
菲律賓醫藥包裝:市場佔有率分析、行業趨勢和成長預測(2025-2030 年)

Philippines Pharmaceutical Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 83 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




菲律賓醫藥包裝市場規模預計在 2025 年為 1.7652 億美元,預計到 2030 年將達到 2.1976 億美元,預測期內(2025-2030 年)的複合年成長率為 4.48%。

COVID-19疫情對菲律賓醫藥包裝產業既有正面影響,也有負面影響,為產業組織創造了許多潛在的機會和挑戰。與許多其他行業一樣,由於旅行限制、封鎖措施和勞動力短缺,COVID-19 疫情始於醫藥包裝行業受到嚴重干擾。


  • 根據世界銀行的資料,2021年菲律賓人口將超過1.11億人。菲律賓目前是世界第十三大人口大國,也是東協第二大人口大國。此外,根據世界銀行的資料,2021年菲律賓人口中5.7%將年齡在65歲或以上,成長率高於整體人口。這個年齡層的人更容易罹患心血管疾病、高血壓、糖尿病、呼吸系統疾病等併發症。人口的成長和新興經濟體的快速發展為中國醫藥產業提供了光明的市場前景。
  • 新冠疫情凸顯了該國製藥業的重要性。Astra Zeneca等跨國公司的存在幫助該國快速獲得更多疫苗。當地生產對抗新冠肺炎的藥物對於挽救生命和減少住院至關重要。預計這些發展將增加醫藥包裝市場的投資潛力。
  • 此次疫情凸顯了國內製藥業發展的必要性。因此,菲律賓投資委員會(BOI)正在積極推動菲律賓成為製藥公司生產 COVID-19 藥物和疫苗的製造地。例如,2022 年 1 月,投資委員會 (BOI)核准了Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. 的一項 2,400 萬菲律賓計劃,用於在當地生產 COVID-19 藥物莫努匹韋。預計 COVID-19 疫情的影響將導致醫療保健支出增加。由於 COVID-19 病毒爆發,製藥公司也發現維持藥物和綜合維他命的需求激增。
  • 全民健康覆蓋(UHC)等政府計劃的實施、對優質學名藥的需求不斷成長、大量弱勢群體、人均醫療支出的增加以及跨國公司的投資增加是成長要素。
  • 根據菲律賓製藥商協會(PPMA)統計,在實施全民健康覆蓋(UHC)之前,只有近三分之一的菲律賓人口能夠獲得足夠的藥品。隨著全民健保(UHC)計畫的實施,政府旨在為民眾,特別是貧困階級人口提供必要的醫療服務和解決方案。因此,未來幾年藥品供應將有很大機會,而且對更便宜的學名藥的需求預計會增加,以確保大眾能夠獲得醫療保健。



  • 在菲律賓,有組織的藥局零售連鎖店正在迅速發展。為了更快發展,連鎖藥局正在收購獨立藥局和當地連鎖藥局。馬尼拉、中呂宋和比科爾地區是新店分店的主要目標區。隨著市場集中度日益提高,各家公司都專注於在不同的省份和低度開發地區分店,尤其是在維薩亞斯群島。
  • 在菲律賓,藥品分為三個部分:原始藥品、品牌非專利和非品牌非專利。由於製造成本低和多年的高銷量,許多製藥公司選擇生產更多的品牌藥和學名藥。
  • 據衛生署稱,菲律賓全國正在經歷多起疾病爆發。 2019年和2020年,菲律賓因急性上呼吸道感染死亡的人數將達到數百萬。影響社區的其他主要疾病是高血壓、尿道感染、急性下呼吸道感染疾病和肺炎、皮膚病、動物咬傷、支氣管炎和流感。這導致對醫藥產品的需求激增,從而帶動包裝市場的成長。
  • 疾病正在從感染疾病疾病轉向非感染疾病,由於飲食、飲酒和缺乏運動等原因,心臟病等疾病正在迅速成長。菲律賓對醫療產品和藥品有需求。根據菲律賓統計局 (PSA) 的數據,2019 年至 2020 年間,該國經常性醫療支出 (CHE) 增加了 10.9%,總額約為 7,920 億菲律賓比索(165 億美元)。
  • 由於政府採取了一系列改革措施以及推出「全民健康納保」(UHC)計劃,這一步伐正在加快,該計劃為所有菲律賓人提供了基本水平的醫療保健。還有一項新法律要求公立醫院提供學名藥,以便為菲律賓人提供負擔得起的醫療服務。目前,全球20大製藥公司中有14家在菲律賓設有製造地。隨著政府簡化商業報名手續,製藥業的商機每年都在擴大和成長。
  • 根據菲律賓衛生署(DOH)和食品藥物管理局的數據,2021年,菲律賓共有約31,650家持牌藥品機構,其中約22,000家為藥局。菲律賓領先的藥局是 Generics Pharmacy 和 Mercury Drug。同時,全國有6,000多家藥品分銷商。


