
紫外線穩定劑市場 – 2024 年至 2029 年預測

UV Stabilizers Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence | 英文 146 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


UV(紫外線)穩定劑市場預計在預測期(2024-2029 年)複合年成長率為 4.98%。


根據國際清潔交通理事會(ICCT)的數據,2023年上半年小型電動車的銷售量達到約600萬輛。全球電動車銷量的大部分(約 80%)集中在四個主要市場:中國、歐洲、美國和印度。中國仍然是全球最大的電動車市場。對電動車不斷成長的需求正在推動整個自動化領域的需求。


  • 擴大聚合物產品的用途



  • 汽車產業的需求不斷成長





  • 在建築和建設產業的應用


褪色是建設產業使用塑膠的一個主要問題。製造商使用客製化添加劑來防止紫外線劣化並提供持久的材料耐用性。 Americhem 的 Duramax® 紫外線穩定劑就是此類產品之一,它可以提高塑膠產品的耐用性。這些穩定器可在室內和室外使用,以保護門窗、遮陽篷、覆層、甲板、屋頂系統等。

此外,更嚴格的標準也在推動市場發展,例如戶外環境需要更耐用的產品。這些需求促使最終用戶尋找低維護、美觀且耐用​​的選擇。根據聯準會的數據,2023年美國建築支出較2022年成長6.53%。 2022 年建設支出為 237,234.84 億美元。



  • 在預測期內,亞太地區將主導紫外線穩定劑市場。


此外,中國正在成為世界上最大的建築國之一。該國正在努力完善政府法規和政策。根據《中國商業評論》報道,新法規可能要求都市區約 70% 的新建築獲得綠色認證。這也包括學校、醫院和公共設施。這些建築需要低碳建築、可再生能源、節水、永續材料等等。這種對建築材料的需求預計將導致建設產業對UV(紫外線)穩定劑的需求相對增加。


  • 紫外線穩定劑用於地板材料、裝飾、烹調器具、包裝、家具等。隨著其使用的增加,紫外線穩定劑產生了負面影響,例如有害產品特定的排放。由於副產品可能有害健康,各國政府制定了各種政策,對其使用和生產施加限制和指導。
  • UV-328 就是這樣的例子。 UV-328是一種紫外線吸收劑,主要應用於汽車工業中的油漆、被覆劑、密封劑、黏劑、塑膠和橡膠,以保護材料免受紫外線輻射。該物質對人體和環境有嚴重的不良影響。因此,歐盟禁止UV-328的生產、使用、進出口。


  • 2023年3月,全球領先的聚合物穩定劑和特種化學品製造商Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd.推出了SONGSORB CS 171。 SONGSORB® CS 171 易於配製,可提高被覆劑和黏劑系統的穩定性。 SONGSORB CS 171 可與 SONGSORB CS B 5075 混合。此外,我們也推出了最新的混合物:SONGSORB CS B 5438 和 SONGSORB CS B 5452。 SONGSORB CS B 5438 可用作環氧穩定劑包,SONGSORB CS B 5452 可用作新型固態三嗪紫外線吸收劑。該公司致力於生產持久的塗料解決方案,以提高性能並對抗光和熱對錶面、油漆、黏劑和密封劑的有害影響。
  • 2023年3月,聯化學集團在上海證券交易所掛牌上市。聯合化學集團是塑膠和各種工業應用光穩定劑的領先供應商之一,總部位於中國。我們是中國最大的特種化學品公司之一,銷售、服務和倉儲網路遍佈亞洲、中東、歐洲和美洲。 UniteChem Group 在全球擁有 2,000 名員工,銷售額約 3 億歐元。認證包括 ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001 和 OSHAS 18001,該集團的交易代碼為 603065.SS。
  • 2022 年 7 月,全球特種材料市場領導者索爾維宣布開拓新的 UV-C 穩定劑產品組合。 UV-C頻譜(200-280nm)的健康應用,專為醫院感染設計。這項技術的開發非常重要,因為頻繁暴露於 UV-C 輻射可能會導致聚烯劣化、變色和形成微裂紋。索爾維是國際紫外線協會 (IUVA) 的成員,開發了一種技術,使用 UV-C 光作為聚烯表面的抗菌消毒劑,同時安全地保護聚烯免受 UV-C 引起的劣化。它可用於各種聚烯應用,包括手術室和病房的醫療設備、飛機和車輛的內部以及體育場。



