
全球商用車遠端資訊處理 -市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2025-2030 年)

Global Commercial Vehicle Telematics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




2025 年全球商用車遠端資訊處理市場規模預估為 274.9 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 545.8 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)的複合年成長率為 14.7%。



  • 商用車遠端資訊處理是指使用兩種技術:全球定位系統 (GPS) 和機載診斷(OBD)。 GPS 是一種基於衛星的導航系統,可提供地理空間定位,而 OBD 允許遠端資訊處理系統存取有關單一車輛各個系統的資訊。預計市場將進一步受到對聯網汽車日益成長的需求的推動,以實現更好的安全管理,以及導航系統和車輛追蹤和監控解決方案的部署。
  • 連網汽車領域的研究和開發正在蓬勃發展,對該技術的需求來自北美。在歐洲和亞太等地區,商用車在物流、建築和其他應用領域的使用日益增多,推動了商用車市場的發展。因此,這些地區的遠端資訊處理市場預計將會成長。
  • 印度政府宣布了與生產連結獎勵計畫(PLI) - 汽車計劃,預算撥款為 35.27 億美元 (2593.80 億印度盧比),為期五年(2022-23 會計年度至 2026-27 會計年度)。 PLI-AUTO 計畫的主要目標是提高先進汽車技術 (AAT) 產品的產量。此外,它還旨在簡化和鼓勵 AAT 產品的在地化,促進國內和國際供應鏈的發展。因此,這些投資將有助於投資建構用於車輛安全目的的商用車遠端資訊處理軟體。
  • 由於遠端資訊處理領域受到車輛需求的驅動,對商場卡車、皮貨車和其他輕型商用車的需求不斷成長,以及對安全管理解決方案、保險遠端資訊處理和車輛追蹤系統的需求不斷成長,將推動市場成長。
  • 皮卡車、小型卡車和其他輕型商用車等商用車由於通勤方便而快速成長。例如,物流業和電子商務業務的興起正在推動商用車產量的成長。根據Shopify的資料,到2027年,預計約23%的零售額將在線上完成,預計將推動遠端資訊處理市場的成長。
  • 智慧型手機和平板電腦已經成為日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,將這些設備與車輛配對可以將車載資料傳輸到智慧型手機中,以便快速檢查即時資料。這使車主能夠追蹤與速度相關的事故、管理維護成本、節省汽油費用等等。
  • 遠端資訊處理解決方案的複雜性為業界帶來了挑戰。需要在硬體、軟體和通訊協定上進行大量的前期投資,這是一個障礙,尤其是對於中小型企業 (SME) 而言。此外,還需要保護來自車輛的大量資料,包括位置、駕駛員行為和車輛性能。維護資料安全並遵守隱私法規非常複雜且成本高昂,限制了市場成長。
  • 由於對遠端工作和監控功能的需求,COVID-19 疫情對市場產生了影響,增加了遠端資訊處理系統的價值,並使車隊管理人員無需親自到場即可監督業務。此外,隨著網路購物和宅配的興起,需要高效的車輛管理來應對日益增加的送貨量,從而導致了遠端資訊處理技術的採用。



  • OEM部門佔據商用車遠端資訊處理市場的大部分佔有率,專注於在製造時將遠端資訊處理系統直接整合到商用車中。這種方法為車隊營運商和物流供應商提供了全面的嵌入式解決方案。這使得車隊管理解決方案能夠輕鬆快速地啟動和運行,從而推動其採用。
  • 隨著OEM將遠端資訊處理技術直接部署到車輛中,為消費者提供無縫的整合解決方案,遠端資訊處理技術正成為車輛不可或缺的一部分。例如,根據國際汽車工業組織(OICA)的資料,亞洲生產的商用車數量正在增加。預計2023年中國產量為403萬輛,其次是泰國,其商用車產量約126萬輛。因此,隨著產量的增加, OEM正在利用遠端資訊處理來增強 ADAS(高級駕駛輔助系統)、連接性和遠端資訊處理支援的服務等功能。
  • 遠端資訊處理技術有助於最佳化各種因素,包括燃料使用和卡車維護。此外,商用車行業廣泛採用人工智慧、機器學習和 ADAS(高級駕駛輔助系統)等最新技術,以及對自動駕駛卡車的需求不斷成長,對市場成長產生了積極影響。
  • 分析認為,產品創新的擴大將為市場貢獻巨大。例如,2023 年 10 月,康明斯公司宣布與 Eclipse 基金會和微軟合作推出開放式遠端資訊處理框架。此創新框架旨在徹底改變商用車的遠端資訊處理軟體開發。透過使公司能夠編寫一次遠端資訊處理應用程式並將其部署在與開放遠端資訊處理框架相容的任何硬體上,有望縮短產品上市時間和營運成本。
  • 遠端資訊處理和連網解決方案對於提高全球商用車產業的生產力、性能、安全性和駕駛體驗至關重要。未來五年,遠端資訊處理設備的採用預計將擴展到中型和大型卡車。


