

Acrylic Acid - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內






COVID-19 大流行對市場產生了負面影響。然而,2021年,由於個人衛生和清潔環境意識和意識的增強,對衣物洗護產品的需求增加。丙烯酸用於製造液體清潔劑,刺激了丙烯酸市場的需求。


  • 短期內,丙烯酸基高吸水性聚合物應用的增加和化學合成利用率的增加預計將推動市場成長。
  • 與丙烯酸相關的健康危害可能會阻礙市場成長。
  • 在預測期內,對生物基聚合物的需求不斷成長可能會成為市場的成長機會。
  • 亞太地區佔據最大的市場佔有率,並且在預測期內也可能主導市場。



  • 丙烯酸用於製造丙烯酸酯,丙烯酸酯用於多種應用,例如油漆和被覆劑。
  • 丙烯酸用於建築塗料、汽車 (OEM) 和目標商標產品製造商產品飾面,包括重新噴漆和特殊用途塗料。
  • 丙烯酸粉末塗料被引入作為汽車車體的透明塗層。丙烯酸粉末塗料是許多應用的理想解決方案,但固化需要在熱烘箱中進行。因此,它的用途並不廣泛(例如在木材或塑膠上塗漆)。
  • 建築塗料用於保護和裝飾表面,並用於粉刷建築物和住宅。大多數指定用於特定用途,例如屋頂塗料、牆壁塗料和甲板飾面。每種建築塗料,無論其用途如何,都必須具有一定的裝飾、耐用和防護功能。
  • 大多數住宅喜歡為客廳或臥室的牆壁選擇最喜歡的顏色。壓克力型塗料是首選,因為它們在顏色和陰影方面提供了多種選擇。大部分天花板漆成純白色,反射了房間的大部分環境光,使房間感覺寬敞,讓居住者感到放鬆。水常滲入地下磚石牆。
  • 2022 年 5 月,Grasim Industries(Aditya Birla Group)計劃在 2025 會計年度投資 1,000 億盧比(12.0947 億美元)用於其塗料業務。 2021年1月,該公司宣布計畫在未來三年投資500億盧比(6.0473億美元)進軍塗料業務。該公司的塗料工廠可能會在 2024 會計年度第四季運作,年產量 (MLPA) 為 13.32 億公升。
  • 印度油漆和被覆劑行業是印度各個終端用戶行業的重要晴雨表,對技術進步和宏觀經濟擴張做出了重大貢獻。近年來,該行業經歷了顯著成長,反映了更廣泛的行業趨勢。
  • 據歐洲塗料公司稱,印度塗料行業預計到 2023 年將達到近 95 億歐元(102.2 億美元),並在未來幾年成長 14%。預計這將增加該國對特殊效果顏料的需求。
  • 印度塗料產業預計將投資 3,500 億印度盧比(41.9 億美元)至 4,500 億印度盧比(52.9 億美元)的資本支出。印度油漆被覆劑產業的各項投資如下:
  • 根據美國塗料協會預測,2023年,美國建築塗料將佔總市場的49%, OEM塗料將佔30%,特殊用途塗料將佔21%。 2023年,美國油漆和被覆劑行業的生產收入預計約為13.1億加侖,預計2024年收益將超過13.4億加侖。
  • 德國是歐洲油漆和被覆劑的主要生產國之一,擁有約300家油漆和印刷油墨製造商,其中許多是中小企業。BASF、陶氏、貝克斯集團、Brillux、Altana Chemie、Meffert 和 Mankiewicz 等著名塗料製造商的總部均位於德國,預計該國的市場需求將會成長。
  • 2023 年 6 月,奧地利塗料公司 Adler 開始在德國赫里福德建造一座新服務設施,耗資約 1,000 萬歐元(1,086 萬美元)。正式的開幕和落成儀式定於 2025 年初舉行,預計施工將持續到 2024 年夏末。
  • 總體而言,在經歷了最初的復甦期之後,預計該地區丙烯酸需求將經歷中等到高速成長。