  • 紫外線吸收劑
  • 受阻胺光穩定劑 (HALS)
  • 抗氧化劑
  • 猝滅劑


  • 包裝
  • 農業
  • 黏劑/密封劑
  • 建築/施工
  • 其他最終用戶產業


  • 北美洲
  • 美國
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
  • 巴西
  • 阿根廷
  • 南美洲其他地區
  • 歐洲
  • 英國
  • 德國
  • 法國
  • 義大利
  • 西班牙
  • 南美洲其他地區
  • 中東/非洲
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • UAE
  • 其他中東/非洲
  • 亞太地區
  • 中國
  • 印度
  • 日本
  • 韓國
  • 台灣
  • 泰國
  • 印尼
  • 其他亞太地區



  • 市場概況
  • 市場定義
  • 調查範圍
  • 市場區隔
  • 貨幣
  • 先決條件
  • 基準年和預測年時間表
  • 相關人員的主要利益


  • 研究設計
  • 調查過程


  • 主要發現
  • 分析師觀點


  • 市場促進因素
    • 增加聚合物產品的使用
    • 汽車產業需求增加
    • 在建設產業的應用
  • 市場限制因素
    • 與環境和健康危害相關的問題
  • 波特五力分析
  • 產業價值鏈分析


  • 介紹
  • 紫外線吸收劑
  • 受阻胺光穩定劑 (HALS)
  • 抗氧化劑
  • 猝滅劑


  • 介紹
  • 包裝
  • 農業
  • 黏劑/密封劑
  • 建築/施工
  • 其他最終用戶產業


  • 世界概況
  • 北美洲
    • 美國
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 南美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 南美洲其他地區
  • 歐洲
    • 英國
    • 德國
    • 法國
    • 義大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他歐洲國家地區
  • 中東/非洲
    • 沙烏地阿拉伯
    • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
    • 其他中東/非洲地區
  • 亞太地區
    • 中國
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韓國
    • 台灣
    • 泰國
    • 印尼
    • 其他亞太地區


  • 主要企業及策略分析
  • 市場佔有率分析
  • 合併、收購、協議和合作
  • 競爭對手儀表板

第9章 公司簡介

  • SI Group, Inc.
  • Adeka corporation
  • Clariant
  • Everlight Chemical Industrial Corp
  • Evonik Industries AG
  • Mayzo, Inc.
  • SABO SpA
  • Songwon
  • Unitechem Group
  • Valtris Specialty Chemicals Inc.
  • Chitec Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Lycus Ltd., LLC.
  • Rianlon Corporation
  • Solvay SA
Product Code: KSI061616962

The market for UV (ultraviolet) stabilizers is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.98% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

UV (ultraviolet) stabilizers are the chemicals used to prevent the photodegradation of the material from the sun. The effects of photodegradation include chalking, cracking, and color changes. UV stabilizers are used to minimize the contact between the plastic surface and the UV rays, which slows down the photodegradation to a much greater extent. Generally, there are several types of UV stabilizers, such as absorbers, quenchers, and HALS (Hindered amine light stabilizers), among others. Absorbers UV stabilizers absorb UV light, which is cost-effective and can be used for short-time exposure. One of the major driving factors is the growing demand from the automotive sector. Another major driving factor is the increasing application of polymers in many day life products.

According to ICCT (International Council on Clean Transportation), the sales of light-duty EVs reached around 6 million in the first half of 2023. Most global EVs sold, approximately 80%, were concentrated in the four largest markets, that is, China, Europe, the United States, and India. China remained the world's largest EV market. The growing demand for electric vehicles drives the overall demand from the automation sector.


  • The growing use of polymer products

When the polymers are exposed to UV lights, the substance is degraded from the UV radiation. The polymer chains are broken by the chemical reaction changing the physical properties of the matter. The polymer is changed, causing loss of impact strength, changes in color, cracking, etc. For example, under the UV lights, the plastic outdoor chair's color faded, and the plastic surface became easily broken. Hence, using UV stabilizers in plastic plays an indispensable part in the durability of plastic products. These stabilizers are chemically formulated to absorb UV light and minimize the contact between the plastic surface and the UV rays.

The growing use of plastics in automobiles, households, medical equipment, buildings and constructions, furniture, etc., would increase the use of UV Stabilizers. Different types of UV stabilizers are used in plastic and for specific requirements. The type of these stabilizers used in plastic is determined by its environment, end-product properties, color, etc.

