

Europe Glass Bottles And Containers - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 歐洲玻璃包裝市場價值數十億歐元,近年來穩步成長。食品和飲料、藥品和化妝品等關鍵行業的需求正在推動這一成長。該市場預計將溫和成長,尤其是在酒精飲料、化妝品和美食等高階包裝領域。葡萄酒、啤酒和烈酒等酒精飲料佔據了大部分市場,果汁和碳酸飲料等其他飲料也做出了巨大貢獻。
  • 玻璃是一種高度永續性的包裝材料,因為它是可回收的。歐洲制定了強力的回收政策,導致玻璃包裝的回收率很高,許多國家通常超過 70%。隨著人們對塑膠廢棄物的日益關注,玻璃越來越被視為一種環保的替代品。
  • 歐洲消費者更喜歡玻璃包裝,理由是品質優良、產品完整性和可回收性。玻璃包裝通常用於奢侈品和有機產品。歐盟循環經濟行動計畫等歐盟措施推動了回收率的提高和廢棄物的減少。玻璃作為可回收材料滿足了這些目標,進一步增加了包裝行業的需求。
  • 最大的行業是飲料,主要是酒精飲料(葡萄酒、啤酒、烈酒)和軟性飲料。優選玻璃瓶和罐子以保持風味和品質。由於玻璃具有惰性和無菌性,玻璃容器在製藥工業中廣泛用於包裝藥品,特別是液體藥品、疫苗和糖漿。在化妝品行業,玻璃因其豪華的外觀和氣密性而被用於護膚品、香水、化妝品的豪華包裝。
  • 該地區也參與玻璃瓶和容器產品的貿易。根據國際貿易中心統計,歐洲各國玻璃容器產能差異較大。德國以每年5,493,250噸位居第一,其次是義大利,為4,897,205噸,法國為4,580,750噸。
  • 歐洲包裝產業正在經歷重大變革,有利於傳統玻璃包裝的替代品。包裝材料的永續性問題、成本效益和技術進步正在推動這一趨勢。因此,現有的玻璃包裝市場面臨來自生質塑膠、軟包裝和先進聚合材料等創新替代品的新挑戰和競爭。這種轉變正在改變消費者的偏好,並迫使玻璃包裝製造商調整策略,以在不斷變化的市場環境中保持市場佔有率。



  • 歐洲擁有法國、義大利、西班牙、德國等一些世界領先的葡萄酒生產國,玻璃瓶是葡萄酒的主流包裝。玻璃被廣泛認為是保存葡萄酒風味、香氣和品質的最佳材料,與奢侈品有著密切的聯繫。葡萄酒產業仍然是歐洲玻璃包裝需求的主要動力,在一些國家,玻璃容器佔葡萄酒包裝的80%以上。
  • 法國仍然是歐洲國家中最大的葡萄酒消費國之一,預計 2023 年消費量將達到約 2,440 萬百升。這種高消費水平反映了法國根深蒂固的葡萄酒文化以及葡萄酒在日常生活和社交場合的重要性。根據國際葡萄與葡萄酒組織的數據,英國的消費量為 1,280 萬百升。受消費者偏好變化和對葡萄酒鑑賞力不斷提高的影響,英國的葡萄酒消費量正在穩步成長。
  • 歐洲各地的這些葡萄酒消費趨勢表明,對玻璃瓶作為包裝材料的需求持續成長。玻璃瓶仍然是葡萄酒的首選包裝選擇,因為它們可以保存風味,延長保存期限,並為消費者提供優質的美學吸引力。這些重要的歐洲市場葡萄酒消費的持續成長標誌著飲料產業對高品質玻璃包裝解決方案的需求同步成長。
  • 玻璃飲料市場在精釀啤酒、有機果汁和優質烈酒等高階和利基市場中表現出強勁的勢頭。對高品質、環保包裝解決方案的需求正在推動玻璃容器在這些類別中的使用增加。精釀啤酒和小批量飲料是玻璃包裝市場的主要貢獻者。許多精釀啤酒商和小型飲料製造商選擇玻璃瓶來向客戶傳達品質、傳統和環境責任。
  • 儘管塑膠和鋁罐佔據主導地位,但玻璃瓶仍然佔據軟性飲料市場的利基市場,包括優質蘇打水、有機飲料和工藝軟性飲料。天然、有機和健康意識飲料品牌的日益普及也促進了玻璃作為永續包裝選擇的使用。新鮮果汁,尤其是冷壓和有機果汁,通常採用玻璃包裝,因為它可以保持產品的品質和風味。
  • 在歐洲,消費者對塑膠污染的認知不斷增強,以及對一次性塑膠的監管更加嚴格,正在推動人們對環保包裝的偏好。玻璃具有高度可回收性,並且能夠無限期地重複使用而不會降低質量,因此在飲料包裝領域吸引了具有環保意識的消費者。
  • 這種向永續選擇的轉變正在影響製造商和零售商對包括飲料在內的各種產品採用玻璃包裝。玻璃的可回收性和再生性符合循環經濟原則,進一步增加了對歐洲市場的吸引力。此外,玻璃包裝維持產品品質和延長保存期限的特性也是其在該地區消費者和生產商中日益受歡迎的因素。


