
全球主動銅纜電纜 (ACC) 市場:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢/統計、成長預測

Global Active Copper Cables (ACC) - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2024)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




全球有源銅纜(ACC) 市場預計在預測期內複合年成長率為 4.21%。

全球有源銅纜 (ACC)-市場

有源銅纜(ACC) 市場目前正在經歷強勁成長,由於資料中心、高效能電腦、大容量儲存和其他應用的推動,預計將在全球範圍內成長。


  • 5G 的推出是為了滿足對高效能通訊日益成長的需求,這對於推動數位營運至關重要。雖然 5G 的寬頻波長可實現快速資料傳輸,但與 3G 和 4G 相比,訊號範圍有限。因此,建構強大的5G網路需要密集的蜂巢塔,並依靠高速電纜進行訊號傳輸,從而增加了ACC市場的需求。
  • GSMA 預測,到 2029 年,5G 連線將佔所有行動連線的一半以上 (51%),並在 10 年內升至 56%,鞏固 5G 作為主導連線技術的地位。 5G 的部署已經超過了之前所有行動技術,預計到 2023年終將達到超過 16 億個連接,到 2030 年將達到 55 億個連接。因此,隨著5G的持續快速擴張,全球有源銅纜(ACC)市場預計在不久的將來將大幅成長。
  • 電信業者正在下一波通訊基礎設施押下重註。思科預測 5G 將比現今的平均行動連線快 13 倍。超越 5G 不僅帶來速度,還帶來更高的頻寬、網路切片、人工智慧 (AI)、虛擬實境 (VR) 和雲端運算增強功能。此外,許多國家已經建立了有線電視、電訊和寬頻基礎設施,為加速高速電纜的部署鋪平了道路,從而推動了ACC市場的需求。
  • 然而,原物料成本的上漲對有源銅纜電纜(ACC)的生產成本有顯著影響。根據歐洲信用保險集團Credendo的報告,自2023年下半年以來,銅價一直穩定上漲。 2024年2月中旬,價格飆升超過20%,達到每噸近1萬美元的兩年高點,主要是因為銅礦石短缺。俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間持續的衝突收緊了回收法規,並增加了燃料和能源成本。俄羅斯是全球領先的銅生產國和回收國,制裁、物流挑戰和國內需求的綜合影響將進一步加劇全球銅短缺,導致銅價達到前所未有的上漲水平。



  • 隨著按需服務越來越受歡迎,企業開始轉向資料中心來滿足其 IT 需求。由於企業對資料管理、備份、復原和電子郵件等基本工具的需求不斷增加,資料中心正在發生顯著的發展。對資料中心的需求激增,尤其是企業資料的需求,支持了市場的成長。
  • 在全球範圍內,超大規模資料中心不斷興起,滿足了大量資料儲存的需求,為企業帶來了良好的前景。每個行業都在利用超大規模資料中心來提高運算能力、記憶體、網路和儲存。這些中心的主要特點包括無縫擴展工作負載的能力和強大的實體基礎設施。
  • 此外,Flexera 2023 年雲端狀況報告發現,72% 的公司已將混合雲端整合到業務中。然而,這種轉變通常涉及放棄傳統的私有雲端或公有雲設定。
  • 印度和中國作為市場的領導者,正在大力投資資料中心建設。 AdaniConnex、Reliance、Sify、Atlassian、Yotta 和 AWS 等主要企業已宣布加強在印度資料中心的重大承諾。例如,亞馬遜旗下的 AWS 部門宣布了一項到 2030 年將投資 127 億美元的令人印象深刻的投資計劃,凸顯了積極的擴張計劃。同時,Kotak Investment Advisors 的子公司 Kotak Alternate Assets 正在投資 8 億美元,主要在印度的優質房地產市場開發 5 至 7 個大型資料中心資產,這為市場創造了巨大的機會。
  • 印度資料中心市場投資快速成長,預計2025年將達到46億美元。這一成長受到多種因素的共同支持,包括國內網路用戶數量的快速成長、雲端運算需求趨勢、政府主導的數位化舉措以及數位服務供應商的本地化趨勢。值得注意的是,與新興市場相比,印度資料中心的開發和營運都具有成本效益。目前,我們的主要資料中心位於孟買、班加羅爾、清奈、德里 (NCR)、海得拉巴和普納,並在加爾各答、喀拉拉邦和艾哈默德巴德開設了新資料中心。隨著資料中心投資的成長,整個印度市場對相關基礎設施服務(涵蓋 IT、電氣、機械和一般建築)的需求也在成長。


