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全球石膏板市場-2024年至2029年預測Global Gypsum Board Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
石膏板是幾種石膏板產品之一,如 ASTM C11《石膏及相關建築材料和系統的標準術語》說明,是「主要由石膏組成的一系列板材產品的通用名稱」。該術語是指石膏板、玻璃氈石膏板、抗濫用和抗衝擊石膏板以及石膏軸襯板。
在美國和加拿大,石膏板遵循 ASTM 標準 C 1396。無論芯材是由天然石膏還是合成石膏組成,都必須符合標準。工業中使用的合成石膏大多是去除石化燃料發電所產生的廢氣中污染物的副產品。幾乎所有用於製造石膏板面紙和背紙的纖維都來自報紙和消費後廢棄物。
ASTM 標準監督石膏板的製造,並對強度、耐水性和其他性能有嚴格的要求。為了生產石膏板,將粉碎的天然或合成石膏加熱或燒製以使原料脫水。將煅燒石膏與水和添加劑混合,在長紙板機中的連續再生紙層之間形成漿料。
石膏板(也稱為乾牆或石膏板)由於其易於施工、熟悉、防火、無毒和隔音等特性而廣泛應用於建築中。這種無害的產品(基本上是用紙包裹的硫酸鈣)的大規模使用也對環境產生了巨大的影響。據估計,住宅每年消耗 300 億平方英尺。
此外,隨著辦公室、購物街和醫療保健等商業空間的擴張,對創造實用且美觀的室內裝飾的石膏板的需求不斷增加。到2030年,預計印度GDP的約70%將屬於城市。印度建築業市場由 250子部門組成,每個子行業都是相互關聯的。到2030年,城市人口預計將增加(6億人),預計將新增2,500萬套中低價住宅。大部分市場成長是由重建和改建計劃推動的,其中舊結構通常被新的石膏板解決方案替代或改進。
牆板也稱為石膏板或灰泥板,因其易於安裝、適應性強,並且可以為牆壁和隔間提供光滑、一致的表面而受到歡迎。各種發展使該材料在不同類別中更具適應性和流行性。例如,輕岩石膏板比常規 1/2" 石膏板更輕,適用於間距為 24" o/c 或更小的牆壁和天花板。 Lightrock 可平行或垂直於高達 24" O/C 的天花板結構使用,即使是手繪或用水性紋理裝飾時也是如此。
例如,ClassicRoc石膏板因其一貫的高品質要求而成為業界青睞的產品。牆板面板由防火石膏芯製成,正麵包裹著 100% 再生天然飾面紙,背麵包裹著耐用的襯紙。長邊包裹面紙以支撐和保護芯材,端部經過方形切割並拋光光滑。面板的長邊是錐形的,可以使用接縫複合系統來加強和減少接縫的外觀。因此,牆板類別脫穎而出,成為石膏板市場開拓的關鍵驅動力,滿足全球建築商、建築師和住宅不斷變化的需求。
印度也是住宅業務領域的主要市場。在成長最快的行業中,該行業的成長得到了龐大的人口基數、收入水準的提高和都市化的提高的支持。印度憲法將住宅和城市發展的責任委託給聯邦體制內的州政府。 2000年4月至2023年12月,建設和開發(鄉鎮、住宅、建築基礎設施、建築開發計劃)和建築(基礎設施)領域的直接投資總額分別為265.4億美元和3.35億美元,2000萬美元。
除此之外,提高產品品質和耐用性的製造方法的技術開拓滿足住宅、商業和工業建築行業的多樣化需求,正在推動市場擴張。例如,截至2022年11月,日本月島三丁目北區的城市再開發工程已開始施工。重建計畫將在 Monja 街建造一棟 58 層樓、1.99 億高的住宅高層建築,容納 1,285 套公寓、零售店、日託中心、老年護理中心等。兩棟互補的低層建築將另外容納 56 間公寓,並為殘障人士提供護理服務。總體而言,由於該地區動態的建築環境對高效和永續建築材料的需求不斷成長,亞太地區石膏板市場預計將進一步成長。
The global gypsum board market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 6.84% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
Gypsum board, commonly referred to as plasterboard, is the main building material for wall, ceiling, and partition systems in houses, schools, and commercial buildings due to its fire-resistance intrinsic composition. Gypsum products are designed to give a monolithic surface when joints and fastener heads are treated with a joint treatment system. They also offer sound control, economy, adaptability, quality, and convenience.
Gypsum board is one of several gypsum panel products, as described in ASTM C11, Standard Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems, as "the general name for a family of sheet products consisting essentially of gypsum." This word refers to gypsum board, glass mat gypsum panels, abuse- and impact-resistant gypsum panels, and gypsum shaft liner panels.
