基於雲的醫療保健分析市場——增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)Healthcare Cloud Based Analytics Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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醫療保健雲分析市場預計在預測期內(2022 年至 2027 年)以 10.2% 的複合年增長率增長。
在 COVID-19 大流行期間,分析在醫療保健行業的作用大大增強。 例如,分析工具在大流行期間被廣泛用於預測全球傳染病的發病率和嚴重程度,並在控制大流行和開發針對 COVID-19 的疫苗方面發揮了重要作用。 例如,根據 2021 年 3 月公佈的一項題為“應用大數據分析來控制 COVID-19 大流行”的研究報告,大數據分析技術是針對所有疾病和大流行的判斷和預防措施所必需的。數據量已經隨著時間的推移顯著增長,特別是關於 COVID-19 帶來的大流行,這對於了解該流行病以及如何快速阻止其傳播至關重要。此外,大量數據需要使用大數據分析工具和人工智能技術。 此外,隨著 COVID-19 新變種的發現,分析工具的作用有望增加,COVID-19 有望對基於雲的醫療保健分析市場產生重大影響。
醫療行業日益數字化(電子病歷、臨床數據、醫療索賠等)正在產生大量數據。 因此,大數據分析正在被採用和整合,生成的數據必須經過處理才能產生可操作的見解,而數據分析工具在這個過程中發揮著關鍵作用。 因此,預計在預測期內對醫療保健分析工具的需求將增加,其中基於雲的解決方案預計將佔據主導地位,因為它們比非雲解決方案具有顯著優勢。
例如,根據 2022 年 7 月發布的題為“可持續醫療保健系統中的大數據分析”的研究,大數據分析 (BDA) 可以識別趨勢並將電子醫療保健數據轉化為可操作的信息,以便做出明智的決策加強患者護理,以及用戶醫療保健數據的數據分析和處理、存儲和控制 醫療保健將成為一個可持續發展的平台,這是靈活技術發展的結果
同樣,2022 年 1 月發表的一項題為“在醫療保健中使用大數據分析”的研究調查了波蘭醫療機構是否正在使用大數據分析。醫療機構正在處理結構化和非結構化數據,並且已經轉向分析以更好地了解臨床以及行政和業務領域。 此外,根據同一消息來源,大數據分析可以改善全球醫療保健,並對患者護理和改善醫療設施的運作產生重大影響。 因此,大數據分析在醫療保健領域的巨大優勢有望在預測期內增加其採用率,從而推動基於雲的醫療保健分析市場的增長。
此外,這一領域的技術進步導致在市場上運營的公司推出新產品,並且他們在併購、合作和許可協議等發展和擴張方面處於領先地位。從事各種其他商業活動為了 預計這些活動將在預測期內進一步推動市場增長。 例如,2022 年 3 月,COPE Health Solutions 及其 Analytics for Risk Contracting (ARC) 子公司與 CareJourney 簽訂了合作協議,根據該協議,CareJourney 的一套源自醫療保險和醫療補助數據集的成本和使用基準將啟用 COPE Health Solutions及其 Analytics for Risk Contracting (ARC) 子公司提供健康分析平台和解決方案,這些平台和解決方案集成了來自醫療保健提供者的索賠、電子病歷、實驗室、社會決定因素和其他數據。它看起來像
此外,政府在醫療保健領域引入和利用大數據分析方面的舉措預計將進一步促進所研究市場的增長。 例如,印度政府已經建立了一個公共儀表板,以提供關於 Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) 的近乎實時的信息,這是國家衛生局 (NHA) 的一項旗艦計劃。帳戶 (ABHA) 號碼、健康從業者註冊 (HPR) 和醫療機構註冊現在在 ABDM 公共儀表板 (HFR) 上有詳細說明。 因此,由於上述因素,醫療保健雲分析市場有望在預測期內增長。 然而,有關數據隱私、初始部署成本、軟件複雜性等的安全問題預計將在預測期內限制所研究市場的增長。
