印度CDOT持續展現威力:儘管支出還不到美國FCC的20%,一家小公司卻推動電信基礎設施領域的「印度製造」政策,並成為主要的技術開發機構India's CDOT Continues to Punch Above its Weight: Small Agency is Driving the "Make in India" Policy in Telecom Infrastructure, and is a Key Tech Developer, Despite Spending less than 20% of US FCC |
CDOT 是一個受到廣泛誤解的印度政府公用事業單位(PSU)。 CDOT 被認為是一個古板、過時的機構,與當今快節奏的通訊網路無關。幾乎沒有行銷或公共關係功能。它的網站已經過時了,網站上概述的組織年表截至2016年。透過技術轉移(TOT)和商業化協議向合作夥伴提供的許多產品同樣過時,並且與Cisco、Ericsson和Nokia等私人公司的產品相比沒有競爭力。但實際上,事情遠比表面看起來的複雜得多。 CDOT 於2022年接任現任執行長 Rajkumar Upadhyay,在他的領導下,近年來,CDOT 的發展速度和知名度不斷提高。 CDOT 負責監督政府的電信技術發展基金(TTDF)。 CDOT 繼續投資 5G 技術開發,並與塔塔諮詢服務公司合作執行國家電信公司 BSNL 目前進行的大型 4G 專案。 CDOT 正與 Galore、VVDN 和 WiSig 等多家新創公司合作開發 5G。 CDOT 也是印度發展量子通訊和密碼學能力的中心,每年舉辦有關該主題的 "秘密會議" 。在這方面,CDOT 的技術對於印度政府和國防通訊網路的運作非常重要,並將確保對該機構的持續預算支援。目前的預算很小,截至2023年 3月的財年總支出僅 6,800 萬美元。這約佔Ericsson同期研發支出47億美元的1.5%,或美國FCC 12個月總預算的18%。 CDOT 從這項相對較小的投資中獲得了顯著的收益。有許多跡象表明,CDOT 將作為印度製造的通訊促進者發揮更大的作用。
CDOT is a widely misunderstood "public sector undertaking" (PSU) of the Indian government. It presents itself as a stodgy, outdated agency with limited relevance to fast-paced modern communications networks. It has almost no marketing or public relations function. Its website is badly outdated; the organizational timeline outlined on its site stops in 2016, for instance. Many of the products it makes available to partners through 'transfer of technology' (TOT) or commercialization agreements are similarly dated, and not competitive with offerings from private sector players such as Cisco, Ericsson, and Nokia. But there is far more than meets the eye. CDOT has upped its game in the last few years, boosting its speed and profile under the current CEO, Rajkumar Upadhyay, who took over in 2022. CDOT oversees the government's Telecom Technology Development Fund "TTDF", a small fund which is broadening its reach and budget over time. CDOT has been investing in 5G tech development alongside the big 4G project it's currently implementing at state telco BSNL, in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services. While 4G may be yesterday's news, CDOT is working on 5G with several startups, including Galore, VVDN, and WiSig. CDOT is also central to India's efforts to develop capabilities in quantum communications and cryptography, and hosts an annual "conclave" on the topic. Relatedly, CDOT tech is essential to the operations of India's government and defense communications networks, which will ensure the agency have ongoing budgetary support. Its current budget is tiny: in the fiscal year ended March 2023, its total expenses amounted to just $68M. That works out to about 1.5% of the $4.7B Ericsson spent just on R&D in the same timeframe, or 18% of the US FCC's total budget was for that 12 month period. CDOT is getting a lot of bang for this relatively small investment of bucks. And there are many signs that point to the entity playing a bigger role over time as a facilitator in the telecom side of Make in India.