
針灸市場:依產品類型、最終用戶、地區 - 全球產業分析、規模、佔有率、成長、趨勢、預測,2024-2031 年

Acupuncture Treatment Market by Product Type, End-Users, and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa): Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: Persistence Market Research | 英文 229 Pages | 商品交期: 2-5個工作天內


本報告對全球針灸市場進行了深入分析,並詳細介紹了其成長動力、課題和新興趨勢。 這份綜合報告為您帶來預測 2024 年至 2031 年市場軌跡的獨家數據和統計數據。


  • 市場規模(2024 年):428 億美元
  • 預計市值(2031 年):1,426 億美元
  • 全球市場成長率(2024-2031 年複合年增長率):16.2%

針灸市場 - 報告範圍:

針灸是一種古老的中國治療技術,涉及將細針插入身體的特定穴位,以緩解疼痛、促進癒合併恢復身體能量流的平衡。 全球針灸市場涵蓋廣泛的治療應用,包括疼痛管理、減輕壓力、改善不孕症和心理健康支持。 隨著人們對補充和替代醫學 (CAM) 的興趣日益濃厚,針灸作為一種非侵入性的整體健康方法在世界範圍內越來越受歡迎。


慢性疼痛、壓力相關疾病和生活方式相關健康問題的盛行率不斷增加,正在推動全球對針灸的需求。 隨著患者尋求傳統藥物和侵入性手術的替代方案,針灸正在成為一種安全有效的疼痛管理、改善生活品質和促進整體健康的治療方法。 此外,人們越來越認識到針灸的整體益處,包括其解決潛在失衡和支持身體自然癒合機制的能力,正在推動市場成長。


儘管針灸的接受度和採用率不斷提高,但仍有一些課題阻礙了市場的成長,包括監管障礙、報銷限制和醫學界內部的懷疑。 根據地區的不同,針灸治療的監管障礙和許可要求差異很大,影響了患者的可近性和負擔能力。 此外,針灸師缺乏標準化培訓或認證以及治療結果的可變性對將針灸確立為主流治療方法構成了課題。


綜合和整體醫療保健市場的擴張為針灸治療市場的成長提供了巨大的機會。 隨著患者尋求個人化、以患者為中心的健康和保健方法,針灸補充了傳統醫學並填補了護理空白。 此外,將針灸融入醫院、疼痛管理診所和健康中心等多學科醫療保健環境中,為市場擴張和醫療保健提供者之間的合作創造了新的途徑。


  • 推動針灸市場成長的關鍵因素是什麼?
  • 消費者對針灸的認知與接受程度如何影響市場動態?
  • 阻礙市場成長的主要課題是什麼?
  • 預計哪些地區的針灸市場將會顯著成長?
  • 誰是市場的主要利害關係人?


針灸市場的主要參與者正在專注於教育、研究和宣傳工作,以傳播針灸的好處並擴大其市場範圍。 針灸診所和健康中心投資於專業發展和認證,以確保治療品質並建立消費者信任。 此外,與傳統醫療保健提供者、保險公司和政府機構的合作有助於融入主流醫療保健系統,推動市場成長和可近性。


  • Wuxi Jiajian Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
  • Suzhou Hualun Medical Appliance Co., Ltd.
  • Seirin Corporation
  • Cloud & Dragon Acupuncture
  • Acurea USA, Inc.
  • China Medical System Holdings Limited
  • 3B Scientific GmbH
  • Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc.
  • Asia Med GmbH
  • Lhasa OMS, Inc.



  • 傳統針灸
  • 電針療法
  • 耳針療法
  • 頭皮針灸
  • 雷射針灸
  • 其他


  • 疼痛管理
  • 減輕壓力
  • 改善不孕症
  • 心理健康支持
  • 康復
  • 其他


  • 醫院
  • 診所
  • 健康中心
  • 其他


  • 北美
  • 歐洲
  • 亞太地區
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 中東/非洲


第 1 章執行摘要


  • 市場範圍/分類
  • 市場定義/範圍/限制
  • 包含和排除


  • 影響市場的主要趨勢
  • 服務類型與使用趨勢


  • 服務提供者的主要策略
  • 疾病流行病學
  • 主要規定
  • 兌換場景
  • 主要促銷策略


  • 宏觀經濟因素
  • 預測因子 - 相關性和影響
  • 市場動態

第 6 章 COVID-19 危機分析

  • 目前的 COVID-19 統計數據和未來的潛在影響
  • 當前 GDP 預測與預期影響
  • 當前經濟預測與 2008 年的經濟分析
  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 與影響分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
    • 依地區

