
PLK 標靶治療的全球市場:市場機會、臨床試驗趨勢(2024 年)

Global PLK Targeted Therapies Market Opportunity & Clinical Trials Insight 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: KuicK Research | 英文 84 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內

Polo 樣激□ (PLK) 是一組絲胺酸/蘇胺酸激□,在各種細胞過程中發揮重要作用,包括細胞週期調節、有絲分裂、DA 損傷反應和胞質分裂。 由於其在這些重要過程中的作用,PLK 已成為癌症和其他疾病的有前途的治療標靶。 儘管 PLK 標靶療法市場仍處於起步階段,但多家製藥公司正在投資研究,旨在改善多種常見疾病的治療。

PLK 控制細胞週期的幾個步驟,包括有絲分裂、中心體成熟、紡錘體形成、染色體分離和胞質分裂。 它還涉及 DNA 損傷反應和檢查點控制系統。 在各種癌症類型中都觀察到 PLK 的過度表現和失調,導致細胞增殖失控、基因組不穩定以及對化療和放療的抗藥性。 抑制 PLK 會誘導有絲分裂災難,導致癌細胞週期停滯和細胞凋亡。

還有新的證據表明,PLK可能參與免疫細胞功能和發炎的調節,並有可能在狼瘡、類風濕性關節炎和多發性硬化症等自體免疫疾病中發揮作用,已成為治療靶點。 此外,一些病毒,如人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),會劫持宿主的PLK 進行複製並引起疾病,而針對PLK 的治療可以破壞這些過程,有人認為抑制病毒可能會發揮作用。

PLK標靶治療在製藥業的前景看好。 持續的研究和開發、新藥發現技術和臨床進展預計將推動下一代 PLK 標靶治療的開發,提高療效和安全性。 PLK抑制劑可與其他抗癌藥物合併使用,以提高治療效果並克服抗藥性機制。 此外,隨著我們對各種癌症和疾病的遺傳和分子譜的了解不斷加深,PLK 標靶療法可能會使用生物標記和遺傳指紋來針對特定患者群體進行客製化。

本報告檢視了全球 PLK 標靶治療市場,並提供了市場概況,包括藥物趨勢、臨床試驗趨勢、區域趨勢以及進入市場的公司的競爭格局。



第2章 PLK 標靶治療簡介

第3章 PLK 標靶治療的臨床方法

  • 小分子抑制劑
  • RNA幹擾
  • 反義寡核甘酸
  • PROTAC分解器


  • 癌症
  • 微生物感染
  • 自體免疫疾病

第5章 PLK標靶治療的合併策略

  • 與化療合併使用
  • 與免疫療法結合
  • 與標靶治療結合

第6章 PLK 標靶治療市場概述

  • 當前市場趨勢
  • 未來商業化的前景

第7章 PLK 標靶治療市場動態

  • 市場驅動因素與機遇
  • 市場挑戰與限制因素


  • 愛別
  • 依國家/地區
  • 按公司
  • 依指示
  • 依優先權
  • 患者部分

第 9 章依公司、國家和適應症對 PLK 標靶治療臨床試驗的考量

  • 研究
  • 臨床前
  • 第一階段
  • 第一/二期
  • 第二階段
  • 第三階段


  • Biogenera
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Cardiff Oncology
  • Cyclacel Pharmaceutical
  • Korea United Pharm
  • ORIC Pharmaceuticals
  • Pdx Pharmaceuticals
  • Repare Therapeutics
  • SillaJen Biotherapeutics
  • Treadwell Therapeutics

Global PLK Targeted Therapies Market Opportunity & Clinical Trials Insight 2024 Report Highlights:

  • PLK Targeted Therapies In Clinical Trials: > 10 Therapies
  • USA Domination PLK Therapies Clinical Development Landscape: > 5 Therapies
  • Breast Cancer Targeted Therapies In Clinical Trials: > 5 Therapies
  • PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication & Phase
  • Insight On Key Companies Involved In Development Of PLK Therapies
  • PLK Targeted Therapy Combination Strategies With Chemotherapies, Immunotherapies & Targeted Therapies

