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量子計算市場:預測(2025-2030)Quantum Computing Market - Forecasts from 2025 to 2030 |
預計到 2025 年,量子計算市場規模將達到 1,793,245,000 美元,複合年成長率預計為 31.64%,到 2030 年將達到 7,088,133,000 美元。
量子理論在電腦科學中的應用被稱為量子計算。這與使用電子和光子等基本粒子的想法有關。所有這些都屬於量子計算。有了這些量子位元(qubit),粒子可以同時在兩種狀態下變化。傳統電腦使用二進位電訊號系統來表示位元(1 和 0)資訊。與量子計算相比,這限制了可以處理的資訊量。
此外,各國政府在量子運算創新上投入巨資,反映出對該技術不斷成長的需求。例如,2022 年 11 月,德國航太中心 (DLR) 呼籲提出利用固體自旋改進量子運算的提案。該舉措的重點是在四年內建立量子電腦模型。第一個子計劃旨在打造現成的可運輸示範車,目標於 2023 年完成。第二個子計劃是創建和建構基於固體自旋的量子處理器模型。該框架將分幾步擴展到 50 個量子位元以上。這個為期三年半的計畫專注於推進量子創新數位化。
此外,聯邦內閣於2023年4月19日宣布核准2023-24年至2030-31年的國家量子任務(NQM),耗資600.365億盧比。任務的目的是促進科學和機械研究與發展,創造動態的動態環境,加速動態主導的經濟發展。該任務的重點是利用超導性和光子創新等步驟,在八年內創建具有 50 至 1,000 個物理量子位元的中型量子電腦。
這還可以透過領先公司和組織加強策略合作來開發更高品質的計算解決方案。例如,來自芬蘭的一個高階團隊將於 2022 年 12 月訪問位於普納的高級運算開發中心(C-DAC),並就量子技術、高效能運算-量子整合和應用潛力等主題進行雙邊研究。
The Quantum Computing market is estimated at US$1,793.245 million in 2025 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 31.64% to attain US$7,088.133 million by 2030.
The application of Quantum theory in computer science is known as quantum computing. It is related to the idea of using subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons. It all falls under quantum computing. Armed with these quantum bits, or qubits, the particles could vary in two states at once. Conventional computers use a binary operation of electric signals to represent information in terms of bits (1 and 0). This limits the amount of information that can be processed by them as compared to quantum computing.
Moreover, quantum computing can separate the potential solutions from the challenging problems, and reduce everything to a manageable power. Additionally, they have a major role in diverse industries from security to banking, military intelligence, drug discovery, aircraft designs, utilities (nuclear fusion), polymer design, and machine learning processes; merging artificial intelligence responding triggers big data search & digital manufacturing. They could be used to enhance encrypted information transfer or for better missile/airplane recognition by radars.
Additionally, the quantum computing market will experience expansion during the forecasted period due to various variables including the government investing in quantum technologies by providing subsidies as well as collaborating with private organizations and corporations. Additionally, the advanced quantum technologies used in large-scale optimization are also rising for multiple sectors for faster quantum algorithm performance results.
Quantum computing market drivers
Governments around the world recognize the vital significance of quantum innovation, which has the potential to revolutionize different businesses. Major ventures are being made in quantum research and advancement, supporting the improvement of new equipment, programs, and algorithms. Government initiatives have been set up to cultivate advancement and maintain innovative administration. Collaborations between governments and private companies can quicken the improvement and commercialization of quantum computing applications. Governments are given subsidizing, infrastructure, and expertise, whereas private companies contribute their innovative capabilities and market information.
Moreover, governments are spending majorly on quantum computing innovation, which reflects the growing demand for the technology. For instance, in November 2022, The German Aerospace Center (DLR) called for proposals for the improvement of quantum computing with solid-state spins. The initiative focuses on constructing models of quantum computers over four years. The primary sub-project aimed at a transportable demonstrator for preparation was aimed to be completed by 2023. The second sub-project was to create and construct a model of a quantum processor based on solid-state spins. The framework is extended to 50 qubits or more over several phases. The venture, which ran for three and a half years, focused on progressing quantum innovation and digitalization.
Additionally, the Union Cabinet announced the approval of the National Quantum Mission (NQM) on 19th April 2023, costing Rs. 6003.65 crore from 2023-24 to 2030-31. The mission objective is to propel scientific and mechanical R&D, make a dynamic QT environment, and quicken QT-led economic development. The mission focuses on creating intermediate-scale quantum computers with 50-1000 physical qubits in 8 years utilizing stages like superconducting and photonic innovation.
This could also lead to better quality computing solutions getting developed due to more strategic collaborations happening by major players and organizations. As an example of this, a high-level team from Finland visited the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune in December 2022 to explore potential areas and opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the following thematic segments on quantum technologies, HPC-quantum integration, and applications.
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