

Data Center Cooling - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 由於全球數位化的進步,資料中心冷卻市場預計將大幅成長。資料中心設計和冷卻需求主要受到人工智慧工作負載強大電腦硬體的影響。製造商正在引入大型矽晶片來最佳化人工智慧和高效能運算工作負載的效能。人工智慧和高效能運算環境中強大 GPU 的使用支援了資料中心冷卻技術的需求。
  • OTT 和串流媒體服務的使用不斷增加,導致資料增加並推動市場開拓。此外,Disney+Hotstar、Hulu 和 Netflix 等線上串流服務的資料增加預計也將推動資料中心冷卻系統的需求。
  • 市場參與者正在努力透過專注於擴大其全球企業發展和服務範圍來擴大消費群。例如,2024 年 3 月,智慧電源管理公司伊頓宣布將在北美推出創新的新型模組化資料中心解決方案,為希望快速滿足機器學習、邊緣運算和人工智慧日益成長的需求的組織發布。伊頓的 SmartRack 模組化資料中心主要結合了 IT 機架、冷卻和服務機櫃,為設備負載高達 150kW 的關鍵 IT 設備創建效能最佳化的資料中心解決方案。
  • 市場成長預計將受到各種適應性需求不斷成長和全球電力短缺的阻礙。此外,使用低效率的冷卻系統設計,例如過時的基礎設施或未最佳化的佈局,可能會導致能源效率降低和營運成本升高,而能源價格的上漲自然也是限制冷卻成本的因素之一。內的市場成長。
  • COVID-19 大流行對資料中心冷卻市場產生了負面影響。然而,在後COVID-19時期,雲端服務的使用量大幅增加,導致大量資料的產生。預計這將推動市場成長機會。



  • 資訊科技產生的資料迅速增加,需要高效率的資料中心,並增加了對先進冷卻解決方案的需求。隨著資料中心不斷擴展以適應不斷增加的工作負載和儲存需求,熱量產生成為關鍵問題,從而產生了對有效冷卻解決方案的需求。
  • 液體冷卻系統和氣流最佳化技術等創新冷卻技術對於維持最佳運作條件至關重要。對資料中心冷卻解決方案的需求激增正在推動市場成長,各公司投資於節能和永續冷卻等解決方案,以降低成本和環境影響,同時提高IT基礎設施。
  • 雲端儲存的採用率每年都在增加。為了提供更有效率的工作流程,Microsoft、AWS 和 Google 等雲端儲存供應商正在增加雲端中的儲存容量。這些公司正在投資超大規模交易。因此,由於 SaaS 的成長,資料中心冷卻系統的需求預計將成長,這使得雲端儲存供應商能夠擴大容量。
  • 儘管雲端服務開拓迅速,但目前的市場場景高度依賴本地和混合資料中心。此外,IT 領域敏捷和 DevOps 營運框架的趨勢正在增加對高效能資料儲存解決方案的需求。
  • 截至2024年3月,美國擁有5,381個資料中心,位居世界第一。大約 521 個地點位於德國,514 個地點位於英國。因此,由於資料中心數量的增加,預計市場在預測期內將顯著成長。


  • 預計亞太地區將在預測期內實現最快的成長率,這主要是由於網路基礎設施的快速發展。該地區對資料產生的需求正在增加,特別是在印度和中國等國家,這些國家的政府政策正在促進節能基礎設施的建設。此外,人工智慧冷卻管理和液體冷卻系統等技術進步正在改變遊戲規則並推動該地區的進一步採用。
  • 中國和日本是最重要的國家之一,預計它們將根據物聯網、機器學習和人工智慧等領域的最新技術創新和趨勢,顯著推動市場成長機會。此外,這些國家的資料中心數量正在迅速增加,這些資料中心內需要更好、更有效的冷卻,以及促進全部區域綠色基礎設施的政府政策,對解決方案的需求也不斷成長。
  • 例如,2024年4月,我們成立了亞太地區高效能資料中心營運商和開發商GDS,以及專注於亞太地區和全球其他房地產市場的私募股權基金管理公司。戰略合作夥伴關係,在日本東京建造一座40 兆瓦(MW) 的資料中心園區。
  • 亞太地區資料中心冷卻解決方案市場主要受到資料消費和雲端服務快速成長的推動。隨著企業擴展其數位基礎設施,對高效冷卻系統以保持最佳動作溫度的需求不斷增加。此外,有關能源效率和環境永續性的嚴格法規正在推動創新冷卻技術的採用。新興國家正在大力投資IT基礎設施,對可靠且擴充性的冷卻解決方案的需求正在進一步推動市場成長。
  • 2023 年 12 月,澳洲雲端服務供應商ResetData 為其開創性的液冷資料中心伺服器技術開設了測試和模擬實驗室。這是亞太地區首批在液冷環境中試驗工作負載的設施之一。這一步驟使本地企業能夠獲得更環保、更高性能的基礎設施即服務 (IaaS),這對於人工智慧和機器學習等要求苛刻的應用程式至關重要。



