

India Big Data Technology & Service - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 各種業務流程缺乏適當的人才和資源正在推動分析和其他數位解決方案的採用。這些解決方案在 BFSI、零售和電訊等產業也不斷成長。在工業 4.0 時代,資料分析將成為更永續製造流程的關鍵技能,特別是在人工智慧、機器學習、物聯網和自動化方面。
  • 例如,據觀察,由於缺乏診斷分析能力來識別績效不佳的觸發因素並做出準確的銷售額預測,零售業的銷售表現不穩定。在這種情況下,製造商沒有時間或預算來建立內部資料分析團隊。這就是為什麼他們轉向分析外包來獲得可操作的、資料主導的見解。
  • 海量資料的產生促使企業尋求對客戶細分的洞察,了解每個細分市場的偏好,回應行為變化並提供個人化服務。此外,網路使用量的增加為組織提供了大量的結構化和非結構化資料。這些好處正在推動跨國公司和大型企業分析巨量資料以獲得可行的見解。
  • 巨量資料分析允許汽車製造部門從多個ERP系統收集資料,並進一步整合供應鏈中多個職能部門和業務成員的資訊。隨著物聯網和 M2M通訊的出現,汽車產業正在為工業 4.0 做好準備。感測器、條碼閱讀器、RFID 和機器人正在成為工業製造現場的常態。
  • 印度工業可以更加了解消費者的行為模式並相應地規劃生產計畫。隨著物聯網的發展以及電子元件成為汽車不可或缺的一部分,汽車領域也出現了類似的可能性。
  • 此外,該地區正在見證加強巨量資料生態系統的投資激增。例如,2022年1月,Fractal Analytics Limited獲得私募股權公司TPG Capital Asia 3.6億美元投資,成為2022年第二家獨角獸。繼 Mu Sigma 之後,它成為印度純分析領域的第二家獨角獸。此外,Fractal 還收購了微軟雲端、資料、工程和人工智慧領域的金牌諮詢合作夥伴 Neil Analytics,幫助加強其在太平洋西北地區、加拿大和印度的業務。
  • 此外,印度國防部將於2022年4月向能夠提供人工智慧(AI)、先進影像處理、感測器系統、巨量資料分析、自主無人系統和安全通訊系統等解決方案的新興企業提供資金。
  • 此外,COVID-19 危機為整個行業帶來了挑戰,軟體公司更加關注需求技術並尋找創新方式來服務客戶。結果,技術支出有所下降。由於整體 IT 支出大幅下降、對硬體的嚴重影響以及軟體和服務業務的放緩,人工智慧 (AI) 和巨量資料的採用預計將在 2020 年成長。在大流行的早期階段,印度政府推出了一款免費應用程式「Aarogya Setu」(健康之橋),用於收集可能感染了 COVID-19 的人的行動電話記錄、人工智慧和巨量資料,用於識別。


BFSI 細分市場預計將推動市場成長

  • 銀行擁有大量有關客戶收入和支出的資訊。此資訊與特定時間內進入帳戶的客戶付款和資金相關。透過分析這些資料,金融機構可以確定客戶的薪資是否增加或減少,哪些收入來源更穩定,花了多少錢,以及使用哪些管道來完成特定交易,從而可以決定是否這樣做。透過分析資料,銀行可以評估風險,決定是否發放貸款,並確定客戶是否有興趣獲得利潤或投資。
  • 印度品牌股權基金會(IBEF)稱,已有44家外國銀行、12家公共部門銀行和22家私人銀行在印度獲得了銀行牌照。此外,還有9.6萬多家農村合作銀行。此外,建立廣泛的風險管理系統對於金融公司至關重要。如果風險管理不徹底,收益將受到嚴重損害。為了在競爭激烈的世界中生存並實現收益最大化,公司必須不斷創新新理念。巨量資料分析可以幫助公司立即發現危險,當然也可以保護客戶免受潛在的詐騙。
  • 據電子和資訊技術部(MeitY)稱,2022-2023會計年度印度數位付款年與前一年同期比較45%。 2022-23 會計年度數位付款交易額達 1,346.2 億印度盧比(16.217 億美元),2023-2024 會計年度達 1,166 億印度盧比(14.0451 億美元)。如此龐大的數位交易預計將推動對巨量資料服務的需求。
  • 2022 年 6 月,德里國家銀行推出專門的分析來打擊詐欺,識別可能暫停付款的壓力客戶,並透過資料分析幫助金融機構在競爭中保持領先地位。財政部要求各銀行選擇重要的內部和外部資源,參與新的縱向整合。這將為提高效率提供見解,同時密切監控詐騙和不良債務累積。