  • 由於中國、印度和日本等國家的高需求,亞太地區佔據了市場主導地位。
  • 中國是亞太地區最大的丙烯酸消費國,預計其需求在預測期內將成長。中國對建築和基礎設施領域投資的增加也導致了對黏劑、油漆和被覆劑的需求大幅增加。
  • 中國是世界上個人衛生用品的主要消費國之一。該國對個人衛生產品的需求是由大量嬰幼兒人口和不斷增加的可支配收入推動的,導致個人和衛生護理支出增加。因此,丙烯酸市場預計在預測期內將成長。
  • 中國以工業化和製造聞名,對油漆和被覆劑的需求廣泛。該國使用油漆和被覆劑的主要行業包括汽車、工業和建築。中國佔全球塗料市場四分之一以上。根據中國塗料工業協會統計,該產業近年來成長了7%,在塗料應用丙烯酸市場中處於領先地位。
  • 中國有近萬家塗料生產商。全球主要塗料製造商大多在中國設有製造地,包括立邦塗料、阿克蘇諾貝爾、中國船舶塗料、PPG工業、BASF、艾仕得塗料等。塗料公司擴大在中國投資。這可能會提振用於生產汽車油漆和被覆劑的丙烯酸市場。
  • 中國政府啟動了一項大規模建設計畫,其中包括在未來 10 年內將 2.5 億人遷移到新的特大城市。因此,丙烯酸在建築施工過程中用於各種用途的油漆和被覆劑中,並具有改善建築物性能的潛力。
  • 到2025年,印度建築業預計將達到1.4兆美元。到2030年,預計將有6億人居住在城市中心,這將需要額外2500萬套中型和超豪華住宅。根據國家投資計畫(NIP),印度基礎設施投資預算為1.4兆美元,其中24%可再生能源、公路和城市基礎設施,12%用於鐵路。
  • 因此,亞太地區可能在預測期內主導丙烯酸市場。




  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持


第1章 簡介

  • 調查先決條件
  • 調查範圍




  • 促進因素
    • 擴大高吸水性聚合物的應用
    • 增加在化學合成上的應用
  • 抑制因素
    • 丙烯酸對健康的危害
  • 價值鏈分析
  • 波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭程度


  • 按衍生性商品
    • 丙烯酸甲酯
    • 丙烯酸丁酯
    • 丙烯酸乙酯
    • 丙烯酸2-乙基己酯
    • 冰丙烯酸
    • 高吸水性聚合物
  • 按用途
    • 油漆/被覆劑
    • 黏劑/密封劑
    • 界面活性劑
    • 衛生用品
    • 紡織產品
    • 其他用途
  • 按地區
    • 亞太地區
      • 中國
      • 印度
      • 日本
      • 韓國
      • 馬來西亞
      • 泰國
      • 印尼
      • 越南
      • 其他亞太地區
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
      • 墨西哥
    • 歐洲
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 義大利
      • 西班牙
      • 北歐國家
      • 土耳其
      • 俄羅斯
      • 歐洲其他地區
    • 南美洲
      • 巴西
      • 阿根廷
      • 哥倫比亞
      • 南美洲其他地區
    • 中東/非洲
      • 沙烏地阿拉伯
      • 卡達
      • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
      • 奈及利亞
      • 埃及
      • 南非
      • 其他中東/非洲

第6章 競爭狀況

  • 合併、收購、合資、合作夥伴關係和協議
  • 市場佔有率(%)分析
  • 主要企業策略
  • 公司簡介
    • Arkema
    • BASF SE
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(SINOPEC)
    • Dow
    • Formosa Plastics Corporation
    • LG Chem
    • Merck KGaA
    • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
    • Sasol
    • Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co. Ltd
    • Satellite Chemical Co. Ltd
    • Wanhua

第7章 市場機會及未來趨勢

  • 對生物基聚合物的需求增加
Product Code: 50682

The Acrylic Acid Market size is estimated at 7.77 Million tons in 2024, and is expected to reach 10.10 Million tons by 2029, growing at a CAGR of greater than 5% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Acrylic Acid - Market

The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the market. However, in 2021, the demand for laundry care products increased due to the increased awareness and consciousness regarding personal hygiene and clean surroundings. Acrylic acid is used to produce liquid laundry detergent, stimulating the demand for the acrylic acid market.

