
全球 VISTA 抑制劑市場:臨床試驗和市場機會洞察 (2024)

Global VISTA Inhibitor Clinical Trials & Market Opportunity Insight 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: KuicK Research | 英文 96 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


隨著研究和開發領域的發展、技術的進步和研究人員知識庫的增加,人們發現許多蛋白質在許多疾病的發生和進展中發揮核心作用。其中,免疫檢查點蛋白因其在抑制抗癌免疫反應中發揮作用而引起人們的關注,並已成為一個有希望的治療標靶。 VISTA 蛋白是最新發現的檢查點蛋白之一,具有區別於其他檢查點蛋白的特殊特性,並顯示出治療癌症和發炎性疾病的潛力。因此,VISTA 已成為多項研究的主題,製藥公司正在透過開發針對 VISTA 的藥物來補充這些努力。

T 細胞活化的 V 結構域 Ig 抑制因子,通常稱為 VISTA,是一種免疫檢查點蛋白,對免疫系統發揮抑制和刺激作用。已知的其他免疫檢查點僅能負向調節免疫反應,而後者正是 VISTA 的獨特之處。抑制 VISTA 的抑制功能已成為癌症治療的顯著方法,而 VISTA 的免疫系統刺激功能已在小鼠模型中得到廣泛研究。

根據這些研究,製藥和生技公司正在專注於開發 VISTA 的治療介入措施,主要用於癌症治療。然而,該領域並非沒有課題,許多課題已退出臨床開發。然而,新一代 VISTA 抑制劑正在開發中,以解決這些候選藥物的缺點。

本報告調查了全球 VISTA 抑制劑市場,並提供了市場概況,包括藥物趨勢、臨床試驗趨勢、區域趨勢以及進入市場的公司競爭格局。


第 1 章 VISTA:新的免疫檢查點

第 2 章 VISTA 作為抑制檢查點和共刺激檢查點的雙重作用


  • VlSTA 在促進癌症進展中的作用
  • VISTA 是一種潛在的癌症生物標記
  • VISTA 作為自體免疫疾病的治療標靶


  • 當前市場狀況
  • 未來的臨床和商業化機會

第 5 章 VISTA 標靶治療的趨勢與臨床創新(依適應症)

  • 肺癌
  • 膀胱癌
  • 大腸癌
  • 血癌
  • 自體免疫疾病、發炎性疾病、微生物性疾病、過敏性疾病

第 6 章 VISTA 標靶治療趨勢與臨床創新(依地區)

  • 印度
  • 澳大利亞
  • 美國
  • 歐洲


  • 依國家/地區
  • 依藥物類別
  • 依指示
  • 依組織
  • 愛別

第 8 章洞察全球 VISTA 抑制劑臨床試驗(依公司、國家、適應症、階段劃分)

  • 臨床前
  • 第一階段
  • 第一/二期
  • 第三階段


  • 市場驅動因素與機遇
  • 市場課題與限制因素


  • Adimab
  • Aurigene Discovery Technologies
  • Curis
  • Hummingbird Bioscience
  • Kineta
  • Korea Drug Development Fund
  • Merck
  • Pierre Fabre
  • PharmAbcine
  • Sensei Biotherapeutics

Global VISTA Inhibitor Clinical Trials & Market Opportunity Insight 2024 Report Highlights:

  • Global VISTA Inhibitors Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication & Phase
  • VISTA Inhibitors Clinical Trials: 8 Drugs
  • US Dominating VISTA Inhibitors Clinical Trials Landscape: 5 Drugs
  • Global VISTA Inhibitors Market Trends & Clinical Innovation
  • Competitive Landscape: Insight On 10 Companies
  • Future Clinical & Commercialization Opportunities

With evolution in the research and development domain, along with technological advancements and the increasing knowledge bank of researchers, a number of proteins have been discovered to play central roles in development and progression of many diseases. Among these, immune checkpoint proteins have especially gained attention for their role in suppressing anti-cancer immune responses and have emerged as promising therapeutic targets. The VISTA protein is one of the newest checkpoint proteins to be discovered, which has showed potential in treating both cancer and inflammatory diseases because of its extraordinary properties that make it different from its fellow checkpoint proteins. As a result, it has become the subject of several research studies, with pharmaceutical companies complementing these efforts with the development of drugs targeting VISTA.