預測分析是醫療保健分析的第二階段,相信自己擁有完整、準確的描述性分析程序的組織可以進入下一階段的分析。 預測分析使用數據挖掘、機器學習、預測建模、統計技術和其他高級計算技術,根據可用的描述性數據確定可能的未來。 預測分析可以通過更好的管理幫助降低多種成本,減少再次入院,消除不必要的診斷測試和治療程序,並減少不必要的急診室就診。
例如,根據 2020 年 3 月發表的題為“醫療保健中的大數據分析”的研究論文,“醫療保健中的大數據分析:系統文獻綜述”指出,數據分析將被建議用於資源醫生的分配、患者概況分析以及護士對特定疾病患者的協助。 因此,越來越多地採用預測分析解決方案有望促進市場的增長。
不斷上升的全球醫療保健成本預計將成為預測分析領域增長的主要驅動力,因為這些解決方案可以顯著降低醫療保健成本。 例如,根據 Destatis 2022 年的更新,德國的醫療保健支出隨著該國慢性病負擔的增加而增加,估計 2021 年為 4658 億歐元,而 2020 年為 4406 億歐元。
此外,預計對開發和推出新的預測分析工具的新投資將對所研究的細分市場產生積極影響。 例如,2021 年 3 月,Health Catalyst, Inc. 宣布推出 Healthcare.AI,旨在解決醫療保健行業在收入、成本和質量方面的商機和挑戰。 因此,由於上述因素,預測分析部分預計將在預測期內佔據研究市場的很大份額。
北美地區是基於雲的醫療保健分析市場的主要參與者,原因是疾病負擔高導致醫療保健成本高、電子健康記錄 (EHR) 等數字解決方案的採用率高以及主要市場的存在該地區的玩家,有望分一杯羹。 例如,加拿大初創公司Bluedot在中國武漢爆發大流行病時是第一批發出警告的公司之一,這得益於其在傳染病、大數據分析和數字技術方面的專業知識。我能夠做到這一點是因為我在那裡。 此外,該地區國家的醫療保健支出正在增加,預計這將進一步推動基於雲的醫療保健分析平台的採用,旨在簡化醫療保健部門並減少不必要的成本。 例如,根據加拿大健康信息研究所發布的《2021年國民健康支出趨勢》報告,加拿大的醫療保健支出從2020年的3015億美元增加到2021年的3081億美元。 因此,隨著醫療保健成本的增加和大數據分析在醫療保健中的作用越來越大,預計該地區對分析工具的採用將會增加,這有望在預測期內推動市場。
在北美地區,美國的醫療保健設施是數字化程度最高的地區之一,醫療保健信息技術投資不斷增加,醫療保健成本高,以及在該地區運營的公司的市場滲透率。美國有望成為領先者由於預計將推出 20 種新產品,因此在基於雲的醫療保健分析市場佔有一席之地。 例如,根據 2020 年 12 月發表的題為“評估美國和非美國衛生系統對電子健康記錄的使用”的研究,美國臨床醫生與其他國家/地區的同行相比,由於 EHR 在許多臨床中得到積極使用運營和 EHR 往往會產生大量的醫療數據,因此預計該國對基於雲的醫療分析工具的需求將增加。,正在推動調查市場的增長。
除此之外,幾家主要國內市場參與者的存在以及產品發布、併購以及與其他公司的合作夥伴關係等業務擴張努力有望進一步推動市場增長。 例如,2022 年 6 月,WTW 將推出 HPL Quantified,這是一種針對醫療保健行業客戶的新風險和分析工具,專門針對與醫院專業責任相關的風險。為客戶提供一套獨特的評估選項,以優化風險轉移重點(HPL ). 因此,由於上述因素,預計北美地區將在預測期內佔據所研究市場的很大份額,其中美國是該地區的主要市場。
醫療保健雲分析市場的競爭很低,因為市場存在多個參與者,因此市場分散。 大多數基於雲的醫療保健分析服務由世界領先的公司提供。 市場上的主要參與者包括 IBM、Allscripts Healthcare Solutions、Oracle(Cerner Corporation)、Mckesson Corporation、Koninklijke Philips N.V.等。
The healthcare cloud-based analytics market is projected to register a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period (2022-2027).
