
數據中心發電機的市場規模和份額分析 - 增長趨勢和預測(2023-2028)

Data Center Generator Market Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




數據中心發電機的市場規模預計將從 2023 年的 49.8 億美元擴大到 2028 年的 64.6 億美元,預測期內(2023-2028 年)複合年增長率為 5.35%。

由於電網故障、輪流停電、惡劣天氣、自然災害、人為災害、電力系統故障等造成停電,數據中心面臨著巨大的運營損失風險。 數據中心使用的系統和組件預計將不間斷運行。 因此,數據中心發電機市場需要每週 7 天可靠、不間斷的電源。


  • 發電機技術的進步使天然氣發電機成為提供持續電力並使公司更接近其可持續發展目標的理想解決方案。 此外,這些燃料來源豐富且比柴油更經濟。 可再生天然氣是更環保、低排放的天然氣選擇之一,因為它可以從廢物、牲畜和廢水處理設施中持續獲得,並且有望在未來推動燃氣發電機的採用。
  • 大多數數據中心運營商要求其應急電源系統 (EPSS) 運行超過 120 分鐘(通常需要現場燃料儲存),使其成為關鍵系統主要且最重要的備用能源來源。柴油發電機作為廣泛使用的選項,這正在創造全球數據中心發電機市場的需求。
  • 許多託管服務提供商正在提高數據中心容量,以滿足全球對邊緣數據中心不斷增長的需求。 例如,去年 10 月,亞馬遜向愛爾蘭環境保護局申請了排放許可證,在其位於都柏林的新數據中心設施中建造了 105 台柴油發電機。
  • 預計電力成本上漲將衝擊市場。 此外,由於發電機成本高昂,越來越多地使用燃料電池作為備用電源也可能成為市場增長的製約因素。 此外,未來柴油機作為數據中心備用電源預計將包括更嚴格的使用法規、更嚴格的稅收、許可、更低的排放目標、改善的空氣質量要求、噪聲法規等等,使得柴油發電機擁有較大的市場份額,這可能會給市場增長帶來挑戰。
  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情凸顯了數據中心和雲計算的重要性。 在危機的早期階段,數據中心行業充當了全球經濟的安全網,顯著增加了企業對在線服務的採用。 因此,隨著數據中心的增加,由於直流持續供電的重要性,對直流發電機的需求也在增加。



  • 柴油發電機是數據中心最常見的備用電源類型。 柴油發電機廣泛應用於數據中心和其他關鍵設施,因為它們具有良好的維護記錄,並且很容易找到維修專家。 數據中心的客戶滿意度相對較高,因為該公司的柴油發電機能夠以出色的控制實現100%的負載接受,這種能力已經得到了時間的證明。
  • 世界各地的 IT 服務公司都在為其業務採用雲戰略,並將其服務轉變為雲託管服務。 這一轉變正在推動數據中心市場的發展,並間接推動直流柴油發電機的發展。 柴油直流發電機適用於 Tier 4 DC,這是擁有需要持續運行的關鍵任務服務器的大型企業所需要的。
  • 世界上許多國家都在開發數據中心以增強其雲基礎設施。 例如,泰國的移動數據服務行業近年來經歷了快速增長。 該行業的核心是高級信息服務 (AIS),一家著名的泰國移動電話運營商。 該國的移動運營商 AIS 致力於即使在公用事業停電期間也為其客戶提供不間斷的服務。 Fax Lite 是 AIS 的子公司,擁有 Tellus 數據中心,該數據中心設有 AIS 的移動交換設施。 該數據中心的設計符合 Tier 3 要求,以最大程度地減少計劃內和計劃外停機時間。
  • 為了滿足高可用性要求,Fax Lite 需要實現可靠的備用電源,以確保關鍵負載在斷電期間保持不間斷。 Fax Lite 根據成本競爭力、產品可靠性和出色的客戶支持考慮了不同的供應商。
  • 康明斯因其設計、集成和調試可靠電力系統的能力而被選為供應商。 AIS 為其移動交換設施購買了一台 12 台康明斯發電機組。 康明斯通過八組柴油發電機組 C1675 D5A 提供 12 MW 備用電力,該發電機組集成了 PowerCommand 3.3 控制系統和兩台 PowerCommand 數字主控制 (DMC) 1000 裝置。


