

Scandium - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • COVID-19大流行對鈧市場產生了負面影響。由於封鎖,航太和國防、陶瓷和電子等主要最終用戶產業已關閉,從而減少了鈧的使用量。然而,大流行後,隨著關鍵最終用戶領域活動的持續,市場穩步擴張。
  • 短期來看,固體氧化物燃料電池(SOFCS)使用量的增加以及航太和國防工業對鋁鈧合金的需求增加是推動所研究市場的因素。
  • 然而,鈧的高價可能會阻礙2024年至2029年的市場成長。
  • 汽車產業的潛在應用和能源儲存技術的發展可能會在未來幾年為市場提供機會。
  • 預計中國將主導市場,而歐盟預計 2024 年至 2029 年複合年成長率最高。



  • SOFC 使用一種稱為電解質的固體氧化物材料來幫助將負氧離子從陰極移動到陽極。在這些電池中,陽極和陰極由塗有電解質的特殊墨水製成。因此,SOFC不需要貴金屬、腐蝕性酸或熔融物質。
  • 電解質材料作為催化劑暴露在高溫下,將天然氣轉化為能量。然而,催化轉化過程的高溫會導致陶瓷電解質快速劣化,增加資本和維護成本。
  • 在固體電解質中使用鈧使系統能夠在比傳統 SOFC 低得多的溫度下運作。因此,鈧的使用降低了SOFC的成本,使其更容易在許多地方用於發電。
  • 隨著電費上漲以及人們需要以更環保的方式發電,SOFC將有很多市場機會,鈧將變得更加重要。
  • 由於對煤炭和天然氣等傳統能源來源的環境擔憂日益增加,固體氧化物燃料電池的需求未來可能會增加。
  • 對清潔能源的需求不斷成長,而不是對煤炭和天然氣等傳統能源來源發電的環境擔憂,預計將推動未來對固體氧化物燃料電池的需求。固體氧化物燃料電池效率高,具有環境和經濟效益。固體氧化物燃料電池的電效率高達60%。這意味著燃料中儲存的 60% 的能量轉化為有用的電能。這遠高於燃煤電廠的效率。
  • 此外,根據美國能源情報署的數據,2023年將有約2.8兆美元投資於能源,其中1.7兆美元將投資於可再生能源、核能、電網、儲存、低排放燃料、效率提高、用於最終用途的可再生能源和清潔能源,包括電氣化。
  • 此外,根據美國能源局的預測,2030年清潔能源發電佔比可能達到80%,幾乎是通膨控制法案頒布前預期的兩倍。
  • 此外,SOFC 市場的各種擴張也刺激了對鈧的需求。例如:
  • HD Hyundai 於 2023 年 10 月宣布,將向愛沙尼亞固體氧化物燃料電池公司 Elcogen 投資 4,500 萬歐元(4,760 萬美元)。透過這項新投資,兩家公司將專注於基於 Elcogen 專有的固體氧化物燃料電池 (SOFC) 的船舶推進系統和固定發電以及基於 Elcogen 的固體氧化物電解槽電池(SOEC) 技術的綠色氫氣生產。
  • 2023年8月,固體氧化物燃料電池基板Bloom Energy宣布突破性地成功安裝了初級階段的10基板(MW)固體氧化物燃料電池。
  • 固體氧化物燃料電池市場可能在不久的將來出現鈧需求的大幅成長。


