

Europe Data Center Interconnect - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內






隨著資料的激增以及人工智慧和高效能運算 (HPC) 等技術的擴展,快速、可靠且經濟高效地連接資料中心資產的需求顯著增加。吞吐量、延遲、操作簡單性、維護、智慧和安全性等因素是資料中心供應商的關鍵優先事項。這是採用資料中心互連 (DCI) 技術的關鍵促進因素之一,可增加資料中心之間的頻寬、減少延遲並消除封包遺失。


  • 在西歐和北歐,政府機構正在提供稅收減免和其他激勵措施,以吸引投資者建造超大規模資料中心。豐富的可再生能源資源、低廉的電價、有利的氣候條件、良好的基礎設施和熟練的勞動力使北歐國家適合建立資料中心和DCI,多年來外國投資激增。
  • 雲端運算產業的成長以及最近由於全國範圍內的停電而導致 OTT 服務使用量的增加擴大了該研究覆蓋的市場。此外,5G服務的推出可能會擴大互連資料中心解決方案的範圍。自動駕駛汽車、智慧城市、數位雙胞胎、虛擬實境、虛擬助理、視訊監控、遊戲等正在推動市場需求。
  • 雲端運算是預計將顯著推動資料中心互連市場的細分市場之一。近年來,由於企業營運成本的降低,雲端運算一直在成長。託管和雲端可以結合起來,以減少延遲、提高安全性並為雲端互連創造機會。雲端供應商公司需要高頻寬、有彈性的專用網路以及強大的資料中心供應商的支援。
  • 資料中心連接服務的成本是一個巨大的挑戰,特別是對於中小型企業而言。建造新的資料中心需要在建設和維護方面進行大量投資。此外,資料中心之間的距離也很重要,因為它會降低資料中心的效率並限制資料中心互連產業的成長。
  • 特別是近年來,線上活動的快速成長增加了對資料中心互連的需求,因為 COVID-19 大流行使得存取網路應用程式變得至關重要。隨著越來越多的人依賴網路進行工作、社交網路、電子商務、銀行業務和娛樂,對幾乎無限的執行時間和互連性的需求不斷成長。



  • 國內外企業和雲端運算客戶不斷成長的需求正在推動企業擴大資料中心設施。歐洲資料中心市場以公共雲端服務為主。政府機構正在增加對私有雲端雲端服務的使用,因為他們計劃在預測期內擴大政府對雲端服務的使用。然而,混合雲端服務比私有雲端公有雲端服務具有更大的成長潛力。雲端技術的成長反過來又導致該地區資料中心互連技術市場不斷擴大。
  • 此外,雲端運算的日益普及(因 COVID-19 大流行進一步加劇)、外國雲端供應商在歐洲的滲透率不斷提高、該地區有關資料安全的政府規則和法規以及歐洲國內公司的投資增加。地區互聯資料中心需求的關鍵因素之一。
  • 此外,微軟還在挪威投資了多個資料中心地點,谷歌有限責任公司正在擴大在芬蘭的業務。雲端營運商以及企業和互連提供商正在增加對北歐的投資。預計這將在預測期內推動該地區資料中心互連市場的成長。
  • 2022 年 7 月,隨著雲端服務供應商尋求更快的網路連接,美國通訊基礎設施供應商 Zayo 宣布開通英國和歐洲大陸之間的 Zeus 海底航線。海底電纜目前承載著全球幾乎所有的網路資料流量,包括 Alphabet 旗下的Google和 Meta 在內的許多科技公司也正在投資海底電纜的建設。
  • 隨著人工智慧、5G 和邊緣運算等雲端解決方案和工業應用的激增,對資料中心的需求不斷增加。反過來,預計將為資料中心互連市場帶來巨大的商機。根據 Cloudscene 的數據,截至 2024 年 2 月,德國擁有 522 個資料中心,是歐洲國家中最多的。資料中心是容納電腦系統並共用的資訊技術 (IT)業務的建築物。


  • 資料中心數量的增加、雲端技術投資的增加以及終端用戶市場的擴大是推動德國資料中心投資互連市場的關鍵因素。 GDPR 和個人資料保護舉措(Gaia-X) 等嚴格的當地法律正在進一步推動該地區資料中心的建設和發展。
  • 邊緣運算解決方案的發展正在增加對大容量網路的需求。由於自動駕駛汽車、雲端運算、物聯網和先進機器人技術等顛覆性技術,德國經濟正在推動對邊緣運算解決方案的需求。這些技術的越來越多的使用需要更高的頻寬和卓越的處理速度。
  • 低延遲對於克服這些障礙至關重要,從而推動了資料中心託管的需求。雲端服務供應商可以透過將其網路設計放置在更靠近用戶的位置來提供高頻寬和低延遲。 5G 的發展使互連服務供應商能夠在德國的遠端地點之間提供更好的連接性,從而刺激市場擴張。
  • 5G 和擴增實境(AR)、虛擬實境和人工智慧等身臨其境型技術的發展也增加了企業之間資料共用預留頻寬的需求。歐洲互連的頻寬容量正在迅速擴大,並且這一趨勢預計將持續下去。由於對高速連接以改善客戶體驗的需求不斷成長,通訊業擁有最大的市場佔有率。此外,由於智慧型設備的快速採用,對改善連接性和減少資料傳輸延遲的需求不斷成長,該地區的互連服務供應商也從中受益。
  • 近年來,由於5G網路、人工智慧、物聯網等顛覆性技術的發展,資料中心工作負載不斷增加。企業內部雲端運算和即服務模式的使用增加,以及高工作負載的管理,增加了對專業技能的需求。愛立信預計,到2028年,中東歐移動5G用戶數量預計將達到2.294億。德國是中歐最已開發國家之一,預計行動 5G 用戶數將大幅成長。


歐洲資料中心互連市場為半固體市場,主要參與者包括華為科技公司、Ciena 公司、思科系統公司、英飛朗公司和諾基亞公司。市場參與企業正在採取聯盟和收購等策略來加強其產品供應並獲得永續的競爭優勢。

  • 2023年,德國將成為歐洲第二大主機託管市場。過去五年,德國資料中心市場的成長受到企業數位轉型策略、雲端運算、物聯網(IoT)、人工智慧的採用以及GDPR的實施的推動。德國大約 80% 的組織使用雲端服務來提供一項或多項服務,而這一比例預計還會增加,未來 3-5 年的複合年成長率為 3-5%。鑑於服務資料的高成長率和營運網路的高成本,德國資料中心服務供應商AIXIT 宣布,他們決定在未來十年內開發連接,以在資料資料之間無縫擴展。
  • 2022 年 10 月,諾基亞宣布擴大與歐洲最大的去中心化網路交換供應商 NL-ix 的合作關係。諾基亞介紹了其先進的 7750 SR-s 平台,該平台具有突破性的路由晶片 FP5。此次部署將使 NL-ix 能夠為其國家研究和教育網路 (NREN) 和雲端供應商客戶提供 400GE 和 800GE 存取和互連服務。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度
  • 評估 COVID-19 對產業的影響


  • 雲端遷移的持續趨勢
    • 最近網路消費的變化和預期的 5G 引入將推動市場成長
  • 市場問題
    • 容量和安裝挑戰

第6章 市場細分

  • 按國家/地區
    • 德國
    • 英國
    • 法國
    • 愛爾蘭
    • 西班牙
    • 歐洲其他地區

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Huawei Technologies
    • Ciena Corporation
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Infinera Corporation
    • Nokia Corporation
    • ZTE Corporation


第9章 市場機會及未來趨勢

Product Code: 70236

The Europe Data Center Interconnect Market size is estimated at USD 2.11 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 3.86 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 12.83% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Europe Data Center Interconnect - Market - IMG1

With the proliferation of data and expansion of technologies like AI and high-performance computing (HPC), the need to connect data center assets quickly, reliably, and cost-effectively is growing significantly. Factors such as throughput, latency, simplified operations, maintenance, intelligence, and security are becoming significant priorities for data center vendors. This is one of the major factors driving the adoption of data center interconnect (DCI) technology, owing to its ability to boost inter-data center bandwidth, reduce latency, and eliminate packet loss.

Key Highlights

  • Government agencies offer tax breaks and other benefits to attract the maximum number of investors to construct a hyperscale data center market in Western Europe & the Nordics. Due to vast resources of renewable energy, low power prices, favorable climate conditions, good infrastructure, and a skilled workforce, Nordic countries are well suited for data centers and, therefore, for DCI and have resulted in a surge of foreign investments over the years.
  • The market studied is expanding due to the growing cloud computing industry and the recent increase in OTT service use due to a nationwide shutdown. Furthermore, introducing 5G services may broaden the scope of interconnected data center solutions. Autonomous cars, smart cities, digital twins, virtual reality, AI virtual assistants, video surveillance and monitoring, and gaming are fueling market demand.
  • Cloud computing is one sector estimated to be a significant driver of the data center interconnect market. Cloud computing has been increasing over the past few years, owing to lower operational expenses faced by enterprises. Combining colocation with the cloud can reduce latency, increase security, and create cloud interconnection opportunities. Cloud provider companies require high bandwidth and resiliency private networks and support from a robust data center provider.
  • The major challenge, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, is the cost of data center connectivity services. A new data center necessitates a significant investment in both construction and maintenance. Furthermore, the distance between data centers is important since it might reduce a data center's efficiency, limiting the growth of the data center interconnect industry.
  • The fast growth of online activity has raised the demand for data center interconnection, particularly in recent years, as the COVID-19 pandemic made access to internet applications a requirement. With more people relying on the Internet for work, social networking, e-commerce, banking, and entertainment, the demand for almost limitless uptime and interconnection is growing.