  • 亞太地區數據中心發電機市場增長的主要因素是全球和區域設施運營商增加投資、增加公有雲和混合雲服務的採用。
  • AWS、谷歌、百度、阿裡巴巴、微軟和蘋果是亞太市場最大的投資者。 許多國家(尤其是印度和中國)部署邊緣計算中心可能會支持亞太地區在預測期內的增長。
  • 卡特彼勒公司 (Caterpillar Inc.) 和康明斯公司 (Cummins, Inc.) 等領先公司的入駐對該地區的市場增長產生了積極影響。 此外,先進技術的進步和相關信息等決定因素預計將對市場產生積極影響。
  • 在該地區,建設環保數據中心的投資清單正在取得進展,我們相信該地區數據中心的氫燃料發電機等可再生能源發電機的需求將會分裂。 例如,去年8月,亞洲首家綠色數據中心建設商Empyrion DC宣布將在韓國首爾江南區建設一座40兆瓦的綠色數據中心。 Empyrion DC 已與當地發起人簽訂了具有□□法律約束力的協議,購買 100% 的開發權,擬在該地區投資高達 4 億美元。
  • 此外,直流基礎設施公司 Equinix 正在考慮在其新加坡數據中心使用氫氣作為綠色燃料。 公司與能源研究與技術中心合作,開發了質子交換膜燃料電池和燃料靈活的線性發電機技術。我們計劃為我們使用的發電機建立可持續的動力來源,並在發生緊急情況時提供應急電力電力公司停電。


數據中心發電機市場高度整合,由少數大型企業主導。 公司正在改變其產品線,以反映質量的提高和技術的進步,例如發電機的智能數字控制和雙燃料技術。 Caterpillar Inc.、Cummins Inc.、Generac Holdings Inc.、Kinolt (Euro-Diesel SA) 和 Hitec Power Protection BV 是該領域的一些頂尖公司。 這些佔據相當大市場份額的大公司專注於擴大海外客戶群。 這些公司正在進行戰略合作,以提高市場份額和盈利能力。

  • 2022 年 11 月 - 科勒電力系統公司已正式開始在其位於美國威斯康星州的北美髮電機製造基地進行先進的生產擴建。 此次產量增加將有助於科勒擴大其在數據中心等關鍵戰略行業的業務。
  • 2022 年 10 月 - 比利時數據中心公司 LCL 使用加氫處理植物油替代其備用發電機中的柴油。 該公司宣布,位於阿爾斯特的 LCL 布魯塞爾西站剛剛投資了六台新的 2.25 MVA 發電機,將成為第一個使用生物柴油的站點。 該電廠擁有八台備用發電機,其中包括兩台 1MW 舊發電機和六台新 HVO 發電機。 從柴油到其他可再生能源的燃料轉換使直流發電機製造商能夠開發先進的產品。
  • 2022 年 6 月 - 微軟將把微電網集成到加利福尼亞州聖何塞的新數據中心,並使用可再生天然氣而不是柴油運行緊急備用發電機。 該項目將使微軟能夠在 2030 年之前從其數據中心運營中消除柴油燃料。 這項工作將提高數據中心的彈性,使微軟更接近消除對石油柴油的依賴,並為天然氣發電機進入市場創造機會。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍


第 3 章執行摘要

第 4 章市場動態

  • 市場概覽
  • 市場驅動因素
    • 託管服務提供商增加數據中心建設
    • 增加超大規模數據中心的建設
  • 市場製約因素
    • 數據中心的碳足跡增加
  • 行業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的對抗關係
  • 評估新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 對行業的影響
  • 行業價值鏈分析
  • 柴油、天然氣和其他替代燃料對環境的影響


  • 產品類型
    • 柴油機
    • 天然氣
    • 其他產品類型
  • 發電能力
    • 小於1MW
    • 1-2MW
    • 2MW或以上
  • 等級
    • 一級和二級
    • 第三級
    • 第四級
  • 地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第 6 章競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Caterpillar Inc.
    • Atlas Copco
    • Cummins Inc.
    • Hitec Power Protection
    • Himoinsa SL
    • KOHLER Group
    • Mitsubishi Motor Corporation
    • Generac Power Systems Inc.
    • Rolls Royce Power Systems AG
    • Piller

第7章 投資分析

第8章 市場展望

Product Code: 71386

The Data Center Generator Market size is expected to grow from USD 4.98 billion in 2023 to USD 6.46 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 5.35% during the forecast period (2023-2028).