  • 德國是歐洲玻璃容器的重要市場。強勁的工業部門、包裝商品的高消費量以及對永續性的重視支撐著這個市場。在德國,玻璃容器的需求主要由食品飲料、化妝品和製藥業推動。
  • 在非酒精飲料領域,特別是在優質和有機飲料領域,果汁和健康飲料等產品正在採用玻璃容器。德國有著深厚的啤酒傳統,玻璃容器在多種飲料品類中都受到青睞,許多消費者更喜歡安全且惰性的包裝材料,導致該國飲料行業對玻璃容器的需求強勁。
  • 根據德國聯邦統計局的數據,2021 年至 2023 年,德國消費者在酒精飲料上的支出穩定成長。 2021年達293億美元,2022年小幅成長至295億美元。到2023年,這一數字將增加至307億美元,反映出過去三年酒精飲料支出的持續上升趨勢。
  • 德國也是世界上玻璃回收率最高的國家之一,超過 90% 的玻璃瓶被回收。日益增強的環保意識促使德國消費者和企業選擇玻璃作為永續包裝材料。玻璃被廣泛認為是一種環保材料,因為它可以 100% 可回收且不會損失品質。這就是為什麼人們越來越偏好玻璃包裝,特別是考慮到德國的包裝廢棄物立法和提倡可回收材料的生產者延伸責任 (EPR) 法規。
  • 德國參與玻璃瓶及容器產品的出口。根據國際貿易中心統計,德國出口量從2021年的1,094,706噸大幅增加至2022年的1,494,488噸,增幅達36.4%。這一成長表明國際上對德國產品的需求不斷成長。這一成長可能是由於大流行後的經濟復甦、全球貿易的成長或汽車、化學、機械和消費品等某些行業的繁榮。
  • 2023年出口量小幅下降至1,205,642噸,較2022年最高峰下降19.4%。這種下降可歸因於供應鏈中斷、全球經濟挑戰或主要市場需求模式的變化。大宗商品價格波動、國際需求變化和地緣政治緊張局勢(包括烏克蘭衝突)等因素可能影響了德國2023年的出口表現。


歐洲玻璃瓶和容器市場較為分散,許多公司爭奪市場佔有率。這種競爭環境促進了技術創新,並鼓勵公司脫穎而出,以滿足不同的客戶需求。該市場包括大型跨國公司和中小型區域製造商,各自為該行業的活力做出了貢獻。 OI Glass, Inc.、SAVERGLASS Group、Berlin Packaging、Verallia Group 和 Gerresheimer AG 等主要企業透過廣泛的產品系列、技術進步和策略夥伴關係確立了自己的地位。