The role of analytics increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic in the healthcare sector. For example, the analytics tools were widely used during the pandemic in the prediction of the incidence and severity of the infection in different parts of the world and, they played a crucial role in the containment of the pandemic and vaccine development against COVID-19. For instance, according to the research study published in March 2021, titled "Applications of Big Data Analytics to Control COVID-19 Pandemic", the big data analytics technologies are essential for developing the knowledge needed to make judgments and take preventative action against any disease or pandemic, and amount of data grows significantly over time, particularly the data produced regarding the global epidemic brought on by COVID-19 and to make sense of the epidemic and quickly stop its spread, a large volume of data necessitates the use of big data analytics tools and artificial intelligence techniques. Further, the role of analytics tools is expected to increase as new variants of COVID-19 are being found and it is expected that COVID-19 would have a significant impact on the healthcare cloud-based analytics market.
The increasing digitalization in the healthcare industry (such as electronic health records, clinical data, and medical claims among others) is generating a huge amount of data, due to which the adoption and integration of big data analytics are increasing as the data generated need to be processed so that actionable insights can be generated and in this process, the data analytics tools play a significant role and hence, the demand for healthcare analytics tools is expected to increase over the forecast period, in which the cloud-based solutions would be a major one as they offer significant advantages over non-cloud solutions.
For instance, according to the research study published in July 2022, titled "Big Data Analytics in Sustainable Healthcare Systems", big data analytics (BDA) can identify trends and transform highly voluminous electronic healthcare data into usable information so that informed decisions can be made to enhance patient care and further, the healthcare becomes a sustainable platform as a result of the development of data analytics and flexible techniques for handling, storing, and controlling user healthcare data.
Similarly, according to the research study titled "The Use of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare", published in January 2022, the study was conducted in Poland on whether medical facilities in Poland use big data analytics and it was observed that the medical facilities work on both structured and unstructured data and in both the administrative and business realms as well as the clinical one, they turn to analytics for better insights. Also, as per the same source, big data analytics can improve healthcare globally and have a significant impact on improving patient care and the functioning of any medical facility. Hence, owing to the significant advantages of big data analytics in healthcare, their adoption is expected to increase over the forecast period and that is expected to fuel growth in the healthcare cloud-based analytics market.
Moreover, the technological advancement in the area is leading to the launch of new products from the companies operating in the market and, they are engaged in various other business activities for the development and expansion of their such as mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, licensing agreements, and others. These activities are further expected to boost market growth over the forecast period. For example, in March 2022, COPE Health Solutions and its Analytics for Risk Contracting (ARC) subsidiary signed a partnership agreement with CareJourney, and with this agreement, with the help of CareJourney's suite of cost and utilization benchmarks derived from Medicare and Medicaid datasets, COPE Health Solutions and its Analytics for Risk Contracting (ARC) subsidiary can offer health analytics platforms and solutions that integrate claims, electronic health records, lab, social determinants, and other data from a healthcare organization.
In addition, government initiatives in the area of adoption and use of big data analytics in healthcare are further expected to augment the growth of the studied market. For instance, a public dashboard for near real-time information on the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), the National Health Authority's (NHA) flagship program, has been established by the Government of India, and the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) numbers, Healthcare Professionals Registry (HPR), and Health Facility Registry are all displayed in detail on the ABDM public dashboard (HFR). Therefore, due to the above-mentioned factors, the healthcare cloud-based analytics market is expected to grow during the forecast period. However, security concerns regarding data privacy, initial deployment cost, and complexity of software are expected to restrain the growth of the studied market over the forecast period.
