
5G 設備:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024-2029 年)

5G Devices - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內





5G 設備 - 市場

5G技術提供超快速的網路覆蓋,並藉助物聯網實現許多新應用。 COVID-19 大流行也推遲了 5G 的廣泛推出。


  • 根據愛立信消費者實驗室去年的報告,去年 4 月至 7 月期間,37 個市場的 49,100 名客戶接受了線上訪談。受訪的受訪者代表了研究市場的17億線上客戶和4.3億5G用戶,年齡從15歲到69歲。研究表明,下一波 5G 浪潮已經開始,主流客戶正在推出該服務。在早期採用者市場中擁抱科技。
  • 連接、數位應用和穿戴式技術的日益普及預計將推動 5G 設備市場參與者的成長。此外,升級現有的支援基礎設施,包括數據機、塔和其他支援基礎設施,為新參與者提供了巨大的機會。 5G 技術的引入正在全球多個區域市場收到正面訊號,5G 設備市場的成長預計將帶來重大機會。
  • 主要晶片製造商也專注於5G設備的組件開發,以提高設備在市場上的普及。這還包括晶片組供應商推出更多型號以進行大規模部署並在數量主導的市場中競爭。去年 5 月,聯發科推出了天璣 1050 毫米波 SoC 及相關型號,以突出設備中的 5G 連接性。
  • 此外,新的應用程式、經營模式和不斷下降的設備成本正在推動物聯網的採用,從而增加全球連網設備和端點的數量。 5G 提供大規模機器類型通訊 (mMTC),並準備支援數百億網路設備的無線連線。現代通訊系統已經支援多種 MTC 應用。然而,mMTC 的獨特特性,即設備數量龐大且有效負載較小,需要新的概念和方法。 5G 將使每平方公里約 100 萬台設備的密度成為可能。
  • 然而,支援基礎設施的全球營運和安裝仍然是許多領域的主要障礙。例如,國際標準機構3GPP去年9月就在去年下半年更新了下一個版本的5G規格Release 17。去年3月,因疫情等原因暫停上映。此類延誤導致公司供應鏈和其他業務活動隨後出現延誤。
  • 所有行業都感受到了 COVID-19 大流行的直接影響,導致大規模裁員、創紀錄的失業率以及急劇抑制的消費者支出。 COVID-19的傳播對供應鏈造成了嚴重干擾,並在中短期內阻礙了5G建設進程。因此,5G 硬體嚴重延遲和經濟放緩的整體影響是適用的。



  • 根據《2021 年愛立信移動報告》,全球推出了約 650 款新型 5G 智慧型手機,佔所有外型尺寸 5G 總需求的 50%。智慧型手機提供的手持無線外形和 5G 存取的便利性幾乎是無與倫比的。全球部分地區已經開始5G部署,一些尚未開發的地區正準備接受支援5G的智慧型手機的推出,以利用即將推出的5G。
  • 技術的不斷進步以及對超高頻寬、超低延遲和大規模連接的需求不斷增加預計將為市場提供成長機會。此外,能源管理和智慧家庭產品等整合物聯網應用對高速資料連接的需求不斷成長,預計將在預測期內推動 5G 智慧型手機的採用。
  • 一些智慧型手機製造商正在根據當地市場反應計畫推出策略,以在競爭環境中競爭。去年 8 月,三星共用計劃在印度市場推出更多智慧型手機,其新一代 5G折疊式設備在不到 12 小時內銷售額就達到 60 億印度盧比。該公司原計劃在去年印度 5G 推出前推出該設備。
  • 此外,市場相關人員正致力於為客戶提供高階5G智慧型手機體驗。例如,去年 5 月,高通推出了時脈高達 3.2 GHz 的 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC,適用於領先的智慧型手機實施。處理器配備第四代Snapdragon X65 5G數據機射頻系統,可提供高達10 Gbps的5G速度。
  • 這些發展使買家能夠升級他們的非5G智慧型手機,以在智慧型手機上獲得最新、最快的全方位體驗,從而推動5G智慧型手機市場的發展。