  • 2024 年 3 月資料中心冷卻技術專家 Boreas Technology 開發了專為高密度環境設計的後門冷卻系統。這項創新提供精確冷卻,容量高達 50kW。後門冷卻系統提供高效、永續性和業界領先的標準。它還可以實現資料中心中預期高容量和高密度運行的機櫃的高效運行,並實現有效的溫度控管。
  • 2024 年 1 月 Modine 是一家多元化的全球創新溫度控管解決方案提供商,宣布推出 TMG Core,這是單相和兩相液浸冷卻技術的專家,適用於具有高密度運算需求的資料中心。資產。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概述(範圍:深入分析目前與資料中心冷卻相關的全球趨勢。)
  • 考慮關鍵的冷卻成本
    • 分析與直流運行相關的主要成本和間接成本,並專注於直流冷卻
    • 資料中心冷卻的關鍵創新和發展
    • 資料中心採用的主要節能方法


  • 市場促進因素(根據未來 5-7 年的相對影響,繪製關鍵促進因素,例如日益重視能源消耗並轉向綠色解決方案)
  • 市場動態(根據未來 5-7 年的相對影響,繪製關鍵因素,例如監管的動態性質和不斷變化的客戶需求)
  • 市場機會
  • 附安全殼高架地板與不含安全殼高架地板的比較
  • 產業生態系統分析

第6章 全球資料中心現況分析

  • 資料中心IT負載能力和占地面積的區域分析(2017-2030年期間)
  • 對亞太地區已建立的(例如 FLAP-D)資料中心市場和新興資料中心熱點的區域分析(將包括透過強調關鍵的已建立和新興資料中心市場進行覆蓋)
  • 直流冷卻法規結構的區域分析


  • 透過冷卻技術
    • 風冷
      • CRAH
      • 冷卻器和節熱器
      • 冷卻塔(包括直接冷卻、間接冷卻、兩級冷卻)
      • 其他
    • 液體冷卻
      • 浸沒式冷卻
      • 直接晶片冷卻
      • 後門熱交換器
  • 按行業分類
    • 資訊科技/電信
    • 零售/消費品
    • 衛生保健
    • 媒體娛樂
    • 聯邦機構
    • 其他行業最終用戶
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞洲
    • 澳洲/紐西蘭
    • 南美洲
    • 中東
    • 非洲

第8章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Stulz GmbH
    • Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
    • Vertiv Group Corp.
    • Asetek A/S
    • Alfa Laval AB
    • Schneider Electric SE
    • Iceotope Technologies Limited
    • Green Revolution Cooling Inc.
    • Chilldyne Inc.
    • Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd



Product Code: 52713

The Data Center Cooling Market size is estimated at USD 16.56 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 34.51 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 15.82% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Data Center Cooling - Market

Due to the high computational needs of AI and media applications, data centers are being increasingly deployed worldwide. These data centers consume a massive amount of power, generating a significant amount of heat, further creating the need for various efficient cooling systems.

