作為連網生活的汽車生態系統 - 世界預測(~2035 年)

作為連網生活的汽車生態系統 - 世界預測(~2035 年)

Car as a Connected Living Ecosystem - Global Forecast to 2035

出版日期: | 出版商: MarketsandMarkets | 英文 52 Pages | 訂單完成後即時交付


全球連網生活生活車輛市場規模預計將從 2023 年的 80 億美元增加到 2035 年的 1.5 兆美元,複合年成長率為 54.5%。

調查年份 2023-2035
基準年 2023年
預測期 2024-2035
單元 金額(十億美元 - 兆美元)
部分 車內連線、連網型能源、連網型售後市場、連線健診等
目標區域 世界



車載連線功能預計將佔整個市場的90%,到2035年市場規模可能達到5,000億美元。這一點在比亞迪、小鵬汽車、蔚來汽車和零跑車等中國主要OEM的聯網汽車戰略中得到了體現,它們積極進軍國際擴張,尤其是在歐洲。零跑車透露,其未來的汽車將擁有超過 500 種連接功能。


傳統上, OEM和客戶之間的主要關係終止於銷售點。這種動態現在開始演變。OEM擴大涉足售後市場服務,包括數連網型維修和保養服務、基於元宇宙的即時故障識別和維修服務、數位化服務通道、線上汽車零件和二手車市場以及連網型汽車保險功能。因此,OEM在汽車旅程的每個階段都與客戶保持聯繫,並幫助他們最好地進行車輛維護。


透過連網型電動車,原始設備OEM)使客戶能夠更輕鬆地管理能源需求。數位充電管理已變得非常普遍,大多數OEM(包括梅賽德斯、寶馬、福特、特斯拉、Stellantis 和Nio)都提供該服務,讓您可以監控充電狀態、管理充電時間表、搜尋付款和電池更換站等。連網型電動車不僅提供這些數位充電服務,更廣泛的充電基礎設施生態系統正在為OEM提供新的收益來源。特斯拉、通用汽車和現代等OEM為汽車和家庭提供可再生能源發電、能源儲存和 V2G 服務等服務。

本報告針對汽車市場作為全球連網生活生態系統進行研究和分析,提供有關市場趨勢、 OEM發展、市場潛力和未來前景的資訊。我們也涵蓋了連網生活生態系統中主要企業的競爭格局。


  • 數位零售
  • 車輛擁有量
  • 車內體驗
  • 連網家庭
  • 連網型工作
  • 連線健診
  • 連網型的生活方式
  • 連網型城市
  • 連網型能源
  • 連網型售後市場
  • 連網型移動性
  • 連網型生命週期管理
  • 數位連網生活服務—市場潛力
  • 數位連網生活生態系服務-市場潛力
  • 定價模型
  • 高成長細分市場
  • 資料收益機會
Product Code: AT 9006

The global car as a connected living market is expected to grow from $8 in 2023 billion to ~$1.5 trillion by 2035 at a CAGR of 54.5%.

Scope of the Report
Years Considered for the Study2023-2035
Base Year2023
Forecast Period2024-2035
Units ConsideredValue (USD Billion - Trillion)
SegmentsConnected Living (through the car) Market by Segments - In-car connectivity, Connected Energy, Connected Aftermarket, Connected Health, and other
Regions coveredGlobal

Connected cars have evolved considerably over the last decade from telematics systems to in-car connectivity with access to third party apps. However, the idea that customers are adopting connected vehicles only for in-car convenience is gradually expanding to offer a wide range of support services ranging from safety, home, and workplace, to health. While the concepts are enticing, given the nascency of the market, there are several unanswered questions in terms of service offerings, packages and pricing, customer perception, and industry developments. The growing convenience of market trends such as electrification and autonomous mobility add layers of complexity to this landscape.

"In-car connectivity will have the largest share of the digital connected living solutions"

In-car connectivity features are expected to constitute ~90% of the total market; with a total market potential of ~$500 billion by 2035. This is evident from the connected car strategies of leading Chinese OEMs such as BYD, Xpeng, Nio, and Leap Motors that are aggressively focused on international expansion, especially Europe. Leap Motors has revealed its future vehicles will have over 500 connectivity features.

"Connected aftermarket will be a critical part of connected living solutions to ensure optimal vehicle health and increased vehicle relevance over vehicle lifetime "

Traditionally, the primary relationship between OEMs and its customers ended at the point of sales. This dynamic has started to evolve now. OEMs are increasingly making their presence felt in the aftermarket service space such as digital and connected repair and maintenance services, metaverse based real time fault identification and repair services, digital service lanes, online auto parts and used car marketplaces and connected car insurance features. Consequently, OEMs are connected with their customers at every point in the vehicle journey; helping customers optimally navigate vehicle maintenance.

"Connected energy offers strong business case for OEMs."

Through connected EVs, OEMs are making it very easy for customers to manage their energy needs. Digital charging management has become very common and offered by almost OEMs such as Mercedes, BMW, Ford, Tesla, Stellantis, and Nio amongst others, offering service such as charging status monitoring, charging scheduling, charging and battery swapping station locator, and payment integration. Connected EVs are not just limited to offering these digital charging services - the wider ecosystem of charging infrastructure offers new revenue streams for OEMs. OEMs such as Tesla, GM, and Hyundai offer services such as renewable energy generation for vehicles and homes, energy storage , and vehicle to grid (V2G) services.

List of Companies:

Mercedez Benz (Germany)

BMW (Germany)

VW (Germany)

Stellantis (Netherlands)

Hyundai (South Korea)

Toyota (Japan)


Ford (USA)

Nio (China)

Xpeng (China)

Research Coverage:

The report covers the global car as a connected living ecosystem market for connected living solutions in terms of market trends, OEM developments, market potential, and future outlook. It also covers the competitive landscape of the major players in the connected living ecosystem.

Key Benefits of the Report

  • The report will help the market leaders/new entrants in this market with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the connected living solutions.
  • This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and plan suitable go-to-market strategies.
  • The report also helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

  • Analysis of key drivers (advanced technologies, customer propensity to adopt), restraints (cost of technology development), challenges (undertaking strategic partnerships), and opportunities (first mover advantage).
  • Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, and new product & service launches in the connected living space.
  • Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative markets - the report analyses the future of connected living solutions through the car.
  • Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products & services, recent developments, and investments in the connected living space.
  • Competitive Assessment: Competitor benchmarking to understand ket industry connected living service offerings.


Introduction to Connected Living

Enablers for Connected Living to 2035

Defining Connected Living

Concept of Car as a Connected Living Ecosystem

Car As A Connected Living Ecosystem

Key Elements of a Connected Car – Mapping Connected Living Elements from Pre-Buying to End-of-Life Management

  • Digital Retailing
  • Vehicle Ownership
  • In-car Experiences
  • Connected Home
  • Connected Work
  • Connected Health
  • Connected Lifestyle
  • Connected City
  • Connected Energy
  • Connected Aftermarket
  • Connected Mobility
  • Connected End-of-Life-Management

Evolution Potential of the Car's Connected Living Ecosystem

Connected Living through the Connected Car – Target Timelines

Leading Industry Examples

Car as a Connected Living Ecosystem – Market Potential

Total Addressable Market

  • Digital Connected Living Services - Market Potential
  • Digital Connected Living Ecosystem Services – Market Potential

Business & Financial Case

  • Pricing Models
  • High Growth Segments
  • Data Monetization Opportunities

Car as a Connected Living Ecosystem – Competitive Landscape

OEM Comparative Analysis

Customer Analysis

Service Adoption Potential

Technology Requirements

Conclusion & Recommendations