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全球滅鼠劑市場:預測(2025-2030)Rodenticides Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
隨著世界城市人口的增加,這些產業的需求預計將持續成長,從而推動各行業對滅鼠劑的需求,以減少產品損失。世界銀行在報告中指出,世界城市人口大幅增加。 2021年,世界城市人口達44.5億,2022年將增加至45.2億,2023年將增加至46億。
世界囓齒動物和老鼠數量大幅增加,對製造業、農業、食品和飲料以及醫療保健等多個行業的產品造成損害。美國國家害蟲防治協會在報告中稱,美國的老鼠數量顯著增加。根據該協會2022年12月的估計,加州受老鼠影響最嚴重,估計人口約2500萬,其次是紐約,約2,000萬。伊利諾伊州的老鼠總數估計為 800 萬隻,德克薩斯和佛羅裡達州分別約有 1500 萬隻和 1000 萬隻。
此外,印度農業部門越來越需要保護作物免受囓齒動物的侵擾,這進一步刺激了對滅鼠劑的需求。印度政府農業和農民福利部發布了 2022-23 年主要作物產量的最新估計。根據最終估計,糧食總產量創歷史新高,達到 329,687,000 噸,超過 2021-22 年創下的紀錄,當時糧食總產量約為 315,616,000 噸。 2022-23年油籽總產量預計為4135.5萬噸,比2021-2022年產量高出339.2萬噸,而2022-2023年該國甘蔗產量預計為9053萬噸左右。產量的增加增加了對用於保護農作物的殺鼠劑的需求。據估計,該國每年因老鼠而損失 240 至 2600 萬噸糧食。
The rodenticides market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.09% over the forecast period, increasing from US$1,648.283 million in 2025 to US$2,108.255 million by 2030.
Rodenticide is a type of chemical that is specially formulated to kill rodents or rats. Rodenticides are also commonly referred to as rat poison, and they offer multiple benefits to the users, as it is easy to use. They are used across multiple industries, like food & beverage, warehousing, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and household. They are a useful chemical as they prevent the loss of products from storage by the rat infestation.
Rapid urbanization and development of industries such as pharmaceutical, food and beverage, warehousing, and logistics have also contributed to growth in the global rodenticide market. With expansion in all these industries, efficient and safe operation is highly necessary, which further helps to mitigate the dangers caused by rodents. Infestations lead to such tremendous losses, such as goods' damage, contamination of the product, and disturbance of operations in the supply chain; this makes rodent control critical.
Additionally, intense health and safety requirements imposed across industries are compelling businesses to make efficient rodent management solution applications, which further boosts demand for rodenticides. The growing population in the world and urban migration only add to the problem since dense urban centers provide ideal habitats for rodents. Advanced rodenticides with targeted formulations and eco-friendly properties are also gaining ground, which addresses both effectiveness and environmental concerns. This is driving the market steadily, as industrial growth, regulatory pressure, and innovation in rodenticide products are factors that fuel this growth.
With the increase in the global urban population, the demand for these industries is estimated to propel, pushing the need for rodenticide across industries to reduce the loss of the products. The World Bank, in its report, stated that the global urban population witnessed massive growth. The organization stated that in 2021, the total urban population of the globe was recorded at 4.45 billion, which grew to 4.52 billion in 2022 and 4.6 billion in 2023.
Global rodenticides market drivers
One of the major factors driving the global rodenticide market's growth is the increasing population of rodents worldwide. With the increase in the global rodent population, the damage to products across multiple sectors is estimated to grow, pushing the need for rodenticides.
The global rodent or rat population increased significantly, which caused damage to the products of multiple industries, like manufacturing, agriculture, food & beverages, and healthcare. The National Pest Management Association, in its report, stated that in the US, the population of rats increased significantly. The association, in its December 2022 estimates, stated that California is mostly affected by rats, with an estimated rat population of about 25 million, followed by New York, which consists of about 20 million rats. Texas and Florida have about 15 million and 10 million rats, respectively, whereas the total rat population in Illinois was estimated at 8 million.
Rodenticides market Geographical Outlook
The market for rodenticides in India has been steadily growing through the years owing to the increase in urbanization requiring more food production and supportive government policies. The stringent government regulations aimed at controlling and ending the spread of diseases as well as ensuring public health. Under this regulation, businesses and households are required to maintain effective pest control measures. Moreover, Government programs to improve crop yields and reduce post-harvest losses are popularizing the use of rodenticides among farmers in the region.
Moreover, the growing need to have crops saved from rodent infestation in India's agriculture sector is adding more to the range of rodenticides demand. The Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, has announced the latest estimates for Major Crop Production 2022-23. According to these final estimates, total foodgrain production reached a new high at 3,296.87 Lakh tonnes, which surpasses the previous record achieved in 2021-22, where total foodgrains were around 3,156.16 Lakh tonnes. The total oilseed production of the country for 2022-23 is estimated at 413.55 Lakh tonnes, which is higher by 33.92 Lakh tonnes than the production of 2021-2022, while sugarcane production in the country is estimated to be around 4,905.33 Lakh tons in 2022-2023.This expansion in production fuels the requirement for rodenticides to protect crops, as rodents cause the annual loss of foodgrains in the country estimated at 2.4 million to 26 million tons.
In addition, with the development of the country's economy, construction in sectors such as meal processing, warehousing, and hospitality industries is on the rise. The resulting new habitats create attractions for rodents. More and more storage and processing of food products and expansion of the infrastructure in urban areas contribute to increased rodent infestations and create a greater demand for pest control solutions. Consequently, this will drive the demand for rodenticides to ensure compliance with health and safety standards, protect stored goods, and maintain the operational integrity of these facilities in the coming years.
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