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Tall oil脂肪酸(TOFA)的全球市場:預測(2025-2030)Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
全球Tall oil脂肪酸(TOFA)市場規模預計將以 5.67% 的複合年成長率成長,市場規模將從 2025 年的 646,858,000 美元達到 2030 年的 852,423,000 美元。
Tall oil脂肪酸 (TOFA) 是一種低成本不飽和脂肪酸,主要從粗Tall oil中獲得,粗妥爾油是造紙過程中的牛皮紙副產品。 TOFA是一種黏稠的黃黑色液體,主要含有油酸和亞麻油酸,具有多種工業用途,如肥皂、潤滑劑、醇酸樹脂、乳化劑、腐蝕抑制劑等。羧基和長碳鏈是其化學結構的典型特徵,並透過酯化和環氧化性質進一步改質。
Tall oil脂肪酸是許多化學反應和中間體的關鍵原料。它是一種純脂肪酸,松香酸含量低,在蒸餾過程中很難變成不皂化物。由於它生物分解性且用途廣泛,因此被認為是多種配方中牛脂脂肪酸的環保替代品。其應用包括金屬加工液、印刷油墨和塑化劑,展示了TOFA在化學工業中的重要性。 TOFA 的 CAS 編號為 61790-12-3,因其具有可增強所有最終用途行業產品性能的功能特性而聞名。
全球Tall oil脂肪酸(TOFA)市場的促進因素
石油和天然氣工業在為世界各地提供電力和其他用途的燃料方面發揮著重要作用。根據國際能源總署(IEA)預測,2023年原油產量為42億噸,液態天然氣產量為4.5億噸。石油消費量最高的產業是交通運輸業,2023年將達28億噸。非能源總消費量7億噸,住宅消費量2.5億噸。公司也增加鑽探作業以增加能源需求。例如,2024年1月,挪威為石油和天然氣公司核准了62個新的鑽探許可證,大幅增加了石油鑽探活動。這比 2022 年頒發的 47 個許可證大幅增加。預計這將推動產量達到 15 年來的最高水平,產量可能在 2025 年達到高峰。除了2023年鑽探的34口探勘井外,挪威大陸棚上總合27個新的石油和天然氣計劃正在開發中。探勘活動集中在巴倫支海,政府鼓勵公司在該地區進行更多探勘。挪威能源部長泰耶·阿斯蘭強調,這些突破對於歐洲穩定的能源供應商的就業和價值創造都非常重要。
全球Tall oil脂肪酸(TOFA)市場的地理前景
TOFA 的需求主要來自油漆和黏合劑等應用。由於終端客戶的需求不斷增加,該地區擴大樹脂和被覆劑生產的投資穩步增加。此外,該地區是中國、越南和印度等國家的所在地,這些國家的特點是擴大製造設施,預計將在預測期內推動市場成長。此外,公共和私營部門建築支出的增加預計將增加建築材料中對聚醯胺樹脂的需求,並支持 TOFA 市場的成長。政府對石油和天然氣產業的有利政策也吸引了主要市場參與者。例如,印度政府最近允許石油和天然氣行業的許多部門 100% 外國直接投資,包括石油產品和煉油廠。
The global tall oil fatty acid (TOFA) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.67%, reaching a market size of US$852.423 million in 2030 from US$646.858 million in 2025.
Tall oil fatty acid, or TOFA, is a low-cost unsaturated fatty acid, mainly sourced from crude tall oil, the byproduct of the kraft process of paper manufacture. Because TOFA is a viscous, yellow-black liquid, it contains mostly oleic and linoleic acids and has many industrial applications, including in soaps, lubricants, alkyd resins, emulsifiers, and corrosion inhibitors. A carboxyl group and long carbon chain are the typical features of its chemical structure, along with the esterification and epoxidation characteristics for further modifications.
The tall oil fatty acid is a prime raw material for many chemical reactions and intermediates. It is a pure fatty acid with a low level of rosin acids and a low level of unsaponifiable through the distillation process. It is considered to be biodegradable and versatile, thus serving as an eco-friendly substitute for tallow fatty acids in various formulations. Its use also encompasses metalworking fluids, printing inks, and plasticizers, indicating the importance of TOFA in the chemical industry. The CAS number of TOFA is 61790-12-3, and it is known for exhibiting functional properties that enhance the performances of products in all its end-user industries.
Global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) Market Drivers
The oil and gas industry holds a predominant role in furnishing fuel to the entire world for power as well as other purposes in terms of utilization. According to the International Energy Agency, in 2023, the quantity of crude oils and natural gas liquids produced was 4,200,000 kt and 450,000 kt, respectively. The industries that absorbed the highest oil consumption include transport, with 2,800,000 ktoe in 2023. Non-energy use has a total consumption of 700,000 ktoe, while residential consumption is 250,000 ktoe. Companies are also increasing their drilling operations to increase the energy demand. For instance, in January 2024, Norway significantly increased oil drilling activities by approving 62 new drilling licenses for oil and gas companies. This is a sharp rise from the 47 licenses issued in 2022. This is expected to take production levels to a 15-year high and is likely to peak in 2025. In total, 27 new oil and gas projects are being developed on the Norwegian shelf, besides 34 exploration wells spudded in 2023. Exploration is concentrated in the Barents Sea, where the government is urging companies to explore the area more. Norway's Minister of Energy, Terje Aasland, underlined that such breakthroughs are of great importance both for employment and value creation of stable energy suppliers to Europe.
Global Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) Market geographical outlook
The Asia Pacific region is expected to hold a significant market share due to the presence of major players coupled with established paint and coating industries in countries like China and India.
The demand for TOFA is primarily derived from its applications in coatings and adhesives, among others. As a result of the growing demand from end customers, the region has been witnessing a steady increase in investment to expand the production of resins and coatings. The region is also home to countries like China, Vietnam, and India, which are also characterized by expanding manufacturing facilities and are expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. In addition, rising construction spending by both public and private players is expected to boost demand for polyamide resins in construction materials, thereby boosting TOFA market growth. Favorable government policies in the oil and gas industry are also attracting major market players. For example, the government of India recently allowed 100% FDI in many segments of the oil and gas industry, including petroleum products and refineries, among others.
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