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創傷性腦損傷評估和管理設備市場—增長、趨勢和預測 (2023-2028)Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment and Management Devices Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028) |
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在預測期內,外傷性腦損傷評估和管理設備市場預計將以 5.4% 的複合年增長率註冊。
COVID-19 大流行對世界各地的醫療保健系統產生了深遠影響。 因此,外科疾病的轉診模式、管理和康復發生了重大變化。 例如,2021 年 12 月發表在《世界神經外科》(World Neurosurgery) 上的一篇關於創傷性腦損傷 (TBI) 的論文發現,英國的手術管理已大大減少,而且在大流行期間,TBI 患者沒有在神經外科設施之外接受神經外科治療。更有可能在醫療支持下在當地進行管理。
政府在 COVID-19 期間實施的限制擾亂了 TBI 患者的管理。 此外,由於 COVID-19 的限制,創傷性腦損傷病例已大幅減少。 例如,根據上述同一項研究,在英國,與去年同期相比,大流行期間與道路交通事故 (RTA) 相關的死亡人數下降了 22%。 因此,大流行期間 TBI 發病率的下降阻礙了所研究市場的增長。 然而,自封鎖限制解除以來,該行業已經恢復良好。 由於手術恢復後對手術、治療和就診的需求增加,預計在預測期內對 TBI 評估和管理設備的需求將會增加。
推動市場增長的某些因素包括外傷性腦損傷發生率的增加和主要市場參與者的舉措。 2022 年 4 月,BMJ 期刊發表文章稱,印度佔全球新發創傷性腦損傷病例的 21%,佔全球所有創傷性死亡病例的近四分之一。 此外,根據 2021 年 3 月發表在《臨床醫學雜誌》上的一項研究,TBI 是英國一個主要且發展中的健康問題。 TBI 每年在英國造成約 900,000 次急診 (ED) 就診和超過 200,000 次住院,嚴重頭部受傷的發生率在 10% 至 20% 之間。 因此,預計英國 TBI 的沉重負擔將增加對 TBI 評估和管理設備的需求,從而推動市場的增長。
此外,併購、產品批准和發佈等主要市場參與者的舉措也是市場增長的因素。 例如,2021 年 2 月,美國 FDA 批准了一種新的小工具,旨在讓 13 歲及以上的運動員在體育活動中戴在脖子上,以保護大腦免受重複性腦震盪副頭部打擊的影響。批准商業化。 Q項圈是一種非侵入性的C型項圈,通過對頸部施加壓力,增加血容量,減少顱腦損傷後大腦在顱內空間的遷移。 這個小工具可以使某些與腦損傷相關的大腦異常不太可能發生。
醫院是診斷和治療疾病(包括創傷性腦損傷)的初級保健機構。 很大一部分人口依賴長期護理機構來診斷、管理和治療各種腦損傷。 此外,交通事故和運動導致的腦損傷病例不斷增加,到醫院接受手術和康復治療的患者數量不斷增加,對住院治療的需求很高。
此外,越來越多的患者護理醫院預計將推動該細分市場的增長。 例如,2021 年 10 月,Penn Medicine 在美國開設了一家新醫院 Pavillion。 醫院提供心臟病學和心臟外科、內科和外科腫瘤學、神經病學和神經外科以及移植手術的住院治療。 同樣在 2020 年 9 月,印度總理納倫德拉莫迪批准在比哈爾邦達爾班加建立新的全印度醫學科學研究所 (AIIMS),為創傷性損傷和兒童神經病學提供各種培訓項目。我們提供服務。
由於輕度腦損傷發病率上升和市場參與者的舉措等因素,預計該市場在預測期內將顯著增長。 根據 2022 年 1 月發表的 StatPearls 文章,美國每年約有 170 萬人受到創傷性腦損傷,其中 15 至 19 歲的青少年和 65 歲及以上的成年人患 TBI 最多。據說很容易。 此外,根據同一消息來源,美國每年每 100,000 人中有 500 人遭受創傷性腦損傷。 需要改善護理和持續監測患者,以減輕越來越多的創傷性腦損傷的長期影響,這將刺激市場擴張。
此外,根據美國交通部 2021 年國家公路交通安全管理局的數據,2021 年上半年美國估計有 20,160 人死於道路交通事故,比上一年增加 18.4%。 因此,交通事故數量的增加預計會產生需要持續護理的創傷性腦損傷患者,這有望成為市場增長的推動力。
此外,重要的市場進入者在日本的存在和產品批准的進展也是市場的重要增長因素。 例如,i-STAT Alinity 平台是一種即時手持式創傷性腦損傷 (TBI) 血液檢測設備,於 2021 年 1 月獲得美國 FDA 批准。 同樣,2021 年 3 月,BrainScope 宣佈發佈其第三個革命性的 FDA 批准算法,用於 BrainScope 設備。 腦震盪指數是腦震盪損傷的第一個生理指標,可幫助醫生在基線、受傷時刻和恢復期間客觀地檢查患者。
創傷性腦損傷評估和管理設備市場競爭激烈,由幾家大型企業組成。 NanoDx, Inc.、BrainScope、Compumedics、Elekta AB、Integra Lifesciences、Natus Medical Incorporated、Neural Analytics, Inc. 和 Nihon Kohden 等公司佔有相當大的市場份額。
The traumatic brain injury assessment and management devices market is expected to register a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had widespread consequences for healthcare systems around the world. It resulted in extensive changes to the referral patterns, management, and rehabilitation of surgical conditions. For instance, according to an article published in World Neurosurgery in December 2021 on traumatic brain injury (TBI), surgical management was significantly reduced in the United Kingdom, and TBI patients were more likely to be managed locally with neurosurgical assistance outside of the neurosurgical facility during the pandemic.