  • 該地區的服務供應商已經推出了商用 5G 服務,重點是行動寬頻。推出支援所有三個頻譜的5G 設備,使該技術能夠在該地區儘早採用。目前,5G 服務與 4G 服務整合,或當客戶從有 5G 服務的區域移動到沒有 5G 服務的區域時,透過 5G 到 4G 的切換進行整合。
  • 根據愛立信2021年行動報告,隨著從4G到5G用戶的轉變顯著加速,2021年5G用戶增加了約6,400萬。預計年終5G用戶數將達2.5億,到2027年將達4億,佔行動用戶的90%。
  • 同樣,報告也指出,北美地區的固定無線存取 (FWA) 數量增幅最大,接受調查的所有服務供應商中約有 60% 提供了 FWA。這些區域性的發布將增強對5G部署的基礎設施支持,並在北美最大的地區吸引新用戶。
  • 近期,多款產品的發布使全部區域實現了5G連接。去年九月,諾基亞宣布將擴大其工業用戶設備組合,以促進北美地區的專用無線網路連接。全新諾基亞 5G 工業現場路由器和適配器、無線存取頻譜功能以及諾基亞連接操作儀表板為部署和管理安全可靠的專用 4G/LTE 和 5G 無線網路提供了更多選項。 Nokia 5G 現場路由器和 5G 適配器可以部署在美國和加拿大的公民寬頻無線電服務 (CBRS) 3.5 GHz頻譜中。


5G 設備市場競爭適中,由許多全球和區域參與者組成。這些公司佔據了重要的市場佔有率,並致力於擴大客戶群。供應商專注於研發投資,引入新的解決方案、策略合作夥伴關係以及其他有機和無機成長策略,以獲得相對於競爭對手的競爭優勢。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 市場定義和範圍
  • 調查先決條件




  • 市場概況
  • 產業相關人員分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代產品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵意強度
  • COVID-19 對 5G形勢的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 全球設備和端點的數量持續成長
    • 組件和設備層級的創新支援部署
    • 智慧型手機的使用不斷增加以及智慧型手機的技術進步
  • 市場限制因素
    • 監管和標準化方面的延遲
    • 設計和營運挑戰
  • 市場機會
    • 工業部門的需求預計將增加
    • 繼續努力在新興國家引入5G
  • 5G 時間表和 5G 相容設備的普及
  • 5G 及未來 - 前進之路
  • 重點行業法規政策

第 6 章技術概覽

第7章 5G介紹市場形勢

  • 全球通訊業者數量 - 按試驗和商業發布細分(2018 年第 2 季 - 2020 年第一季)
  • 5G部署的國家級覆蓋範圍-投資和商業化趨勢
  • 行動通訊基地台回程傳輸、宏和小型基地台基地台回程傳輸使用總量 -總合(微波、衛星、Sub-6 GHz)
  • 市場展望


  • 構成因素
    • 模組
    • CPE(室內/室外)
    • 智慧型手機
    • 熱點
    • 筆記型電腦
    • 工業級CPE/路由器/閘道器
    • 其他外形尺寸
  • 頻譜支援
    • 低於 6GHz
    • 毫米波
    • 兩個頻譜頻寬
  • 地區
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 西班牙
      • 其他歐洲國家
    • 亞太地區
      • 中國
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 澳洲
      • 其他亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
      • 巴西
      • 墨西哥
      • 阿根廷
      • 其他拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲
      • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
      • 沙烏地阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • 其他中東和非洲

第9章 競爭形勢

  • 公司簡介
    • ZTE Corporation
    • Cisco Systems Inc
    • Nokia Corporation
    • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • Xiaomi Corporation
    • Motorola Mobility LLC(Lenovo Group Limited)
    • BBK Electronics Corporation
    • Keysight Technologies Inc.



Product Code: 71373

The 5G Devices Market size in terms of shipment volume is expected to grow from 4.85 Billion units in 2024 to 53.77 Billion units by 2029, at a CAGR of 61.76% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

5G Devices - Market

5G technology will offer ultra-high-speed network coverage and enable numerous new applications with the help of IoT. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the widespread deployment of 5G.