V-domain Ig suppressor of T cell activation, commonly known as VISTA, is an immune checkpoint protein which exerts both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on the immune system. Other identified immune checkpoints are only known to negatively regulate immune responses, which is why the latter makes VISTA unique. Blocking its inhibitory functions has emerged as a hot approach in the treatment of cancer, while its immune system stimulatory functions have been explored widely in murine models.

With these research studies serving as the foundation, several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have been focusing on the development of therapeutic interventions that target the VISTA, mainly for the management of cancer, given that most clinical studies were conducted to elucidate its role in cancer. However, the field has not been without challenges, with many candidates being withdrawn from clinical development. However, new generation VISTA inhibitors are being developed to address the shortcomings of these candidates.

CA-170, developed by Aurigene Oncology and Curis, marks a significant advancement in the landscape of VISTA-targeted therapies. CA-170 is a first-in-class oral small molecule that directly targets both PD-1/PD-L1 and VISTA pathways. It is currently undergoing phase 2/3 clinical trials in India for the management of non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer, making it the candidate farthest ahead in the pipeline of VISTA-targeted therapies. While CA-170 has shown anti-tumor activity in multiple preclinical models, results from these ongoing clinical trials are yet to be revealed by Aurigene or Curis.

In addition to Aurigene and Curis, several research institutes, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are actively pursuing VISTA inhibitors; these include Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Kineta, Sensei Biotherapeutics, Washington University among others. Therefore, the current market for VISTA targeted therapies is witnessing a high level of competition and innovation, albeit with smaller companies dominating and larger companies waiting for breakthroughs before making their way into the market.

At present, cancer, mainly solid tumors, are dominating the research and development landscape of VISTA-targeted therapies. However, ongoing research has also associated the functions of VISTA with autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, wherein aberrant immune system activation damages tissue. This can however, with averted with the use of VISTA agonists, which can help expand the potential of VISTA as a therapeutic target to diseases mediated by the immune system. Additionally, modulation of VISTA activity has also been linked to viral infection through research findings indicating the VISTA plays a role in regulating the immune responses in viral infections. Therefore, as research findings continue linking VISTA functions to new indications, it becomes increasingly evident that researchers are yet to unravel the complexities of VISTA.

In conclusion, the landscape of VISTA-targeted therapeutics is characterized by active research, early-stage clinical development, and growing interest from both the scientific community and the pharmaceutical sector. As research progresses, VISTA inhibitors emerge as a beacon of innovation, holding up hope not only for cancer treatments but also for viral infections, autoimmune illnesses, and other ailments.

Table of Contents

1. VISTA: An Emerging Immune Checkpoint

  • 1.1 Introduction to VISTA Inhibition
  • 1.2 Structure & Biology Of VISTA Protein
  • 1.3 Mechanism of Action of VISTA Inhibitors
  • 1.4 VISTA Inhibition v/s Conventional Immune Checkpoints Inhibitors

2. Dual Role of VISTA as Inhibitory & Costimulatory Checkpoint

  • 2.1 VISTA as Inhibitory Immune Checkpoint
  • 2.2 VISTA as Costimulatory Checkpoint

3. Significance of VISTA

  • 3.1 Role of VlSTA in Facilitating Cancer Progression
  • 3.2 VISTA as Potential Cancer Biomarker
  • 3.3 VISTA as Therapeutic Target in Autoimmunity

4. Global VISTA Inhibitors Market Trends & Clinical Innovation

  • 4.1 Current Market Scenario
  • 4.2 Future Clinical & Commercialization Opportunities

5. VISTA Targeted Therapies Trends & Clinical Innovation by Indication

  • 5.1 Lung Cancer
  • 5.2 Bladder Cancer
  • 5.3 Colorectal Cancer
  • 5.4 Hematological Cancers
  • 5.5 Autoimmune, Inflammatory, Microbial, & Allergic Disorders