  • 在菲律賓,78%的人口都有保險,品牌藥物佔據市場主導地位。對製藥公司來說,菲律賓是全球第11大最具吸引力的市場,也是東南亞國協中第三大最具吸引力的市場。這主要是由於多種因素造成的,包括人口成長、醫療旅遊率高以及其他類似因素。
  • 菲律賓人收入的快速成長和嚴重依賴進口的醫療保健產業創造了外國公司可以利用的國內需求。根據業內專家調查顯示,心臟衰竭、心臟病等心血管疾病和癌症是菲律賓兩大死因。為了確保熱敏性抗癌藥物的功效,選擇絕緣包裝解決方案作為二次包裝和選擇容器作為一次包裝至關重要。
  • 在菲律賓,就像在其它中低收入國家一樣,糖尿病正迅速成為一個主要的公共衛生問題。治療和藥物的可近性和可負擔性是控制糖尿病的關鍵。在菲律賓,每 14 個菲律賓成年人中就有 1 個患有糖尿病。截至2019年,根據國際糖尿病聯盟(IDF)的資料,菲律賓當時的成年人口為63,265,700,其中3,993,300人患有糖尿病,成人糖尿病盛行率為6.3%。預計未來全國糖尿病患者數量將持續增加,將滿足大量胰島素的需求,從而帶動容器及包裝的需求量龐大。
  • 此外,菲律賓公共服務署的數據顯示,過去五年來,家庭醫療支出逐漸增加,並在 2021 年新冠疫情爆發後達到最高。 2021年,菲律賓家庭最終消費支出約菲律賓披索。
  • 菲律賓政府和衛生部門面臨著改變醫療保健方式的巨大壓力。需求的主要驅動力是人口成長和老化。根據聯合國統計,2015年,65歲及以上人口占總人口的比例達到約4.6%。預計到2100年,65歲以上人口將達到25.6%。預計到2100年,65歲以上人口將達到25.6%。這項因素滿足了瓶子和容器、注射器和藥筒、管瓶和安瓿瓶、小袋和包裝等主要的包裝需求,預計將導致該國對學名藥的需求大幅增加。預計葡萄糖輸注將滿足因人口老化而產生的巨大需求。這可能會導致對袋裝包裝的需求,而袋裝包裝是包裝葡萄糖所必需的。
  • 根據Trend Economy報道,2020年印度約佔菲律賓藥品進口量的15.7%,其次是德國(13.4%)和美國(11.5%)。新加坡(21%)、泰國(14.8%)和日本(12.5%)佔菲律賓出口的很大佔有率。預計未來這些國家的進出口趨勢仍將持續。這可能會導致對藥品包裝的巨大需求。此外,菲律賓製藥工業協會(PPMA)表示,全民健康保險制度的實施將支持未來五年的產業成長。政府的全民健康保險計劃為本地製造商和外國供應商提供了透過政府競標參與藥品供應的機會。


菲律賓的醫藥包裝市場競爭激烈,有 Robicel Trading、Euro-med Laboratories Phil.Inc.、Bestpak packaging Solutions Inc. 和 Netpak Phils.Inc. 等公司。這些佔據大量市場佔有率的大公司正專注於擴大海外基本客群。這些公司正在利用策略合作計劃來擴大市場佔有率並提高盈利。

  • 2022 年 5 月-中國製藥公司依生生物藥業表示,計劃與當地企業尋求投資收益,共同開發、製造和銷售臨床試驗和疫苗。依生生物藥業已經與當地製藥公司簽署了協議,據說正在與其他當地企業會面,討論可能的合作夥伴關係,以實現疫苗的商業化。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍



第4章 市場洞察

  • 醫藥市場概覽
  • 關鍵市場影響者
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 主要製藥公司名單
  • 藥品包裝 - 市場概覽

第5章 市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 藥品需求激增,打擊仿冒品的規定愈發嚴格
  • 市場問題
    • 由於包裝基地有限,依賴其他國家
  • 市場趨勢
  • GMP 法規

第6章 競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Robicel Trading
    • Euro-med Laboratories Phil., Inc.
    • Bestpak Packaging Solutions, Inc.
    • Netpak Phils., Inc.
    • GL Otometz Corporation
    • Plastic Container Packaging Corporation(PCPC)
    • APO International Marketing Corporation
    • Merfel Plastic Products
    • Versa Group Philippines Corporation
    • SwissPac
    • Berry Global Inc.
    • Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd
    • Amcor Flexibles Philippines Corp.(Amcor PLC)

第7章 市場展望

Product Code: 91873

The Philippines Pharmaceutical Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 176.52 million in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 219.76 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.48% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

The COVID-19 pandemic had both positive and negative impacts on the pharmaceutical packaging industry of the Philippines, therefore creating many potential opportunities and challenges for organizations in the industry. Like many other sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic started with significant disruptions in the pharmaceutical packaging sector owing to travel restrictions, lockdown measures, and labor shortages.