Predictive analytics is the second stage of analytics in healthcare and organizations that are convinced that they have a complete and accurate descriptive analytics program move to the next stage of analytics. Predictive analytics uses data mining, machine learning, predictive modeling and statistical techniques, and other advanced computing techniques, to determine the probable future, based on the available descriptive data. Predictive analytics can be instrumental in reducing costs at multiple fronts through proper management which can help in reducing hospital readmissions, eliminating unnecessary diagnostic tests and treatment procedures, and reducing unnecessary emergency room visits.
For instance, as per the research article published in March 2020 titled "Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review", suggested that data analytics can help in resource allocation in hospitals, doctors in patient profiling, and nurses in providing disease-specific patient facilitation. Hence, the adoption of predictive analytics solutions is expected to increase which is expected to boost the market growth.
The increasing healthcare expenditure across the globe is expected to be the major driving factor for the growth of the predictive analytics segment as these solutions can significantly reduce healthcare costs. For instance, the healthcare expenditure of Germany is increasing with the rising burden of chronic diseases in the country, and it stood at an estimated EUR 465.8 billion in 2021 as compared to EUR 440.6 billion in 2020, as per the 2022 update of the Destatis.
Further, the new investment in the development and launch of new predictive analytics tools is expected to have a positive impact on the studied segment. For instance, in March 2021, Health Catalyst, Inc. launched Healthcare.AI which is designed to address healthcare business opportunities and challenges across revenue, cost, and quality. Hence, owing to the aforementioned factors, the predictive analytics segment is expected to hold a significant share in the studied market over the forecast period.
The North American region is expected to hold a significant share in the healthcare cloud-based analytics market due to the high healthcare expenditure owing to the high burden of diseases, high adoption of digital solutions like electronic health records (EHRs), and the presence of some of the key market players in the region. For example, a Canadian startup, BlueDot Inc. was one of the first to send a cautionary advisory regarding the outbreak of the pandemic in Wuhan, China, and the company was able to do with its expertise in infectious diseases, big data analytics, and digital technologies. Further, the healthcare expenditure of countries in the region is increasing which is further expected to propel the adoption of the cloud-based healthcare analytics platform to streamline the healthcare sector and cut unnecessary costs. For instance, according to the National Health Expenditure Trend 2021 report from the Canadian Institute of Health Information, Canadian health expenditure increased to USD 308.1 billion in 2021 as compared to USD 301.5 billion in 2020. Hence, it is expected that with the increasing healthcare cost and the increasing role of big data analytics in healthcare, the adoption of analytics tools is expected to increase in the region, and the market is anticipated to grow over the forecast period.
In the North American region, the United States is expected to be the major market for healthcare cloud-based analytics market as the healthcare facilities in the United States are one of the most digitalized ones, with growing investment in healthcare information technology, high healthcare expenditure, and launch of new products in the market by the companies present in the region. For instance, according to the research study published in December 2020, titled "Assessment of Electronic Health Record Use Between the US and Non-US Health Systems", when compared to their peers from other countries, clinicians from the United States used the EHR actively for a great deal more clinical tasks and as EHRs tends to generate a huge chunk of medical data, hence, the demand for cloud-based healthcare analytics tools is expected to increase in the country, driving growth in the studied market.
In addition to this, the presence of some key market players in the country and business expansion initiatives like product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and collaborations among others are expected to further boost the market growth. For instance, in June 2022, WTW launched a new risk and analytics tool for clients in the healthcare industry, focused particularly on risks associated with hospital professional liability, called 'HPL Quantified' that provides clients with a unique set of assessment options to optimize their risk transfer, focused on Hospital Professional Liability (HPL). Therefore, due to the above-mentioned factors, the North American region is expected to hold a significant share in the studied market over the forecast period, with the United States being the major market in the region.
The market is fragmented due to the presence of several players and thus, the healthcare cloud-based analytics market is moderately competitive. The majority of healthcare cloud-based analytics services are being provided by the global key players. Some of the key players operating in the market are IBM, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Oracle (Cerner Corporation), Mckesson Corporation, and Koninklijke Philips N.V. among others.