全球粉末射出成型市場 - 預測 2024-2029Global Powder Injection Molding Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
粉末射出成型(PIM) 是一種大量生產複雜形狀的金屬(MIM = 金屬射出成型)或陶瓷(CIM = 陶瓷射出成型)零件的製程技術。 PIM 是一項用於大量生產複雜、功能部件且需要大量材料的出色技術。
PIM 植根於粉末射出成型的歷史,基於成熟的粉末冶金和陶瓷加工技術,具有固有的多功能性,允許製造商和設計人員從多種材料中進行選擇。由於該過程從金屬或陶瓷粉末開始,因此可以混合不同的粉末以獲得所需的性能,例如強度、導電性和耐腐蝕。 PIM製程中使用的黏合劑可以在射出成型中將粉末變成可流動的液體。這意味著 PIM 可以成型多種材料,包括那些通常不具有軟性或不易成型的材料。同時,這些眾多的材料選擇提供了高度的設計靈活性,使得粉末射出成型能夠根據許多行業不斷變化的需求進行客製化。
此外,在PIM的幫助下,高攪拌機的實現確保了滿足製造業需求的高品質零件的大量生產。汽車工業的成長將進一步促進這種用途。根據汽車工業協會(SMMT)的數據,英國汽車產量預計在 2023 年達到 86 萬輛,2028 年達到 100 萬輛。
儘管如此,2024年3月,塔塔汽車集團與泰米爾納德邦政府簽署了一份便利合作備忘錄(MoU),研究在該邦設立汽車製造廠。該合作備忘錄要求在五年內投資 10.816 億美元(900 億印度盧比)。
同時,黏合劑系統和燒結方法的變化使 PIM 更具競爭力,不斷增加利潤並降低成本。此外,設計最佳化和模具創新縮短了開發時間並增加了客製化選項,使公司能夠適應新的行業條件。 OptiMIM 採用先進的金屬射出成型技術來製造具有高細節、密度和體積精度的小型精密金屬零件。旭化成的 Tenac-C FF520 是專門開發的超高流動性聚縮醛共聚物,用於 PIM 中的催化劑脫粘。總體而言,產品的持續開發增加了 PIM 的需求及其在世界各地許多行業的採用。
金屬射出成型(MIM) 提供大量製造複雜形狀的製造能力。該技術使用自訂配方的微觀金屬粉末(通常小於 20微米)以及黏合劑(各種熱塑性塑膠、蠟和其他材料)來形成原料。將原料引入標準射出成型機的型腔(或多個型腔)中。提取生坯成分後,透過熱處理或溶劑處理提取大部分黏合劑,其餘部分則除去。相較之下,組件在可控制氣氛爐中燒結(固體分散體)。 MIM 製程與塑膠射出成型和高壓壓鑄非常相似,可以生產幾乎相同的形狀和結構特性。
特別是在汽車領域,MIM 因其能夠生產高精度和優異機械性能的小型、精密金屬零件而廣泛應用。 MIM 允許近淨形加工,減少後續處理的需求和材料浪費,使齒輪、鉸鏈、支架以及各種引擎和變速箱零件等零件受益。例如,根據印度投資局統計,2023年4月至2024年3月,印度汽車工業生產了2,843萬輛汽車,包括乘用車、商用車、三輪車、二輪車、四輪車和四輪車。包括汽車。
亞太地區粉末射出成型(PIM) 市場受到工業化程度不斷提高的推動,特別是在中國、日本、印度和韓國等主要汽車和電子製造中心。 PIM 技術(例如金屬射出成型)是這些尋求輕質、高性能零件的行業的特點。根據印度投資局預測,2023年,印度電子市場規模約1,550億美元,其中本土製造商佔1,007.5億美元(65%)。此外,根據上海市人民政府的資料,2023年中國消費性電子零售額為3,050億美元,成長率為4%。 2024年將上升至5%。
而且,正如PIB在2023年所說,在過去的二十年裡,印度汽車工業已經發展到了一個全新的水平,被公認為全球最具競爭力的產業之一。它是世界第二大摩托車生產商、第八大商用車生產商、第六大乘用車生產商和第一大曳引機生產商。近年來,印度已成為汽車零件和汽車生產的首選國家之一,並且作為競爭地點的排名不斷上升。同時,現代汽車於 2024 年 2 月宣布,將在 2023 年至 2033 年間投資超過 38.5 億美元(3,200 億印度盧比),以擴大其電動車產品組合併改進其現有的汽車和 SUV 平台。
這一趨勢凸顯了亞太地區在全球 PIM 市場中的舉足輕重的地位。亞太地區的發展受到技術開拓和各行業應用不斷增加的推動。例如,2021 年 7 月,BASF在中國上海為其 Catamold 業務開設了新的卓越中心。新工廠將成為中國和整個亞洲 MIM 解決方案和產品的知識中心。
The global powder injection molding market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.92% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Powder Injection Molding (PIM) is a mass-production process technique that produces components composed of metal (MIM = Metal Injection Moulding) or ceramics (CIM = Ceramic Injection Moulding) with complicated geometries in a high output. PIM is a great technique for producing complicated, functioning components in large quantities with high material needs.
