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電子召車市場 – 2025 年至 2030 年預測E-Hailing Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
此外,根據 Our World Data 的都市化報告,城市人口成長速度更快,預計將從 2022 年的 43.8 億增加到 2030 年的 51.7 億。此外,到2050年,預計全球三分之二以上的人口將居住在都市區,而且所有國家的都市區地區所佔比例預計都會大幅增加。這種成長需要更方便、更實惠的交通途徑,從而促進了市場的成長。
此外,根據ACEA 2023年5月全球新車註冊量報告顯示,2022年印度新車註冊量為4,741輛,較2021年的3,820輛成長24.1%。全球每年售出約 8,200 萬輛汽車。歐盟 (EU) 佔所有汽車註冊量的 13.3%,每年售出約 1,100 萬輛新車。
此外,領先公司開發永續交通途徑(例如電子召車平台上的電動車)的舉措可能會成為未來幾年的重要趨勢。例如,2022 年,Uber 將其乘車平台上的電動車數量增加了兩倍,實現了讓 3,100 萬獨特乘客乘坐電動車的里程碑。這也符合該公司到 2040 年成為北美和歐洲零排放移動平台的承諾。
然而,隨著電動車變得越來越流行,隨著電動車擴大融入叫車車隊並滿足具有環保意識的客戶的需求,預計該國的電子叫車市場將蓬勃發展。例如,特斯拉 Model 3 和 Model Y 等汽車被認為是叫車公司的首選,主要是因為它們配備了先進的技術功能。
The global e-hailing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 23.12% over the forecast period, from US$114.981 billion in 2025 to US$325.345 billion by 2030.
E-hailing services involve the service provider booking passenger vehicles by using any electronic applications such as smartphones, tab, or laptops. Such services have provided an easy-to-use mode-transportation since users can get a ride anywhere within minutes. The growing traffic congestion in countries has negatively impacted the scale of owning private vehicles, which is accelerating the demand and usage of e-hailing services. Further, the upsurge in internet penetration in coordination with the growing technological advancements has potentially propelled the market expansion. According to the World Population Review, around 4.9 billion individuals worldwide were actively using the Internet in 2022, which accounts for 69% of the total population and a yearly rise of 4% in new Internet users.
Additionally, according to Our World Data report on Urbanization, the urban population is rising at a higher rate and is estimated to rise from 4.38 billion in 2022 to 5.17 billion by 2030. Further, urban regions are predicted to become the home of over two-thirds of the world's population by 2050, with urban area shares estimated to rise largely across all nations. This increase will demand more convenient and affordable transportation options, contributing to a rise in the market.
Furthermore, the increased consumer convenience with easy mobility options provided through e-hailing has made mobility companies expand their services through investments and new launches in other regions.
Global e-hailing market drivers
The growing number of vehicles on the road, improper public transport availability, and poor driving habits are some of the common causes of traffic congestion. Growing population coupled with rapid urbanization are expected to further increase the scale of traffic congestion, especially in major countries such as the USA, India, and China. According to the World Bank's data, in 2022, India's urban population stood at 508.37 million, while China also recorded a rise in its urban population to 897.58 million in 2022.
Moreover, according to the ACEA report on World new motor vehicle registrations of May 2023, India had a constant increase of 24.1%, with 4,741 new vehicle units registered in 2022, a rise from 3,820 units in 2021. In addition, about 82 million motor vehicles are sold worldwide every year. The European Union accounted for 13.3% of all motor vehicle registrations, with about 11 million new vehicles sold yearly.
In addition, e-hailing enables passengers to travel from their homes to workplaces and vice-versa at a much lower rate and greater convenience. Owing to this, the need to use personal transport for traveling is expected to witness slow growth, thereby reducing the overall number of personal vehicles on the road and reducing traffic congestion. Such benefits provided by e-hailing will positively impact the market demand in major economies such as India and China.
Global e-hailing market geographical outlook
Geography-wise, the market of Global e-hailings is divided into North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The growth of e-hailing services in developed economies such as the United States will be impacted in a significant manner with increased adoption of the internet and higher proliferation of devices such as smartphones. Further, the rising demand for on-demand services serves as a perfect substitute for customers who look for alternatives to rental cars or other traditional modes. Therefore, this will result in lucrative prospects for ride-sharing across the country till the projected period.
Furthermore, efforts by major companies to develop sustainable modes of transportation, such as electric vehicles on their e-hailing platforms, are likely to emerge as a key trend in upcoming years. For instance, in 2022, Uber tripled the number of electric vehicles on its riding platform in regards to its milestone of connecting 31 million unique riders with a ride in electric vehicles. This also aligns with the company's commitment to emerge as a zero-emission mobility platform in North America and Europe regions by 2040.
Moreover, in 2024, Minneapolis, United States, announced a deal with Uber and Lyft related to an increase in driver wages and improved working conditions. Such interventions will attract more drivers to participate in e-hailing platforms, thereby expanding services for customers.
Additionally, according to the National Automobile Dealers Association's estimate, the new vehicle share in total dealership sales in the country has increased and reached 53.6% in 2023 compared to 49.7% in 2022. With the rise in new vehicle ownership across the country, e-hailing services in the country will expand, contributing to market growth until the forecast period.
Nonetheless, with the growth of EV popularity, the e-hailing market will get a boost in the country with greater integration of EVs into ride-hailing fleets, thereby catering to the needs of environment-conscious customers. For instance, Tesla vehicles such as Model 3 and Model Y are known to be the most preferred choice among e-hailing companies mainly due to their inclusion of advanced technological features.
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