第七章全球針灸市場 - 價格分析

  • 依服務劃分的區域價格分析
  • 世界平均價格分析基準
  • 定價假設


  • 過往市值分析(2019-2023 年)
  • 目前與未來的市值預測(2024-2031 年)
    • 年成長趨勢分析
    • 絕對數量機會分析

第 9 章全球針灸市場分析(2019-2023 年)與預測(2024-2031 年):依服務分類

  • 簡介/主要發現
  • 過去的市場規模與數量分析(2019-2023 年):依服務分類
  • 依服務劃分的當前和未來市場規模和數量分析及預測(2024-2031 年)
    • 針灸治療
    • 電針療法
    • 耳針治療
    • 艾灸
    • 拔罐
    • 其他
  • 依服務劃分的市場吸引力分析


  • 簡介/主要發現
  • 過去的市場規模與數量分析(2019-2023 年):依應用分類
  • 當前和未來的市場規模分析和預測(2024-2031 年):依應用分類
    • 肌肉骨骼疾病
    • 疲勞與中樞神經系統疾病
    • 呼吸系統疾病
    • 消化系統疾病
    • 其他
  • 依應用劃分的市場吸引力分析

第 11 章全球針灸市場分析(2019-2023 年)和預測(2024-2031 年):依最終用戶劃分

  • 簡介/主要發現
  • 過去的市場規模與數量分析(2019-2023 年):依應用分類
  • 當前和未來的市場規模分析和預測(2024-2031 年):依應用分類
    • 醫院
    • 診所
    • 健康中心
  • 最終用戶的市場吸引力分析


  • 簡介
  • 過去的市場規模與銷售分析(2019-2023 年):依地區
  • 依地區劃分的當前和未來市場規模分析和預測(2024-2031 年)
    • 北美
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 東亞
    • 南亞
    • 大洋洲
    • 中東/非洲
  • 依地區劃分的市場吸引力分析








第 20 章依國家劃分的針灸市場分析(2024-2031 年)

  • 簡介
    • 市值比分析
    • 世界與國家成長比較
  • 美國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 加拿大針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 巴西針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 墨西哥針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 阿根廷針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 英國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 德國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 義大利針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 法國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 西班牙針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 俄羅斯針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 中國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 日本針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 韓國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 印度針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 泰國針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 印尼針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 馬來西亞針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 澳洲針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 紐西蘭針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 南非針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 海灣合作委員會國家的針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶
  • 土耳其針灸市場分析
    • 依服務
    • 依用途
    • 依最終用戶


  • 依公司層級進行市場分析
  • 主要公司市佔率分析
  • 市場現況分析


  • 競爭對手儀表板
  • 衝突詳情
    • TCM Australia.
    • ACTCM, US
    • Jingshen TMC Clinic, UK
    • PRTCM, Ireland
    • ChinaMed Charlottesville
    • NZCMAS, New Zealand
    • ATCM, UK
    • ETCMA, UK
    • Beijing Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic

第 23 章假設與縮寫


Product Code: PMRREP23080

Persistence Market Research offers an insightful analysis of the global acupuncture treatment market, providing detailed insights into its growth drivers, challenges, and emerging trends. This comprehensive report delivers exclusive data and statistics projecting the market's trajectory from 2024 to 2031.

Key Insights:

  • Market Size (2024E): US$42.8 Billion
  • Projected Market Value (2031F): US$142.6 Billion
  • Global Market Growth Rate (CAGR 2024 to 2031): 16.2%

Acupuncture Treatment Market - Report Scope:

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing technique, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain, promote healing, and restore balance to the body's energy flow. The global acupuncture treatment market encompasses a wide range of therapeutic applications, including pain management, stress reduction, fertility enhancement, and mental health support. With growing interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), acupuncture has gained popularity worldwide as a non-invasive, holistic approach to health and wellness.

Market Growth Drivers:

The increasing prevalence of chronic pain conditions, stress-related disorders, and lifestyle-related health issues drives the demand for acupuncture treatment globally. As patients seek alternatives to conventional pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures, acupuncture emerges as a safe, effective therapy for managing pain, improving quality of life, and enhancing overall well-being. Moreover, growing awareness about the holistic benefits of acupuncture, including its ability to address underlying imbalances and support the body's natural healing mechanisms, fuels market growth.