  • 北美是全球最大的資料中心市場。此外,在北美資料中心市場,由於雲端服務和數位轉型的需求,超大規模資料中心的建置正在迅速增加。根據Cloudscene資料,截至2024年3月,美國以5,381個報告的資料中心位居全球第一。德國緊隨其後,擁有 521 個中心,緊隨其後的是英國,擁有 514 個中心。傳統上,銅纜提供伺服器、路由器和交換器之間的大部分網路連結。
  • 除了資料中心之外,美國5G網路市場也有望快速成長。美國是 AT&T、Verizon、 美國 Cellular 和 C Spire 等通訊巨頭的所在地。根據 GSMA 2023 年北美行動經濟報告,預計到 2030 年,北美蜂巢式物聯網連線數將超過 5.35 億。企業正在轉向高速銅纜佈線,以確保IT基礎設施在未來不會遇到瓶頸。
  • 工業環境中擴大採用私人 5G 基礎設施預計將增加對 ACC 市場的需求。例如,2023年8月,愛立信、亞馬遜網路服務(AWS)和日立美國研發部將在美國肯塔基州伯里亞的日立Astemo Americas電動汽車製造廠試辦私人5G基礎設施。這些行業通常需要專用的網路線路來確保可靠且不間斷的連接。
  • 北美也觀察到專用 5G 網路趨勢。 2024 年 2 月, IT基礎設施服務供應商 Kindler 與 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) 建立全球策略聯盟。 Kyndryl 與 HPE 子公司 Athonet 合作,主導LTE 和 5G 專用無線服務的共同開發和全球交付。同樣,2024 年 4 月,交通基礎設施特許經營公司 WorldVia Group 的技術平台 OpenVia Mobility 與著名數位業務和 IT 服務供應商 NTT 資料合作。兩家公司正準備在美國道路上部署專用 5G 網路。私人 5G 滲透率預計將顯著推動該地區的 ACC 市場,特別是在政府和私營部門。
  • 2023年10月,美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)啟動了約182.8億美元的重大投資,以加強農村寬頻。該資金計畫從 2024 年 1 月開始運行 15 年,旨在超過 70 萬個地點安裝 100/20Mbps 寬頻,並加強 44 個州約 200 萬個地點的服務。如此大規模的寬頻部署預計將顯著提振 ACC 市場。

全球有源銅纜(ACC) 產業概況

有源銅纜(ACC) 市場本質上是分散的。受調查的主要公司包括 NVIDIA Corporation、SANWA Technologies、Kordz International 和 Ampheno Corporation。市場公司正在採取合作夥伴關係、合約、創新和收購等策略來增強其服務產品並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

  • 2024 年 2 月:用於寬頻連接的高效能類比半導體產品的知名供應商 Spectra7 Microsystems Inc. 和台灣領先的連接器和電纜供應商 ACES Electronics 在加州聖克拉拉舉行的年度大會上聯手。會議暨展覽上聯合展示800G有源銅纜(ACC)的卓越能力。
  • 2024 年 4 月:Fiber Stamp 發表最新產品 800G OSFP Breakout ACC。 Fiber Stamp聲稱其800G OSFP DAC和ACC符合OSFP MSA和IEEE802.3ck標準。這些電纜採用 16 對銅纜,可實現 8 通道、112GB/s 雙向傳輸,同時保持速率向後相容性。最重要的是,這款產品與 NVIDIA 設備無縫整合,完全符合該公司的產品規格。 800G OSFP DAC系列支援長達3m,800G OSFP ACC系列將其範圍延伸至5m,專門滿足NVIDIA AI資料中心基礎設施的需求。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 宏觀經濟情境分析(景氣衰退、俄羅斯/烏克蘭危機等)


  • 市場促進因素
    • 房屋建築投資強勁
    • 家電需求增加
  • 市場挑戰
    • 在有限距離內使用
    • 缺乏技術專長
  • 價格和技術規格分析
  • ACC 和 DAC(即被動電纜)的技術見解
  • 世界貿易分析
  • ACC各種資料傳輸速度的關鍵見解
  • 深入了解 ACC 的各種外形規格

第6章 市場細分

  • 按應用領域
    • 資料中心
    • 通訊
    • 高效能運算 (HPC)
    • 家電
    • 工業用途
    • 其他應用領域
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 英國
      • 德國
      • 法國
    • 亞洲
      • 中國
      • 印度
      • 日本
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • NVIDIA Corporation
    • JPC Connectivity
    • Kordz International
    • Amphenol
    • Colfax International
    • SANWA Technologies Co. Ltd
    • TE Connectivity
    • Mellanox Technologies
    • Luxshare Precision Industry Co. Ltd
    • Leoni AG

第8章 市場機會及未來趨勢

Product Code: 50002525

The Global Active Copper Cables Market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.21% during the forecast period.

