KYC(了解您的客戶):全球市場佔有率(2022 年)Global Market Share: Know Your Customer (KYC Market), 2022 |
到 2027 年,全球 KYC(了解您的客戶)市場預計將以 16.80% 的複合年增長率成長。
防止洗錢對公司來說是一個特別艱鉅的挑戰。 企業必須走鋼絲,平衡遵守日益嚴格的法規的需要和消除在技術進步的幫助下使用新穎方法發動網路攻擊的詐欺者。是的。 COVID-19 大流行為詐騙者帶來了新的生機,讓詐騙者可以騙取用於財政刺激的數十億美元。 KYC 不僅對銀行和金融機構至關重要,對其他產業也同樣重要。 這是因為被盜的 ID 還可以用於其他目的,例如恐怖主義和資料外洩。 這些因素,加上不斷變化的安全結構、多種支付管道、業務流程以及日益嚴格的合規要求,凸顯了對動態、靈活的身份管理解決方案取代現有審核方法的需求。 因此,KYC/CDD(客戶關係控制)已成為世界各地組織的基本實踐。 KYC/CDD 解決方案可協助組織評估客戶風險、確定是否參與詐欺並遵守 KYC 法律。 KYC/CDD 解決方案包括身分驗證和客戶加入、監管報告、風險評分評估和管理、客戶生命週期管理等。 這些解決方案還監控和評估授權客戶整個生命週期的財務活動。
在本報告中,``KYC(了解你的客戶)是公司和金融機構為確認和識別其客戶身份而執行的一個或一系列程序。``為了防止欺詐、洗錢、恐怖主義融資以及其他非法活動。” 供應商還整合了人工智慧、機器學習、RPA、高級分析和行為生物識別等新工具和技術,使其 KYC/CDD 解決方案更加有效。 透過促進無縫客戶加入並識別非典型消費者、受益人和授權簽署人,技術和智慧自動化的整合可以促進 KYC/CDD 流程並消除潛在的財務詐欺。我們正在減少這種詐欺。
強大的 KYC/CDD 解決方案為金融機構和銀行提供統一的客戶數據,幫助打擊金融犯罪。 該解決方案還使銀行和金融機構能夠預測風險並防止因違規和詐欺而造成的聲譽損害和罰款。 然而,引進KYC也帶來了新的挑戰。 雖然 KYC 解決了合規性挑戰,但組織在 KYC/CDD 流程中面臨各種營運挑戰。 國際上不一致、非標準化和勞動密集的 KYC/CDD 流程通常會導致糟糕的客戶體驗。 分散且不一致的客戶資料限制了您準確識別高風險客戶的能力。
本報告分析了全球KYC 市場的份額結構,提供了解決方案概述、市場的基本結構、按實施方法、地區、行業和公司類型劃分的份額結構,並為行業利益相關者提供了建議。我們將編譯並提供信息,例如。
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Reveals that Know Your Customer (KYC) Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 16.80% by 2027.
Stopping money laundering is an especially vexing task that businesses must follow. They must walk a tightrope, balancing coping with an increasingly stringent slew of regulations with keeping away fraudsters resorting to novel ways aided by technological advancements.to carry out cyberattacks. The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new wrinkle by allowing fraudsters to walk away with billions of dollars intended for fiscal stimulus. Along with banks and FIs, KYC is becoming essential for other industries, as stolen IDs have been used for other purposes, including terrorism and data breaches. These factors, along with changing security fabric, multiple payment channels, business processes, and increasingly rigorous compliance requirements, underline the need for dynamic and flexible identity management solutions in place of existing screening methods. Hence, KYC/CDD has become a fundamental practice for organizations worldwide. KYC/CDD solutions help organizations assess customer risks, determine their involvement in fraudulent activities, and comply with KYC laws. KYC/CDD solutions include identity resolution and customer onboarding, regulatory reporting, risk score assessment & management, and customer lifecycle management. These solutions ensure that even approved customers' financial activities are monitored and evaluated throughout their lifecycle.
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions defines "Know Your Customer (KYC) as a process or set of procedures that businesses and financial institutions implement to verify and identify their customers' identities. KYC regulations are designed to prevent identity theft, fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illegal activities." Vendors are also incorporating new tools and technologies like AI, ML, RPA, advanced analytics, and behavioral biometrics to make KYC/CDD solutions more effective. By facilitating seamless customer onboarding and identifying atypical consumers, beneficial owners, and authorized signatories, the convergence of technology and intelligent automation is boosting the KYC/CDD process and reducing the likelihood of financial fraud.
A robust KYC/CDD solution makes unified customer data available to FIs and banks, which aids them in their fight against financial crimes. The solution also enables banks and FIs to anticipate hazards and prevent reputational harm and fines brought on by noncompliance and fraudulent activity. However, the implementation also poses newer challenges. Although KYC has tackled regulatory compliance challenges, organizations face various operational challenges with KYC/CDD processes. The globally inconsistent, non-standardized, and labor-intensive KYC/CDD processes often result in poor customer experience. The fragmented and inconsistent customer data limits the processability of identifying risky customers accurately.