

2024 Cataract Surgical Equipment Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Market Scope, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內






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  • 有關光破壞雷射市場的信息

What's New:

The "2024 Cataract Surgical Equipment Market Report" thoroughly examines the over $1 billion of cataract equipment market revenue in 2024 that will come from consumables-which are increasingly targeted by groups such as the ASCRS and ESCRS in their environmental sustainability efforts. The report includes a new section that addresses the challenge to disposable products for cataract surgery and its expected impact on the market in the coming years.

The report also analyzes acquisitions of DORC by Carl Zeiss and Sophi by Rayner in early 2024 that change the market playing field, thanks to the global marketing reach of the two acquiring companies, and estimates the impact of these two acquisitions on the market.

This coverage includes a new section on interventional cataract surgical devices, including the Centricity Zepto and Carl Zeiss' miLoop and miCor. The report discusses the expected launch of the miCor phaco handpiece and addresses the opportunity and outlook of this new product-from being a new market revenue stream to the challenges it presents to traditional ultrasonic phaco consoles.

Also featured is a new deep dive into the current state of the FLACS market, and the changes needed to stimulate FLACS growth in all regions of the world.

Additionally, the annual sales estimates and installed base for phaco machines have been resized as a result of a new evaluation performed by Market Scope.


The "2024 Cataract Surgical Equipment Market Report" provides in-depth analysis of the global cataract surgical equipment market, examining the market's size and growth, as well as identifying important developments that may shape its future. Product coverage includes ultrasonic phaco machines, packs, and accessories; femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery systems; and photodisruptor lasers.

The analysis focuses on the 2024 market and forecasts growth and evolution through 2029. Product demand is forecast in units and dollars, and market shares are analyzed by product category. Additionally, 21 competitors are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.


The "2024 Cataract Surgical Equipment Market Report" includes:

  • Information on cataract incidence and cataract surgeries worldwide.
  • Current estimates and five-year forecasts for global cataract surgery volume.
  • Discussion of presbyopia, refractive errors, and refractive lens exchange procedures.
  • Profiles of cataract and cataract/refractive surgeons in the US.
  • Information about corporate surgery providers.
  • Examination of current reimbursement levels.
  • Descriptions and discussion of phaco machines and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery equipment.
  • Analysis of cataract surgical device manufacturers and market share.
  • Examination of markets for phaco packs and accessories.
  • Information on the market for photodisruptor lasers.

Author Profile:

William Freeman

Bill Freeman has more than 35 years of experience developing, manufacturing, and marketing cataract surgery products. He has held key executive positions at four firms that produce ophthalmic surgical devices.

Bill's career in ophthalmology began in the 1970s. As president of Cavitron Surgical Systems, he worked with Dr. Charles Kelman in developing and marketing the world's first phacoemulsifier system. While highly controversial in the 1970s, phacoemulsification gradually became the preferred cataract removal technique in the early 1980s. For many years, Cavitron led the cataract instrumentation market.

CooperVision purchased Cavitron in the early 1980s, and Bill joined the company as president of the surgical division. CooperVision expanded its product line to include a wide variety of cataract surgical products-IOLs, viscoelastic solutions, disposable devices, lasers, and custom packs-and became the market leader in many product categories.

In 1989, Alcon acquired CooperVision in an effort to build a strong presence in cataract surgical devices. Bill joined Alcon as general manager of the Irvine Technology Center, where a number of the company's cataract devices, including the Legacy 20000 phacoemulsifier and a broad line of disposable items, were designed and manufactured.

Bill remained with Alcon until 1995. He then joined Mentor Ophthalmics as president of the ophthalmology division. At Mentor, he was responsible for the company's ophthalmic products including IOLs, cautery devices, and surgical instruments.