  • 中國的鈧是在鈦、鐵礦石、鋯等其他材料的產品中單獨生產的。目前,我國鈧產量的60-70%以上是鈦產品。我國大鈧也是利用我國攀枝花磁鐵礦等鈦礦等顏料廠的二氧化鈦(TiO2)浸出流殘渣生產的,濃度達到0.04%。
  • 全球範圍內,鈧的主要來源是鈮-稀土元素-鐵(Nb-FREE-Fe),是全球第一大稀土元素資源、第二大鈧資源。位於中國內蒙古,約佔世界鈧產量的90%。在白雲鄂博,鈧與其他稀土和鐵礦產品分開回收。
  • 隨著中國政府越來越重視利用清潔能源技術向低碳經濟轉型,燃料電池市場潛力巨大。過去幾年,中國政府高度重視國內燃料電池出行部署,民眾支持力道也從純電動車略微轉向燃料電池車。中國政府為每輛車提供 50 萬元人民幣(73,000 美元)的補貼。
  • 此外,中國政府也宣布計劃到2025年支持約5萬輛零排放燃料電池汽車,並計劃到2030年迅速擴大100萬輛燃料電池汽車的營運,這為鈧市場提供了機會。
  • 中國是最大的飛機製造國之一,也是國內航空客運最大的市場之一。此外,中國的飛機零件和組裝製造業正在快速成長,擁有200多家小型飛機零件製造商。中國政府也大力投資以提高國內製造能力。
  • 中國是全球最大的電子製造基地。中國活躍於智慧型手機、電視、電線、電纜、可攜式運算設備、遊戲系統和其他個人電子設備等電子產品的製造。中國經濟的發展和人民生活水準的提高正在拉動家電的需求。智慧型手機、OLED電視和平板電腦等電子產品在消費性電子市場的需求領域中呈現最高的成長率。預計到2025年收益將以每年2.04%的速度成長。
  • 因此,上述因素預計將影響研究市場需求。




  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持


第1章 簡介

  • 調查先決條件
  • 調查範圍




  • 促進因素
    • 固體氧化物燃料電池(SOFCS) 的應用不斷增加
    • 航太和國防工業對鋁鈧合金的需求增加
  • 抑制因素
    • 鈧高成本
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭程度
  • 價格分析
  • 環境影響分析


  • 產品類型
    • 氧化物
    • 氟化物
    • 氯化物
    • 硝酸鹽
    • 碘化物
    • 合金
    • 碳酸鹽/其他產品類型
  • 最終用戶產業
    • 航太/國防
    • 固體氧化物燃料電池
    • 陶瓷
    • 照明
    • 電子產品
    • 3D列印
    • 體育用品
    • 其他最終用戶產業
  • 地區
    • 生產分析
      • 中國
      • 俄羅斯
      • 菲律賓
      • 其他領域
    • 消費分析
      • 美國
      • 中國
      • 俄羅斯
      • 日本
      • 巴西
      • 歐洲聯盟
      • 其他領域

第6章 競爭狀況

  • 併購、合資、聯盟、協議
  • 市場佔有率(%)**/排名分析
  • 主要企業策略
  • 公司簡介
    • Guangxi Maoxin Technology Co. Ltd
    • Henan Rongjia Scandium Vanadium Technology Co. Ltd
    • Huizhou Top Metal Materials Co. Ltd
    • Hunan Rare Earth Metal Materials Research Institute Co. Ltd
    • Hunan Oriental Scandium Co. Ltd
    • JSC Dalur
    • MCC Group
    • NioCorp Development Ltd
    • Rio Tinto
    • Rusal
    • Scandium International Mining Corporation
    • Stanford Advanced Materials
    • Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd(Taganito HPAL nickel Corp.)
    • Sunrise Energy Metals Limited
    • Treibacher Industrie AG

第7章 市場機會及未來趨勢

  • 汽車產業的潛在應用
  • 不斷發展的能源儲存技術
Product Code: 49669

The Scandium Market size is estimated at USD 0.67 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 1.34 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 14.70% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Scandium - Market

Key Highlights

  • The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the scandium market. Due to the lockdown, major end-user segments such as aerospace and defense, ceramics, and electronics were suspended, reducing the usage of scandium. However, post-pandemic, the market expanded steadily because of the continued activities in major end-user segments.
  • In the short term, increasing usage in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCS) and increasing demand for aluminum-scandium alloys in the aerospace and defense industry are the factors driving the studied market.
  • However, the high price of scandium may hinder the growth of the studied market between 2024 and 2029.
  • Potential applications in the automotive industry and growing technology for storing energy are likely to give the market opportunities in the coming years.
  • China is expected to dominate the market, and the European Union is expected to see the highest CAGR between 2024 and 2029.