  • 預計亞太地區在預測期內將實現顯著的成長率,並佔據市場的大部分佔有率。這在很大程度上是由於中國、印度和日本等國家存在主要汽車製造商。該地區政府不斷採取的舉措進一步促進了市場的成長。
  • 過去十年,隨著消費者偏好、法規和技術的發展,汽車變得越來越複雜。預計在連結性、自動化、共用交通和電氣化方面的投資將繼續成長。隨著產品複雜性的增加,製造中心預計將投入更多資金來變得更加敏捷,同時繼續開發精實製造方法。
  • 中國政府對5G的支援是汽車製造商紛紛湧向中國開發5G聯網汽車的重要原因。例如,2023年6月,全球領先的資訊與通訊技術解決方案供應商中興通訊股份有限公司與知名運輸業者天翼交通科技在2023年上海世界移動大會(MWC)上發表了5G+智慧網連網汽車系統。這套系統融合了車-路-雲端技術,可望引領汽車產業。此次聯合夥伴關係關係涉及簽署策略合作協議,致力於加速推出自動駕駛服務。
  • 在亞太地區,許多目標商標產品製造商 (OEM) 正在將遠端資訊處理技術整合到他們的車輛中,以實現與售後軟體的無縫連接。該軟體專為車隊管理分析和商業性洞察而設計,正變得至關重要。遠端資訊處理使OEM能夠以無線方式收集各種資料,以滿足地理位置和維護要求。
  • 此外,亞太地區不斷成長的產品創新預計將推動市場成長。例如,2024年1月,印度商用車製造商塔塔汽車宣布將50萬輛商用車連接到其先進的連網汽車平台Fleet Edge,這是一個里程碑。 Fleet Edge 使用先進的技術來提高車輛運轉率並改善道路安全性。這有助於對車輛狀況、健康狀況、位置和駕駛員行為等指標進行即時、可操作的洞察。 FleetEdge 協助船東和車隊經理最佳化營運、降低物流成本並提高盈利。



  • 2024 年 3 月,TRATON 集團成員公司 Navistar Inc. 宣布正在推進其自動駕駛技術,著眼於部署自動駕駛商業試驗計畫。透過與Plus的策略合作,Navistar將把Plus的SuperDrive Level 4自動駕駛技術融入其國際車輛和其他TRATON品牌車型。 SuperDrive 系統專為國際卡車公司開發,包含涵蓋維護、遠端資訊處理、安全性和可靠性的綜合解決方案。
  • 2024 年 1 月,福特汽車公司的商業部門 Ford Pro 推出了一套增強的軟體和技術功能。這些創新旨在讓車隊經理更了解和控制其商用車營運,特別是降低車隊風險。 Ford Pro 先進解決方案將把連網汽車的資料整合到 Ford Pro 智慧平台中,從而充分利用這些數據。透過這種整合,車隊管理人員可以了解道路上車輛的使用情況以及所配備的設備。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍



第4章 市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 購買者/消費者的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭對手之間的競爭強度
  • 新冠肺炎疫情的後續影響和其他宏觀經濟因素將影響市場

第5章 市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 連網卡車的需求不斷增加
    • 利用即時和歷史資料降低燃料成本
  • 市場限制
    • 通訊增加引發安全性和隱私問題

第6章 市場細分

  • 按類型
    • 解決方案
      • 車隊追蹤和監控
      • 驅動程式管理
      • 保險遠端資訊處理
      • 安全與合規
      • V2X 解決方案
      • 其他解決方案
    • 服務
  • 按提供者類型
    • OEM
    • 售後市場
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲

第7章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Navistar International Corporation
    • Ford Motor Company
    • Lytx Inc.
    • Tata Motors Ltd
    • Trimble Inc.
    • PTC Inc.
    • Volvo Trucks Corporation
    • Fleetmatics Pvt. Ltd
    • Hino Motors Ltd
    • General Motors Company