Today, metallurgical powder injection molding is a low-cost mass manufacturing technology for producing small to medium-sized components weighing between 0.1 and 300 g. Precision apparatus engineering, measurement and control technology, medical technology, watch and home technologies, the lock and fittings business, automobile, and the weapons industry are among the most common applications.
PIM, which originates in the history of powder injection molding, is based on established powder metallurgy and ceramic processing technologies, and it has a high inherent versatility, allowing manufacturers and designers to choose from a wide variety of material possibilities. This is because the process starts with a metal or ceramic powder; therefore, various powders can be mixed to get the desired properties, such as strength, electrical conductivity, or corrosion resistance. The binder used in the PIM process allows the powder to be a fluidized liquid during injection molding. This implies that various materials may be molded with PIM, including those that are not normally pliable or simple to form. At the same time, these numerous material options provide a high level of design flexibility, allowing powder injection molding to be customized to the changing demands of many sectors.
Furthermore, with the help of PIM, the actualization of high mixers ensures high-volume production of high-quality components, which corresponds to the requirements of the manufacturing industry. The growth in the automotive industry further fuels this utilization. According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), the United Kingdom's output is anticipated to hit 860,000 automobiles in 2023 and a million by 2028.
Nonetheless, in March 2024, Tata Motors Group entered into a facilitation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu government regarding an exploratory study on setting up a car manufacturing plant in the state. The MoU calls for an investment of US$1,081.6 million (Rs. 9,000 crores) over five years.
Moreover, powder injection molding persistently contributes to automotive manufacturing by introducing design freedom, economic benefits, and enhanced component performance to vehicle technology and performance to a significantly large extent.
Alongside this, there is a constantly enhanced benefit and lower cost due to changes in binder systems and sintering methods, pushing PIM towards more competitiveness. In addition, design optimization and tooling innovations have reduced development time and increased customization options that enable businesses to adapt to new industry conditions. OptiMIM uses advanced metal injection molding technology to create small precision metal parts with high detail, density, and volume severity. Tenac-C FF520, offered by Asahi-Kasei, is a specially developed ultra-high fluidity polyacetal copolymer used in catalytic debonding carried out in PIM. Altogether, the continuous development of products enhances PIM's desirability and adoption across numerous industries globally.
Metal injection molding (MIM) provides a manufacturing capacity for making complicated forms in high volumes. The technique uses tiny metal powders (usually less than 20 micrometers) custom-formulated with a binder (different thermoplastics, waxes, and other materials) to form a feedstock. The feedstock is introduced into a cavity (or many cavities) of a standard injection molding machine. After the green component is removed, most of the binder is extracted using thermal or solvent processing, with the remainder removed. In contrast, the component is sintered (solid-state dispersed) in a controlled atmosphere furnace. The MIM method is extremely similar to plastic injection molding and high-pressure die casting, and it can generate almost identical forms and configuration characteristics.
The metal injection molding method produces mechanical qualities almost identical to those of wrought materials while being a net-shape process technology with excellent dimensional tolerance control. Metal injection-molded components have practically limitless form and geometric feature capabilities, and large production rates may be achieved by using multi-cavity tooling.
The automobile sector, in particular, has embraced MIM due to its ability to make small, delicate metal components with high accuracy and outstanding mechanical characteristics. MIM benefits components such as gears, hinges, brackets, and different engine and gearbox parts by allowing for near-net-shape fabrication, which reduces the need for subsequent procedures and material waste. For instance, from April 2023 to March 2024, the automobile industry manufactured 28.43 million cars in India, which included passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, three-wheelers, two-wheelers, and quadricycles, as per Invest India statistics.
The Asia Pacific powder injection molding (PIM) market is being pushed by rising industrialization, notably in China, Japan, India, and South Korea, which are key automotive and electronics manufacturing hubs. PIM technologies like metal injection molding are characteristic of these industries since they seek lightweight and high-performance parts. According to Invest India, in 2023, the electronics market in India was approximately $155 billion, with local manufacturers standing at $100.75 billion, which is 65%. Moreover, according to data from the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the retail sales of China's consumer electronics were at US$305 billion in 2023, with a 4% growth rate. In 2024, the rate rose to 5%.
Furthermore, as stated by PIB in 2023, during the past 20 years, the Indian automotive industry has advanced to a whole new level, and it is recognized as one of the most competitive globally. It stands in second position in the global production of two-wheelers, eighth position in commercial vehicles, sixth position in passenger vehicles, and for tractor productions, it is in the number one position. In recent years, India has emerged as one of the preferred destinations for automobile parts and automobiles and has climbed up the ladder in competitive locations. On the other hand, Hyundai Motors announced in February 2024 that it will invest more than $3.85 billion (Rs 32,000 crore) between 2023 and 2033 to extend its EV portfolio and improve its current vehicle and SUV platforms.
Besides this, China is the world's largest automobile market in terms of yearly sales and manufacturing output, with local production projected to exceed 35 million vehicles by 2025. According to figures from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, more than 26 million automobiles were sold in 2021, including 21.48 million passenger vehicles, a 7.1% increase over 2020.
This trend highlights Asia Pacific's crucial position in the global PIM market, which is being pushed by technical developments and increased applications across various industrial areas. For instance, in July 2021, BASF established a new Centre of Excellence laboratory for its Catamold business in Shanghai, China. The new plant is a hub of knowledge for MIM solutions and products in China and throughout Asia.