全球粗Tall oil衍生性商品市場:預測(2025-2030)Crude Tall Oil Derivatives Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
全球原油妥Tall oil衍生性商品市場規模預計將從2025年的15.25億美元成長到2030年的18.77億美元,複合年成長率為4.23%。
粗Tall oil(CTO)是牛皮紙漿的副產品,廣泛應用於各個領域。透過精製,CTO可用於生產多種產品,包括用於肥皂、清潔劑和潤滑劑的TOFA、用於粘合劑和油漆的Tall oil松香、用於建築的Tall oil瀝青以及作為燃料添加劑的Tall oil餾分生產有用的衍生物。這就需要更多地使用永續和可再生材料,從而增加 CTO 及其衍生物的使用。
由於黏合劑、油漆、被覆劑、個人護理和潤滑劑等所有行業對永續生物基化學品的需求不斷成長,粗妥Tall oil衍生性商品市場正在快速成長。這些衍生物源自紙漿和造紙工業的副產品,對環境友好,價格低廉,是石油基產品的首選替代品。此外,環保意識的增強和對可再生資源使用的嚴格監管導致其使用量顯著增加。
粗Tall oil衍生性商品市場促進因素
CTO衍生物廣泛應用於化學工業,被認為是市場成長的驅動力之一。 CTO 的衍生物,例如脂肪酸、松香和松節油,由於其特性和部分替代石油產品的潛力,已被應用於各種化學應用。從 CTO 中獲得的脂肪酸是一種很有前景的生物基界面活性劑生產原料。表面活性劑用於清洗家用和工業產品,例如清潔劑和肥皂。同時,印度化學工業已高度多元化,擁有超過 80,000 種商用產品。大致分為大宗化學品、特殊化學品、農藥、石化產品、聚合物及化學肥料。
粗Tall oil衍生性商品市場的地理展望
從地區來看,原油Tall oil衍生性商品市場分為北美、南美、歐洲、中東和非洲以及亞太地區。對永續生物基產品的需求不斷成長正在推動北美煤油衍生性商品市場的發展。支持可再生材料和減少碳排放的政府法規支持在化學品、黏合劑和被覆劑中使用 CTO。就此而言,到2022年,美國每年的可再生能源發電發電量將歷史上首次超過煤炭。 2025年,國內太陽能發電量預計將成長75%,風力發電量將成長11%。
該地區製漿造紙工業發達,並保證了原料CTO的持續供應。加工技術的改進提高了效率和成本,使CTO衍生品更具競爭力。此外,對永續性和環保替代品的日益關注也進一步推動了市場成長。這些因素推動了北美地區對 CTO 衍生性商品的龐大需求。
此外,鼓勵更環保、更永續的選擇的政府政策進一步推動了該市場的成長。此外,環保製造意識的增強也進一步推動了需求。這些因素的結合正在維持亞太地區 CTO 衍生性商品市場的成長。
The crude tall oil derivatives market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.23% from US$1.525 Billion in 2025 to US$1.877 Billion in 2030.
Crude tall oil (CTO) is a byproduct of the kraft pulping process, with applications in all spheres. By refining, CTO produces several useful derivatives, including TOFA, which finds application in soaps, detergents, and lubricants; tall oil rosin in adhesives and paints; tall oil pitch in construction; and tall oil distillates as fuel additives. This demands a more significant utilization of sustainable and renewable materials, hence the increased use of CTO and its derivatives.
Driven by the increasing demand for sustainable and bio-based chemicals within all industries, including adhesives, paints and coatings, personal care, and lubricants, the market for crude tall oil derivatives is on the upsurge. Derived from by-products of the pulp and paper industry, these derivatives are eco-friendly, cheap, and preferred substitutes to petroleum-based products. Moreover, its use has significantly increased due to high environmental consciousness and strict regulations regarding renewable resource utilization.
Crude tall oil derivatives market drivers
Derivatives of CTO feature considerable usage in the chemical industry and are considered one of the driving factors for market growth. Owing to their properties and potential for partial substitution of petroleum-derived products, derivatives from CTO, like fatty acids, rosins, and turpentine, are applicable in various chemical uses. Fatty acids obtained from CTO are a promising bio-based surfactant production feedstock. Surfactants are used to clean household and industry commodities, such as detergents and soaps. In line with this, the chemicals industry in India is highly diversified as it covers over 80,000 commercial products. It can broadly be classified as Bulk chemicals, Specialty chemicals, Agrochemicals, Petrochemicals, Polymers, and Fertilizers.
With the chemical industry looking for continuous bio-based alternatives for petroleum-derived chemicals, the option emerges concerning CTO derivatives, given their renewable nature and biodegradable qualities. Increased concerns toward sustainability and its overall shift toward circular economies only boost demand for CTO-derived chemicals, supporting the industry's objectives toward reducing carbon footprint and dependency on fossil fuels. This, therefore, drives the expansion of CTO derivative applications in various industries that stimulate market growth.
Crude tall oil derivatives market geographical outlook
Geography-wise, the crude tall oil derivatives market is divided into North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. Growing demand for sustainable, bio-based products across industries has been driving the North American CTO derivatives market. Government regulations favoring renewable materials and reducing carbon footprint support CTO use in chemicals, adhesives, and coatings. In this regard, in 2022, annual U.S. renewable energy generation surpassed coal for the first time in history. By 2025, domestic solar energy generation is expected to increase by 75% and wind by 11%.
The region's well-established pulp and paper industry guarantees a continuous supply of raw CTO. Improvements in processing technology result in better efficiency and lower costs, making CTO derivatives more competitive. Increasing focus on sustainability and green alternatives also boosts market growth further. These factors add to the huge demand for CTO derivatives in North America.
On the other hand, the Asia Pacific CTO derivatives market is spurred on by the increasing demand for sustainable, bio-based products from the chemical, coatings, and personal care industries. Growing emphasis on reducing dependence on fossil fuels and increasing environmental standards within the region supports the use of CTO. China, for instance, still generates about 70 percent of its electricity from fossil fuels, as renewable energy use lags behind installed capacity.
Additionally, government policies encouraging green and more sustainable alternatives further support this market's growth. Increasing awareness of eco-friendly manufacturing further drives demand. Together, these factors sustain the market growth for CTO derivatives in Asia Pacific.
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