Global Active Copper Cables (ACC) - Market

The active copper cables market is currently experiencing robust growth, and it is expected to grow owing to data centers, high-performance computers, mass storage devices, and other applications globally.

Key Highlights

  • 5G implementation is poised to meet the escalating demand for efficient communication, which is crucial for enhancing digital operations. While 5G's broader wavelength enables rapid data transmission, its signals are limited in range compared to 3G and 4G. Consequently, a robust 5G network necessitates a dense array of cell towers, each reliant on high-speed cables for signal transmission, thereby bolstering the demand for the ACC market.
  • GSMA forecasts that 5G connections will account for over half (51%) of all mobile connections by 2029, climbing to 56% by the decade's close, solidifying 5G as the leading connectivity technology. 5G has outpaced all previous mobile generations in its rollout, exceeding 1.6 billion connections by the end of 2023, and it is projected to reach 5.5 billion by 2030. Consequently, as 5G continues its rapid expansion, the global active copper cables market is poised for significant growth in the near future.
  • Telecom companies are placing significant bets on the next wave of telecommunication infrastructure. Cisco predicts that 5G will deliver speeds 13 times faster than the current average mobile connection. Beyond speed, 5G promises expanded bandwidth, network slicing, and boosts in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and cloud computing. Moreover, with cable TV, telecom, and broadband infrastructure already well-established in many countries, the groundwork is set to accelerate the deployment of high-speed cables, fueling demand in the ACC market.
  • However, the rising costs of raw materials are significantly impacting the production expenses of active copper cables. As reported by Credendo, a European credit insurance group, copper prices have been steadily climbing since late 2023. By mid-February 2024, they surged by over 20%, hitting a two-year high of nearly USD 10,000 per ton, primarily driven by shortages in copper ore. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has led to stricter recycling regulations and increased costs for fuel and energy, further elevating both production and recycling expenses. With Russia being a key global player in copper production and recycling, the combined effects of sanctions, logistical challenges, and domestic demand have exacerbated the global copper shortage, consequently pushing prices to unprecedented levels.

Global Active Copper Cables (ACC) Market Trends

Growing Deployment of Data Centers to Drive the Market

  • As on-demand services gain prominence, enterprises increasingly turn to data centers to meet their IT needs. Data centers have evolved significantly, driven by organizations' heightened demands for data management, backup, recovery, and essential tools like email. This surge in data center demand, especially those catering to enterprise applications, underscores the market's growth.
  • Worldwide, hyper-scale data centers are on the rise, responding to the need to store vast data volumes and presenting lucrative prospects for businesses. Industries across the board leverage hyper-scale data centers to bolster computing power, memory, networking, and storage. These centers' key features include the ability to seamlessly scale up workloads and robust physical infrastructure.
  • In addition, the Flexera State of the Cloud Report 2023 revealed that 72% of companies had integrated hybrid clouds into their operations. However, this shift often involves transitioning away from traditional private and public cloud setups.
  • India and China, prominent players in the market, are channeling significant investments into data center construction. Key players such as AdaniConnex, Reliance, Sify, Atlassian, Yotta, and AWS have unveiled major commitments to bolster India's data center landscape. For instance, AWS, a division of Amazon, has outlined a staggering USD 12.7 billion investment by 2030, underscoring its aggressive expansion plans. In a parallel move, Kotak Alternate Assets, under Kotak Investment Advisors, is injecting USD 800 million into the development of 5-7 sizable data center assets, focusing on prime real estate markets in India, providing the market studied a huge opportunity.
  • India is poised to witness a surge in data center market investments, with projections indicating a climb to USD 4.6 billion by 2025. This growth is underpinned by a confluence of factors: a burgeoning domestic internet user base, escalating demands for cloud computing, government-led digitalization initiatives, and a trend toward localization among digital service providers. Notably, India's data center landscape enjoys a key advantage in cost efficiency, both in development and operation, when juxtaposed with more established markets. Presently, major data center clusters are concentrated in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi (NCR), Hyderabad, and Pune, with emerging hubs in Calcutta, Kerala, and Ahmedabad. As these investments in data centers expand, so does the demand for associated infrastructure services, spanning IT, electrical, mechanical, and general construction across the Indian market.