Key Highlights

  • According to the last year's Ericsson ConsumerLab report, Online interviews were conducted with 49,100 customers in 37 markets between April and July last year. The respondents chosen for the interview represent the surveyed markets' online population of 1.7 billion customers and 430 million 5G users, who range in age from 15 to 69. According to studies, the next wave of 5G is already in motion, with mainstream customers starting to accept the technology in early adopter markets.
  • The growing adoption of connectivity, digital applications, and wearable technology is expected to drive growth for players in the 5G devices market. Moreover, upgrading existing supporting infrastructure, including modems, towers, and other supporting infrastructure, will present significant opportunities for new players. The 5G devices market's growth is expected to drive significant opportunities as the adoption of 5G technology has received positive signals in several local markets worldwide.
  • Major chip makers also focus on 5G device component development to boost device penetration in the market. This includes chipset vendors competing in volume-driven markets as they introduce more models for mass deployments. In May last year, MediaTek launched Dimensity 1050 mmWave SoC, and related models, to highlight 5G connectivity in devices.
  • Also, emerging applications, business models, and falling device costs have driven IoT adoption, increasing the number of connected devices and endpoints globally. 5G offers massive machine-type communication (mMTC), poised to support tens of billions of network-enabled devices to be wirelessly connected. Modern communication systems already serve several MTC applications. However, the characteristic properties of mMTC, i.e., the massive number of devices and the tiny payload sizes, require novel concepts and approaches. 5G allows a density of approximately one million devices per square kilometer.
  • However, the global operation and installation of the supportive infrastructure continue to be a significant hurdle in many areas. For instance, in September last year, the international standardization body, 3GPP, updated the next release of the 5G specification, Release 17, for the second half of the previous year. The release was frozen in March last year due to the pandemic and other reasons. Such delays create subsequent delays in companies' supply chains and other operational activities.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic's immediate effects have been felt in every industry, causing widespread layoffs, record unemployment, and severely curtailing consumer spending. The spread of COVID-19 resulted in a significant supply chain disruption impeding the 5G buildout process in the short & medium term. The critical 5G hardware delays and general effects of the economic slowdown thus apply.

5G Devices Market Trends

Smartphone Segment is Expected to Witness the Highest Growth

  • According to the Ericsson Mobility Report 2021, around 650 new 5G smartphones have been launched globally, accounting for 50% of all the 5G from all form factors. The handheld wireless form factor and convenience of 5G access offered by smartphones are nearly unmatched. As several parts of the world have already begun rolling out 5G, some untouched regions are preparing to receive 5G-enabled smartphone launches to leverage the upcoming 5G launch.
  • The increasing technological advancements and growing demand for ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-low latency, and massive connectivity are expected to offer growth opportunities to the market. Moreover, the rising demand for high-speed data connectivity for integrated IoT (Internet of Things) applications, such as energy management and smart home products, is anticipated to propel the adoption of 5G smartphones over the forecast period.
  • Several smartphone manufacturers adapt and plan strategic launches according to the local market responses to compete in the highly competitive landscapes. In August last year, Samsung shared plans to launch more smartphones in the Indian market after recording sales of INR 600 crore in less than 12 hours for its new generation 5G-enabled foldable devices. The company would launch the devices ahead of the 5G roll-out in India in the previous year.
  • Further, the market players focus on providing customers with a high-end 5G smartphone experience. For instance, in May last year, Qualcomm launched Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC, with clock speeds up to 3.2 GHz for major smartphone implementation. The processor features the fourth-generation Snapdragon X65 5G Modem-RF System, bringing 5G speeds of up to 10 Gbps.
  • Such developments attract buyers to upgrade their non-5G smartphones to get the latest and fastest, all-around experience in their smartphone, driving the 5G smartphone market.