Data centers are at significant risk of experiencing operational losses owing to power outages caused by utility grid failures, rolling blackouts, bad weather, natural or artificial calamities, or electrical breakdown. Systems and components used in data centers are expected to operate nonstop. They require dependable, uninterrupted power seven days a week, creating a demand for the Data Center Generator Market.

Key Highlights

  • Due to developments in generator technology, natural gas generators are a desired solution to supply continuous power and get closer to corporate sustainability targets. Additionally, these fuels are abundantly available and more economical than diesel. Renewable natural gas is still another low-emission option that is more environmentally responsible because it may be continuously obtained from waste, livestock operations, and wastewater treatment facilities, which will drive the adoption of gas generators in the future.
  • The majority of data center operators prefer diesel generators as the primary and most widely used option for backup energy for critical systems due to the requirement that an emergency power supply system (EPSS) operate for 120 minutes or longer (typically requiring onsite fuel storage), which is creating a demand for the Data Center generator market worldwide.
  • Many colocation service providers have raised data center production due to the growing demand for edge data centers worldwide. For example, in October last year, Amazon applied for an emission license with Ireland's Environmental Protection Agency to build 105 diesel generators at its new Dublin data center facility.
  • The rising power cost is predicted to hurt the market. Accelerating the trend of utilizing fuel cells as a power backup due to the enormous costs of generators might also cause restraint in the market growth. Additionally, the future of diesel as a backup power source for data centers appears to be one of tighter usage restrictions, more stringent tax policies, permitting, lower emissions targets, better air quality requirements, and noise laws, which could be a challenge for the market growth due to the significant market share of diesel-based generators.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has spotted the importance of data centers and cloud computing. During the early phases of the crisis, the data center industry served as the safety net for the global economy, which significantly increased the adoption of online services by businesses. Thus, with an increase of Data Centers, the demand for DC generators has increased due to their importance in continuous power supply to the DCs.

Data Center Generator Market Trends

Diesel type of Generators is Dominating the Market

  • Diesel generators are the data centers' most common type of backup power. The use of diesel generators is widespread in data centers and other critical facilities as they have a well-understood maintenance record, and it is easy to find repair experts. Customer satisfaction for data center customers is relatively high because of the company's diesel generators' time-tested capacity to achieve 100% load acceptance with superior controls.
  • IT service companies around the globe are adopting cloud strategy in their business and transforming their services to be hosted in the cloud. This transformation is driving the Datacentre market and indirectly fuelling the diesel generator for DCs, because of its suitability in Tier 4 DCs, which are required by large enterprises with mission-critical servers that must be operated continuously.
  • Many countries worldwide are developing DCs to increase their cloud infrastructures. For instance, Thailand's mobile data service sector has witnessed rapid growth in recent years. At the core of this industry is Advanced Info Service (AIS), the prominent mobile operator in Thailand. As the country's mobile operator, AIS is committed to providing uninterrupted service to its customers, even during a utility outage. An AIS subsidiary, Fax Lite Co. Ltd. owns the Tellus Data Center, which houses AIS' mobile switching facilities. This data center was designed to comply with Tier 3 requirements to ensure minimal planned and unplanned downtime.
  • To support the high availability requirements, Fax Lite Co. Ltd needed to implement reliable standby power to ensure uninterrupted critical load during an outage. Fax Lite Co. Ltd. considered various vendors based on the following criteria: cost competitiveness, product reliability, and excellent customer support.
  • Cummins was selected as the vendor of choice based on its capabilities in designing, integrating, and commissioning dependable power systems. AIS purchased 12 units of Cummins generator sets for mobile-switching facilities. Cummins supplied 12 MW of standby power with eight teams of diesel-powered generator sets C1675 D5A, integrated with a PowerCommand 3.3 control system and two units of PowerCommand Digital Master Control (DMC) 1000.
Data Center Generator Market - IMG1

