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北美智慧玻璃:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢和成長預測(2025-2030)NA Smart Glass - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030) |
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北美智慧玻璃市場預計在預測期內複合年成長率為 14.3%。
近年來,智慧玻璃已安裝在多個辦公室、飯店和住宅中。越來越多的企業進入北美智慧玻璃市場,市場正在升溫。智慧玻璃在交通運輸業的採用率也很高。例如,波音 787 夢幻客機採用智慧玻璃,乘客和機組人員可以選擇他們想要的陽光量。
在該地區,智慧玻璃在建築領域的採用正在取得進展。據美國能源部稱,建築業約占美國初級能源能源使用量的 76% 和相關溫室氣體 (GHG)排放的 40%,因此應對國家能源和環境挑戰至關重要。 。
窗戶被認為是建築物中效率最低的部分,在寒冷的月份會導致熱量損失,而在溫暖的月份則會增加太陽熱量。一些研究人員也表示,陽光進入住宅可將冷負荷增加 20%。在某些情況下,刺眼的陽光會使液晶顯示器難以看清,迫使您拉上百葉窗,從而減少自然光的好處。
因此,在該領域採用智慧玻璃將有助於提高建築物內人員的舒適度,同時提高能源效率。這種智慧窗戶的主要特點是薄陶瓷塗層,它由電流激活,預計會給玻璃著色。勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室(LBNL) 表示,先進的動態窗戶技術或「智慧窗戶」每年可以節省多達 1 兆 BTU 的能源。這相當於全國每年能源消費量的1%以上,每年能源成本超過100億美元。
智慧玻璃因其高美學價值而在商業設計領域越來越受歡迎。例如,北達科他州的一家高階餐廳 Spirit Lake Casino & Resort 安裝了智慧玻璃,儘管存在陽光眩光的問題,但仍可以欣賞到自然環境的美景。這項技術可以幫助餐廳在陽光明媚的日子裡減少空調的冷卻負荷,從而降低成本。
對建築能源消耗的日益擔憂推動了對智慧玻璃的需求,尤其是在商業領域。根據美國能源局的數據,建築業約佔電力的 76%,並產生大量溫室氣體 (GHG)排放,必須減少建築物的能源消費量,以降低業主和租戶的成本。
根據 NYSERDA(紐約州能源研究與發展局)稱,利用智慧技術可以平均降低 15% 的成本,創造一個減少能源浪費並提高員工生產力的生態系統,可以提高收益。
The NA Smart Glass Market is expected to register a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast period.
In recent years, several offices, hotels, and residential homes have had smart glass installed in their premises. With more and more companies getting involved in the smart glass market in North America, the market has been heating up. Also, smart glass has been witnessing higher adoption in the Transportation industry. For instance, Boeing 787 Dreamliner uses smart glass so that the passengers and the in-flight crew can select the amount of sunlight coming through to their liking.
The construction industry holds the largest market share in the North American smart glass market, owing to the increasing demand for smart glasses in architecture and the improving real estate market in the region. Architects are increasingly using this type of glass to reduce the energy consumption of the building, due to which there have been increasing developments in the construction industry on smart glasses in the region.
The growing consciousness among individuals for the conservation of energy has gained a lot of impetus from a wide region of sources. Humans, for several centuries, have exploited non-renewable resources, which, in turn, has led to the depletion of these precious fossil fuels. This major concern helps the smart glass obtain a huge market for themselves, as they help save electricity without harming the environment or its resources.
However, one of the major growth restraints for the smart glass industry is its high expenses compared to normal glass. Additionally, lack of awareness of smart glass benefits and the existence of technical issues with the usage of large size smart glass are some of the key impediments hindering the growth of the market.
Smart glass is increasingly being adopted in the construction sector in the region. The buildings sector accounts for about 76% of electricity use and 40% of all U. S. primary energy use and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making it essential to reduce energy consumption in buildings to meet national energy and environmental challenges, according to the Department of Energy.
Windows are considered the most inefficient part of a building and are responsible for heat loss in cold months and solar heat gain in warm months. Some researchers also stated that sunlight entering a house could increase cooling loads by 20%. In some cases, glare from the sun can make it difficult to see an LCD screen, requiring the blinds to be pulled, negating the benefits of natural light.
Thus, the adoption of smart glass in this sector can help in improving comfort levels for those inside the building while increasing energy efficiency. The key feature of these smart windows is a thin ceramic coating, which, when activated by an electrical current, is expected to tint the glass. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) stated that that advanced dynamic window technologies, or "smart windows," could save as much as one quadrillion BTUs of energy each year - which is more than 1% of the nation's annual energy consumption, or more than USD 10 billion in annual energy costs.
As building codes around the United States are driving the demand for greener designs, smart glass windows emerged as an appealing product to a variety of customers within the building sector. Such trends are expected to drive the demand for the smart glass market in the region.
The incentives provided by the governments in North America, primarily to encourage environmental sustainability, are expected to drive the market's growth, especially in the Americas. The strict implementation of the Green Buildings Act is expected to be a major positive force in the market, with the United States accounting for the majority of the global smart glass market share.
Smart glass has become an increasingly popular feature for the commercial design sector because of its aesthetic value. For instance, a fine dining restaurant in North Dakota, Spirit Lake Casino, and Resort installed smart glass for providing spectacular views of the natural surroundings, despite solar glare problems. The technology helps the restaurant save money by reducing the conditions' cooling load of air conditions during sunny days.
The demand for smart glass has been progressing owing to the growing concerns of energy consumption in buildings, especially in the commercial sector. The buildings sector accounted for about 76% of the electricity used, resulting in a considerable amount of associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, thereby making it necessary to reduce energy consumption in buildings to comply with the national energy and environmental challenges and decrease costs to building owners and tenants, According to the US Department of Energy.
According to the NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority), enabling smart technologies can decrease costs by an average of 15% and improve the bottom line by creating an ecosystem that reduces energy waste and boosts employee productivity.The factors mentioned above are anticipated to influence the demand for smart glass in the North American region.
As building codes around the United States have been driving the demand for greener designs, smart glass windows emerged as an appealing product to various customers within the building sector. Furthermore, the region has been seeing the adoption of technology from the government sector. For instance, Government Services Administration Headquarters (USA) adopted smart glass for renovation at its headquarters. Such trends are expected to drive the need for the smart glass market in the region.
The North America Smart Glass Market is fragmented. Various established international brands, domestic brands, as well as new entrants, form a competitive landscape. The major players are increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development.