Key Highlights

  • The World Bank data indicates that the Philippines population will reach the 111-million mark in 2021. The country is currently the 13thmost populous country in the world and the 2ndmost populated among the ASEAN member states. Further, the World Bank Data indicated that, in 2021, 5.7% of the Philippine population was aged 65 years and above and increasing at a higher rate than the overall population. This age group, medically, is prone to have comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and respiratory diseases. Such a growing population, along with a rapidly developing economy, provides a bright market outlook for the country's pharmaceutical sector.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of the pharmaceutical industry in the country. The presence of multinational companies such as AstraZeneca helped the country to secure more vaccines at a rapid pace. The local production of medicines against COVID-19 was crucial to saving lives and reducing hospitalization in the country. Such developments are expected to create increased potential for investment in the pharmaceutical packaging market.
  • The pandemic highlighted the need for a robust domestic pharmaceutical industry. Hence, the Board of Investments (BOI) of the Philippines has been actively promoting the country as a manufacturing hub for pharmaceutical companies to manufacture COVID-19 medicines and vaccines. For instance, in January 2022, the Board of Investments (BOI) approved a PHP 24 million project of Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. to manufacture the COVID-19 drug Molnupiravir in the country. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to increase the spending on healthcare. Pharmaceutical companies have also witnessed a surge in demand for maintenance medicines and multivitamins owing to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.
  • Implementation of government schemes such as Universal Health Coverage (UHC), rising demand for high-quality generics, high volume of a vulnerable population, growing per capita health expenditure, and increasing investments from multinational market players are some of the growth drivers of the pharmaceutical industry in the country.
  • According to the Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PPMA), before the implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) program, only nearly one-third of the Philippine population had access to the right medicine. With the implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) program, the government is intended to supply the required health care services and solutions, particularly to the poor member of society. Therefore, there is an opportunity during the next few years to provide a large volume of medicine in the country, with generic medicine demand expected to increase, owing to its lesser pricing, to make healthcare accessible to the masses.

Philippines Pharmaceutical Packaging Market Trends

Surge in Demand for Medicines and Stringent Norms Against Counterfeit Products are Expected to Drive the Market Growth

  • Organized pharmacy retail chains are growing aggressively in the Philippines. In order to achieve speedy growth, the pharmacy chains are acquiring independent pharmacies and regional chains as it helps them to save the costs and operations to open a pharmacy store and build it up from scratch. Manila, Central Luzon, and Bicol Region have been key target regions for opening new pharmacies. As the market is becoming concentrated day by day, the companies are focusing on opening stores in different provinces and less developed regions of the country, especially in the Visayas Islands.
  • In the Philippines, pharmaceutical drugs are regulated into three segments, namely, originator, branded generics, and unbranded generics. Due to its low manufacturing costs and high sales over the years, many pharmaceutical corporations opted for producing more branded and unbranded generics.
  • According to DOH (Philippines), in the Philippines, several diseases are prevalent throughout the country. The number of deaths due to acute upper respiratory disease among Filipinos amounted to millions in 2019 and 2020. The other leading diseases affecting communities are hypertension, urinary tract infection, acute lower respiratory tract infection and pneumonia, skin disease, animal bites, bronchitis, and influenza. This is leading to a major surge in demand for drugs, leading to growth in the packaging market.
  • The shift has been made from infectious disease to non-communicable disease, with diet, alcohol, and low exercise causing heart disease and other conditions to grow rapidly. Healthcare products and medicines are in demand in the Philippines. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the country's current health expenditure (CHE) has grown by 10.9% in 2019-2020, reaching a total amount of approximately PHP 792 billion (USD 16.5 billion).
  • There is a high acceleration rate due to numerous government reforms and the introduction of a Universal Health Coverage (UHC) scheme, which provides the basic level of healthcare to all Filipinos. There are also new laws mandating public hospitals to provide generic drugs so as to give affordable medicine to Filipinos. At present, 14 of the world's top 20 pharmaceutical companies own a manufacturing base in the Philippines. With government efforts to ease the business registration process in the country, business opportunities in the industry have grown and expanded over the years.
  • As per DOH (Philippines) and Food & Drug Administration, In 2021, there were around 31.65 thousand licensed drug establishments in the Philippines, nearly 22 thousand of which were drugstores. Among the leading drugstores in the country were The Generics Pharmacy and Mercury Drug. On the other hand, there were over six thousand drug distributors in the country.