North America to Hold a Major Share

  • North America has the largest data center market in the world. In addition, the data center market in North America is witnessing a surge in hyperscale data center construction, driven by the demand for cloud services and digital transformation. According to Cloudscene's data, as of March 2024, the United States leads globally with 5,381 reported data centers. Germany follows with 521 centers, closely trailed by the United Kingdom with 514. Copper cables have traditionally served most network links between servers, routers, and switches, and the growth of data centers is expected to drive the active copper cable market in the region.
  • In addition to data centers, the 5G network market in the United States is poised for rapid growth. The United States stands as the headquarters for telecom powerhouses such as AT&T, Verizon, US Cellular, and C Spire. As per the GSMA Mobile Economy North America 2023 report, North America is projected to witness over 535 million cellular IoT connections by 2030. Enterprises are turning to high-speed copper cabling to future-proof their networks, guaranteeing that their IT infrastructure will not face bottlenecks in the years ahead.
  • The growing adoption of private 5G infrastructure in industrial settings is set to boost the demand for the ACC market. For instance, Ericsson, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Hitachi America R&D joined forces in August 2023 to trial a private 5G infrastructure at Hitachi Astemo Americas' electric vehicle manufacturing plant in Berea, Kentucky, United States. Such industries typically necessitate a dedicated, exclusive internet line to ensure reliable, uninterrupted connectivity.
  • A trend has been observed in private 5G networks in North America. In February 2024, Kyndryl, an IT infrastructure services provider, formed a global strategic alliance with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Collaborating with Athonet, a subsidiary of HPE, Kyndryl is spearheading the joint development and global delivery of LTE and 5G private wireless services. Similarly, in April 2024, Openvia Mobility, a technological platform within the Globalvia Group, a transport infrastructure concessions company, partnered with NTT DATA, a prominent digital business and IT services provider. Together, they are gearing up to deploy Private 5G networks along US roads. This widespread adoption of private 5G, especially in government and private sectors, is poised to significantly boost the ACC market in the region.
  • In October 2023, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States initiated a substantial investment of around USD 18.28 billion to bolster rural broadband. This funding, slated for a 15-year initiative starting January 2024, aims to bring 100/20 Mbps broadband to over 700,000 locations and enhance the same service for about 2 million locations across 44 states. Such a massive broadband rollout is poised to significantly boost the ACC market.

Global Active Copper Cables (ACC) Industry Overview

The active copper cables (ACC) market is fragmented in nature. Some major players in the market studied are NVIDIA Corporation, SANWA Technologies Co. Ltd, Kordz International, and Amphenol Corporation, among others. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships, agreements, innovations, and acquisitions to enhance their service offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • February 2024: Spectra7 Microsystems Inc., a prominent supplier of high-performance analog semiconductor products for broadband connectivity, and ACES Electronics Co. Ltd, a major connector and cable supplier based in Taiwan, jointly showcased the exceptional capabilities of their 800G active copper cables at the annual DesignCon Conference Exhibition in Santa Clara, California.
  • April 2024: FIBERSTAMP unveiled its latest offering, the 800G OSFP Breakout ACC. Fiberstamp asserts that its 800G OSFP DAC and ACC adhere to the OSFP MSA and IEEE802.3ck standards. These cables utilize 16 pairs of copper cables, enabling an 8-channel, 112 GB/s two-way transmission, all while maintaining rate backward compatibility. Notably, the product seamlessly integrates with NVIDIA's equipment, aligning perfectly with their product specifications. The 800G OSFP DAC line supports up to 3 m, while the 800G OSFP ACC line extends that reach to 5 m, catering specifically to the demands of Nvidia's AI data center infrastructure.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definitions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Analysis of Macro-Economic Scenarios (Recession, Russia-Ukraine Crisis, etc.)


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Robust Investments in Building Construction
    • 5.1.2 Increase in Demand for Consumer Electronics
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Usage for Limited Distance
    • 5.2.2 Lack of Technical Expertise
  • 5.3 Analysis of Pricing and Technical Specifications
  • 5.4 Technology Insights into ACC and Direct Attach Cables (i.e. Passive Cables)
  • 5.5 Global Trade Analysis
  • 5.6 Key Insights into Various Data Transmission Speeds of ACC
  • 5.7 Key Insights into Various Form Factors of ACC


  • 6.1 By Application Area
    • 6.1.1 Data Center
    • 6.1.2 Telecommunication
    • 6.1.3 High-Performance Computing (HPC)
    • 6.1.4 Consumer Electronics
    • 6.1.5 Industrial Applications
    • 6.1.6 Other Application Areas
  • 6.2 By Region
    • 6.2.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.2.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
    • 6.2.3 Asia
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
    • 6.2.4 Latin America
    • 6.2.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 NVIDIA Corporation
    • 7.1.2 JPC Connectivity
    • 7.1.3 Kordz International
    • 7.1.4 Amphenol
    • 7.1.5 Colfax International
    • 7.1.6 SANWA Technologies Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.7 TE Connectivity
    • 7.1.8 Mellanox Technologies
    • 7.1.9 Luxshare Precision Industry Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.10 Leoni AG