通訊和 IT 領域預計將佔據主要市場佔有率

  • 巨量資料技術的成長也得益於區塊鏈、物聯網、人工智慧和雲端運算等新興技術。這些技術正在為印度所需的巨量資料服務提供動力。
  • 近年來,國內巨量資料服務供應商數量不斷增加。 Lymbyc、G Square、TechVantage、BluePiConsulting 和 SIBIA Analytics 只是近年來興起的幾家公司。此外,參與企業數量增加也得益於政府的資料在地化措施。
  • 印度目前是全球領先的巨量資料分析市場之一,NASSCOM 的目標是使該國成為前三名之一。 NASSCOM 預測,到 2025 年,印度分析產業的規模將達到 160 億美元。這意味著它可能佔據全球分析市場 32% 的佔有率。這種情況反映了印度巨量資料分析領域的巨大機會。由於擁有大量技術熟練且講英語的人口資源庫,印度的巨量資料分析行業正在經歷高速成長。
  • 根據諾基亞《2023 年印度行動寬頻指數》報告,2022 年每位用戶的平均每月資料消費量為 19.5 GB,而 2021 年為 17 GB,2020 年為 13.5 GB。資料消費量的空前成長產生了資料中心儲存和管理這項龐大資源的需求。在 COVID-19主導的全國封鎖的背景下,在家工作、線上教育和休閒進一步增加了資料使用。
  • 此外,隨著多家參與企業的進入,國內通訊業正經歷強勁成長。例如,2022 年 7 月,億萬富翁高塔姆·阿達尼 (Gautam Adani) 的集團確認參與收購通訊頻譜的競賽,並表示將利用其建設專用網路來支援從機場到電力到資料中心的業務。


印度巨量資料技術和服務市場的競爭格局仍然高度競爭且分散。這主要歸功於成熟的 IT 服務產業的存在,該產業能夠快速進入資料革命。除了現有的參與企業之外,許多新興企業和中型公司專門服務各種最終用戶的垂直巨量資料需求。近期趨勢如下。

2022 年 10 月。凱捷 (Capgemini) 宣布與微軟合作,推出世界上第一個雲端原生、無伺服器、基於 Azure 的數位雙胞胎平台,名為 ReflectIOD。該平台利用Azure套件的增強架構和技術組件來幫助組織轉變營運和維護效率,實現智慧產業並推動永續的商業價值。

2024年1月,GenepoweRx宣布推出人工智慧巨量資料分析和藥物發現平台。 Upalli K&H 個人化醫療診所的診斷部門 GenepoweRx 推出了獨特的人工智慧 (AI) 平台 GeneConnectRx。個人化醫療的這項突破將使醫療專業人員能夠根據每位患者獨特的基因組成客製化治療方案。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍





  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度
  • COVID-19 對工業生態系的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 降低實施成本是促進因素
    • 連接設備數量增加
  • 市場限制因素
    • 結構性障礙和去中心化製度是限制因素
    • 缺乏熟練的專業人員

第7章 市場區隔

  • 按類型
    • 解決方案
    • 服務(託管)
  • 按組織規模
    • 小型企業
    • 主要企業
  • 按行業分類
    • BFSI
    • 零售
    • 通訊/IT
    • 媒體娛樂
    • 醫療保健
    • 其他

第8章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Mu Sigma Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
    • IBM Corporation
    • Sigma Data Systems
    • Capgemini SE
    • Fractal Analytics Limited
    • SAS Institute Inc.
    • WNS(Holdings)Ltd.
    • Wipro Ltd.
    • TIBCO Software Inc.
    • Infosys Ltd.



Product Code: 49787

The India Big Data Technology & Service Market size is estimated at USD 2.34 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 3.38 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.66% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

India Big Data Technology & Service - Market - IMG1

In India, there has been a proliferation in the Big Data and AI ecosystem, with numerous large and small players entering in the past few years. Thus, the country is expected to become one of the world's largest Big Data Analytics markets, with better use cases and significant opportunities for data scientists in the future.