6. VISTA Targeted Therapies Trends & Clinical Innovation By Region

  • 6.1 India
  • 6.2 Australia
  • 6.3 US
  • 6.4 Europe

7. Global VISTA Inhibitors Clinical Trials Overview

  • 7.1 By Country
  • 7.2 By Drug Class
  • 7.3 By Indication
  • 7.4 By Organization
  • 7.5 By Phase

8. Global VISTA Inhibitors Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication & Phase

  • 8.1 Preclinical
  • 8.2 Phase - I
  • 8.3 Phase - I/II
  • 8.4 Phase - III

9. Global VISTA Inhibitors Market Dynamics

  • 9.1 Market Drivers & Opportunities
  • 9.2 Market Challenges & Restraints

10. Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1 Adimab
  • 10.2 Aurigene Discovery Technologies
  • 10.3 Curis
  • 10.4 Hummingbird Bioscience
  • 10.5 Kineta
  • 10.6 Korea Drug Development Fund
  • 10.7 Merck
  • 10.8 Pierre Fabre
  • 10.9 PharmAbcine
  • 10.10 Sensei Biotherapeutics

List of Figures

  • Figure 1-1: VISTA Protein - Structure
  • Figure 1-2: VISTA - Binding Partners
  • Figure 1-3: VISTA Inhibition - Basic Mechanism
  • Figure 1-4: VISTA Inhibition - Edge Over Conventional Checkpoint Inhibition
  • Figure 4-1: VISTA Inhibitors - Current Market Landscape
  • Figure 4-2: VISTA Inhibitor - Key Players
  • Figure 5-1: Pierre Fabre Laboratories - K01401-020 (W0180) Research Study
  • Figure 5-2: CA-170 - Clinical Trial Insights
  • Figure 5-3: HMBD-002 Phase I (NCT05082610) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 5-4: Lung Cancer VISTA Inhibitor - Clinical Landscape
  • Figure 5-5: Sensei Bio Collaborations
  • Figure 5-6: SNS-101 Phase I/II (NCT05864144) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 5-7: Sensei Bio Clinical Pipeline - VISTA Preclinical & Clinical Candidates
  • Figure 5-8: Cleveland Clinic Research Study for VISTA Inhibitors, May 2024
  • Figure 5-9: KVA12123 Phase I/II (NCT05708950) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 5-10: Kineta Q1 Financial Results
  • Figure 5-11: Aspects Influencing Global VISTA Hematological Market
  • Figure 5-12: Kings College London & Dartmouth College VISTA Patent

(US10745467B2) - Grant & Expiration Year

  • Figure 6-1: PMC-309 Phase 1 (NCT05957081) Study - Initiation & Completion Year
  • Figure 7-1: Global - Number Of VISTA Inhibitors In Clinical Trials By Country, 2024
  • Figure 7-2: Global - Number Of VISTA Inhibitors In Clinical Trials By Drug Class, 2024
  • Figure 7-3: Global - Number Of VISTA Inhibitors In Clinical Trials By Indication, 2024
  • Figure 7-4: Global - Number Of VISTA Inhibitors In Clinical Trials By Organization, 2024
  • Figure 7-5: Global - Number Of VISTA Inhibitors In Clinical Trials By Phase, 2024
  • Figure 9-1: Market Drivers & Opportunities
  • Figure 9-2: Market Challenges & Restraints

List of Tables

  • Table 5-1: Role of VISTA in Allergic, Autoimmune Disease & Viral Ailments
  • Table 6-1: US - Ongoing Clinical Trials for VISTA inhibitors
  • Table 10-1: Curis - VISTA Inhibitors Drugs Clinical Trials Insight
  • Table 10-2: Curis Merck & Co. - VISTA Inhibitors Drugs Clinical Trials Insight
  • Table 10-3: Sensei Biotherapeutics - VISTA Inhibitors Drugs Clinical Trials Insight