Restrictions put in place by the government during COVID-19 disrupted the management of TBI patients. Additionally, traumatic brain injury instances have dramatically decreased as a result of COVID-19 limits. For instance, as per the same study mentioned above, road traffic accident (RTA)-related fatalities decreased by 22% in the UK between the pandemic period and the same period the previous year. As a result, the decrease in TBI incidence during the pandemic hampered the growth of the studied market. However, since the lockdown restrictions were lifted, the industry has been recovering well. The demand for surgical operations, treatments, and hospital visits rises as procedures are resumed, which is expected to increase the demand for TBI assessment and management devices over the forecast period.
Certain factors driving the market growth include the increasing incidence of traumatic brain injuries and initiatives by key market players. In April 2022, the BMJ Journals published an article stating that India is responsible for 21% of all new traumatic brain injury cases and nearly a quarter of all traumatic death cases worldwide. Additionally, according to a study published in the Clinical Medicine Journal in March 2021, TBI is a major and developing health issue in the United Kingdom. TBI is responsible for around 900,000 emergency department (ED) visits and over 200,000 hospital admissions in England each year and the rate of severe head imhury is between 10% and 20%. Thus, significant burden of TBI in England is expected to increase the demand for TBI assessment and management devices, which is likely to boost the market growth.
Furthermore, initiatives by key market players such as mergers and acquisitions, product approval as well as launches, are other factors contributing to the market growth. For instance, in February 2021, the US FDA approved the commercialization of a novel gadget designed to be worn around the neck of athletes aged 13 years and above during sporting activities to help protect the brain from the consequences of repetitive sub-concussive head blows. The Q-Collar is a non-invasive C-shaped collar that applies compressive force to the neck and increases blood volume to help reduce brain movement within the cranial space after a head trauma. The gadget may lessen the occurrence of specific brain abnormalities linked with brain injury.
However, the high cost of advanced devices is expected to hinder market growth.
Hospitals are the primary care settings for diagnosing and treating medical conditions, including traumatic brain injury. A significant proportion of the population depends on long-term care facilities to diagnose, manage, and treat different brain injuries. Moreover, the increasing number of brain injury cases due to road accidents and sports-related brain injuries, leading to an increase in several patient visits for surgery and rehabilitation procedures in hospitals, indicates the high demand for treatment in hospitals.
Furthermore, the growing number of hospitals for patient care is expected to boost segment growth. For instance, in October 2021, Penn Medicine launched a new hospital, Pavillion, in the United States. The hospital provides inpatient care for cardiology and cardiac surgery, medical and surgical oncology, neurology and neurosurgery, and transplant surgery. Also, in September 2020, the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, approved the establishment of a new All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Darbhanga, Bihar, which offers various services for traumatic injury and child neurology.
The market is expected to grow significantly during the forecast period owing to factors such as the rising incidence of mild brain traumatic injuries and initiatives by market players. According to a StatPearls article published in January 2022, traumatic brain injury affects around 1.7 million people in the United States each year, with adolescents aged 15 to 19 years and adults aged 65 years and older being the most likely to develop TBI. In addition, as per the same source, there are 500 traumatic brain injuries per 100,000 people in the United States each year. To lessen the long-term effects of the population's increasing rate of traumatic injuries, improved care, and ongoing patient monitoring are required, which will spur market expansion.
Additionally, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data for 2021 from the United States Department of Transportation, there were an estimated 20,160 traffic fatalities in the first half of 2021 in the United States, up 18.4% from the prior year. Therefore, the rising number of traffic accidents is likely to result in patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries who need ongoing care, which is anticipated to drive market growth.
Furthermore, the presence of significant market participants in the nation and the rise in product approvals are important growth factors for the market. For instance, the i-STAT Alinity platform, an immediate handheld traumatic brain injury (TBI) blood test gadget, was approved by the US FDA in January 2021. Similarly, in March 2021, BrainScope announced the release of its third innovative FDA-cleared algorithm for use with the BrainScope device. The Concussion Index is the first physiological marker of concussive damage that helps doctors objectively examine patients at baseline, at the moment of injury, and during recovery.
The traumatic brain injury assessment and management devices market is competitive and consists of a few major players. Companies like NanoDx, Inc., BrainScope, Compumedics, Elekta AB, Integra Lifesciences, Natus Medical Incorporated, Neural Analytics, Inc., Nihon Kohden Corporation, among others, hold a substantial market share in the market.