Key Highlights

  • The shortage of the right talent and resources for various business processes has led to the adoption of analytics and other digital solutions. These solutions are also witnessing growth in industries such as BFSI, Retail, Telecom, and many more. In the Industry 4.0 era, data analytics would be a key skill for more sustainable manufacturing processes, especially concerning artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, and automation.
  • Retailers, for instance, are observed suffering from unstable sales performance, lacking the capability of diagnostic analytics to identify what triggers poor performance or make accurate sales forecasts. At such a moment, the manufacturer lacks the time and budget to grow an in-house data analytics team. Therefore, they turn to analytics outsourcing to gain actionable and data-driven insight.
  • The generation of a huge amount of data has led companies to seek insights such as customer segmentation, understanding the preferences under each segment, staying updated with changes in behavior, and personalization of services. Additionally, due to the rise in internet usage, an enormous amount of structured and unstructured data is available to organizations. Such benefits have led multinational and large companies to analyze their big data for actionable insights.
  • Big data analytics allows the automobile manufacturing sector to collect data from multiple ERP systems to further combine information from several functional units of the supply chain and business members. With the emergence of IoT and M2M communication, the automotive industry is positioning itself toward Industry 4.0 ready. Sensors, barcode readers, RFIDs, and robots are becoming standard on the industry's manufacturing floor.
  • The Indian industries are more aware of consumer behavior patterns and can plan production based on these. A similar potential has been exposed in the automotive sector, with IoT evolutions and electronics components becoming integral to automobiles.
  • Additionally, the region is witnessing an upsurge in investments for enhancing its big data ecosystem. For instance, in January 2022, Fractal Analytics Limited became the second unicorn 2022 with an investment of USD 360 million from TPG Capital Asia, a private equity firm. After Mu Sigma, this is the second firm in India in the pure-play analytics space to get unicorn status. Further, Fractal acquired Neal Analytics, a cloud, data, engineering, and AI Microsoft Gold consulting partner, to help the company strengthen its presence in the Pacific Northwest, Canada, and India.
  • Further, in April 2022, the Defence Ministry of India announced that it would fund startups that can provide solutions to Artificial Intelligence (AI), advanced imaging, sensor systems, big data analytics, autonomous unmanned systems, and secured communication systems, among other technologies.
  • Further, software companies are intensifying their focus on in-demand technologies and exploring innovative ways to serve their clients even as the COVID-19 crisis created challenges across industries. It led to a reduction in technology spending. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data was set to grow through the overall IT spending dropped significantly in 2020, with a severe impact on hardware and a slowdown in the software and services business. In the initial stage of the pandemic, the Government of India launched a free app, the Aarogya Setu, or Bridge to Health, to harvest mobile phone records, artificial intelligence, and big data to help identify individuals potentially exposed to COVID-19.

India Big Data Technology Market Trends

The BFSI Segment is Expected to Drive the Market's Growth

  • Banks have extensive information about the earnings and expenses of their customers. This information relates to their payments and the money that entered their accounts over a specific time frame. A financial institution can analyze this data to determine whether a client's salary has increased or decreased, which sources of revenue have been more consistent, how much money was spent, and which channels the client utilized to conduct certain transactions. By analyzing the data, banks can assess risks, decide whether to extend loans, and determine whether a client is more interested in receiving benefits or making investments.
  • According to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), 44 foreign banks, 12 public banks, and 22 private banks have banking licenses in India. Moreover, there are over 96,000 rural cooperative banks. Furthermore, developing an extensive risk management system is crucial for financial firms. They will experience a significant loss of revenue if they don't practice thorough risk management. To survive in the competitive world and maximize earnings, businesses must continuously innovate new ideas. Big data analysis aids businesses in detecting dangers instantly and, of course, safeguards customers from potential fraud.
  • According to the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY), In India, digital payments rose 45% yearly (YoY) during the fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023. This period saw INR 13,462 crore(USD 1621.7million) digital payment transactions in (FY) 2022-23, and INR 11,660 crore (USD 1404.51 million) in till december 2023 for FY 2023-2024. Such huge digital transactions will drive the demand for big data services.
  • In June 2022, Delhi State-run banks were expected to have specialized analytics teams to combat frauds, identify stressed customers who might stop making payments, and assist the lenders in staying ahead of the competition through data analysis. The finance ministry requested that all banks select important internal and external resources to join the new vertical. This would give them insights to enhance efficiency while closely monitoring scams and accumulating bad loans.