  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 玻璃瓶及容器進出口資料
  • PESTEL 分析 - 歐洲玻璃瓶和容器產業
  • 包裝玻璃行業標準及法規
  • 包裝玻璃的原料分析及材質考慮
  • 容器和包裝玻璃的永續性趨勢
  • 歐洲玻璃瓶及容器熔爐及位置


  • 市場促進因素
    • 對環保產品的需求不斷成長
    • 食品飲料市場需求快速成長
  • 市場挑戰
    • 由於越來越多採用玻璃替代品,傳統市場面臨挑戰
  • 全球玻璃瓶及容器市場的歐洲市場分析
  • 貿易情景 - 歐洲玻璃瓶和容器產業進出口範式的歷史和現狀分析

第6章 市場細分

  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 用於酒精
      • 啤酒和蘋果酒
      • 葡萄酒/烈酒
    • 非酒精性
      • 碳酸飲料
      • 乳類飲料
      • 其他非酒精飲料
    • 食物
    • 化妝品
    • 藥品
    • 其他最終用戶產業
  • 按國家/地區
    • 德國
    • 義大利
    • 法國
    • 波蘭
    • 英國
    • 西班牙
    • 俄羅斯

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Verallia Group
    • OI Glass, Inc.
    • Vidrala, SA
    • Gerresheimer AG
    • SAVERGLASS Group
    • Quadpack Industries SA
    • Berlin Packaging
    • Wiegand-Glas Holding GmbH
    • Ardagh Group SA
    • HEINZ-GLAS GmbH & Co.
    • Zignago Vetro SpA
    • Beatson Clark


第9章 市場未來展望

Product Code: 54012

The Europe Glass Bottles And Containers Market size in terms of shipment volume is expected to grow from 40.13 million tonnes in 2025 to 44.26 million tonnes by 2030, at a CAGR of 1.98% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Europe Glass Bottles And Containers - Market - IMG1

The European container glass market is a crucial segment of the packaging industry. It is driven by sustainability trends, consumer demand for premium packaging, and regulations targeting plastic waste reduction. Europe boasts a well-developed glass manufacturing sector, with Germany, Italy, France, and Spain serving as central glass production and consumption hubs.

Key Highlights

  • The European glass container market, valued in billions of euros, has experienced steady growth in recent years. Demand across critical sectors, including food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, drives this growth. The market is expected to grow moderately, with a notable increase in the premium packaging segment, particularly for alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, and gourmet food products. Alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer, and spirits, constitute a large portion of the market, while other beverages, like juices and carbonated drinks, also contribute significantly.
  • Due to its recyclability, glass is a highly sustainable packaging material. Europe has implemented robust recycling policies, resulting in high glass packaging recycling rates, often surpassing 70% in numerous countries. As concerns about plastic waste grow, glass is increasingly considered an environmentally friendly alternative.
  • European consumers prefer glass packaging, attributing it to premium quality, product integrity preservation, and recyclability. Glass packaging is frequently associated with high-end and organic products. European Union initiatives, such as the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, drive higher recycling rates and waste reduction. Glass aligns well with these objectives as a recyclable material, further increasing its demand in the packaging sector.
  • The largest segment is beverages, focusing on alcoholic drinks (wine, beer, spirits) and soft drinks. Glass bottles and jars are preferred to preserve flavour and quality. Due to glass's inert nature and sterility, the pharmaceutical industry widely uses glass containers for packaging medicines, especially liquid medications, vaccines, and syrups. In cosmetics, glass is used for premium packaging of skincare products, perfumes, and cosmetics, owing to its high-end appeal and ability to provide an airtight seal.
  • The region also participates in the trade of container glass products. According to the International Trade Center, European countries' glass container production capacity varies significantly. Germany leads with 5,493,250 tons per year, followed by Italy at 4,897,205 tons and France at 4,580,750 tons.
  • The European packaging industry is experiencing a significant shift as alternatives to traditional glass packaging gain traction. Sustainability concerns, cost-effectiveness, and technological advancements in packaging materials drive this trend. As a result, established glass packaging markets face new challenges and competition from innovative alternatives like bioplastics, flexible packaging, and advanced polymer materials. This shift reshapes consumer preferences and forces glass packaging manufacturers to adapt their strategies to maintain market share in an evolving landscape.

