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穩定的融資策略:儲能專案成功的關鍵Stable Financing Strategies Are Key to Building Successful Battery Storage Projects |
本報告分析了目前市場上流行的建設和貨幣化合約類型以及與之相關的各種融資風險。 用於主要 UES(公用事業規模儲能)和 C&I(商業和工業)系統的合約 - 包括太陽能光伏加儲能項目、無線替代方案 (NWA)、虛擬發電廠和恢復服務。收入合約分析。 它還解釋了與儲能項目建設相關的各種技術、營運、建設和利潤風險,以及政府的支持激勵措施。 它還包括有關 NHOA 和 Pivot Power 在開發最新電池系統專案時使用的最佳實踐和合約的資訊。
PPA 和商家收入是企業規模 ESS 最喜歡的交易類型
This study analyzes the types of construction and monetization contracts prevalent in today's market and the various financing risks associated with them. It provides an analysis of the deal structures and revenue contracts used for major UES and C&I systems such as solar plus storage projects, non-wires alternatives, virtual power plants, and resiliency services. It also explains the various technology, operations, construction, and revenue risks associated with building a battery project and the supporting government incentives. Also included are best practices and contracts utilized by NHOA and Pivot Power in developing their recent battery system projects.
Utilities and Industries Are Deploying Battery Energy Storage Systems to Fulfil Capacity Requirements and Resource Adequacy
UES Applications
C&I Battery Storage Applications
Project Owners Are Looking to Minimize Construction Risks through Build-Transfer and Purchase and Sale Agreements
Construction and Development Contract Owners Can Now Enter Project Development Contracts with Greater Control and Minimal Risks
EPC or Turnkey Contract
Case Study: NHOA Energy's Kwinana Project
PPAs, Leases, and Merchant Revenue Contracts Offer Various Benefits to Project Owners and Off-Takers in Today's Market
Merchant Services
Tolling Agreements
The Revenue Streams and Deal Structures for UES and C&I Storage Systems Are Evolving Over Time
PPAs and Merchant Revenue Are the Most Preferred Types of Deals for Utility-Scale ESSs
Utility-Scale Solar Plus Storage
Integrated NWAs for T&D Asset Optimization
Europe's Ambitious Investments in Grid-Scale Battery Storage Projects
C&I Battery Storage Systems Rely on DR Programs and Ancillary Services Through Wholesale Aggregators to Generate Revenue
Demand Charge Management
Resiliency and Backup Services
Understanding Financing Risks and the Existing Regulatory Landscape Increases Project Security
Technology Risks
Case Study: Pivot Power's Hybrid Battery System
Construction Risks
Operating Risks
Revenue Risks
Battery System Owners Are Increasingly Opting for Insurance Solutions to Safeguard Their Investments
Regulatory Landscape, Tax Credits, and Government Incentives
US Incentives
European Incentives
Scale of Projects and Deals in the Utility-Scale Market Segment
Project and Deal Scale in the C&I Market
Range of Monthly Electric Demand Charges Across States ($/kW per Month)
An Illustration of FTM and BTM Battery Storage Systems
Overview of Project Development and Monetization Contracts
Types of Project Development Contracts between Owners and Developers
Deal Structures and Revenue Streams for UES systems
Deal Structures and Revenue Streams in the C&I Segment