雙環戊二烯市場 - 2024 年至 2029 年預測Dicyclopentadiene Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
預計在預測期內(2024-2029 年),全球雙環戊二烯市場將以 4.79% 的複合年成長率成長。
雙環戊二烯(DCPD)基本上是環戊二烯二聚體,其分子中同時含有兩個可用雙鍵。 DCPD 可以摻入聚合物系統或單一化合物中,形成分類為 DCPD 的其他聚合物。它也存在於藥物、合成橡膠、聚碳酸酯和聚酯樹脂中。 DCPD 在一些除草劑和樹脂的合成中充當化學中間體。它也用於生產油漆、清漆和塑膠阻燃劑。
雙環戊二烯產品有多種應用,包括高品質光學鏡片、塑膠製品中的阻燃劑和熱熔黏劑。 DCPD 用作農藥、亞麻籽油和大豆油的固化劑和乾燥劑、EPDM合成橡膠、茂金屬、樹脂、清漆和油漆中的化學中間體。含有DCPD的產品用於生產烴類樹脂和不飽和聚酯樹脂。
DCPD 必須儲存在受監管環境中的低碳鋼或不銹鋼罐中,以保持穩定性並防止品質劣化。它透過公路、鐵路、駁船和船舶運輸。 DCPD 具有高度爆炸性,運輸過程中會產生靜電,因此採取預防措施避免靜電放電非常重要。
最近的趨勢包括具有改進的機械和熱性能的新型高性能熱固性材料,以及 DCPD 在汽車、電子和建築行業中的使用。這些創新旨在平衡生產力、產品耐用性、永續性和環境友善性方面日益增加的工業壓力,以增加需求並提高市場地位。
例如, ZEON Corporation 是特殊合成橡膠、聚合物和特殊化學品領域的全球市場領導者。 ZEON是全球領先的聚合物製造商之一,在亞洲、北美和歐洲設有工廠,並在日本、美國和英國設有研發中心的全球網路。 ZEON的綜合銷售額超過 29 億美元,憑藉其在 C4 和 C5 化學領域的專業知識和市場地位,提供多樣化的產品。這些進步不僅擴大了雙環戊二烯的市場,還有助於透過更輕的重量和提高可回收性實現永續性目標,並支持其在全球各種高性能應用中的持續成長和接受度。
烴類樹脂是低分子量(通常小於 2000)熱塑性聚合物,可能呈現黏性、液體或無定形。由於它具有較高的玻璃化轉變溫度並在加工溫度下熔化,因此可以提高膠料黏度和模具流動性。然而,由於這些樹脂在常溫下固化,因此化合物的硬度和模量得以保持。
烴類樹脂用途廣泛,可應用於黏劑、被覆劑和塑膠等各個領域,因此預計在預測期內將在雙環戊二烯市場中獲得成長動力。 Foreverest烴類樹脂系列結合了松香基樹脂和烴類樹脂的優點,為工業市場提供全面的解決方案。在 HMA 業務中,氫化 C5/C9 在比 C5/C9 更高的溫度下塑化聚合物。這些通常必須在不顯著降低常溫下聚合物的內聚強度的情況下進行。此外,根據 Foreverest Hydrocarbon 的數據,烴類樹脂約佔全球 DCPD 產量的 33%。
DCPD 擴大應用於許多汽車應用,包括複合材料、結構性黏著劑和被覆劑。這是由於其優異的機械性能,例如高衝擊強度、耐熱性和耐腐蝕性。此外,汽車產業的成長預計也會影響市場上同類產品的消費。根據 PIB 的數據,二輪車和乘用車在 2021-22 年佔據了主要市場佔有率。摩托車市場佔有率為77%,乘用車市佔率為18%。
根據德國貿易投資署公佈,2021年德國製造商生產的汽車數量超過1,560萬輛。 15 家汽車製造商已從德國擴展業務,成為全球 75 家最大的一級供應商之一。 2021年,德國製造商將組裝超過310萬輛乘用車和351萬輛商用車,使德國成為歐洲最大的汽車製造國。
此外,與《2026年汽車使命計畫》類似,國內市場報廢政策和新的生產連結獎勵計畫制度都是政府主導。根據印度品牌股權基金會(IBEF)收集的資訊,該基金會假設在 2023 會計年度生產 2,390 萬輛乘用車和商用車以實現其目標。總體而言,隨著汽車製造商繼續優先考慮輕質材料和環保解決方案,預計未來幾年對 DCPD 產品的需求將激增。
由於中國和印度等國家汽車產量、基礎設施發展和電子製造的增加,預計亞太地區的雙環戊二烯市場將顯著成長。 DCPD 在輕質複合材料、黏劑和被覆劑中的應用在這些行業中尤其重要,因為它們滿足了該地區對耐用和高性能材料的需求。
例如,印度政府計劃在2024年終將汽車產業規模擴大至15兆盧比。 2000年4月至2022年9月,汽車產業收入達330億美元。根據PIB的聲明,FDI達到770億美元,位居世界第三,相當於印度2兆美元國內生產總值的5%。
推動雙環戊二烯市場的另一個重要因素是電子產業的成長。印度投資局表示,到2023年,印度電子產業價值預計將達到1,550億美元,其中國內製造商佔65%。另據上海市人民政府資料顯示,2023年中國消費電子零售額為3,050億美元,成長率4%。 2024年將上升至5%。
The global dicyclopentadiene market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.79% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) is fundamentally a cyclopentadiene dimer, containing two available double bonds in its molecule simultaneously. It is incorporated into polymer systems and in a single compound to form other polymers categorized as DCPD. It is also found in medicines, elastomers, polycarbonates, and polyester resins. DCPD serves as a chemical intermediary in synthesizing some herbicides and resins. It is also used in paints and varnishes and the manufacture of plastic flame retardants.