The Telecommunication and IT Sector is Expected to Hold a Major Market Share

  • The growth of Big Data technologies could also be attributed to emerging technologies, like Blockchain, IoT, AI, and cloud computing. These technologies have provided the push for the necessary big data services in India.
  • There has been an increase in the number of big data service providers in the country recently. Lymbyc, G Square, TechVantage, BluePiConsulting, and SIBIA Analytics are a few firms that have come up in recent years. Furthermore, the increase in the number of players was also attributed to the government's data localization policy.
  • India is currently among the world's major big data analytics markets, and NASSCOM has set the target of making the country one of the top three. NASSCOM has predicted that the Indian analytics industry is expected to reach USD 16 billion by 2025. This means that it may account for 32% of the analytics market worldwide. This scenario reflects tremendous opportunities for the scope of big data analytics in India. India is witnessing high growth in the big data analytics industry due to its large resource pool of technically skilled, English-speaking population.
  • In 2022, according to Nokia's India Mobile Broadband Index 2023 report, the average monthly data consumption per user was 19.5 gigabytes, which was 17 gigabytes in 2021 and 13.5 gigabytes in 2020. The unprecedented growth of data consumption created the need for data centers to store and maintain this vast resource. The data usage increased further due to work from home, online education, and recreation in the backdrop of the COVID-19-led nationwide lockdown.
  • Further, the telecom industry in the country is witnessing robust growth due to the entry of several players. For instance, in July 2022, Billionaire Gautam Adani's group confirmed its entry into the race to acquire telecom spectrum, which it said would be used to create a private network to support its businesses from airports to power and data centers.

India Big Data Technology Industry Overview

The competitive landscape of India's Big Data Technology and Services market remains highly competitive and fragmented. This is primarily because of the presence of a well-established IT services industry that has been able to leap into the data revolution quickly. In addition to the established players, a number of startups and mid-sized companies specialize in catering to the Big Data needs of the world across various End-User verticals. Some of the recent developments are as follows:-

In October 2022. Capgemini announced its collaboration with Microsoft to deliver a first-of-its-kind, cloud-native, serverless Azure-based digital twin platform called ReflectIOD. The platform was to leverage the Azure suite's enhanced architecture and technological components to help transform an organization's operations and maintenance efficiency, enabling intelligent industry and driving sustainable business value.

In January 2024, AI big data analytics and drug discovery platform is launched by GenepoweRx. The diagnostic division of Uppaluri K&H Personalized Medicine Clinic, GenepoweRx, has introduced GeneConnectRx, an inventive artifical intelligence (AI) platform. Healthcare professionals will now be able to tailor therapies based on each patient's unique genetic composition due to this groundbreaking advancement in personalized medicine.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study





  • 5.1 Market Overview
  • 5.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 5.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 5.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 5.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 5.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 5.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 5.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 5.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Industry Ecosystem


  • 6.1 Market Drivers
    • 6.1.1 Reduction in Cost of Implementation will act as a Driver
    • 6.1.2 Increasing Number of Connected Devices
  • 6.2 Market Restraints
    • 6.2.1 Structural Barriers and Decentralized Systems act as a Restraint
    • 6.2.2 Lack of Skilled Professionals


  • 7.1 Type
    • 7.1.1 Solution
    • 7.1.2 Services (Managed)
  • 7.2 Organisation Size
    • 7.2.1 Small & Medium Enterprise
    • 7.2.2 Large Enterprise
  • 7.3 End-User Vertical
    • 7.3.1 BFSI
    • 7.3.2 Retail
    • 7.3.3 Telecommunication and IT
    • 7.3.4 Media and Entertainment
    • 7.3.5 Healthcare
    • 7.3.6 Other End-User Industry


  • 8.1 Company Profiles
    • 8.1.1 Mu Sigma Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
    • 8.1.2 IBM Corporation
    • 8.1.3 Sigma Data Systems
    • 8.1.4 Capgemini SE
    • 8.1.5 Fractal Analytics Limited
    • 8.1.6 SAS Institute Inc.
    • 8.1.7 WNS (Holdings) Ltd.
    • 8.1.8 Wipro Ltd.
    • 8.1.9 TIBCO Software Inc.
    • 8.1.10 Infosys Ltd.