In the United States and Canada, the gypsum board follows ASTM specification C 1396. This criterion must be satisfied regardless of whether the core is composed of natural or synthetic gypsum. The great majority of synthetic gypsum used in the industry is a byproduct of removing pollutants from the exhaust produced by the combustion of fossil fuels for power production. Nearly all of the fiber used in manufacturing gypsum board face and back paper is derived from newspaper and post-consumer waste.
ASTM standards oversee the production of gypsum boards and provide stringent requirements for strength, water resistance, and other properties. To make gypsum board, crushed natural or synthetic gypsum is heated or calcined to dehydrate the feedstock. The calcined gypsum is combined with water and additives to create a slurry between continuous layers of recycled paper on a longboard machine.
Gypsum wallboard, also known as Drywall and Sheetrock, is widely used in construction due to its simplicity of installation, familiarity, fire resistance, nontoxicity, and sound attenuation properties. This harmless product (essentially paper-covered calcium sulfate) has substantial environmental consequences since it is used on a large scale. Home building consumes an estimated 30 billion ft.2/year.
Moreover, the growth of commercial spaces such as offices, shopping streets, and healthcare units increases demand for gypsum boards, which create functional and aesthetic interiors. It is predicted that in 2030, approximately 70% of India's GDP will be attributed to cities. Altogether, the Indian construction industry market consists of over 250 subsectors, and one is linked to another. The expected number of the population (600 million) who will live in cities in 2030 and the construction of an additional 25 million middle-range and affordable housing units is anticipated. Most of the market growth is attributed to renovation and remodeling projects, which are frequently associated with substituting or improving old structures with new gypsum board solutions.
Wallboards, also known as plasterboard or plasterboard, are popular because of their simplicity of installation, adaptability, and ability to provide smooth, consistent surfaces for walls and partitions. Various developments enhance the adaptability of the material and its popularity among different categories. LightRoc gypsum plasterboard, for instance, is lighter than regular 1/2" plasterboard and is intended for use in wall and ceiling applications with spacing no greater than 24"o/c. LightRoc is permitted for use parallel or perpendicular to ceiling structures spaced up to 24" o/c, even when a hand-applied or water-based texture is used for decorating.
The wallboard category benefits greatly from the continued increase in building activity, both in new constructions and renovations, since wallboards provide practical solutions that match current design and performance criteria. Technological developments in gypsum board manufacture have improved their qualities, including increased fire resistance, acoustic insulation, and sustainability credentials, which align with severe regulatory standards.
For instance, ClassicRoc gypsum wallboard is the industry's favored product because of its consistently high-quality requirements. The wallboard panels are made of a fire-resistant gypsum core wrapped in 100% recycled natural-finish paper on the front and a durable liner paper on the back. The face paper is wrapped over the long edges to support and protect the core, while the ends are square-cut and polished smooth. The long edges of the panels are tapered, allowing joints to be strengthened and disguised using a joint compound system. As a result, the wallboard category stands out as a key driver of development in the gypsum board market, meeting the changing demands of builders, architects, and homeowners globally.
Rapid urbanization, population expansion, and rising disposable incomes in countries such as China, India, and Japan drive vigorous building activity. The demand for affordable housing and infrastructure development is driving the adoption of gypsum boards, which are required for interior walls, ceilings, and partitions due to their low cost, ease of installation, and superior performance characteristics such as fire resistance and sound insulation.
Additionally, India is a leading market in the housing business sector. Among the rapidly increasing sectors, the growth of this sector is backed by an enormous population base, growing income levels, and expanding urbanization. The Indian Constitution delegated responsibility for housing and urban development to the State Governments in the country's federal structure. Between April 2000 and December 2023, FDI in the construction development (townships, housing, built-up infrastructure, and construction development projects) and construction (infrastructure) activity sectors totaled USD 26.54 billion and USD 33.52 billion, respectively.
Nonetheless, China's 14th Five-Year Plan focuses on new infrastructure projects in transportation, energy, water systems, and urbanization. According to projections, the total investment in new infrastructure during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) would be over 27 trillion yuan ($4.2 trillion). Furthermore, severe construction rules and a rising awareness of sustainability encourage the usage of environment-friendly gypsum boards.
Besides this, technological developments in manufacturing methods, which improve product quality and durability, drive market expansion by meeting the diversified demands of the residential, commercial, and industrial building industries. For instance, as of November 2022, Construction began on the Tsukishima 3 Chome North District Town Redevelopment in Japan, which contains a 58-story, 199-meter-tall residential skyscraper on Monja Street with 1,285 apartments, retail, daycare, and elder care. Two complementing low-rise structures house 56 more flats and care services for disabled tenants. Overall, the Asia Pacific gypsum board market is expected to grow further as demand for efficient and sustainable building materials rises in the region's dynamic construction environment.