Increasing Health Issues Among the Citizens is Expected to Drive the Market Growth

  • In the Philippines, 78% of the population has insurance coverage, and branded drugs dominate the market. The Philippines was the 11th most attractive market globally for pharmaceutical companies and the 3rd most attractive among the ASEAN countries. This is majorly due to various factors such as the growing population, high rate of medical tourism, and other similar factors (source: Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Association of the Philippines (PHAP)).
  • The rapid increase in income among Filipinos and the medical industry's heavy reliance on imports create a demand within the country that foreign firms can take advantage of. The industry expert studies show that cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, heart attacks, and cancer, are the two leading causes of death in the Philippines. To ensure the efficacy of anticancer drugs, which are heat-sensitive, it is essential to opt for insulated packaging solutions as secondary packaging and container as primary packaging.
  • In the Philippines, diabetes is rapidly becoming a major public health issue, as in other low- and middle-income countries. Availability and affordability of care and medicines are crucial to controlling diabetes. In the Philippines, 1 in 14 Filipino adults lives with diabetes. As of 2019, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) data showed that 3,993,300 of the then total 63,265,700 Filipino adult population had diabetes, with a 6.3% prevalence of diabetes in adults. In the coming time, it is expected that the number of diabetic patients will increase in the country, which is expected to cater to a major demand for insulin, leading to major demand for container packaging.
  • Moreover, according to PSA (Philippines), household spending on health has gradually increased over the past five years and was highest in 2021 after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. In 2021, the household final consumption expenditure for health in the Philippines was valued at approximately 627 billion Philippine pesos.
  • There is significant pressure on the government and the healthcare sector to revolutionize the state of Philippine healthcare. Demand is primarily driven by a growing and aging population. According to United Nations, in 2015, the share of the population older than 65 amounted to about 4.6 percent. In 2100, the population above 65 was forecasted to reach 25.6 percent. The share of the aging population was forecasted to increase throughout the years. This factor would lead to major generic medicine demand in the country, catering to the major packaging needs such as bottles & containers, syringes & cartridges, vials & ampoules, and pouches & packs. Glucose drip is expected to cater to a major demand due to the aging population. This would lead to demand for pouch packaging, which is needed for glucose packaging.
  • According to Trend Economy, India had a major import share of pharmaceutical products in the Philippines, with around 15.7% in 2020, Germany with 13.4%, and the United States with 11.5%. In the context of export to the Philippines, the major share was of Singapore (21%), Thailand (14.8%), and Japan (12.5%). It is expected that the same trend for import-export for these countries will continue in the future. This would lead to major demand for pharma packaging. Further, according to Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PPMA), the industry's growth in the next five years will be supported by the implementation of the universal health care program. The Universal Health Care program by the government will give local manufacturers and foreign traders opportunities to participate in the supply of pharmaceutical products through government bids.

Philippines Pharmaceutical Packaging Industry Overview

The Philippines Pharmaceutical Packaging Market is highly competitive and is dominated by several major players like Robicel Trading, Euro-med Laboratories Phil. Inc., Bestpak packaging Solutions Inc., Netpak Phils. Inc, among others. These major players with a prominent share in the market are focusing on expanding their customer base across foreign countries. These companies leverage strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and increase their profitability.

  • May 2022 - Yisheng Biopharma Co., Ltd., a China-based pharmaceutical company, discussed its plans to pursue investment interests in clinical trials and for the co-development or manufacturing and marketing of vaccines with a local company. Yisheng Biopharma already has an engagement with a local pharmaceutical company, and the company is said to meet with other local firms for potential partnerships on the commercialization of its vaccines.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Pharmaceutical Sector - Market Overview
  • 4.2 Key Market Influencers
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.4 List of Major Pharmaceutical Companies
  • 4.5 Pharmaceutical Packaging - Market Overview


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Surge In Demand For Medicines And Stringent Norms Against Counterfeit Products
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Dependent On Other Countries Due To Low Packaging Hubs
  • 5.3 Market Trends
  • 5.4 GMP Regulations


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Robicel Trading
    • 6.1.2 Euro-med Laboratories Phil., Inc.
    • 6.1.3 Bestpak Packaging Solutions, Inc.
    • 6.1.4 Netpak Phils., Inc.
    • 6.1.5 GL Otometz Corporation
    • 6.1.6 Plastic Container Packaging Corporation (PCPC)
    • 6.1.7 APO International Marketing Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Merfel Plastic Products
    • 6.1.9 Versa Group Philippines Corporation
    • 6.1.10 SwissPac
    • 6.1.11 Berry Global Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd
    • 6.1.13 Amcor Flexibles Philippines Corp. (Amcor PLC)