Scandium Market Trends

The Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) Segment is Expected to Dominate the Market

  • SOFCs use a solid oxide material called an electrolyte, which helps move negative oxygen ions from the cathode to the anode. In these cells, anodes and cathodes are made from special inks that cover the electrolyte. Therefore, SOFCs do not require any precious metal, corrosive acids, or molten material.
  • Electrolyte materials are subjected to high temperatures to catalyze natural gas conversion to energy. However, the high temperature for the catalyzing conversion process can lead to the quick degradation of ceramic electrolytes, adding to the capital and maintenance costs.
  • Using scandium in solid electrolytes helps the system work at much lower temperatures than traditional SOFCs. So, the use of scandium helped lower the cost of SOFCs, which made them easier to use for power generation in many places.
  • As electricity prices go up, people will need to use more environmentally friendly ways to make power, which is likely to create many market opportunities for SOFCs and make scandium even more important.
  • Due to growing environmental concerns regarding traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas, solid oxide fuel cells are likely to see increased demand in the future.
  • The increasing demand for clean energy over environmental concerns of energy generation from conventional sources, such as coal and natural gas, is expected to drive the demand for solid oxide fuel cells in the future. Solid oxide fuel cells offer high efficiency and deliver environmental and financial benefits. The electrical efficiency of solid oxide fuel cells reaches up to 60%. This means 60% of the energy stored in the fuel is converted to useful electrical energy. This is much higher than the efficiency of coal power plants.
  • Furthermore, according to the Energy Information Administration, around USD 2.8 trillion was invested in energy in 2023, out of which USD 1.7 trillion was used for clean energy, including renewable power, nuclear, grids, storage, low-emission fuels, efficiency improvements, and end-use renewables and electrification.
  • In addition, according to the US Department of Energy, the share of electricity from clean sources in 2030 could grow to 80%, nearly twice the expected amount before the Inflation Reduction Act passed.
  • Furthermore, various expansions in the SOFC market are fueling the demand for scandium. For instance:
  • In October 2023, HD Hyundai announced an investment of EUR 45 million (USD 47.6 million) in Estonian solid oxide fuel cell firm Elcogen. With the new investment, the two companies intend to focus on marine propulsion systems and stationary power generation based on Elcogen's proprietary solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and green hydrogen production based around Elcogen's solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) technology.
  • In August 2023, Bloom Energy, a manufacturer of solid oxide fuel cells, successfully installed the initial phase of a groundbreaking 10-megawatt (MW) solid oxide fuel cell contract with Unimicron Technology Corp., a prominent chip substrate and printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer in Taiwan.
  • The solid oxide fuel cell market is likely to witness a big increase in demand for scandium in the near future.