Key Highlights

  • Over the short term, the rising applications of acrylic acid-based super absorbent polymers and the increasing use of chemical synthesis are expected to drive the growth of the market.
  • Health hazards associated with acrylic acid may hinder the growth of the market.
  • The rising demand for bio-based polymers is likely to act as a growth opportunity for the market during the forecast period.
  • The Asia-Pacific accounted for the largest market share, and it is likely to dominate the market during the forecast period.

Acrylic Acid Market Trends

The Usage of Acrylic Acid in Paints and Coatings is Increasing

  • Acrylic acid is used to make acrylate esters, which are used in various applications, including paints and coatings.
  • Acrylics are used in architectural coatings, finishes for products for original equipment manufacturers, including automotive (OEM) and refinishes, and special-purpose coatings.
  • Acrylic powder coatings have been introduced as clear coats on car bodies. Although it is an ideal solution for many applications, curing is achieved at a high temperature in an oven. It is, therefore, not universally applicable (e.g., painting of wood and plastics).
  • Architectural coatings are meant to protect and decorate surface features and are used to coat buildings and homes. Most are designated for specific uses, such as roof coatings, wall paints, or deck finishes. Each architectural coating must provide certain decorative, durable, and protective functions despite their use.
  • Most homeowners prefer the color of their choice for the living room and bedroom walls. Acrylic paints are the preferred choice as they offer a wide variety of choices in terms of color and shade. A vast majority of ceilings are painted flat white so that they may reflect the majority of the ambient light in the room to make the resident feel that the room is spacious and relaxed. Basement masonry walls can often weep water.
  • In May 2022, Grasim Industries (Aditya Birla Group) planned to invest INR 10,000 crore (USD 1,209.47 million) in its paint business by FY 2025. In January 2021, the company announced plans to enter the paints business with INR 5,000 crore (USD 604.73 million) in the next three years. The company will likely commission a paint plant with a production capacity of 1,332 million liters per annum (MLPA) by Q4 FY 2024.
  • The paints and coatings industry in India serves as a crucial barometer of the country's various end-user industries, significantly contributing to both technological advancements and macroeconomic expansion. In recent years, this sector has witnessed substantial growth, reflecting broader industry trends.
  • According to European Coatings, the Indian paint industry amounted to nearly EUR 9.5 billion in 2023 (USD 10.22 billion), and it is expected to grow by 14% over the coming years. This is expected to increase the demand for special-effect pigments in the country.
  • The Indian paint Industry is projected to invest INR 350,000 million (USD 4.19 billion) to INR 450,000 million (USD 5.29 billion) in capital expenditure. Various investments in the Indian paints and coating industry are as follows:
  • According to the American Coatings Association, US architectural coatings accounted for 49% of the total market in 2023, while OEM and particular purpose coatings comprised 30% and 21%, respectively. In 2023, the production revenue of the paint and coatings industry in the United States was estimated at approximately 1.31 billion gallons, with forecasts predicting that production will exceed 1.34 billion gallons in 2024.
  • Germany stands among the leading producers of paints and coatings in Europe, boasting approximately 300 manufacturers of paints and printing ink, many of which are small- and medium-sized enterprises. With prominent paint manufacturers such as BASF SE, Dow, Beckers Group, Brillux, Altana Chemie, Meffert, and Mankiewicz headquartered in Germany, the demand for the market is expected to escalate in the country.
  • In June 2023, Adler, an Austrian paint company, commenced construction on its new service facility in Herford, Germany, with an investment of roughly EUR 10 million (USD 10.86 million). The official opening and inauguration are scheduled for early 2025, with construction set to continue until late summer 2024.
  • Overall, the demand for acrylic acid is expected to witness moderate to high growth in the region after the initial recovery period.