Polo-like kinases (PLKs) are a group of serine/threonine kinases that play important roles in a variety of cellular processes, including cell cycle regulation, mitosis, DA damage response, and cytokinesis. Because of their role in these crucial processes, PLKs have emerged as promising therapeutic targets in cancer and other diseases. Though the market for PLK targeted therapies is still in its early stages, several pharmaceutical companies are investing in their research with the objective of improving the treatment of a variety of common ailments.

PLKs regulate several stages of the cell cycle, including mitosis, centrosome maturation, spindle assembly, chromosomal segregation, and cytokinesis. They also take part in DNA damage response and checkpoint control systems. Overexpression and dysregulation of PLKs have been observed in various types of cancer, contributing to uncontrolled cell proliferation, genomic instability, and resistance to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Inhibition of PLKs can induce mitotic catastrophe, leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells.

Emerging evidence also suggests that PLKs may be involved in the regulating of immune cell function and inflammation, making them potential targets for autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Further, some viruses, like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV), hijack host PLKs for their replication and pathogenesis, suggesting that PLK targeted therapies may have antiviral effects by dampening these processes.

As a result of these growing investigations, various small molecule inhibitors of PLKs have been found and are being developed, with some currently in clinical trials. Onvansertib, a PLK1 inhibitor developed by Cardiff Oncology, is currently the most advanced candidate in clinical trials. Onvansertib is being studied in a phase 2 trial to determine its safety and efficacy in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) who have not responded to or are unable to tolerate chemotherapy. Aside from being researched in several solid malignancies, Onvansertib is currently undergoing a phase 1 trial to determine its efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with recurrent or refractory chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.

Other candidates in the pipeline include RP-1664 and BAL0891, which are being assessed in solid cancers and CFI-400945, being studied for various hematological cancers. The progression of these candidates through the pipeline reflects the growing interest and confidence in PLK targeted therapies.

In addition to small molecule inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides and PROTACs (proteolysis-targeting chimeras) are being investigated as potential PLK targets. Antisense oligonucleotides can selectively reduce PLK mRNA expression, whereas PROTACs cause proteasomal breakdown of PLK proteins, providing alternative methods to conventional kinase inhibitors. While these methods have shown promise in research and preclinical trials, their clinical implementation has proven difficult for a variety of reasons. However, ongoing research seeks to create more selective and powerful alternatives with better safety profiles.

As interest in PLK targeted therapies grows, pharmaceutical companies will have an opportunity to create and commercialize innovative PLK inhibitors or other PLK-targeting modalities. PLK inhibitors, degraders, and silencers have the potential to meet unmet medical needs in cancer, autoimmune disorders, and viral diseases, making them a valuable market opportunity. Established pharmaceutical corporations may seek alliances and partnerships with academic institutions or biotech companies to work on PLK targeted therapies, leveraging their experience and accelerating the development of novel treatments.

Looking ahead, the future of PLK targeted therapies in the pharmaceutical sector is promising. Continued research efforts, novel drug discovery techniques, and clinical advances will propel the development of next-generation PLK targeted therapies with enhanced efficacy and safety profiles. PLK inhibitors may be used in combination with other anticancer treatments to improve therapeutic efficacy and overcome resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, as our understanding of the genetic and molecular profiles of various cancers and disorders grows, PLK-targeted therapies may be customized to specific patient populations using biomarkers or genetic fingerprints.

In conclusion, PLK targeted therapies are a rapidly developing field with revolutionary promise across a wide range of disease areas. While significant progress has been made in the development of small molecule inhibitors and alternative modalities targeting PLKs, ongoing research and clinical trials are required to address challenges and unlock the full potential of this promising therapeutic approach. As research progresses and clinical data accumulate, the pharmaceutical industry is poised to capitalize on the therapeutic promise of PLK inhibition, shaping the future landscape of precision medicine and patient care.