China is Expected to Dominate the Market

  • Scandium in China is produced as a by-product of other materials such as titanium, iron ore, and zirconium. Nowadays, more than 60-70 % of the scandium production in China is as titanium by-products. The sizeable chuck of scandium in the country is also produced by exploiting the residue from titanium dioxide (TiO2) leach streams in pigment plants such as titanium ore like magnetovana-ilmenite located in Panzhihua, China, at a concentration as high as 0.04%.
  • Globally, the principal source of scandium is niobium-rare earth element-iron (Nb-REE-Fe), the world's largest REE resource and second largest resource of scandium. It is located in Inner Mongolia, China, and accounts for approximately 90% of global scandium production. In Bayan Obo, scandium is regenerated as a by-product of the mining of the other REEs and iron.
  • China has great potential in the fuel cell market as the government increasingly focuses on utilizing clean energy technology to switch to a low-carbon economy. For the past 2-3 years, the Chinese government put great emphasis on the roll-out of fuel cell mobility in the country, shifting the public support focus slightly away from BEV to FCEV. The national government offers CNY 500,000 (USD 73 thousand) as a subsidy for each vehicle.
  • Furthermore, the Chinese government announced plans to support around 50,000 zero-emissions fuel cell vehicles by 2025, with plans to rapidly expand to 1 million FCEVs in service by 2030, providing opportunities to SOFCs and the scandium market in the country.
  • China is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers and one of the largest markets for domestic air passengers. Moreover, the country's aircraft parts and assembly manufacturing sector has been growing rapidly, with the presence of over 200 small aircraft parts manufacturers. Also, the Chinese government is investing heavily in increasing its domestic manufacturing capacities.
  • China is the largest base for electronics production in the world. China is actively engaged in manufacturing electronic products, such as smartphones, TVs, wires, cables, portable computing devices, gaming systems, and other personal electronic devices. Economic development in China and improving living standards among the population drive consumer electronics demand. Electronic products, such as smartphones, OLED TVs, and tablets, have the highest growth rates in the consumer electronics segment of the market in terms of demand. The revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 2.04% by 2025.
  • Therefore, the above-mentioned factors are expected to impact the demand for the studied market.

Scandium Industry Overview

The scandium market is consolidated in nature. Some of the major players in the market are Hunan Institute of Rare Earth Metal Materials, MCC Group, Sunrise Energy Metals Limited, Hunan Oriental Scandium Co. Ltd, and Henan Rongjia Scandium Vanadium Technology Co. Ltd.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Drivers
    • 4.1.1 Increasing Usage in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCS)
    • 4.1.2 Increasing Demand for Aluminum-Scandium Alloys in the Aerospace and Defense Industry
  • 4.2 Restraints
    • 4.2.1 High Cost of Scandium
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products and Services
    • 4.4.5 Degree of Competition
  • 4.5 Price Analysis
  • 4.6 Environmental Impact Analysis


  • 5.1 Product Type
    • 5.1.1 Oxide
    • 5.1.2 Fluoride
    • 5.1.3 Chloride
    • 5.1.4 Nitrate
    • 5.1.5 Iodide
    • 5.1.6 Alloy
    • 5.1.7 Carbonate and Other Product Types
  • 5.2 End-user Industry
    • 5.2.1 Aerospace and Defense
    • 5.2.2 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    • 5.2.3 Ceramics
    • 5.2.4 Lighting
    • 5.2.5 Electronics
    • 5.2.6 3D Printing
    • 5.2.7 Sporting Goods
    • 5.2.8 Other End-user Industries
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 Production Analysis
      • China
      • Russia
      • Philippines
      • Rest of the World
    • 5.3.2 Consumption Analysis
      • United States
      • China
      • Russia
      • Japan
      • Brazil
      • European Union
      • Rest of the World


  • 6.1 Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Collaborations, and Agreements
  • 6.2 Market Share (%) **/Ranking Analysis
  • 6.3 Strategies Adopted by Leading Players
  • 6.4 Company Profiles
    • 6.4.1 Guangxi Maoxin Technology Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.2 Henan Rongjia Scandium Vanadium Technology Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.3 Huizhou Top Metal Materials Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.4 Hunan Rare Earth Metal Materials Research Institute Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.5 Hunan Oriental Scandium Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.6 JSC Dalur
    • 6.4.7 MCC Group
    • 6.4.8 NioCorp Development Ltd
    • 6.4.9 Rio Tinto
    • 6.4.10 Rusal
    • 6.4.11 Scandium International Mining Corporation
    • 6.4.12 Stanford Advanced Materials
    • 6.4.13 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd (Taganito HPAL nickel Corp.)
    • 6.4.14 Sunrise Energy Metals Limited
    • 6.4.15 Treibacher Industrie AG


  • 7.1 Potential Applications in the Automotive industry
  • 7.2 Growing Technology for Storing Energy