North America Expected to Hold a Significant Share

  • Service providers in the region have already launched commercial 5G services focused on mobile broadband. The introduction of 5G devices that support all three spectrum bands will enable early adoption of the technology in the region. As of now, 5G services are integrated with 4G services or with hand-off from 5G to 4G when a customer moves from an area where 5G service is available to one where it is not.
  • According to the Ericson Mobility Report 2021, around 64 million 5G subscriptions were added in 2021 as migration from 4G to 5G subscriptions picked up significantly. The number of 5G subscriptions is expected to reach 250 million at the end of the current year and 400 million by 2027, accounting for 90 percent of mobile subscriptions.
  • Similarly, the report also mentioned North America registering the strongest increase in the number of fixed wireless access (FWA), with about 60% of all service providers surveyed offering FWA. Such regional launches boost the infrastructural support for the 5G roll-out, reaching maximum areas in North America for new users.
  • Multiple product launches have enabled 5G connectivity across the region recently. In September last year, Nokia announced extending its Industrial portfolio of user equipment to facilitate private wireless network connectivity in North America. Its new Nokia 5G Industrial fieldrouter and dongle, radio access spectrum capabilities, and Nokia Connectivity Operations Dashboard would provide more options for deploying and managing secure, reliable private 4G/LTE and 5G wireless. The Nokia 5G fieldrouter and 5G dongle could be deployed in the US and Canada Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz spectrum.

5G Devices Industry Overview

The 5G devices market is moderately competitive and consists of many global and regional players. These players account for a considerable market share and focus on expanding their customer base. The vendors focus on the research and development investment in introducing new solutions, strategic partnerships, and other organic & inorganic growth strategies to earn a competitive edge over their counterparts.

  • September 2022 - HMD Global launched the new Nokia X30 5G smartphone and a few more Nokia products at IFA 2022 in Berlin, Germany, featuring around eleven 5G bands.
  • August 2022 - Bharti Airtel (Airtel) announced signing 5G network agreements with Ericsson, Nokia, and Samsung to commence 5G deployment in August 2022. The partnership with Samsung to supply 5G equipment and solutions would begin in 2022, along with the older partners, Nokia and Ericsson. The 5G partnerships would follow closely on the edge of spectrum auctions conducted by the Department of Telecom in India, where Airtel bid for and acquired 19867.8 MHZ spectrum in 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 3300 MHz, and 26 GHz frequencies.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Market Definition and Scope
  • 1.2 Study Assumptions




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Stakeholder Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the 5G Landscape


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Sustained Increase in Number of Devices and Endpoints Worldwide
    • 5.1.2 Technological Innovations at a Component and Device Level to Aid Adoption
    • 5.1.3 Increasing use of Smart Phones and rising Technological advancement in the smart phones is expected to drive market.
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Regulatory and Standardization Delays
    • 5.2.2 Design and Operational Challenges
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities
    • 5.3.1 Anticipated Rise in Demand from the Industrial Sector
    • 5.3.2 Ongoing Efforts toward Introduction of 5G in Emerging Countries
  • 5.4 5G Timeline and proliferation 5G enabled devices
  • 5.5 5G and Beyond - The Path Ahead
  • 5.6 Key Industry Regulations and Policies



  • 7.1 Number of Operators Worldwide - Breakdown by Trials and Commercial Launches (Q2'18 - Q1'20)
  • 7.2 Country-level coverage on 5G Adoption - Investment and Commercialization Trends
  • 7.3 Total Cell-site Backhaul, Macro, and Small Cell-site Backhaul Usage - In Percentage (Microwave, Satellite, Sub-6 GHz)
  • 7.4 Market Outlook


  • 8.1 Form Factor
    • 8.1.1 Modules
    • 8.1.2 CPE (Indoor/Outdoor)
    • 8.1.3 Smartphone
    • 8.1.4 Hotspots
    • 8.1.5 Laptops
    • 8.1.6 Industrial Grade CPE/Router/Gateway
    • 8.1.7 Other Form Factors
  • 8.2 Spectrum Support
    • 8.2.1 Sub-6 GHz
    • 8.2.2 mmWave
    • 8.2.3 Both Spectrum Bands
  • 8.3 Geography
    • 8.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 8.3.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • UK
      • France
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 8.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 8.3.4 Latin America
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Argentina
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 8.3.5 Middle East and Africa
      • UAE
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa


  • 9.1 Company Profiles
    • 9.1.1 ZTE Corporation
    • 9.1.2 Cisco Systems Inc
    • 9.1.3 Nokia Corporation
    • 9.1.4 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • 9.1.5 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 9.1.6 Xiaomi Corporation
    • 9.1.7 Motorola Mobility LLC (Lenovo Group Limited)
    • 9.1.8 BBK Electronics Corporation
    • 9.1.9 Keysight Technologies Inc.