清真食品和飲料市場 - COVID-19 的增長、趨勢、影響和預測 (2023-2028)Halal Food & Beverage Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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清真食品和飲料市場預計在預測期內(2022 年至 2027 年)的複合年增長率為 6.6%。
全球清真食品和飲料市場在 COVID-19 大流行期間出現小幅下滑。 紅肉的消費量明顯減少,這也影響了清真肉類。 然而,每家公司都專注於創造新產品以重新獲得市場客戶的關注。 例如,2020 年,Bilal Group 以自有品牌“Cucina”推出了一系列新的清真肉類菜餚。 此次發布使公司能夠擴展其產品組合併擴大其市場範圍。
消費者對有機/天然食品和食品/飲料消費的興趣正在上升,這表明與清真食品服務密切相關。 預計清真飲料將越來越多地出現在超市和連鎖大賣場等西式雜貨店。 在許多國家,超市和食品飲料製造商已開始通過擴大清真飲料的選擇範圍來吸引穆斯林消費者。
由於穆斯林和非穆斯林的需求不斷增加,預計該市場在預測期內將出現顯著增長。 這主要是由於清真產品的衛生優勢,例如不含雜質、酒精和血液。 此外,企業越來越遵守清真烹飪,因為該認證提供了質量和口味水平,從而使他們在市場上具有優勢。
世界穆斯林人口在增長,對清真認證食品的需求也在增長。 過去幾年,全球穆斯林國家的食品支出顯著增長,推動了清真食品和飲料市場的強勁增長。 近年來,清真食品和飲料領域在全球範圍內不斷擴大。 近年來,穆斯林僑民數量不斷增加,世界各地對清真食品和飲料的需求正在蔓延。 根據《世界人口評論》,2021 年印度尼西亞將成為穆斯林人口最多的國家。 此外,大多數穆斯林要求清真認證以滿足他們對質量保證日益增長的需求。 世界各地的跨國食品製造商不斷獲得清真認證,表明該行業具有更廣泛的可行性,從 Haribo 糖果到雀巢再到沙特阿拉伯的 Sabora 集團。 這表明該部門的廣泛傳播,例如Haribote 糖果、雀巢和沙特阿拉伯的Savola 集團。 這將有助於公司獲得利益相關者的信任,並帶來進一步的市場增長。
由於穆斯林人口眾多,中東地區是對清真產品需求最高的地區。 伊斯蘭教是中東最大的宗教,穆斯林更喜歡基於伊斯蘭教法(伊斯蘭社會遵循的規則)的清真肉類。 根據國際清真認證論壇(IHAF),科威特是世界上伊斯蘭經濟得分最高的 10 個國家之一。 該論壇還表示,科威特科學研究所正在進行的研究中約有 60% 與清真及其益處有關。 這進一步增加了該地區對清真食品和飲料的需求。 與此同時,該地區的政府法規正在提高大多數產品的清真認證要求,公司必須滿足這些要求才能進入市場。 例如,在 2021 年,沙特阿拉伯食品和藥物管理局 (SFDA) 將要求所有進口的糖果產品、長期儲存產品、冷凍和冷藏產品、牛奶和乳製品、進口肉類和肉類產品都必須獲得清真認證。 , 擴展到脂肪和油。
全球清真食品和飲料市場競爭激烈,多家公司爭奪主要份額。 Nestle SA、Al-Islami Foods、BRF SA 和 American Foods Group LLC 等主要市場參與者在消費者品牌忠誠度的支持下擁有廣泛的地理分佈,這些公司具有競爭力。我們領先於其他公司。 主要製造商在市場上經營,專注於擴大他們的存在,並在不同的產品類別中開發不同的口味以滿足消費者的需求。 此外,消費者對品牌的認可度賦予了市場競爭優勢。 此外,這些公司明確提及清真認證的存在,以獲得消費者的信任。
The halal food and beverage market is projected to record a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period (2022-2027).
The global halal food & beverage market witnessed a small decline during the COVID-19 pandemic. The consumption of red meat declined substantially, which had an impact on halal meat as well. But the companies focused on the creation of new products to regain customer attention in the market. For instance, in 2020, Bilal Group introduced a new line of halal meat dishes under its brand, Cucina. This launch helped the company to expand its product portfolio and widen its reach in the market.
There is rising interest among consumers in consuming organic and natural food and beverage products, representing a strong adjacent market for halal food products to address. Halal beverages are expected to be increasingly available in western-style grocery stores, including supermarkets and hypermarket chains. In many countries, supermarkets and food producers have started reaching out to Muslim consumers by offering a wider selection of halal beverage products.
The market is projected to witness immense growth in the forecast period, owing to rising demand from both Muslim and Non-Muslim consumers. This is mainly due to the hygiene-related benefits of halal products, like being free from impurities, alcohol, and blood. Moreover, companies are increasingly complying with halal-based preparation as this certification provides both quality and taste level, thereby providing an edge in the marketplace.
The global Muslim population is increasing, and so is the demand for food products that are halal certified. The expenditure on food products from Muslim countries across the globe has registered substantial growth in the past couple of years, strongly accelerating the halal food and beverage products market. The halal food and beverage sector has grown globally in recent years. The number of Muslim expatriates has increased in recent years, which have led to a distributed demand for halal food and beverage from different parts of the world. According to the world population review, Indonesia catered to the highest Muslim population in 2021. Additionally, most Muslims demand halal certification to meet the increased need for quality assurance. Also, multinational food producers across the world continue to get the halal certification, indicating the sector's broader viability, from Haribo candy to Nestle, to Saudi Arabia's Savola Group. This helps the companies gain the concerned population's trust, leading to further market growth.
The Middle-East region has the highest demand for halal products because of the larger Islamic population in the region altogether. Islam is the largest religion in Middle Eastern, and the Muslims prefer halal meat due to their Sharia law (rules and regulations followed by the Muslim community). According to the International Halal Accreditation Forum (IHAF), Kuwait is one of the top 10 countries which have a high Islamic Economy Score across the globe. Additionally, according to the forum, around 60% of the research conducted in the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research caters to halal and its benefits. This further increases the demand for halal food and beverage in the region. Alongside, the government regulations in the region are increasing the requirement for halal certification in most of the products, which compels the companies to fulfill this in order to tap the market. For instance, in 2021, Saudi Arabia Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) extended the mandatory presence of halal certification from imported meat and meat-based products to all imported confectionery, long-shelf life products, frozen and chilled products, milk and dairy products, and fats and oils.
The global halal food and beverage market is highly competitive, with several players competing to get a major share in the market. The leading players like Nestle SA, Al Islami Foods, BRF SA, and American Foods Group, LLC, among others in the market, have a wide geographic presence supported by brand loyalty among the consumers, which gives these companies an upper edge among their competitors. The major manufacturers are operating in the market, focusing on expanding their presence and developing various flavors in various product segments to cater to consumers' needs. Moreover, brand awareness among the consumers gives them a competitive advantage in the market. Alongside, these companies clearly mention halal certification's presence to gain consumers' trust.