Market Restraints:

Despite the growing acceptance and adoption of acupuncture, several challenges hinder market growth, including regulatory barriers, reimbursement limitations, and skepticism within the medical community. In some regions, acupuncture faces regulatory hurdles and licensing requirements that vary widely, impacting accessibility and affordability for patients. Moreover, the lack of standardized training and certification for acupuncturists and variability in treatment outcomes pose challenges for establishing acupuncture as a mainstream therapeutic modality.

Market Opportunities:

The expanding market for integrative and holistic healthcare presents significant opportunities for the growth of the acupuncture treatment market. As patients seek personalized, patient-centered approaches to health and wellness, acupuncture complements conventional medical treatments and fills gaps in care. Furthermore, the integration of acupuncture into multidisciplinary healthcare settings, including hospitals, pain management clinics, and wellness centers, creates new avenues for market expansion and collaboration among healthcare providers.

Key Questions Answered in the Report:

  • What are the primary factors driving the growth of the acupuncture treatment market?
  • How is consumer awareness and acceptance of acupuncture influencing market dynamics?
  • What are the key challenges hindering market growth, and how can they be addressed?
  • Which regions are expected to witness significant growth in the acupuncture treatment market?
  • Who are the key stakeholders in the market, and what strategies are they adopting to promote the use of acupuncture?

Competitive Intelligence and Business Strategy:

Leading players in the acupuncture treatment market focus on education, research, and advocacy to promote the benefits of acupuncture and expand market reach. Acupuncture clinics and wellness centers invest in professional development and accreditation to ensure quality care and build consumer trust. Moreover, collaborations with conventional healthcare providers, insurance companies, and government agencies facilitate integration into mainstream healthcare systems, driving market growth and accessibility.

Key Companies Profiled:

  • Wuxi Jiajian Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
  • Suzhou Hualun Medical Appliance Co., Ltd.
  • Seirin Corporation
  • Cloud & Dragon Acupuncture
  • Acurea USA, Inc.
  • China Medical System Holdings Limited
  • 3B Scientific GmbH
  • Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc.
  • Asia Med GmbH
  • Lhasa OMS, Inc.

Acupuncture Treatment Market Research Segmentation:

Acupuncture Treatment Market by Type:

  • Traditional Acupuncture
  • Electroacupuncture
  • Auricular Acupuncture
  • Scalp Acupuncture
  • Laser Acupuncture
  • Others

Acupuncture Treatment Market by Application:

  • Pain Management
  • Stress Reduction
  • Fertility Enhancement
  • Mental Health Support
  • Rehabilitation
  • Others

Acupuncture Treatment Market by End-User:

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Wellness Centers
  • Others

Acupuncture Treatment Market by Region:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1. Global Market Outlook
  • 1.2. Global Market Trends
  • 1.3. Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

  • 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy
  • 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations
  • 2.3. Inclusion And Exclusions

3. Key Market Trends

  • 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market
  • 3.2. Service Type and Application Trends

4. Key Inclusions

  • 4.1. Key Strategies by Service Providers
  • 4.2. Disease Epidemiology
  • 4.3. Key Regulations
  • 4.4. Reimbursement Scenario
  • 4.5. Key Promotional Strategies

5. Market Background

  • 5.1. Macro-Economic Factors
    • 5.1.1. Global GDP Growth Outlook
    • 5.1.2. Parent Market Analysis
  • 5.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact
    • 5.2.1. Increasing Per capita Healthcare Spending
    • 5.2.2. Adoption of Alternative And Complementary Medicines
    • 5.2.3. Growing Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Diseases
    • 5.2.4. Increasing Rate Nervous System Diseases and Cancer
  • 5.3. Market Dynamics
    • 5.3.1. Drivers
    • 5.3.2. Restraints
    • 5.3.3. Opportunity Analysis

6. COVID-19 Crisis Analysis

  • 6.1. Current COVID-19 Statistics and Probable Future Impact
  • 6.2. Current GDP Projection and Probable Impact
  • 6.3. Current Economic Projection as compared to 2008 Economic analysis
  • 6.4. COVID-19 and Impact Analysis
    • 6.4.1. by Service
    • 6.4.2. by Application
    • 6.4.3. by End User
    • 6.4.4. by Region

7. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market - Pricing Analysis

  • 7.1. Regional Pricing Analysis by Service
  • 7.2. Global Average Pricing Analysis Benchmark
  • 7.3. Pricing Assumptions

8. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market Demand (in Value or Size in US$ Mn) Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast, 2024-2031

  • 8.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2019-2023
  • 8.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2024-2031
    • 8.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis
    • 8.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

9. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Service

  • 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) & Volume Analysis by Service, 2019-2023
  • 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) & Volume Analysis and Forecast by Service, 2024-2031
    • 9.3.1. Needle Acupuncture
    • 9.3.2. Electroacupuncture
    • 9.3.3. Auricular Acupuncture
    • 9.3.4. Moxibustion
    • 9.3.5. Cupping
    • 9.3.6. Others
  • 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by Service

10. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Application

  • 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis by Application, 2019-2023
  • 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast by Application, 2024-2031
    • 10.3.1. Musculoskeletal Conditions
    • 10.3.2. Fatigue and CNS Conditions
    • 10.3.3. Respiratory Conditions
    • 10.3.4. Digestive Conditions
    • 10.3.5. Other Conditions
  • 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by Application

11. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by End User

  • 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis by End User, 2019-2023
  • 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast by End User, 2024-2031
    • 11.3.1. Hospitals
    • 11.3.2. Clinics
    • 11.3.3. Wellness Centres
  • 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by End User

12. Global Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Region

  • 12.1. Introduction
  • 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis by Region, 2019-2023
  • 12.3. Current Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast by Region, 2024-2031
    • 12.3.1. North America
    • 12.3.2. Latin America
    • 12.3.3. Europe
    • 12.3.4. East Asia
    • 12.3.5. South Asia
    • 12.3.6. Oceania
    • 12.3.7. Middle East and Africa (MEA)
  • 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region

13. North America Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 13.1. Introduction
  • 13.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 13.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 13.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 13.4.1. by Country
      • U.S.
      • Canada
    • 13.4.2. by Service
    • 13.4.3. by Application
    • 13.4.4. by End User
  • 13.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 13.5.1. by Country
    • 13.5.2. by Service
    • 13.5.3. by Application
    • 13.5.4. by End User
  • 13.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 13.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

14. Latin America Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 14.1. Introduction
  • 14.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 14.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 14.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 14.4.1. by Country
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 14.4.2. by Service
    • 14.4.3. by Application
    • 14.4.4. by End User
  • 14.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 14.5.1. by Country
    • 14.5.2. by Service
    • 14.5.3. by Application
    • 14.5.4. by End User
  • 14.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 14.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

15. Europe Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 15.1. Introduction
  • 15.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 15.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 15.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 15.4.1. by Country
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • France
      • U.K.
      • Spain
      • Russia
      • Rest of Europe
    • 15.4.2. by Service
    • 15.4.3. by Application
    • 15.4.4. by End User
  • 15.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 15.5.1. by Country
    • 15.5.2. by Service
    • 15.5.3. by Application
    • 15.5.4. by End User
  • 15.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 15.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

16. South Asia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 16.1. Introduction
  • 16.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 16.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 16.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 16.4.1. by Country
      • India
      • Thailand
      • Malaysia
      • Indonesia
      • Rest of South Asia
    • 16.4.2. by Service
    • 16.4.3. by Application
    • 16.4.4. by End User
  • 16.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 16.5.1. by Country
    • 16.5.2. by Service
    • 16.5.3. by Application
    • 16.5.4. by End User
  • 16.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 16.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

17. East Asia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 17.1. Introduction
  • 17.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 17.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 17.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 17.4.1. by Country
      • China
      • Japan
      • South Korea
    • 17.4.2. by Service
    • 17.4.3. by Application
    • 17.4.4. by End User
  • 17.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 17.5.1. by Country
    • 17.5.2. by Service
    • 17.5.3. by Application
    • 17.5.4. by End User
  • 17.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 17.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

18. Oceania Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 18.1. Introduction
  • 18.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 18.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 18.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 18.4.1. by Country
      • Australia
      • New Zealand
    • 18.4.2. by Service
    • 18.4.3. by Application
    • 18.4.4. by End User
  • 18.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 18.5.1. by Country
    • 18.5.2. by Service
    • 18.5.3. by Application
    • 18.5.4. by End User
  • 18.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 18.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