The Asia-Pacific Region is Expected to Dominate the Market

  • The Asia-Pacific dominated the market due to the high demand from countries like China, India, and Japan.
  • China is the largest consumer of acrylic acid in the Asia-Pacific region, and its demand is expected to grow during the forecast period. The demand for adhesives, paints, and coatings in China is also increasing significantly due to the growing investments in the construction and infrastructure sectors.
  • China is one of the major consumers of personal hygiene products globally. The country's demand for personal hygiene products is attributed to a large infant population and increasing disposable income, leading to increased spending on personal and hygiene care. Thus, the market for acrylic acid is expected to grow during the forecast period.
  • China is known for its industrialization and manufacturing sector, where paints and coatings are widely required. Some of the major sectors where paints and coatings are used in the country are the automotive, industrial, and construction sectors, among others. China accounted for more than one-fourth of the global coatings market. According to the China National Coatings Industry Association, the industry has been registering a growth of 7% in recent years, driving the acrylic acid market in coatings application.
  • Nearly 10,000 coatings manufacturers are located in China. Most leading global coating manufacturers, such as Nippon Paint, AkzoNobel, Chugoku Marine Paints, PPG Industries, BASF SE, and Axalta Coatings, have manufacturing bases in China. Paints and coatings companies have been increasingly growing investments in the country. This is likely to fuel the market for acrylic acid used to manufacture automotive paints and coatings.
  • The Chinese government rolled out massive construction plans, including making provisions for the movement of 250 million people to its new megacities over the next ten years. Thus, this may create a major scope for acrylic acid in paints and coatings used in various applications during building construction, enhancing the building properties.
  • India's construction Industry is projected to reach a value of USD 1.4 trillion by 2025. By 2030, an estimated 600 million people will live in urban centers, resulting in a need for 25 million additional mid and ultra-luxury units. Under the National Investment Plan (NIP), India has an infrastructure investment budget of USD 1.4 trillion, with 24% of the budget earmarked for renewable energy, roads and highways, urban infrastructure, and 12% for railways.
  • Hence, due to these factors, the Asia-Pacific region is likely to dominate the acrylic acid market during the forecast period.

Acrylic Acid Industry Overview

The acrylic acid market is consolidated in nature. Some major players in the market include BASF SE, Arkema, NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO. LTD, LG Chem, and Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co. Ltd.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Drivers
    • 4.1.1 Increasing Applications of Super Absorbent Polymers
    • 4.1.2 Increasing Usage in Chemical Synthesis
  • 4.2 Restraints
    • 4.2.1 Health Hazards of Acrylic Acid
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products and Services
    • 4.4.5 Degree of Competition

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (Market Size in Volume)

  • 5.1 By Derivative
    • 5.1.1 Methyl Acrylate
    • 5.1.2 Butyl Acrylate
    • 5.1.3 Ethyl Acrylate
    • 5.1.4 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate
    • 5.1.5 Glacial Acrylic Acid
    • 5.1.6 Superabsorbent Polymer
  • 5.2 By Application
    • 5.2.1 Paints and Coatings
    • 5.2.2 Adhesives and Sealants
    • 5.2.3 Surfactants
    • 5.2.4 Sanitary Products
    • 5.2.5 Textiles
    • 5.2.6 Other Applications
  • 5.3 By Geography
    • 5.3.1 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
      • Malaysia
      • Thailand
      • Indonesia
      • Vietnam
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.2 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Mexico
    • 5.3.3 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • NORDIC Countries
      • Turkey
      • Russia
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.3.4 South America
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Colombia
      • Rest of South America
    • 5.3.5 Middle East and Africa
      • Saudi Arabia
      • Qatar
      • United Arab Emirates
      • Nigeria
      • Egypt
      • South Africa
      • Rest of the Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Collaborations, and Agreements
  • 6.2 Market Share (%) Analysis
  • 6.3 Strategies Adopted by Leading Players
  • 6.4 Company Profiles
    • 6.4.1 Arkema
    • 6.4.2 BASF SE
    • 6.4.3 China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC)
    • 6.4.4 Dow
    • 6.4.5 Formosa Plastics Corporation
    • 6.4.6 LG Chem
    • 6.4.7 Merck KGaA
    • 6.4.8 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
    • 6.4.10 Sasol
    • 6.4.11 Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.12 Satellite Chemical Co. Ltd
    • 6.4.13 Wanhua


  • 7.1 Increasing Demand for Bio-based Polymers