Table of Contents

1. Research Methodology

2. Introduction to PLK Targeted Therapy

  • 2.1 Overview
  • 2.2 Development & Evolution

3. PLK Targeted Therapy Clinical Approaches

  • 3.1 Small Molecule Inhibitors
  • 3.2 RNA Interference
  • 3.3 Antisense Oligonucleotides
  • 3.4 PROTAC Degraders

4. PLK Targeted Therapy Clinical Application by Indication

  • 4.1 Cancer
    • 4.1.1 Overview
    • 4.1.2 Ongoing Research & Development
  • 4.2 Microbial Infections
  • 4.3 Autoimmune Diseases

5. PLK Targeted Therapy Combination Strategies

  • 5.1 Combination with Chemotherapies
  • 5.2 Combination with Immunotherapies
  • 5.3 Combination with Targeted Therapies

6. PLK Targeted Therapies Market Overview

  • 6.1 Current Market Trends
  • 6.2 Future Commercialization Outlook

7. PLK Targeted Therapies Market Dynamics

  • 7.1 Market Drivers & Opportunities
  • 7.2 Market Challenges & Restraints

8. Global PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Trials Overview

  • 8.1 By Phase
  • 8.2 By Country
  • 8.3 By Company
  • 8.4 By Indication
  • 8.5 By Priority Status
  • 8.6 Patient Segment

9. PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Trials insight By Company, Country & Indication

  • 9.1 Research
  • 9.2 Preclinical
  • 9.3 Phase I
  • 9.4 Phase I/II
  • 9.5 Phase II
  • 9.6 Phase III

10. Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1 Biogenera
  • 10.2 Boehringer Ingelheim
  • 10.3 Cardiff Oncology
  • 10.4 Cyclacel Pharmaceutical
  • 10.5 Korea United Pharm
  • 10.6 ORIC Pharmaceuticals
  • 10.7 Pdx Pharmaceuticals
  • 10.8 Repare Therapeutics
  • 10.9 SillaJen Biotherapeutics
  • 10.10 Treadwell Therapeutics

List of Figures

  • Figure 2-1: Some Biological Functions of PLKs
  • Figure 2-2: PLK-Targeted Therapies - Chronology of Events
  • Figure 4-1: Rigosertib Early Phase 1 (NCT04177498) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-2: Rigosertib Phase 1/2a (NCT04263090) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-3: Rigosertib Phase 2 (NCT05764395) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-4: Onvansertib Phase 2 (NCT06106308) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-5: Onvansertib Phase 2 (NCT05450965) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-6: Onvansertib Phase 1 (NCT05549661) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-7: Ocifisertib Phase 1/2 (NCT04730258) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-8: Ocifisertib Phase 2 (NCT03624543) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-9: Ocifisertib Phase 1 (NCT03187288) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-10: RP-1664 Phase 1 (NCT06232408) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-11: Plogosertib Phase 1 (NCT05358379) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 4-12: BAL0891 Phase 1 (NCT05768932) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 6-1: PLK Targeted Therapies - Future Opportunities
  • Figure 7-1: PLK Targeted Therapies Market - Drivers & Opportunities
  • Figure 7-2: PLK Targeted Therapies Market - Challenges & Restraints
  • Figure 8-1: Global - PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Country (Numbers), 2024
  • Figure 8-2: Global - PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Country (Numbers), 2024
  • Figure 8-3: PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Company (Numbers), 2024
  • Figure 8-4: Global - PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Indication (Numbers), 2024
  • Figure 8-5: Global - PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Fast Track Designation (Numbers), 2024
  • Figure 8-6: Global - PLK Targeted Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Patient Segment (Numbers), 2024

List of Tables

  • Table 5-1: PLK Inhibitor & Chemotherapy Combinations in Clinical Trials, April'2024