Product Code: 47042124
The US foot and ankle orthopedic device market is supported by sustained growth in high-volume segments in recent years. This is accompanied by rapid implant innovation in implant, instrumentation and procedure approaches like 3-D printing and patient specific implants. Additionally, the ongoing shift of foot and ankle procedures to outpatient and ASC settings will drive procedure volumes, contributing to revenue expansion in this market over the forecast period.
This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the US market for foot and ankle orthopedic devices from 2019 to 2033.
The shift of foot and ankle procedures to outpatient and ASC settings is driven by patient and payer demand for lower cost supported by CMS reimbursement changes.
- How have CMS changes to reimbursement in recent years impacted procedure volumes?
- How have these policies impacted the shift of procedures to the outpatient and ASC settings?
- How are manufacturers catering to different sites-of-service?
Certain high-volume segments will sustain growth and drive the US foot and ankle orthopedic device market.
- What are the key segments that are driving growth?
- How is the growth rate expected to change over time for each segment?
The foot and ankle market's growth is fueled by the broader acceptance of premium devices.
- Which segments are driving the adoption of premium devices?
- How is the site of service shift impacting the adoption of these premium devices?
- How are changing reimbursement policies impacting the uptake of premium devices?
- How are manufacturers responding to the increased demand for these premium devices?
Major orthopedic manufacturers dominate the foot and ankle market.
- What strategies are manufacturers employing to maintain their market share?
- What mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships are shaping the foot and ankle competitive landscape?
- What are the challenges and opportunities for other manufacturers in the segment?
Table of Contents
United States
Executive Summary
- Market Highlights
- Market Developments
- Competitive Highlights
- Procedures Covered
- Products Covered
Key Report Updates
Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Market Developments
- Competitive Insights
- Stryker
- DePuy Synthes
- Zimmer Biomet
- Arthrex
- Smith & Nephew
- Other Key Competitors
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Reconstructive Implant Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Ankle
- TT Fusion
- TTC Fusion
- Subtalar Fusion
- Total Ankle Replacement
- Ankle Revision
- Foot
- Hallux Rigidus
- First MTP Joint Replacement
- First MTP Joint Interposition Arthroplasty
- Fusion
- Bunions and Bunionettes
- Lapidus Procedure
- Osteotomy
- Bunionectomy
- Hammertoes and Claw Toes
- Fusion
- Lesser Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy
- Flat Feet and Low Arches
- Osteotomy
- Fusion
- Subtalar Arthroereisis
- Tendon Transfer
- Cavus Feet and High Arches
- Osteotomy
- Fusion
- Tendon Transfer
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- US Reconstructive Implant Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Trauma Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Ankle Fractures
- Malleolar Fractures
- Talus Fractures
- Pilon Fractures
- Syndesmosis Disruptions
- Other Fractures
- Foot Fractures
- Forefoot Fractures
- Sesamoid Fractures
- Midfoot Fractures
- Hindfoot Fractures
- Lisfranc Injuries
- Competitive Insights
- US Trauma Device Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- Market Shares
Sports Medicine Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Ankle Instability
- Ligament Reconstruction
- Tendon Transfer
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis
- Tendon Transfer
- Tendon Repair
- Tendon Lengthening or Shortening
- Achilles Tendon Rupture
- Tendon Transfer
- Tendon Repair
- Tendon Lengthening or Shortening
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- US Sports Medicine Device Market Competitive Insights
- Abbreviations
- Bibliography
- Core Country Coverage Methodology
- Research Methodology
- Marketrack Methodology
- PriceTrack Methodology
- Forecast Methodology
- Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
- Base-Year Ratio Analysis
- Market Forecasting
Tables and Figures
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market Landscape, US (USD), 2023 and 2033
- Recent Events in the Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market, US
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Product Type, US, 2023
- Competitive Insights
- Companies Mentioned
- Reconstruction Procedures Covered, US
- Trauma Procedures Covered, US
- Sports Medicine Procedures Covered, US
- Reconstructive Implants Covered, US
- Trauma Devices Covered, US
- Sports Medicine Devices Covered, US
- US Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market Drivers
- US Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market Limiters
- Foot and Ankle Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, US, 2023
- Recent Events in the Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Device Market, US
- Stryker Competitive Insights
- DePuy Synthes Competitive Insights
- Zimmer Biomet Competitive Insights
- Arthrex Competitive Insights
- Smith & Nephew Competitive Insights
- Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- US Reconstructive Implant Market Drivers
- US Reconstructive Implant Market Limiters
- Reconstructive Implant Market, by Anatomy, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Reconstruction Procedures, by Anatomy, US, 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Implant Market, by Anatomy, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Ankle Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- TT Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- TT Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- TTC Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- TTC Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Subtalar Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Subtalar Fusion Reconstructive Implant Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Total Ankle Replacement Reconstructive Implant Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Revision Reconstructive Implant Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot Reconstruction Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Foot Reconstructive Implant Market, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus First MTP Joint Replacement Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus First MTP Joint Replacement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus First MTP Joint Replacement Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Hallux Rigidus First MTP Joint Interposition Arthroplasty Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus Fusion Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hallux Rigidus Fusion Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Lapidus Procedure Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Lapidus Procedure Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Osteotomy Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Osteotomy Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Bunion and Bunionette Bunionectomy Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Fusion Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Fusion Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Lesser Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hammertoe and Claw Toe Lesser Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Osteotomy Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Osteotomy Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Fusion Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Fusion Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Subtalar Arthroereisis Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Tendon Transfer Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Flat Foot and Low Arch Tendon Transfer Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Reconstruction Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Reconstructive Implant Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Osteotomy Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Osteotomy Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Fusion Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Fusion Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Tendon Transfer Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Cavus Foot and High Arch Tendon Transfer Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Reconstruction Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- Reconstruction Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- US Reconstructive Implant Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- US Trauma Device Market Drivers
- US Trauma Device Market Limiters
- Trauma Device Market, by Anatomy, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Trauma Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Trauma Device Market, by Indication, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Fracture Trauma Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Ankle Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Indication, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Malleolar Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Malleolar Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Talus Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Talus Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Pilon Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Pilon Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Syndesmosis Disruption Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Syndesmosis Disruption Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Other Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Other Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Foot Fracture Trauma Device Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Foot Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Indication, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Forefoot Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Forefoot Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Sesamoid Fracture Trauma Device Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Midfoot Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Midfoot Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Hindfoot Fracture Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Hindfoot Fracture Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Lisfranc Injury Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Lisfranc Injury Trauma Device Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- US Trauma Device Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- Trauma Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- Trauma Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- US Sports Medicine Device Market Drivers
- US Sports Medicine Device Market Limiters
- Sports Medicine Market, by Indication, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Procedures, by Anatomy, US, 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Procedures, by Indication, US, 2019-2033
- Foot and Ankle Sports Medicine Device Market, by Indication, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Instability Sports Medicine Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Ankle Instability Sports Medicine Device Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Instability Ligament Reconstruction Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Instability Ligament Reconstruction Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Ankle Instability Tendon Transfer Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Ankle Instability Tendon Transfer Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Sports Medicine Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Sports Medicine Device Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Tendon Transfer Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Tendon Transfer Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Tendon Repair Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendinitis Tendon Repair Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Achilles and Peroneal Tendon Rupture Tendon Lengthening or Shortening Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Sports Medicine Procedures, by Procedure Type, US, 2019-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Sports Medicine Device Market, by Procedure Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Transfer Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Transfer Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Repair Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Repair Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2033
- Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Lengthening or Shortening Market, US (USD), 2019-2033
- Sports Medicine Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- Sports Medicine Device Revenue Market Shares, US, 2023
- US Sports Medicine Device Market Competitive Insights
- Abbreviations