Europe Glass Bottles And Containers Market Trends

Beverage Industry to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • Europe hosts several of the world's leading wine-producing nations, including France, Italy, Spain, and Germany, where glass bottles remain the dominant packaging choice for wine. Glass is widely regarded as the optimal material for maintaining wine's flavour, aroma, and quality, and it is closely associated with premium products. The wine industry continues to be a primary driver of glass container demand in Europe, with glass packaging accounting for over 80% of wine packaging in certain countries.
  • France remained one of the leading wine consumers among European countries, with consumption reaching approximately 24.4 million hectoliters in 2023. This high level of consumption reflects France's deep-rooted wine culture and its significance in daily life and social gatherings. According to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, the United Kingdom consumed about 12.8 million hectoliters. The UK's wine consumption has been steadily growing, influenced by changing consumer preferences and an increasing appreciation for wine.
  • This trend in wine consumption across Europe indicates continued demand for glass bottles as packaging materials. Glass bottles remain the preferred packaging option for wine due to their ability to preserve flavour, extend shelf life, and provide a premium aesthetic appeal to consumers. The sustained growth in wine consumption in these critical European markets suggests a parallel increase in the demand for high-quality glass packaging solutions in the beverage industry.
  • The glass container beverage market shows strength in premium and niche sectors, such as craft beer, organic juices, and high-end spirits. The demand for high-quality, environmentally friendly packaging solutions drives growth in glass container usage for these categories. Craft beer and small-batch beverages contribute significantly to the market for glass packaging. Many craft brewers and small beverage producers choose glass bottles to communicate quality, tradition, and environmental responsibility to their customers.
  • Despite the dominance of plastic and aluminium cans, glass bottles remain in niche segments of the soft drink market, including premium sodas, organic beverages, and craft soft drinks. The increasing popularity of natural, organic, and health-focused beverage brands has contributed to using glass as a sustainable packaging option. Fresh juices, particularly cold-pressed and organic varieties, are frequently packaged in glass due to their ability to preserve product quality and taste.
  • Europe shows an increasing preference for environmentally friendly packaging, driven by growing consumer awareness of plastic pollution and stricter regulations on single-use plastics. Being highly recyclable and indefinitely reusable without quality loss, glass appeals to environmentally conscious consumers in beverage packaging.
  • This shift towards sustainable options influences manufacturers and retailers to adopt glass packaging for various products, including beverages. Glass's recyclability and reusability align with circular economy principles, further enhancing its appeal in the European market. Additionally, glass packaging's ability to preserve product quality and extend shelf life contributes to its growing popularity among consumers and producers in the region.

Germany to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • Germany represents a significant market for glass containers in Europe. Its robust industrial sector, high consumption of packaged goods, and increasing emphasis on sustainability support this market. The food and beverage, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries primarily drive the demand for glass containers in Germany.
  • The non-alcoholic beverage segment, especially in premium and organic categories, also embraces glass packaging for products like juices and health drinks. Germany's strong beer heritage, preference for glass in various beverage sectors, and consumer inclination towards safe, inert packaging materials collectively contribute to the robust demand for glass containers in the country's beverage industry.
  • According to Statistisches Bundesamt, consumer spending on alcoholic beverages in Germany has steadily increased from 2021 to 2023. In 2021, spending reached USD 29.3 billion, followed by a slight rise to USD 29.5 billion in 2022. By 2023, this figure grew to USD 30.7 billion, reflecting a consistent upward trend in the country's expenditure on alcoholic drinks over the past three years.
  • Germany also maintains one of the world's highest glass recycling rates, with over 90% of glass bottles being recycled. As environmental awareness grows, German consumers and companies increasingly choose glass as a sustainable packaging material. Glass is widely recognized as eco-friendly due to its 100% recyclability without quality loss. This has led to a rising preference for glass containers, particularly in light of German packaging waste laws and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations promoting recyclable materials.
  • The country participates in the export of container glass products. According to the International Trade Center, Germany's export volume increased significantly from 1,094,706 tons in 2021 to 1,494,488 tons in 2022, a 36.4% rise. This increase suggests heightened international demand for German products. Factors contributing to this growth may include post-pandemic economic recovery, increased global trade, or specific industry booms in sectors like automotive, chemicals, machinery, or consumer goods.
  • In 2023, export volume decreased slightly to 1,205,642 tons, a 19.4% reduction from the 2022 peak. This decline may be attributed to supply chain disruptions, global economic challenges, or changing demand patterns in critical markets. Factors such as commodity price fluctuations, shifts in international demand, or geopolitical tensions, including the Ukraine conflict, could have influenced Germany's export performance in 2023.