19. Middle East and Africa Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 19.1. Introduction
  • 19.2. Pricing Analysis
  • 19.3. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis by Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 19.4. Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 19.4.1. by Country
      • GCC Countries
      • Turkey
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa
    • 19.4.2. by Service
    • 19.4.3. by Application
    • 19.4.4. by End User
  • 19.5. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 19.5.1. by Country
    • 19.5.2. by Service
    • 19.5.3. by Application
    • 19.5.4. by End User
  • 19.6. Key Market Participants - Intensity Mapping
  • 19.7. Drivers and Restraints - Impact Analysis

20. Country Level Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis 2024-2031

  • 20.1. Introduction
    • 20.1.1. Market Value Proportion Analysis
    • 20.1.2. Global VS. Country Growth Comparison
  • 20.2. U.S. Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.2.1. by Service
    • 20.2.2. by Application
    • 20.2.3. by End User
  • 20.3. Canada Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.3.1. by Service
    • 20.3.2. by Application
    • 20.3.3. by End User
  • 20.4. Brazil Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.4.1. by Service
    • 20.4.2. by Application
    • 20.4.3. by End User
  • 20.5. Mexico Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.5.1. by Service
    • 20.5.2. by Application
    • 20.5.3. by End User
  • 20.6. Argentina Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.6.1. by Service
    • 20.6.2. by Application
    • 20.6.3. by End User
  • 20.7. U.K. Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.7.1. by Service
    • 20.7.2. by Application
    • 20.7.3. by End User
  • 20.8. Germany Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.8.1. by Service
    • 20.8.2. by Application
    • 20.8.3. by End User
  • 20.9. Italy Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.9.1. by Service
    • 20.9.2. by Application
    • 20.9.3. by End User
  • 20.10. France Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.10.1. by Service
    • 20.10.2. by Application
    • 20.10.3. by End User
  • 20.11. Spain Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.11.1. by Service
    • 20.11.2. by Application
    • 20.11.3. by End User
  • 20.12. Russia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.12.1. by Service
    • 20.12.2. by Application
    • 20.12.3. by End User
  • 20.13. China Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.13.1. by Service
    • 20.13.2. by Application
    • 20.13.3. by End User
  • 20.14. Japan Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.14.1. by Service
    • 20.14.2. by Application
    • 20.14.3. by End User
  • 20.15. South Korea Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.15.1. by Service
    • 20.15.2. by Application
    • 20.15.3. by End User
  • 20.16. India Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.16.1. by Service
    • 20.16.2. by Application
    • 20.16.3. by End User
  • 20.17. Thailand Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.17.1. by Service
    • 20.17.2. by Application
    • 20.17.3. by End User
  • 20.18. Indonesia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.18.1. by Service
    • 20.18.2. by Application
    • 20.18.3. by End User
  • 20.19. Malaysia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.19.1. by Service
    • 20.19.2. by Application
    • 20.19.3. by End User
  • 20.20. Australia Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.20.1. by Service
    • 20.20.2. by Application
    • 20.20.3. by End User
  • 20.21. New Zealand Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.21.1. by Service
    • 20.21.2. by Application
    • 20.21.3. by End User
  • 20.22. South Africa Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.22.1. by Service
    • 20.22.2. by Application
    • 20.22.3. by End User
  • 20.23. GCC Countries Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.23.1. by Service
    • 20.23.2. by Application
    • 20.23.3. by End User
  • 20.24. Turkey Acupuncture Treatment Market Analysis
    • 20.24.1. by Service
    • 20.24.2. by Application
    • 20.24.3. by End User

21. Market Structure Analysis

  • 21.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies
  • 21.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Players
  • 21.3. Market Presence Analysis

22. Competition Analysis

  • 22.1. Competition Dashboard
  • 22.2. Competition Deep Dive
    • 22.2.1. TCM Australia.
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.2. ACTCM, U. S.
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.3. Jingshen TMC Clinic, U. K.
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.4. PRTCM, Ireland
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.5. ChinaMed Charlottesville
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.6. NZCMAS, New Zealand
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.7. ATCM, U. K.
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.8. ETCMA, U. K.
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview
    • 22.2.9. Beijing Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic
      • Overview & Key financials
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
      • Sales Footprint
      • Strategy Overview

23. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

24. Research Methodology