Dicyclopentadiene products are used in many applications such as high-quality optical lenses, flame retardant for plastic products, and hot melt glue. It is employed as a chemical intermediary in insecticides, linseed and soybean oil hardeners and dryers, EPDM elastomers, metallocenes, resins, varnishes, and paints. DCPD-containing goods are used to produce hydrocarbon and unsaturated polyester resins.
DCPD should be kept in mild or stainless-steel tanks and stored under regulated circumstances to maintain stability and prevent quality degradation. It's carried via road, rail, barge, and ship. Since DCPD is very explosive and can build up static electricity during transfer, it's important to take precautions to avoid static discharge.
Recent developments include the new high-performance thermoset resins that have improved their mechanical and thermal characteristics and utilize DCPD in the automotive, electronics, and construction industries. These innovations are targeted to balance the rising industrial pressures in terms of productivity, product durability, sustainability, and environmental responsiveness to increase demand and better market positions.
For instance, Zeon Corporation is a global market leader in specialized elastomers, polymers, and specialty chemicals. Zeon is one of the world's leading polymer makers, with a global network of factories in Asia, North America, and Europe, as well as research and development centers in Japan, the US, and the UK. Zeon Corporation, with consolidated sales of more than $2.9 billion, offers a diverse variety of products based on its expertise and market position in C4 and C5 chemistry. Such advancements not only extend the market for dicyclopentadiene but also help to achieve sustainability goals through lightweight and increased recyclability, supporting continuous growth and acceptance in a variety of high-performance applications throughout the world.
Besides this, electronics product import in the United States, as per the United States International Trade Commission, was US$5,71,453 million in 2021, and it reached a whooping value of US$6,29,871 million in 2022, thus inspiring market growth. As the electronics industry evolves with technological and connectivity improvements, the need for dicyclopentadiene will likely increase. This is driven by their potential to improve product reliability and efficiency in electronic applications worldwide.
Hydrocarbon resins are thermoplastic polymers with low molecular weight (usually less than 2000) that might seem viscous, liquid, or amorphous. They have high glass transition temperatures, melting at processing temperatures, allowing for improved compound viscosity mold flow. These resins, however, harden at normal temperature, therefore preserving compound hardness and modulus.