Asia Pacific is Registering a Significant Market Growth

  • The increasing investments by global and regional facility operators and the rising adoption of public cloud and hybrid cloud services are the primary factors attributing to the growth of the Data Center Generator Market in the APAC region.
  • AWS, Google, Baidu, Alibaba, Microsoft, and Apple are the largest investors in the APAC market. The deployment of edge computing locations across many nations, particularly India and China, will support APAC's growth during the forecast period.
  • The presence of influential companies, such as Caterpillar Inc. and Cummins, Inc., has positively influenced the regional market's growth. Determinants, such as advanced technology advancement and information about the same, are also anticipated to influence the market positively.
  • The region is witnessing progress in the investment menus in building green DCs in the region, which would create a demand for renewable source generators such as hydrogen fuel generators for Data centers in the region. For instance, in August last year, the first green data center builder in Asia, Empyrion DC, announced the construction of a 40MW green data center in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea. Intending to invest up to USD 400 million in the region, Empyrion DC and a local promoter entered into a legally binding agreement to buy 100% of the development rights.
  • Additionally, Equinix, a DC infra company, is considering using hydrogen as a green fuel source in the company's data centers in Singapore. The company would use Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells and fuel-flexible linear generator technologies with the collaboration of the Centre for Energy Research & Technology to create sustainable electricity sources for the generators that supply emergency power during utility outages is a crucial component of that transformation in Singapore, which would drive the DC generator market in the region.
Data Center Generator Market - IMG2

Data Center Generator Industry Overview

Data Center Generator Market is dominated by a small number of major players and is highly consolidated. Companies make an effort to modify their product lines to reflect improvements in quality and technological advancements, such as intelligent digital controls and bi-fuel technology in generators. Caterpillar Inc., Cummins Inc., Generac Holdings Inc., Kinolt (Euro-Diesel SA), and Hitec Power Protection BV are some of the top businesses in the sector. These large companies, which account for a sizeable portion of the market, are focusing on expanding their clientele abroad. To enhance their market share and profitability, these companies are collaborating strategically.

  • November 2022 - Kohler Power Systems officially opened an advanced production expansion to its present North American generator manufacturing location in Wisconsin, United States. The manufacturing increase would help Kohler expand in critical strategic industries like data centers.
  • October 2022 - Belgian data center company LCL has used hydrotreated vegetable oil to replace diesel in its backup generators. The business announced that LCL Brussels-West in Aalst, where it just invested in 6 new 2.25 MVA generators, would be the first location to use biodiesel. The plant has eight backup generators, including two 1MW older types and six new HVO generators. This fuel transformation from diesel to other renewable sources allows DC generator manufacturers to develop advanced products.
  • June 2022 - Microsoft would integrate a microgrid at a new data center in San Jose, California, which would run its emergency backup generators on renewable natural gas rather than diesel fuel. The project would enable Microsoft to eliminate diesel fuel from its data center operations by 2030. This initiative improves the resilience of its data center, moves Microsoft closer to ending its reliance on petroleum-based diesel, and creates an opportunity for natural gas-based generators in the market.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Construction of Data Centers by Colocation Service Providers
    • 4.2.2 Growing Construction of Hyperscale Data Centers
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Growing Carbon Emissions from Data Centers
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Assessment of Impact of Covid-19 on the Industry
  • 4.6 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.7 Environmental Impact of Diesel vs Natural Gas and Other Alternatives


  • 5.1 Product Type
    • 5.1.1 Diesel
    • 5.1.2 Natural Gas
    • 5.1.3 Other Product Types
  • 5.2 Capacity
    • 5.2.1 Less than 1MW
    • 5.2.2 1-2MW
    • 5.2.3 Greater than 2MW
  • 5.3 Tier
    • 5.3.1 Tier I and II
    • 5.3.2 Tier III
    • 5.3.3 Tier IV
  • 5.4 Geography
    • 5.4.1 North America
    • 5.4.2 Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia Pacific
    • 5.4.4 Latin America
    • 5.4.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Caterpillar Inc.
    • 6.1.2 Atlas Copco
    • 6.1.3 Cummins Inc.
    • 6.1.4 Hitec Power Protection
    • 6.1.5 Himoinsa SL
    • 6.1.6 KOHLER Group
    • 6.1.7 Mitsubishi Motor Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Generac Power Systems Inc.
    • 6.1.9 Rolls Royce Power Systems AG
    • 6.1.10 Piller