

Smart Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 144 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 智慧包裝市場的增長受到快速城市化帶來的消費者生活方式變化以及尖端集成創新導致的個人化個人物品使用增加的推動。 此外,全球包裝市場的業務依賴於未開發的地理區域,這些地理區域為市場中的競爭對手提供了增長的大門。 對健康和衛生的日益關注,尤其是自大流行以來,增加了全球對可持續包裝有機食品的需求。
  • 根據《全球有機貿易指南》,2016年美國有機加工食品的消費額估計為149.6億美元,預計到2022年將超過210億美元。此外,在印度、中國、泰國和印尼等新興國家,有機加工食品的市場規模近年來也不斷擴大。這可能會增加這些國家未來對智慧包裝的需求。
  • 世界各地的多家智慧包裝製造商不斷創新其產品,始終致力於支持環境永續性與智慧包裝計畫相結合。 2022 年 12 月,3D 掃描和檢測解決方案製造商 LMI Technologies (LMI) 宣布,將停止在其產品包裝中使用一次性塑膠發泡體和其他塑膠材料,並將開始包裝和出貨所有產品。它已經開始了。由 100% 可回收和生物分解性的材料製成。向新 EcoSmart 包裝的過渡正在進行中,該公司預計其大部分產品將在 2023 年初進行更換。新的 EcoSmart 包裝在盒子外側印有2D碼。連線至包含所有目前可用產品快速入門指南 (QSG) 的網頁。客戶可以透過智慧型手機掃描包裝盒上的2D碼並在相關主頁上查看 QSG,立即下載與 LMI 新產品相容的 PDF 版本。
  • 然而,分期付款的高資本成本、安全問題、製造與當前包裝標準相容的感測器和指示器的新技術、消費者意識等是市場成長的主要限制因素,這已成為一個問題。
  • 疫情爆發后,歐洲包裝環境署呼籲歐盟委員會將包裝視為一系列產品的重要組成部分,這些產品被認為對維持貨物的不間斷流動以及易腐爛物品(尤其是食品)很重要。 在此背景下,為歐洲國家提供解決方案的StePac開發了先進的改性氣體包裝,可有效減少食品的老化和老化過程。
  • 預計未來推動市場的另一個因素是電子商務或線上購買。到目前為止,線上雜貨購物僅限於國際城市和大城市,但它可能很快就會成為小城市和城鎮的首選購買方式。這預計將進一步加速包裝行業的成長,並鼓勵主動和智慧包裝的發展。



  • 活性包裝的作用不僅僅是容納和保護您的產品。它與包裝內容物相互作用,以增加新鮮度並延長保存期限。包裝中含有添加或去除的成分,以調節濕度、含氧量、氣味和風味等條件。活性包裝主要用於食品和飲料。
  • 活性包裝的工作原理是將活性元素放置在包裝內。小包裝、信封或標籤與產品一起放置在包裝內。例如,這可以釋放抗菌劑以減緩腐敗過程或去除氧氣以防止食品腐敗。活性包裝的另一種工作方式是透過擠壓、層壓或印刷將活性元素融入包裝材料中。這種機制對消費者更有吸引力,因為包裝沒有任何令人困惑或奇怪的地方。
  • 活性包裝技術為包裝產品增加了功能,使其作用方式適應產品的保護功能和需求,並限制破壞性過程,而不僅僅是遏制、保護和傳播。建立在傳統包裝概念的基礎上。因此,活性包裝提供了一種新方法,可以在供應鏈需求增加期間減少食品浪費和損失,同時維持現有的製造系統。
  • 此外,對安全和追蹤解決方案的需求不斷成長將推動主動和智慧包裝市場的成長。例如,RFID 標籤提供識別、控制和管理食品供應鏈的能力。與傳統條碼標籤相比,它們在食品追溯方面更加先進、可靠和高效。用於監控產品溫度、相對濕度、壓力、pH 值和光照的 RFID 標籤已上市,有助於提高食品品質和安全性。 2022 年 4 月,全球領先的食品連鎖店 Chipotle Mexican Grill 開始探索 RFID 技術,以改善其芝加哥配銷中心以及芝加哥大都會圈約 200 家餐廳的庫存和追溯系統。
  • 根據美國製造公司斑馬技術公司的一項研究,到 2024 年,市場領先的包裝製造商和最終使用者可能會傾向於採用更全面的汽車解決方案。 根據該報告,對RFID、感測器和增強現實等技術的投資預計將從2019年的29%、29%和22%分別增加到2024年的35%、35%和29%。 在歐洲,預計更多的出境活動將利用RFID和基於位置的技術,預計超過五分之一的人將使用RFID進行包裝(25%),庫存管理(20%)和揀貨(19%)。