  • Rising demand from the automotive industry

The burgeoning automobile sector has created a demand for vehicles, related products, and raw materials. UV stabilizers are used in the automobile industry to retain adhesive properties, increase adhesive life, and maintain color stability in interior or exterior applications.

The requirements for the industry are a high level of durability and long-term service under harsh conditions. It protects against degradation due to exposure to harsh environmental conditions, such as ultraviolet light, heat, and moisture.

In the automotive industry, UV stabilizers are crucial in maintaining the physical and aesthetic properties of exterior and interior components, including bumpers, door trims, airbags, and instrument panels. They also prevent color fading, microcrack formation, and loss of physical properties of these plastic components.

Further, the overall automotive industry is expanding due to the growing demand for electric vehicles in the market. The market for electric vehicles has been expanding due to favorable government policies, competitive pricing, and changing consumer behavior toward electric vehicles. Electric vehicle share increased from 4% in 2020 to 18% in 2023. This surge in electric vehicles has played an important role in the demand for equipment and raw materials for automobile manufacturing, including UV stabilizers, adhesives, and other organic substrates.

  • Application in the building and construction industry

The growing demand from the building and construction industry is one of the major drivers of the UV stabilizers market. UV stabilizers market are applied in various places within the construction of the house or a building to protect the material from the sunlight.

Color fading has been a major issue for the plastics used in the building and construction industry. The manufacturers use custom additives for the desired UV degradation protection and long-lasting material durability. One such product is offered by Americhem, Duramax(R) UV stabilizers, for the durability of their plastic products. These stabilizers can be used in the interior and exterior settings to shield windows and doors, awnings, cladding, decking, and roofing systems.

Further, the market is driven by the growing stringent standards such as outdoor settings now necessitate products capable of lasting for a longer time. These requirements demand end users to have the option for less maintenance, visual appeal, and long-lasting. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, construction spending in the United States in 2023 increased by 6.53% from 2022. This construction spending was US$23,723,484 million in 2022.

This growth in spending suggests the growing demand for construction projects and a relative increase in the economy's construction material demand. This increases the application of UV stabilizers in the construction and building material sector.

UV Stabilizers Market Geographical Outlook

  • The Asia Pacific region to dominate the UV stabilizers market during the forecast period.

The major economies like China, Japan, India, and South Korea dominate the Asia-Pacific region. Some of the fastest-growing emerging economies are from this region, such as ASEAN countries. India and China are growing economies in the region, with a growing application of UV (ultraviolet) stabilizers in industries like automation, packaging, agriculture, adhesives, and sealants, among others. India is the 6th largest producer of chemicals. The industry contributes 7% to India's GDP. Further, the growing market for the automotive sector, where the country is becoming one of the largest producers and consumers of vehicles, is leaning toward demand for the use of additives and stabilizers like UV stabilizers.

Moreover, China is becoming one of the largest county for construction worldwide. The country is moving towards better government regulations and policies. According to the China Business Review, new regulations could require about 70% of new urban buildings to be certified green. This also includes schools, hospitals, and public buildings. These buildings require low-carbon construction, renewable energy, water conservation, sustainable materials, etc. This demand for building materials would increase the relative demand for UV (ultraviolet) stabilizers in the building and construction industry.

UV Stabilizers Market Restraints:

  • UV Stabilizers are used in flooring, decking, utensils, packaging, furniture, etc. With their growing use, UV stabilizers have negative effects, such as the release of harmful by-products. The by-products can be harmful to health, so the government formed various policies to restrict and give guidelines for their usage and manufacturing.
  • One such example is UV-328, a UV absorber whose major application is in the automotive industry in paints, coatings, sealants, adhesives, plastics, and rubbers to protect materials from UV light. The substance has significant adverse human health and environmental effects. This led to the ban on the production, use, import, and export of UV-328 in the European Union.

UV Stabilizers Market Key Developments:

  • In March 2023, Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd., a leading company in the polymer stabilizers of the world and specialty chemicals player, launched SONGSORB CS 171. SONGSORB(R) CS 171 can be easily incorporated, improving the stability of coatings and adhesive systems. SONGSORB CS 171 can blend with the SONGSORB CS B 5075. Further, the company will launch SONGSORB CS B 5438 and SONGSORB CS B 5452, its two newest blends. It can be used as the stabilizer package for epoxy systems and a new solid triazine UV absorber. The company is committed to making long-lasting coatings solutions that enhance performance and counter the harmful effects of light and heat on surfaces, coatings, adhesives, and sealants.
  • In March 2023, UniteChem Group was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. UniteChem Group is one of the leading suppliers of light stabilizers offering plastics or a range of industrial applications, headquartered in China. It is one of China's largest specialty chemicals companies, having a network of sales, service, and warehousing facilities throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. UniteChem Group has a workforce of 2,000 employees worldwide and generates a turnover of approximately EUR 300 million, having certifications for operations such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and OSHAS 18001, the group would be traded by the 603065.SS ticker number.
  • In July 2022, Solvay, a global market leader in specialty materials, announced the development of a new portfolio of UV-C stabilizers. It is designed for hygiene applications of the UV-C spectrum (200-280 nm) for hospital-acquired infections. This technological development is significant as frequent exposure to UV-C irradiation causes the risk of polyolefin degradation, discoloration, and micro-crack formation. Solvay is a member of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) and made technology for using UV-C light as the anti-microbial disinfectant on polyolefin surfaces while safely protecting them against UV-C-induced degradation. It can be used in various polyolefin applications, including medical equipment in operation and patient rooms, aircraft and shared vehicle interiors, and sporting venues.

The UV stabilizers market is segmented and analyzed as follows:

By Type

  • UV Absorbers
  • Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (HALS)
  • Antioxidants
  • Quenchers

By Application

  • Packaging
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Adhesives and Sealants
  • Building and Construction
  • Other End-User Industries

By Geography

  • North America
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Rest of South America
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Rest of Europe
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Rest of the Middle East and Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Rest of Asia-Pacific



  • 1.1. Market Overview
  • 1.2. Market Definition
  • 1.3. Scope of the Study
  • 1.4. Market Segmentation
  • 1.5. Currency
  • 1.6. Assumptions
  • 1.7. Base and Forecast Years Timeline
  • 1.8. Key benefits for the stakeholders


  • 2.1. Research Design
  • 2.2. Research Process


  • 3.1. Key Findings
  • 3.2. Analyst View


  • 4.1. Market Drivers
    • 4.1.1. The growing use of polymer products
    • 4.1.2. Rising demand from the automotive industry
    • 4.1.3. Application in the building and construction industry
  • 4.2. Market Restraints
    • 4.2.1. The challenges related to environmental and health damages
  • 4.3. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3. The Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4. Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry
  • 4.4. Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. UV Absorbers
  • 5.3. Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers (HALS)
  • 5.4. Antioxidants
  • 5.5. Quenchers


  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Packaging
  • 6.3. Automotive
  • 6.4. Agriculture
  • 6.5. Adhesives and Sealants
  • 6.6. Building and Construction
  • 6.7. Other End-User Industries


  • 7.1. Global Overview
  • 7.2. North America
    • 7.2.1. United States
    • 7.2.2. Canada
    • 7.2.3. Mexico
  • 7.3. South America
    • 7.3.1. Brazil
    • 7.3.2. Argentina
    • 7.3.3. Rest of South America
  • 7.4. Europe
    • 7.4.1. United Kingdom
    • 7.4.2. Germany
    • 7.4.3. France
    • 7.4.4. Italy
    • 7.4.5. Spain
    • 7.4.6. Rest of Europe
  • 7.5. Middle East and Africa
    • 7.5.1. Saudi Arabia
    • 7.5.2. United Arab Emirates
    • 7.5.3. Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • 7.6. Asia-Pacific
    • 7.6.1. China
    • 7.6.2. India
    • 7.6.3. Japan
    • 7.6.4. South Korea
    • 7.6.5. Taiwan
    • 7.6.6. Thailand
    • 7.6.7. Indonesia
    • 7.6.8. Rest of Asia-Pacific


  • 8.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis
  • 8.2. Market Share Analysis
  • 8.3. Mergers, Acquisitions, Agreements, and Collaborations
  • 8.4. Competitive Dashboard


  • 9.1. SI Group, Inc.
  • 9.2. Adeka corporation
  • 9.3. BASF SE
  • 9.4. Clariant
  • 9.5. Everlight Chemical Industrial Corp
  • 9.6. Evonik Industries AG
  • 9.7. Mayzo, Inc.
  • 9.8. SABO S.p.A.
  • 9.9. Songwon
  • 9.10. Unitechem Group
  • 9.11. Valtris Specialty Chemicals Inc.
  • 9.12. Chitec Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 9.13. Lycus Ltd., LLC.
  • 9.14. Rianlon Corporation
  • 9.15. Solvay SA