Product Code: 90687

The Global Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market size is estimated at USD 27.49 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 54.58 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 14.7% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Global Commercial Vehicle Telematics - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • Commercial vehicle telematics underlines the usage of two technologies, namely global positioning systems (GPS) and on-board diagnostics (OBD). GPS, as a satellite-based navigation system, provides geo-spatial positioning, and OBD enables telematics systems to access information about various systems in an individual vehicle. The market is expected to be driven further by the growing need for connected vehicles for better safety management and the deployment of navigation systems and fleet tracking and monitoring solutions.
  • With significant research and development in the connected automotive sector, the demand for technology is from North America. The use of commercial vehicles for logistics, construction, and other applications has expanded in regions such as Europe and Asia-Pacific, which is driving the commercial vehicle market. As a result, the telematics market in these regions is analyzed to grow.
  • The Indian Government announced the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)-Auto Scheme, allocating a budget of USD 3.527 billion (INR 25,938 crore) over a 5-year span (FY2022-23 to FY2026-27). The primary aim of the PLI-AUTO Scheme is to enhance the production of advanced automotive technology (AAT) Products. Additionally, it seeks to streamline and encourage extensive localization for AAT products, fostering the development of domestic and international supply chains. Thus, these investments help in investment in building commercial vehicle telematics software for vehicle safety purposes.
  • As the telematics sector is dependent on vehicle demand, the increased demand for mall trucks, pick-up vans, and other light commercial vehicles, alongside the increasing demand for safety management solutions, insurance telematics, and fleet tracking systems, is set to boost the market's growth.
  • Commercial vehicles such as pick-up vans, small trucks, and other light commercial vehicles are rapidly increasing due to the ease of commute that they provide. For instance, the rise in logistics industries and e-commerce businesses has resulted in an increase in commercial vehicle production. According to Shopify's data, around 23% of total retail sales are expected to happen online by 2027, which is expected to boost the growth of the telematics market.
  • Smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of everyday lives, and these devices are combined with vehicles to allow for the transfer of onboard data to smartphones for quick examination of real-time data. This allows vehicle owners to keep track of speed-related accidents, control maintenance expenses, and save money on gas, among other things.
  • The complexity of telematics solutions poses a challenge for the industry. The need for substantial upfront investments in hardware, software, and communication protocols is a barrier, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, protecting large amounts of data from vehicles, such as location, driver behavior, and vehicle performance. Maintaining data security and compliance with privacy regulations is complex and costly and restricts the market's growth.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the market as there is a need for remote work and monitoring capabilities, which increased the value of the telematics system, facilitating fleet managers to oversee operations without being physically present. Moreover, with the growth of online shopping and home deliveries, there is a need for efficient fleet management to handle the increasing delivery volumes, leading to the adoption of telematics.

Global Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Trends

The OEM Segment Holds the Largest Share in the Market

  • The OEM segment holds a major share in the commercial vehicle telematics market, which emphasizes integrating telematics systems directly into commercial vehicles during manufacturing. This approach provides fleet operators and logistics businesses with comprehensive, embedded solutions. This facilitates the ability to instantly activate and use the fleet management solution, which is driving the adoption.
  • OEMs are deploying telematics technology directly into vehicles, offering consumers seamless and integrated solutions, and telematics technology is becoming a crucial part of vehicles. For instance, as per data from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), a growing number of commercial vehicles are produced in Asia. China's production volume was 4.03 million in 2023, followed by Thailand, which produced approximately 1.26 million commercial vehicles. Thus, with the growth of production, OEMs are leveraging telematics to enhance their offerings, facilitating features such as advanced driver assistance systems, connectivity, and telematics-enabled services.
  • Telematics technology aids in the optimization of a variety of elements, including fuel usage and truck maintenance. Furthermore, the high adoption rate of modern technologies in the commercial vehicle industry, such as AI, machine learning, and advanced driver assistance systems, and the growing demand for autonomous trucks are positively impacting the market's growth.
  • The growing product innovations are analyzed to significantly contribute to the market. For instance, in October 2023, Cummins Inc. announced the collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation and Microsoft to introduce the Open Telematics Framework. This innovative framework aims to revolutionize the development of telematics software for commercial vehicles. By enabling companies to craft their telematics applications once and deploy them across any hardware compatible with the Open Telematics Framework, the initiative is expected to reduce time-to-market and operational costs.
  • Telematics and connected solutions are pivotal in elevating productivity, performance, safety, and the driving experience in the global commercial vehicle industry. In the coming five years, they are expected to grow in telematics device adoption from medium to heavy-duty trucks.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Witness Significant Growth