  • 有利的監管條件、對永續性的日益關注以及各個最終用戶領域(尤其是食品和醫療保健行業)對活性和智慧包裝不斷成長的需求,推動了美國智慧包裝市場的顯著成長。
  • 根據美國糧食及農業組織估計,美國每年浪費了 1,330 億磅食物,金額1,610 億美元。減少食品廢棄物的努力是多方面的,包括增加將食品轉移到食物銀行、教育和宣傳,以及努力標準化食品標籤上的日期標籤。此外,使用智慧包裝減少食品廢棄物在美國引起了廣泛關注。
  • 此外,食品業智慧包裝的成長很大程度上得益於政府的舉措,這不僅可以幫助減少食品廢棄物和確保食品安全,還可以追蹤食品的位置和狀況。例如,美國國防部(DOD)和食品藥品協會(FDA)鼓勵使用RFID技術進行供應鏈管理以及對需要智慧包裝的產品進行追蹤和追溯。
  • 預計加拿大在預測期內將出現顯著成長。轉向更健康、加工更少的食品,這些食品經過有效包裝,可確保安全、免受污染並延長保存期限,這表明全國各地的客戶對智慧包裝解決方案的偏好。
  • 加拿大印刷電子工業協會與包裝聯盟PAC 合作,創建了 IntelliPACK 領導委員會,以加速新智慧包裝產品和應用的採用。 IntelliPACK 聯合計畫於 2017 年啟動,旨在加速使用可印刷、軟性或有機電子 (PE) 實現的智慧包裝的開發和實施。
  • 此外,intelliPACK Business Network 還與一些組織合作,協助開發在加拿大使用可印刷和有機電子 (PE) 實現智慧包裝的能力。例如,這些組織最近與 PAC、包裝聯盟(PAC) 和 IntelliFLEX 簽訂了策略合作協議,以加速在加拿大各地普及主動智慧包裝。此外,加拿大政府也支持產業努力尋找對環境負責的方法來解決農業問題,造福經濟和子孫後代。


在所研究的智慧包裝市場中,競爭公司之間的競爭強度中等偏高,預計在預測期內將維持在相似水準。市場上一些主要的參與者包括 Sealed Air Corporation、Amcor PLC、Ball Corporation、 BASF SE、Huhtamaki OYJ 等。市場公司正在採取合作夥伴關係、創新和收購等策略來增強其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

2023 年 5 月,設計和製造負責任包裝解決方案的全球公司 Amcor PLC 宣布已達成收購 ModaSystems 的最終協議。 ModaSystems 是一家最先進的自動化蛋白質包裝機製造商。 ModaSystems 為肉類、家禽和乳製品行業開發、組裝和支援創新的高性能模組化真空包裝解決方案。

2023 年 3 月,艾利丹尼森宣布對其 Atma-io 互聯產品雲進行最新更新,以幫助品牌轉變其供應鏈。該平台管理著服裝、零售、食品和醫療保健等品牌的超過 280 億件商品。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持


第1章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • COVID-19 後智慧包裝市場的影響評估


  • 市場促進因素
    • 食品包裝品質檢測技術的進步
    • 食品安全意識不斷增強
    • 智慧包裝的多種應用推動印刷業發展
  • 市場限制因素
    • 由於初始要求而導致成本較高


  • 依技術
    • 活性包裝
    • 智慧包裝
  • 依行業分類
    • 食品
    • 飲料
    • 衛生保健
    • 個人護理
    • 其他
  • 依地區
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 其他歐洲國家
    • 亞太地區
      • 中國
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 其他亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第7章 競爭形勢

  • 公司簡介
    • Sealed Air Corporation
    • Amcor PLC
    • Ball corporation
    • BASF SE
    • Huhtamaki OYJ
    • Stora Enso
    • Avery Dennison Corporation
    • Zebra Technologies Corporation
    • 3M Company
    • International Paper Company



Product Code: 48513

The Smart Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 22.67 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 31.98 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.12% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Smart Packaging - Market

Smart packaging refers to a specific type of sensor-equipped packaging system used for various items, including food and medication. The technology used in smart packaging helps to increase product quality, shelf life, freshness monitoring, and customer and product safety. When products are packaged using intelligent technology, these systems provide details about the product's quality and freshness.