Key Highlights

  • The data center cooling market is expected to show substantial growth due to the increase in digitization worldwide, which will lead to greater computer performance and require a larger number of integrated small chips. The design of data centers and the need to cool them are mainly influenced by powerful computer hardware for AI workloads. Manufacturers are introducing large silicon chips to optimize the performance of artificial intelligence and high-performance computing workloads. The use of powerful GPUs in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing environments supports the need for data center cooling technologies.
  • The increasing use of OTT and streaming services has led to a growth in data, fostering market development. Also, the increasing data from online streaming services such as Disney+ Hotstar, Hulu, and Netflix is expected to drive the demand for data center cooling systems.
  • Market players are taking action to augment their consumer base by focusing on expanding their global footprint and service offerings. For instance, in March 2024, the intelligent power management company Eaton declared the North American launch of an innovative new modular data center solution for organizations that are seeking to rapidly fulfill the increasing requirements for machine learning, edge computing, and AI. Eaton's SmartRack modular data centers primarily combine IT racks, cooling, and service enclosures to build a performance-optimized data center solution for critical IT equipment with up to 150 kW of equipment load.
  • The market's growth is expected to be hampered by the rising need for various adaptability requirements and power shortages worldwide. Also, factors like the use of inefficient cooling system designs, such as outdated infrastructure or poorly optimized layouts, leading to energy inefficiencies and increased operational costs, and rising energy prices, which might make the cooling expenses prohibitive, are some of the factors that can restrain the market growth during the forecast period.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic negatively influenced a cooling market for data centers. However, in the post-COVID-19 period, the use of cloud services increased significantly, leading to the generation of massive amounts of data. This, in turn, is expected to drive the market's growth opportunities.

Data Center Cooling Market Trends

The Information Technology Segment is Expected to Witness the Highest Growth

  • The exponential growth of data generated by information technology significantly necessitates efficient data centers, driving demand for advanced cooling solutions. As data centers expand to accommodate increasing workloads and storage demands, the heat generated becomes a significant matter of concern, creating a demand for effective cooling solutions.
  • Innovative cooling technologies, like liquid cooling systems and airflow optimization techniques, are essential to maintaining optimal operating conditions. This surge in demand for data center cooling solutions is propelling the market's growth, with businesses investing in solutions like energy-efficient and sustainable cooling to mitigate costs and environmental impact while ensuring the uninterrupted performance of their overall IT infrastructure.
  • The adoption of cloud storage has been increasing over the years. To provide more efficient work processes, cloud storage providers such as Microsoft, AWS, and Google are expanding their capacity to store in the cloud. These companies make their investments in hyperscale transactions. As a result, the demand for data center cooling systems is expected to grow due to the growth of Software-as-a-Service, enabling cloud storage providers to expand their capacity.
  • Despite the rapid development of cloud services, there is considerable reliance on on-promise and hybrid data centers in the current market scenario. Also, the need for efficient data storage solutions is increasing due to the trend toward agile and DevOps operating frameworks in the IT sector.
  • As of March 2024, there were 5,381 data centers in the United States, the highest worldwide. Around 521 were located in Germany, while 514 were located in the United Kingdom. Hence, with the rise in the number of data centers, the market is expected to witness significant growth throughout the forecast period.

The Asia-Pacific Region is Expected to Register Significant Growth

  • The APAC region is estimated to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period, mainly due to the rapid development of the network infrastructure. The demand for data generation is increasing in the region, and government policies are promoting more energy-efficient infrastructure, especially in countries like India and China. Also, advancements in technologies such as AI-driven cooling management and liquid cooling systems are reshaping the landscape, driving further adoption in the region.
  • China and Japan are among the most important countries that are expected to fuel the market's growth opportunities significantly based on their ongoing recent innovations and developments in domains like IoT, ML, and AI. Moreover, the rapidly growing number of data centers in these countries, along with the government policies to promote more environmentally sound infrastructure across the region, is driving the need for better and more effective cooling solutions within these data centers.
  • For instance, in April 2024, GDS, an operator and developer of high-performance data centers in Asia, and Gaw Capital Partners, a private equity fund management firm especially focusing on the real estate markets in the Asia Pacific and other high barrier-to-entry markets worldwide, signed a strategic partnership to build a 40 megawatts (MW) data center campus in Tokyo, Japan.
  • The Asia Pacific region's data center cooling solutions market is primarily fueled by the exponential growth of data consumption and cloud services. As businesses expand their digital infrastructure, the demand for efficient cooling systems to maintain optimal operating temperatures increases. Additionally, stringent regulations regarding energy efficiency and environmental sustainability encourage the adoption of innovative cooling technologies. With emerging economies investing heavily in IT infrastructure, the need for reliable and scalable cooling solutions further fuels market growth.
  • In December 2023, the Australian cloud service provider ResetData launched a test and simulation lab for its pioneering liquid-cooled data center server technology. This was one of the first facilities in the Asia-Pacific region capable of trialing workloads in a liquid-cooled environment. This step empowered local businesses to utilize a more ecologically friendly and high-performance Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that is essential for strenuous applications like AI and machine learning.