  • Asia-Pacific is expected to hold a significant share of the market, with a significant growth rate during the forecast period, which is largely attributed to the presence of large automotive manufacturers in countries such as China, India, and Japan. The growing government initiatives in the region are further contributing to the market's growth.
  • As consumer preferences, regulations, and technology have evolved, vehicles have become increasingly complex during the last decade. Connectivity, autonomy, shared transportation, and electrification investments are expected to continue to grow. Manufacturing centers are expected to spend to become more agile as product complexity grows while continuing to develop lean manufacturing concepts.
  • The Chinese government's support for 5G is a significant reason why automakers are rushing to the nation to develop 5G-connected vehicles. For instance, in June 2023, ZTE Corporation, a global leader in information and communication technology solutions, and Tianyi Transportation Technology, a prominent transportation operator, introduced the 5G+ intelligent connected vehicle system at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) Shanghai 2023. This system, integrating Vehicle-Road-Cloud technologies, is expected to drive the automotive industry. The joint partnership was accompanied by the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement, with the commitment to fast-tracking the adoption of autonomous driving services.
  • Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are integrating vehicles with telematics technology in Asia-Pacific, allowing seamless connectivity with aftermarket software. This software, tailored for fleet management analytics and commercial insights, is becoming essential. Telematics empowers OEMs to wirelessly collect diverse data to cater to geo-location and maintenance requirements.
  • Furthermore, growing product innovations in Asia-Pacific are expected to boost the market's growth. For instance, in January 2024, Tata Motors, India's commercial vehicle manufacturer, announced a milestone achievement by linking 500,000 commercial vehicles to Fleet Edge, its advanced connected vehicle platform. Fleet Edge leverages advanced technologies to increase vehicle uptime and elevate road safety. This facilitated real-time, actionable insights on metrics like vehicle status, health, location, and driver behavior. Fleet Edge empowers owners and fleet managers to optimize operations, reduce logistics expenses, and bolster profitability.

Global Commercial Vehicle Telematics Industry Overview

The commercial vehicle telematics market is semi-consolidated, with many regional and global players. Market vendors are focusing on expanding their customer base across foreign countries and leveraging strategic collaborative initiatives to increase market share and profitability.

  • March 2024: Navistar Inc., a member of the TRATON Group, announced that it is advancing its autonomous driving technology in anticipation of rolling out an autonomous commercial pilot program. In a strategic collaboration with Plus, Navistar is set to embed Plus's Level 4 autonomous SuperDrive technology into its international vehicles and other TRATON-branded models. The SuperDrive system, tailored for international trucks, offers comprehensive solutions spanning maintenance, telematics, safety, and reliability.
  • January 2024: Ford Pro, the commercial arm of Ford Motor Company, announced the launch of a suite of enhanced software and technology features. These innovations were designed to empower fleet managers with deeper insights and greater control over their commercial vehicle operations, specifically to mitigate fleet risks. Ford Pro's advanced solutions harness data from connected vehicles by integrating it into the Ford Pro Intelligence platform. This integration equips fleet managers with visibility into their vehicles on the road and the usage of fitted equipment.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definitions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Impact of the Aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic and Other Macroeconomic Factors on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Demand for Connected Trucks
    • 5.1.2 Reduction of Fuel Costs with Real Time and Historical Data
  • 5.2 Market Restraint
    • 5.2.1 Increased Communication, Leading to Security and Privacy Concern


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Solutions
      • Fleet Tracking and Monitoring
      • Driver Management
      • Insurance Telematics
      • Safety and Compliance
      • V2X solutions
      • Other Solutions
    • 6.1.2 Services
  • 6.2 By Provider Type
    • 6.2.1 OEM
    • 6.2.2 Aftermarket
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Navistar International Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Ford Motor Company
    • 7.1.3 Lytx Inc.
    • 7.1.4 Tata Motors Ltd
    • 7.1.5 Trimble Inc.
    • 7.1.6 PTC Inc.
    • 7.1.7 Volvo Trucks Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Fleetmatics Pvt. Ltd
    • 7.1.9 Hino Motors Ltd
    • 7.1.10 General Motors Company