Key Highlights

  • The smart packaging market's growth is driven by consumer lifestyle changes brought on by rapid urbanization and increased use of individualized personal items with cutting-edge integrated innovation. In addition, the global packaging market business depends on the untapped geographic areas that offer enormous open doors for market competitors for its growth. Owing to increasing concern about health hygiene, especially after the pandemic, there has been an increased demand for sustainably packaged organic food worldwide.
  • According to the Global Organic Trade Guide, the consumption of organic packaged foods in the United States was estimated to be worth USD 14.96 billion in 2016, and it is expected to have surpassed USD 21 billion in 2022. Moreover, even in developing countries like India, China, Thailand, and Indonesia, the market size for organic packaged food has been positive in the past few years. This may have consequently pushed the demand for smart packaging in these countries for the future.
  • Several smart packaging manufacturers across the globe are constantly innovating products with their consistent effort to support environmental sustainability coupled with smart packaging initiatives. In December 2022, LMI Technologies (LMI), the manufacturer of 3D scanning and inspection solutions, announced that it had stopped using single-use, plastic-based foams and any other plastic materials in product packaging and had begun packaging and shipping all its products with 100% recyclable and biodegradable materials. The transition to the new eco-smart packaging was underway, and the company anticipated to have switched over the great majority of its products by the beginning of 2023. The new eco-smart packaging features a printed QR code on the outside of the box that connects to a webpage with all the product quick start guides (QSG) that are currently available. Customers can quickly download the PDF version corresponding to their new LMI product by scanning the QR code on the box with their smartphone and then perusing the QSGs on the associated homepage.
  • However, the high cost of capital for instalments, security issues, new techniques for fabricating such sensors and indicators compatible with current packaging standards, and awareness among consumers are key restraints and challenges to the market's growth.
  • After the pandemic outbreak, the European Organization for Packaging and the Environment called on the European Commission to recognize packaging as an essential component of the product groups identified as critical, like perishable goods, especially food items, to maintain the uninterrupted flow of goods. In this context, StePac, which supplies its solutions in European countries, developed an advanced modified atmosphere packaging, effectively reducing the food products' ripening and ageing processes.
  • Another factor expected to drive the market in the future is e-commerce or online purchasing. Until now, online buying of groceries was limited only to cosmopolitan or metro cities, but soon, it may be a preferred mode of buying in small cities and towns. This is further anticipated to create growth in the packaging sector and boost the development of active and intelligent packaging.

Smart Packaging Market Trends

Active Packaging to Hold Major Share in the Market

  • Active packaging does more than contain and protect the product. It interacts with the contents of the package to enhance freshness or extend shelf life. The packaging includes added or removed ingredients to adjust conditions such as humidity, oxygen levels, odors, and flavors. Active packaging is mainly used for food and beverages.
  • Active packaging works by placing the active element inside the package. A small packet, envelope, or label is placed inside the package with the product. This can, for instance, release antibacterial agents to slow the spoilage process or remove oxygen to keep food from spoiling. Another way active packaging works is by incorporating active elements into the packaging material by extrusion, lamination, or printing. This mechanism is more appealing to consumers as there are no confusing or odd items on the packaging.
  • Active packaging technology builds on the traditional concept of packaging by adding functionality to the packaged product, adapting its mode of action to the protective function and needs of the product, and going beyond mere containment, protection, and transmission to limit destructive processes. Active packaging, therefore, offers a new approach to reducing food waste and loss during increased demand in the supply chain while maintaining current manufacturing systems.
  • Furthermore, increasing demand for security and tracking solutions drives growth for the active and intelligent packaging market. For instance, RFID tags provide the ability to identify, control, and manage the food supply chain. These are more advanced, reliable, and efficient for food traceability than conventional barcode tags. RFID tags for monitoring the products' temperature, relative humidity, pressure, pH, and light exposure are already available on the market, aiding in enhancing food quality and safety. In April 2022, major worldwide food chain Chipotle Mexican Grill started exploring RFID technology to improve its inventory and traceability systems at its Chicago distribution center and roughly 200 restaurants in the greater Chicago area.
  • According to the research of ZebraTechnologies, a US-based manufacturing company, by 2024, the market-leading packaging manufacturers and end users are likely to gravitate toward incorporating more comprehensive automotive solutions. According to the report, the investment in technologies, including RFID, sensors, and augmented reality, is expected to be up from 29%, 29%, and 22%, respectively, in 2019 to 35%, 35%, and 29% in 2024. In Europe, it is expected that more outbound activities may employ RFID and location technology, with more than one in five expecting to utilize it for packaging (25%), inventory management (20%), and picking (19%) by 2024.