Hydrocarbon resins will likely gain momentum in the dicyclopentadiene market throughout the forecast period due to their versatility and application in various sectors, including adhesives, coatings, and plastics. Foreverest Hydrocarbon Resin Family combines the benefits of rosin-based resins with hydrocarbon resins, providing a comprehensive solution for industrial markets. In the HMA business, Hydrogenated C5/C9 plasticizes the polymer at higher temperatures than C5/C9. They must typically be performed without significantly reducing the polymer's cohesive strength at ambient temperatures. Furthermore, as per the Foreverest Hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon resins make up approximately 33% of global DCPD manufacturing.
Hydrocarbon resins further possess higher properties in adhesion, heat stability, and chemical resistance and are thus preferred to other types of resins. This could be attributed to the fact that dicyclopentadiene is a popular material, particularly used in the construction and automotive industries, and more so in the packing industries, where these materials are used due to their long-lasting and efficient performances.
Many automotive applications, such as composites, structural adhesives, and coatings, are incorporating DCPD at a higher rate. This is attributable to their excellent mechanical properties, such as high impact strength, heat resistance, and corrosion protection. In addition, the increase in the automobile industry is also envisaged to influence the consumption of the product in the market. As per the PIB, two-wheeler motorcycles and passenger automobiles took the major market shares for FY 2021-22. The market share was 77% for two-wheeler motors and 18% for passenger automobiles.
In line with this, in 2021, the production of automobiles by German manufacturers exceeded 15.6 million units as per the GTAI (Germany Trade & Invest). There were fifteen automotive companies from Germany, which form part of the 75 biggest tier-one suppliers from across the globe. More than 3. 1 million passenger cars and 3,51,000 units come from commercial automobiles assembled in Germany's manufacturing industries in 2021 to show that Germany is the largest automotive manufacturing industry in Europe.
Furthermore, much like the Automotive Mission Plan 2026, the scrappage policy in the domestic market and the new production-linked incentive scheme are government-driven. From the information collected from the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), the organization assumed the production of both passenger and commercial cars and vehicles to be 23.90 million in the financial year 2023 to achieve its goals and objectives. Comprehensively, as automakers continue to prioritize lightweight materials and environmental solutions, demand for DCPD-based goods is projected to skyrocket in the coming years.
The Asia Pacific dicyclopentadiene market is predicted to grow significantly, driven by increased automobile production, infrastructure development, and electronics manufacturing in countries such as China and India. DCPD's applications in lightweight composites, adhesives, and coatings are especially important in these industries since they meet the region's requirement for durable and high-performance materials.
For instance, the Indian government plans to boost the size of the automotive sector to Rs. 15 lakh crores by the end of 2024. Thus, from April 2000 to September 2022, the industry received USD 33 billion. It ranked third globally with FDI amounting to USD 77 billion, which equates to 5% of India's two trillion dollars in gross domestic product, as stated by PIB.
Another significant factor upsurging the dicyclopentadiene market is the growth in the electronics industry. In 2023, India's electronics sector was estimated at US$155 billion, with local manufacturers accounting for 65%, as stated by Invest India. Moreover, according to the data of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the retail sales of China's consumer electronics were at US$305 billion in 2023, with a 4% growth rate. In 2024, the rate rose to 5%.
Besides this, China is the global leader in automotive sales and the production of automobiles. Domestic automobile production, for instance, is expected to surpass 35 million automobiles in 2025 in China. Additionally, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, automobile sales hit a record high of more than 26 million automobiles sold in 2021, including 21.48 million passenger vehicles, a 7.1% increase over 2020. Commercial vehicle sales totaled 4.79 million units, down 6.6% from 2020 in the nation. With the progression of various industries in the Asia Pacific, together with the utilization of new materials in its production, the market for dicyclopentadiene is bound to expand in the future.