Europe Glass Bottles And Containers Industry Overview

The European container glass market is fragmented, with numerous players competing for market share. This competitive environment fosters innovation and drives companies to differentiate their offerings to meet diverse customer needs. The market includes large multinational corporations and smaller regional manufacturers, each contributing to the industry's dynamism. Key players in this market, such as O-I Glass, Inc., SAVERGLASS Group, Berlin Packaging, Verallia Group, and Gerresheimer AG, have established strong positions through their extensive product portfolios, technological advancements, and strategic partnerships.

These companies and other market participants cater to various sectors, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and personal care. The ongoing focus on sustainability and eco-friendly packaging solutions has also significantly influenced market strategies and product development among these key players.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Export-Import Data of Container Glass
  • 4.3 PESTEL ANALYSIS - Container Glass Industry in Europe
  • 4.4 Industry Standard and Regulation for Container Glass Use for Packaging
  • 4.5 Raw Material Analysis and Material Consideration for Packaging
  • 4.6 Sustainability Trends for Glass Packaging
  • 4.7 Container Glass Furnace and Location in Europe


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Demand for Eco-friendly Products
    • 5.1.2 Surging Demand from the Food and Beverage Market
  • 5.2 Market Challenge
    • 5.2.1 Increasing Adoption of Glass Alternatives Challenges Traditional Markets
  • 5.3 Analysis of the Current Positioning of Europe in the Global Container Glass Market
  • 5.4 Trade Scenerio - Analysis of the Historical and Current Export Import Paradigm for Container Glass Industry in Europe


  • 6.1 By End-user Vertical
    • 6.1.1 Alcoholic (Qualitative Analysis For Segment Analysis)
      • Beer and Cider
      • Wine and Spirits
    • 6.1.2 Non-alcoholic (Qualitative Analysis For Segment Analysis)
      • Carbonated Soft Drinks
      • Dairy-based
      • Water
      • Other Non-alcoholic Beverages
    • 6.1.3 Food
    • 6.1.4 Cosmetics
    • 6.1.5 Pharmaceutical
    • 6.1.6 Other End-user Verticals
  • 6.2 By Country
    • 6.2.1 Germany
    • 6.2.2 Italy
    • 6.2.3 France
    • 6.2.4 Poland
    • 6.2.5 United Kingdom
    • 6.2.6 Spain
    • 6.2.7 Russia


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Verallia Group
    • 7.1.2 BA GLASS GROUP
    • 7.1.3 O-I Glass, Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Vidrala, S.A.
    • 7.1.6 Gerresheimer AG
    • 7.1.7 SAVERGLASS Group
    • 7.1.8 ALGLASS SA
    • 7.1.9 Quadpack Industries SA
    • 7.1.10 Berlin Packaging
    • 7.1.11 Wiegand-Glas Holding GmbH
    • 7.1.12 Ardagh Group S.A.
    • 7.1.13 HEINZ-GLAS GmbH & Co.
    • 7.1.14 Zignago Vetro S.p.A.
    • 7.1.15 Beatson Clark