11. The Chemours Company
  • 10.12. Cangzhou Quanshengfu New Materials Co., Ltd.