North America is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

  • Due to favorable regulatory conditions, a growing focus on sustainability, and rising demand for active and intelligent packaging across various end-user segments, particularly the food and healthcare industries, the smart packaging market in the United States has experienced significant growth over the past few years.
  • According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States, in the US, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food, at a value of USD 161 billion, is wasted yearly. Efforts to reduce food waste are multifaceted, including increased diversion of food-to-food banks, education and outreach, and efforts to standardize date markings on food labels. Further, reducing food waste using smart packaging is gaining significant traction in the United States.
  • Moreover, the growth of intelligent packaging in the food industry is significantly attributed to government efforts, as beyond reducing food waste or helping to ensure food safety, intelligent packaging also can track the location and condition of food. For instance, the US Department of Defense (DOD) and the Food and Drugs Association (FDA) have encouraged using RFID technology for supply chain management and tracking and tracing products requiring smart packaging.
  • Canada is expected to register significant growth over the forecast period. The shift towards healthier, less processed food that has been effectively packaged to ensure safety from contamination and lengthen the shelf life indicates customer preferences towards smart packaging solutions nationwide.
  • The Canadian Printable Electronics Industry Association has formed the IntelliPACK Leadership Council, in partnership with PAC, Packaging Consortium, to speed up the adoption of new intelligent packaging products and applications. The joint IntelliPACK program was launched in 2017 to drive the development and adoption of intelligent packaging enabled with printable, flexible, or organic electronics (PE).
  • Further, the intelliPACK Business Network is working with organizations that can help develop the capability to enable intelligent packaging using Printable and Organic Electronics (PE) in Canada. For instance, the organizations recently made a strategic collaboration agreement with the PAC, Packaging Consortium (PAC), and intelliFLEX to facilitate the widespread adoption of active and intelligent packaging across Canada. Furthermore, the Canadian government assists industry efforts to identify environmentally sound approaches to agricultural problems that will benefit the economy and future generations.

Smart Packaging Industry Overview

The intensity of competitive rivalry in the Smart Packaging Market studied is moderately high and is expected to remain the same during the forecast period. Some of the major players in the market are Sealed Air Corporation, Amcor PLC, Ball Corporation, BASF SE, and Huhtamaki OYJ. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships, innovations, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

In May 2023, Amcor PLC, a global player in the design and manufacture of responsible packaging solutions, announced that it signed a definitive agreement to acquire ModaSystems. ModaSystems is a manufacturer of state-of-the-art automated protein packaging machines. ModaSystems develops, assembles, and supports innovative, high-performance, modular vacuum packaging solutions for the meat, poultry, and dairy industries.

In March 2023, Avery Dennison Corporation announced its latest Atma-io-connected product cloud updates to help brands transform their supply chains. The platform manages over 28 billion items for brands across apparel, retail, food, and healthcare.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Post-COVID-19 Impact on the Smart Packaging Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Advancement in Technology in Food Packaging for Quality Inspection
    • 5.1.2 Rising Awareness Regarding Food Safety
    • 5.1.3 Development in the Printing Industry Due to Various Applications of Smart Packaging
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Costs Due to Initial Requirement


  • 6.1 By Technology
    • 6.1.1 Active Packaging
    • 6.1.2 Intelligent Packaging
  • 6.2 By End-user Vertical
    • 6.2.1 Food
    • 6.2.2 Beverage
    • 6.2.3 Healthcare
    • 6.2.4 Personal Care
    • 6.2.5 Other End-user Verticals
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.3.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Sealed Air Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Amcor PLC
    • 7.1.3 Ball corporation
    • 7.1.4 BASF SE
    • 7.1.5 Huhtamaki OYJ
    • 7.1.6 Stora Enso
    • 7.1.7 Avery Dennison Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Zebra Technologies Corporation
    • 7.1.9 3M Company
    • 7.1.10 International Paper Company