Data Center Cooling Industry Overview

The data center cooling market is fragmented in nature, with the presence of several major players. With the increasing focus on innovation, the demand for new technologies is growing, which, in turn, is driving investments for further developments. Key players in the market include Daikin Industries Ltd, Schneider Electric SE, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

  • March 2024: Boreas Technology, a specialist in data center cooling technologies, developed the Rear Door Cooling Device, which is designed for high-density environments. This innovation provides precision cooling with up to 50 kW capacity. Efficiency, sustainability, and industry-leading standards are offered with the rear door cooling device. This also allows efficient operation for cabinets expected to operate at high capacity and density in data centers, enabling effective heat management.
  • January 2024: Modine, a diversified global provider of innovative thermal management solutions, purchased the intellectual property and other specific assets of TMG Core, a specialist in single- and two-phase liquid immersion cooling technology for data centers with high-density computing requirements.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview (Coverage: A detailed analysis of the current global trends related to Data Center Cooling are included in this section)
  • 4.2 Key cost considerations for Cooling
    • 4.2.1 Analysis of the key cost overheads related to DC operations with an eye on DC Cooling
    • 4.2.2 Key innovations and developments in Data Center Cooling
    • 4.2.3 Key energy efficiency practices adopted in Data Centers


  • 5.1 Market Drivers (Key factors such as the increased emphasis on energy consumption, move towards green solutions are mapped based on their relative impact over the next 5-7 years)
  • 5.2 Market Challenges (Key factors such as the dynamic nature of regulations, evolving customer needs are mapped based on their relative impact over the next 5-7 years)
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities
  • 5.4 Comparison of raised floor with containment & raised floor without commitment
  • 5.5 Industry Ecosystem Analysis


  • 6.1 Regional Analysis of IT Load Capacity & Area Footprint of Data Centers (for the period of 2017-2030)
  • 6.2 Regional Analysis of the Established (Ex: FLAP-D) DC Markets and Emerging DC Hotspots in APAC region (we will include coverage by highlighting major established and emerging DC markets)
  • 6.3 Regional Analysis of Regulatory Framework On DC Cooling


  • 7.1 By Cooling Technology (Key trends, market size estimates & projections for the period of 2022-2029 and future outlook)
    • 7.1.1 Air-based Cooling
      • CRAH
      • Chiller and Economizer
      • Cooling Tower (covers direct, indirect & two-stage cooling)
      • Others
    • 7.1.2 Liquid-based Cooling
      • Immersion Cooling
      • Direct-to-Chip Cooling
      • Rear-Door Heat Exchanger
  • 7.2 By End-user Vertical
    • 7.2.1 IT & Telecom
    • 7.2.2 Retail & Consumer Goods
    • 7.2.3 Healthcare
    • 7.2.4 Media & Entertainment
    • 7.2.5 Federal & Institutional agencies
    • 7.2.6 Other End-users Verticals
  • 7.3 By Geography
    • 7.3.1 North America
    • 7.3.2 Europe
    • 7.3.3 Asia
    • 7.3.4 Australia and New Zealand
    • 7.3.5 South America
    • 7.3.6 Middle East
    • 7.3.7 Africa


  • 8.1 Company Profiles
    • 8.1.1 Stulz GmbH
    • 8.1.2 Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
    • 8.1.3 Vertiv Group Corp.
    • 8.1.4 Asetek A/S
    • 8.1.5 Alfa Laval AB
    • 8.1.6 Schneider Electric SE
    • 8.1.7 Iceotope Technologies Limited
    • 8.1.8 Green Revolution Cooling Inc.
    • 8.1.9 Chilldyne Inc.
    • 8.1.10 Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd