

Italy Container Glass - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 121 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內







  • 玻璃由天然和永續材料製成,是注重健康的消費者的首選包裝。義大利的人口老化正在促進藥品包裝市場的成長。義大利玻璃包裝產業致力於永續生產,與客戶合作開發創新、環保的包裝解決方案。這些努力包括減少製造過程中的能源消耗、增加回收玻璃的使用以及在不犧牲強度或品質的情況下開發更輕的玻璃容器。
  • 義大利不斷成長的啤酒市場正在推動玻璃瓶設計的創新,包括更輕、更環保的選擇和使品牌脫穎而出的獨特形狀。這一趨勢鼓勵製造商實現產品系列多元化,為玻璃容器產業創造成長機會。啤酒製造商擴大與玻璃製造商合作,打造自訂的瓶子設計,以反映其品牌形象並迎合消​​費者的美學偏好。


    • 據啤酒和麥芽製造商協會 (ASSOBIRRA) 稱,義大利的啤酒消費量將從 2020 年的 1,890 萬升增至 2023 年的 2,120 萬公升。消費量的成長增加了對玻璃瓶的需求,特別是對於精釀啤酒和特殊啤酒,玻璃包裝通常是維持產品品質和提升品牌形象的首選。
  • 玻璃是一種永久性材料,可以回收製成無窮無盡的新包裝。隨著更多的玻璃廢棄物被分類和收集,回收玻璃的品質和數量將會提高。在義大利,隨著許多城市引入了有效的收集系統,並且消費者已經意識到正確處理玻璃的重要性,玻璃回收率正在穩步提高。
  • 根據國際貿易中心統計,2023年義大利是第三大容器玻璃出口國。義大利容器玻璃(HS編碼-701090)的出口總額為1,314,600美元,高於2022年的1,246,900美元。作為主要出口國,義大利正在加強與其他國家的貿易關係,並為容器玻璃開闢新市場。這將增強義大利進入新興市場的能力,進一步擴大出口機會,並促進容器玻璃產業生產、創新和投資的長期成長。
  • 營運成本上升以及塑膠和錫等替代產品的使用增加可能會限制市場成長。塑膠包裝因其重量輕、可成型性和厚度可控而日益普及,可能會影響玻璃包裝市場的發展。然而,玻璃產業正在透過投資降低生產成本和改善玻璃製造環境足跡的技術來回應,以保持在包裝市場的競爭力。



  • 在義大利容器玻璃市場,酒精飲料產業約佔80%的市場佔有率,在推動市場成長方面發揮重要作用。
    • 義大利以其豐富的葡萄酒和烈酒生產傳統而聞名,義大利葡萄酒、普羅塞克和格拉巴酒等產品在國內外備受推崇。這些飲料的文化重要性確保了對玻璃容器的穩定和強勁的需求。玻璃通常因其能夠保留酒精的風味和完整性而受到青睞,尤其是對於優質和陳年飲料。
  • 義大利玻璃瓶產業與葡萄酒產業和義大利美食中的豐盛食品有著廣泛的聯繫。玻璃包裝是一種流行的選擇,大多數義大利葡萄酒、食品和調味品行業最終都將產品包裝在玻璃瓶中。
  • 由於玻璃是一種惰性材料,這些行業嚴重依賴玻璃瓶來滿足其包裝需求。這使其成為儲存人類消費產品的安全選擇。玻璃瓶不含化學物質,不會與產品或環境反應。
  • 近幾十年來,義大利葡萄酒供應鏈在國內和國際市場的盈利和成功方面表現良好。儘管其產品、價格、消費格局,尤其是其組織的分散性,阻礙了其充分利用規模經濟,但情況仍然如此。
  • 義大利各地葡萄酒消費量的不斷成長正在推動市場對容器玻璃杯的需求。葡萄酒是義大利農業最傳統的產品之一,也是義大利飲食的恆久元素之一。古往今來,葡萄酒一直是一種廉價的能源來源,是水不安全時期的必備飲料,也是社交慶典的象徵元素。
  • 啤酒通常用玻璃瓶包裝,尤其是高級啤酒和精釀啤酒越來越受歡迎。隨著啤酒消費量的增加,對用於包裝啤酒的玻璃容器的需求也增加。
    • 據啤酒和麥芽製造商協會(AssoBirra)稱,義大利年人均啤酒消費量將從2020年的31.7公升增加到2023年的36.1公升。
    • 啤酒消費量的增加通常與啤酒種類的增加有關,包括優質啤酒和精釀啤酒,而玻璃包裝通常因其美觀和保留風味的能力而受到青睞。這一趨勢推動了對高品質、具有視覺吸引力的玻璃容器的需求。


  • 由於玻璃適用於多種配方,因此它仍然是藥品的主要包裝材料。玻璃廣泛應用於工業,具有確保產品安全性和穩定性的特性,使其成為許多應用的首選。玻璃容器廣泛應用於製藥領域,提供可靠的屏障,抵禦外部污染物並保持封裝藥品的完整性。
  • 由於製藥公司的大量投資,義大利製藥市場正在擴大。這種擴張正在推動對藥用玻璃包裝的需求,因為玻璃仍然是許多藥品的主要包裝材料。義大利藥品產量的不斷增加以及對高品質玻璃包裝解決方案的相應需求,在製藥和玻璃產業之間建立了共生關係。
    • 藥品生產投資的增加可能會增加國內生產設施的數量。隨著製藥公司擴大業務,他們需要穩定供應高品質的包裝,特別是玻璃容器,以滿足其生產需求。這一趨勢將為國內容器玻璃製造商帶來進一步的商機。
      • 據製藥業協會Farmindustria稱,義大利藥品生產投資從2017年的14.6億美元增加到2023年的17.3億美元。這項投資的大幅增加凸顯了義大利製藥業的成長,並凸顯了包括玻璃包裝在內的相關產業持續擴張的潛力。
  • 嚴格的包裝法規適用於藥品,特別是那些用於國際出口的藥品。由於玻璃的耐化學性、抗滲透性和穩定性,這些法規通常優先考慮玻璃的使用。這種法規環境預計將進一步推動對高品質義大利容器玻璃製造商的需求。
    • 強調遵守藥品包裝國際標準強化了玻璃作為首選材料的重要性,製藥公司和玻璃製造商之間合作開發滿足或超過監管要求的包裝解決方案可以帶來更牢固的關係。
      • 根據Farmindustria的報告,義大利藥品出口額將從2018年的280.5億美元增加到2023年的531.6億美元。出口量的顯著成長不僅體現了義大利製藥業的實力,也反映出對可靠、高品質包裝解決方案以支援這些產品的國際分銷的需求不斷成長。
  • 隨著生技藥品和疫苗等藥物配方變得更加複雜,對能夠承受惡劣條件(例如溫度和壓力變化)的特殊玻璃的需求不斷增加。義大利玻璃產業有機會透過生產創新的玻璃包裝解決方案來利用這一需求。滿足這些複雜藥品的獨特需求的先進包裝和製造技術的開發可以使義大利玻璃製造商成為全球藥品包裝市場的領導者。





  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 容器玻璃進出口資料
  • PESTEL分析-義大利容器玻璃產業
  • 包裝玻璃行業標準及法規
  • 包裝玻璃的原料分析及材質考慮
  • 容器和包裝玻璃的永續性趨勢
  • 義大利貨櫃玻璃熔爐的生產能力和位置


  • 市場促進因素
    • 葡萄酒產量增加對義大利容器玻璃市場成長的影響
    • 製藥業更採用玻璃容器和包裝
  • 市場挑戰
    • 替代品的可用性可能會阻礙市場成長
  • 歐洲容器玻璃市場義大利現況分析
  • 貿易概況:義大利容器玻璃產業進出口模式的歷史與現況分析

第6章 市場細分

  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 飲料
      • 酒精飲料(計劃提供定性分析)
      • 啤酒和蘋果酒
      • 葡萄酒/烈酒
      • 非酒精飲料(計劃提供定性分析)
      • 碳酸飲料
      • 果汁
      • 乳類飲料
      • 調味飲料
    • 食物
    • 化妝品
    • 藥品
    • 其他最終用戶產業

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Verallia Group
    • Vetropack Holding Ltd
    • Vetri Speciali SpA
    • Vetrobalsamo SpA
    • OI Glass, Inc.
    • Bormioli Luigi SpA
    • Ardagh Group SA
    • Zignago Vetro SpA
    • Vetreria Etrusca SpA


第9章 市場未來展望

Product Code: 91872

The Italy Container Glass Market size is estimated at 5.26 million tonnes in 2025, and is expected to reach 5.71 million tonnes by 2030, at a CAGR of 1.67% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Italy Container Glass - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • Glass, made from natural and sustainable raw materials, is the preferred packaging for health-conscious consumers. Italy's aging population contributes to the growth of the pharmaceutical packaging market. The Italian glass packaging industry is committed to sustainable production and collaborates with customers to develop innovative, environmentally friendly packaging solutions. This commitment includes reducing energy consumption in manufacturing processes, increasing the use of recycled glass, and developing lighter-weight glass containers without compromising strength or quality.
  • The expanding beer market in Italy is driving innovation in glass bottle designs, including lightweight, eco-friendly options and unique shapes to differentiate brands. This trend encourages manufacturers to diversify their product range, creating growth opportunities for the container glass industry. Breweries are increasingly partnering with glass manufacturers to create custom bottle designs that reflect their brand identity and appeal to consumers' aesthetic preferences.
  • Key Highlights

    • According to ASSOBIRRA, the Association of Brewers and Maltsters, Italians consumed 21.2 million hectoliters of beer in 2023, an increase from 18.9 million hectoliters in 2020. This growth in consumption has led to increased demand for glass bottles, particularly for craft and specialty beers that often prefer glass packaging to maintain product quality and enhance brand image.
  • Glass is a permanent material that can be infinitely recycled into new packaging. The quality and quantity of recycled glass production improve with increased selective collection of glass waste. In Italy, glass recycling rates have been steadily increasing, with many municipalities implementing effective collection systems and consumers becoming more aware of the importance of proper glass disposal.
  • According to the International Trade Centre, Italy was the third-largest exporter of container glass in 2023. Italy's total exports of container glass (HS Code-701090) reached USD 1,314.6 thousand, an increase from USD 1,246.9 thousand in 2022. By being a leading exporter, Italy strengthens trade relationships with other countries, opening up new markets for its container glass. This increases the country's ability to penetrate emerging markets and further boosts export opportunities, driving long-term growth in production, innovation, and investments in the container glass sector.
  • Rising operational costs and increased use of substitute products, such as plastics and tin, may limit market growth. The growing popularity of plastic packaging, due to its lightweight nature, moldability, and controllable thickness, could impact the development of the glass packaging market. However, the glass industry is responding by investing in technologies to reduce production costs and improve the environmental footprint of glass manufacturing, aiming to maintain its competitive edge in the packaging market.

Italy Container Glass Market Trends

Alcoholic Segment to Hold Significant Market Share

  • The alcoholic segment dominates under beverage, accounting for approximately 80% of the market share in the Italy container glass market, and plays a pivotal role in driving the market's growth.
    • Italy is known for its rich wine and spirits production tradition, with products like Italian wine, prosecco, and grappa being highly regarded domestically and internationally. The cultural importance of these beverages ensures a steady and robust demand for glass containers, as glass is often the preferred choice due to its ability to preserve the flavor and integrity of alcohol, especially for premium and aged beverages.
  • The Glass bottle manufacturing industry in Italy is widely associated with the wine industry and hearty foods that belong to Italian cuisine. Glass packaging is a popular choice, and most of Italy's wine, food, and condiment industries end up packaging their products in glass bottles.
  • These industries heavily rely on glass bottles for their packaging needs because glass is an inert material. This makes it a safe option for storing products made for human consumption. Glass bottles are chemical-free and do not react with the products or the environment.
  • The Italian wine supply chain has performed well in recent decades in terms of profitability and success in the domestic and international markets. This is despite its fragmentation in terms of products, prices, and consumption context, particularly its organization, which hinders the full exploitation of economies of scale.
  • The growing consumption of wine across the country has boosted the demand for container glasses in the market. Wine is one of Italian agriculture's most traditional products and one of the most characterizing and constant elements of the Italian population's diet. Throughout time, wine has been a cheap source of energy, an essential beverage when water was unsafe to drink, and a symbolic element of social celebrations.
  • Beer is often packaged in glass bottles, particularly premium and craft beers, which are becoming increasingly popular. As beer consumption rises, the demand for glass containers used in packaging beer also increases.
    • According to AssoBirra, the Association of Brewers and Maltsters, the annual volume of beer consumed per capita in italy accounts to 36.1 liters in 2023 which was 31.7 liters in 2020.
    • The rise in beer consumption often correlates with an increase in the variety of beers available, including premium and craft beers, which typically favor glass packaging for its aesthetic appeal and ability to preserve flavor. This trend enhances the demand for high-quality, visually appealing glass containers.

Pharmaceutical Segment to Expand Significantly

  • Glass remains a primary packaging material for pharmaceutical products due to its suitability for various formulations. Its widespread use in the industry makes it the preferred choice for many applications, offering properties that ensure product safety and stability. Glass containers are extensively used in the pharmaceutical sector, providing a reliable barrier against external contaminants and maintaining the integrity of the enclosed medications.
  • Significant investments from pharmaceutical companies are growing the pharmaceutical market in Italy. This expansion drives the demand for pharmaceutical glass packaging, as glass remains the primary packaging material for many drugs. The increasing production of pharmaceuticals in Italy has led to a corresponding rise in the need for high-quality glass packaging solutions, creating a symbiotic relationship between the pharmaceutical and glass industries.
    • Higher investments in pharmaceutical production are likely to increase domestic manufacturing facilities. As pharmaceutical companies expand operations, they will require a consistent supply of high-quality packaging, particularly glass containers, to meet production needs. This trend creates more business opportunities for local container glass manufacturers.
      • According to Farmindustria, Association of Pharmaceutical Companies, investments in Italian pharmaceutical production grew from USD 1.46 billion in 2017 to USD 1.73 billion in 2023. This significant increase in investment highlights the growth of the pharmaceutical sector in Italy and underscores the potential for continued expansion in related industries, including glass packaging.
  • Pharmaceutical products, especially those for international export, are subject to stringent packaging regulations. These regulations often prioritize glass use due to its chemical resistance, impermeability, and stability. This regulatory environment is expected to drive further demand for high-quality container glass manufacturers in Italy.
    • The emphasis on compliance with international standards for pharmaceutical packaging reinforces the importance of glass as a preferred material, potentially leading to increased collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and glass manufacturers to develop packaging solutions that meet or exceed regulatory requirements.
      • Farmindustria reports that the export value of pharmaceutical products in Italy increased from USD 28.05 billion in 2018 to USD 53.16 billion in 2023. This substantial growth in exports not only demonstrates the strength of Italy's pharmaceutical industry but also indicates a growing need for reliable and high-quality packaging solutions to support the international distribution of these products.
  • As pharmaceutical formulations become more advanced, such as biologics and vaccines, the need for specialized glass that can withstand extreme conditions (e.g., temperature fluctuations, pressure changes) is increasing. Italy's glass industry has the opportunity to capitalize on this demand by producing innovative glass packaging solutions. The development of advanced glass formulations and manufacturing techniques to meet the specific requirements of these complex pharmaceuticals could position Italian glass manufacturers as leaders in the global pharmaceutical packaging market.

Italy Container Glass Industry Overview

The Italy Container Glass Market is fragmented, with many regional and global players. Market players employ various strategies to strengthen their position and drive growth. These include product innovation, focusing on lightweight and eco-friendly designs, partnerships with suppliers and end-users, mergers to consolidate market share, and acquisitions to expand product portfolios or geographical reach.

Additionally, companies are investing in research and development to enhance the recyclability of glass products, aligning with sustainability trends and regulatory requirements. These collective efforts are expanding individual market shares and propelling the overall growth and evolution of the Italian container glass market.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Export-Import Data of Container Glass
  • 4.3 PESTEL ANALYSIS - Container Glass Industry in Italy
  • 4.4 Industry Standard and Regulation for Container Glass Use for Packaging
  • 4.5 Raw Material Analysis and Material Consideration for Packaging
  • 4.6 Sustainability Trends for Glass Packaging
  • 4.7 Container Glass Furnace Capacity and Location in Italy


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 The Impact of Growing Wine Production on Italy's Container Glass Market Growth
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Adoption of Glass Container Packaging in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Availablity of the Substitute can Hinder the Growth of the Market
  • 5.3 Analysis of the Current Positioning of Italy in the European Container Glass Market
  • 5.4 Trade Scenerio - Analysis of the Historical and Current Export Import Paradigm for Container Glass Industry in Italy


  • 6.1 By End-user Vertical
    • 6.1.1 Beverages*
      • Alcoholic Beverages (Qualitative Analysis to be Provided)
      • Beer and Cider
      • Wine and Spirits
      • Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Qualitative Analysis to be Provided)
      • Carbonated Soft Drinks
      • Juices
      • Water
      • Dairy Based Drinks
      • Flavored Drinks
    • 6.1.2 Food
    • 6.1.3 Cosmetics
    • 6.1.4 Pharmaceutical
    • 6.1.5 Other End-user Verticals


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Verallia Group
    • 7.1.2 Vetropack Holding Ltd
    • 7.1.3 Vetri Speciali SpA
    • 7.1.4 Vetrobalsamo S.p.A.
    • 7.1.5 O-I Glass, Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Bormioli Luigi S.p.A.
    • 7.1.7 Ardagh Group S.A.
    • 7.1.8 Zignago Vetro S.p.A.
    • 7.1.9 Vetreria Etrusca S.p.A.