

2023 Refractive Surgery Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2028

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告分析了全球屈光手術市場,根據關鍵績效指標對前 10 家公司進行了概述和排名,並總結了自 1978 年以來屈光手術市場的重要拐點。Masu。 我們正在調查過去 5 年按地區和類別分類的治療分析,以及過去 10 年 LVC 治療的分析。 此外,還增加了 15 個新圖表,包括屈光不正患者數量(按鏡片度數)、按地區劃分的市場份額、過去手術的趨勢以及各種手術的細分。

此外,我們分析近視管理/老花眼市場,檢查用於近視管理的各種產品,並分析目前正在開發的新的老花眼局部治療方法,這些治療方法對於這兩種情況都是可用的和可治療的。 - 預測總可用市場。

本報告分析了全球屈光手術和老花眼矯正手術市場,確定了主要趨勢和未來成功的關鍵因素。 它重點關注2023年的屈光和老花眼矯正手術市場,並預測未來五年的市場成長和演變。 包括對 LASIK、晶狀體摘除、有晶狀體眼 IOL(人工水晶體)、角膜鑲嵌、屈光晶狀體置換 (RLE) 以及其他有可能擾亂市場的技術的討論和市場預測。


本報告中的資訊對於潛在患者、外科醫生、雷射中心、手術、準分子雷射、飛秒雷射、機械微型角膜刀、診斷設備、角膜嵌體和其他老花眼矯正技術的製造商以及該行業的參與者非常有用. 針對其他公司。


  • 視力矯正概述
  • 屈光不正人口統計
  • 屈光手術技術
  • 病患的經濟狀況
  • 屈光外科醫師和雷射中心
  • 監理問題
  • 屈光矯正技術及其製造商:微型角膜刀、飛秒雷射、準分子雷射市場
  • 有晶體眼人工水晶體
  • 替代技術:角膜移植、intax、後房水晶體、雷射切削模式、角膜嵌體等。
  • 詳細的市場分析與未來預測(未來 5 年)
  • 競爭對手簡介(共 16 家公司)

What's New:

The new "2023 Refractive Surgery Market Report" features a new presentation and ranking of the top 10 refractive markets in the world, based on key performance indicators, and summarizes the key inflection points of the refractive market since 1978. The report includes several new historical procedure views, including analysis of the past five years of procedures by region and category, and the past 10 years of LVC procedures. It includes over 15 new figures highlighting the global refractive error population by diopter, regional market shares, historical procedures, and various procedure breakouts.

The report further explores the markets for myopia management and presbyopia, examining the different products used for myopia management, analyzing the new topical treatments in the pipeline for presbyopia, and forecasting the total available, addressable, and serviceable markets for both conditions-including a new analysis of the total serviceable myopic population under 20 by myopia severity.

The "2023 Refractive Surgery Market Report" analyzes the global refractive and presbyopia-correcting market, identifying important trends and key factors for future success. It focuses on the 2023 refractive and presbyopia-correcting surgical market and forecasts market growth and evolution over the next five years. Included are discussions and market estimates for LASIK, lenticular extraction, phakic IOLs, corneal inlays, refractive lens exchange (RLE), and other technologies that may disrupt the market.


The information in this report covers prospective patients; surgeons; laser centers; procedures; manufacturers of excimer lasers, femtosecond lasers, mechanical microkeratomes, diagnostic equipment, corneal inlays, and other presbyopia-correcting technology; and other businesses participating in the industry.

Topics covered in the report include:

  • Overview of vision correction.
  • Demographics of refractive disorders.
  • Refractive surgery technologies.
  • Patient economics.
  • Refractive surgeons and laser centers.
  • Regulatory issues.
  • Refractive technologies and their manufacturers: microkeratomes, femtosecond lasers, and excimer laser markets
  • Phakic IOLs.
  • Alternative technologies-thermokeratoplasty, Intacs, PC-IOLs, laser ablation patterns, corneal inlays, etc.
  • Detailed market analysis and five-year market forecasts.
  • 16 competitor profiles.

Author Profile:

Chelsea Jones, MBA

Chelsea has over 10 years of experience as an analyst in multiple medical verticals.

After receiving her MBA, Chelsea began her career at Cerner Corporation, the leading supplier of healthcare information technology solutions, where she performed many analytical roles in the Population Health organization. She also has experience in crafting and executing competitive intelligence strategy, product development, and market opportunity assessment.

Chelsea authors the global ophthalmic laser report, the global refractive report, the global cornea report, the ophthalmic deals book, the US cataract atlas,the US refractive atlas, the US glaucoma atlas, and the US dry eye atlas. She is also a contributor to Market Scope's Ophthalmic Market Perspectives monthly industry newsletter.