Europe Data Center Interconnect Market Trends

Ongoing Trend Toward Cloud Migration is Expected to Drive the Market

  • The growing demand from domestic and international enterprises and cloud computing customers has pushed companies to expand data center facilities. Public cloud services dominate the data center market in Europe. The use of private cloud services by government agencies is growing as they plan to make greater use of cloud services in public administration during the forecast period. However, hybrid cloud services have more substantial growth potential than private and public cloud services. The growth in cloud technology is, in turn, a growing market for data center interconnect technology in the region.
  • Moreover, the growing adoption of cloud computing (which further escalated due to the COVID-19 pandemic), increasing penetration of foreign cloud vendors across Europe, governmental rules and regulations for local data security, and the increasing investments by domestic European players are some of the major factors that are driving the demand for interconnected data centers in the region.
  • Furthermore, Microsoft Corporation has invested in multiple data center locations in Norway, while Google LLC has expanded its operations in Finland. It is not just the cloud enterprise players; enterprises and interconnection providers are also increasingly investing in the Nordics. This is expected to boost the growth of the data center interconnect market in the region over the forecast period.
  • In July 2022, the US communications infrastructure provider Zayo announced that it had launched the Zeus subsea route that connects the United Kingdom and continental Europe as cloud service providers seek faster internet connections. Currently, undersea cables transmit nearly all the world's internet data traffic, and many technology companies, including Alphabet's Google and Meta, have also invested in building their subsea cables.
  • The demand for data centers is growing with the popularity of cloud solutions and industry applications, such as AI, 5G, and edge computing. In return, it is anticipated to give immense opportunities to the data center interconnect market. According to Cloudscene, as of February 2024, there are 522 data centers located in Germany, the most in any European nation. Data centers are buildings that house computer systems and centralize organizations' shared information technology (IT) operations.

Germany to Hold a Significant Market Share

  • The growing number of data centers, increasing investment in cloud technologies, and expanding end-user markets are major factors driving the German data centers' investment in the interconnect market. The stringent regional laws, like GDPR and Personal Data Protection Initiatives (Gaia-X), further boost the region's local data center construction and development.
  • With the development of edge computing solutions, there has been an increase in the demand for high-capacity networks. The German economy has increased the need for edge computing solutions due to disruptive technologies like autonomous vehicles, cloud computing, IoT, and advanced robotics. Higher bandwidths and better processing speeds are now necessary due to the expanding use of these technologies.
  • Low latency is crucial to overcoming these obstacles, raising the demand for colocation in data centers. Cloud service providers can offer high bandwidth and low latency by colocating their network design close to the users. The development of 5G has allowed interconnection service providers to deliver these services with better connections across remote German locations, fueling the market's expansion.
  • The development of 5G and immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and AI has also increased the demand for more bandwidth to be set aside for data sharing across businesses. The bandwidth capacity of Europe's interconnections is growing quickly, and this trend is expected to continue. The telecommunications industry has the most significant market share because of the rising need for high-speed connectivity to improve client experiences. In addition, the region's interconnection service providers benefit from expanding demand for enhanced connectivity and decreased data transfer latency due to the rapid uptake of smart devices.
  • Over the past few years, data center workloads have increased due to the development of 5G networks and other disruptive technologies like AI and the Internet of Things. Along with managing high workloads, the rising use of cloud computing and As-a-Service models within businesses has boosted the demand for specialized skill sets. According to Ericsson, the number of mobile 5G subscriptions in Central and Eastern Europe is expected to reach 229.40 million by 2028. Germany, being one of the most developed countries in Central Europe, is expected to witness a significant growth in the number of mobile 5G subscriptions.

Europe Data Center Interconnect Industry Overview

The European data center interconnect market is semi-consolidated with the presence of major players like Huawei Technologies, Ciena Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., Infinera Corporation, and Nokia Corporation. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

  • In 2023, Germany was Europe's second-largest colocation market. Over the past five years, the growth of the data center market in Germany has been driven by the digital transformation strategies adopted by enterprises, the introduction of cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), AI, and the implementation of the GDPR. About 80% of the organizations in Germany use cloud services for one or more services, which has increased and is projected to register a CAGR of 3-5% over the next 3-5 years. Given the high growth rate of service data as well as the high cost of the network operation, German data center service provider aixit announced that it has decided to create connectivity for non-blocking the data flow and seamless expansion across the data centers in the next decade. aixit announced that it would build its own DCI network with Huawei's DC OptiX.
  • In October 2022, Nokia announced an expanded partnership with NL-ix, Europe's largest distributed internet exchange provider. Nokia would supply its advanced 7750 SR-s platforms powered by its ground-breaking routing silicon, FP5. With this deployment, NL-ix can provide 400GE and 800GE access and interconnection services to its national research and education network (NREN) and cloud provider clients.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Ongoing Trend Toward Cloud Migration
    • 5.1.1 Recent Changes in Network Consumption Coupled with Anticipated Adoption of 5G to Drive Market Growth
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Capacity and Installation Related Challenges


  • 6.1 By Country
    • 6.1.1 Germany
    • 6.1.2 United Kingdom
    • 6.1.3 France
    • 6.1.4 Ireland
    • 6.1.5 Spain
    • 6.1.6 Rest of Europe


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Huawei Technologies
    • 7.1.2 Ciena Corporation
    • 7.1.3 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Infinera Corporation
    • 7.1.5 Nokia Corporation
    • 7.1.6 ZTE Corporation