

Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024

出版日期: | 出版商: ResearchInChina | 英文 205 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內




江蘇省常態化營運的無人配送車數量最多,蘇州市是江蘇省乃至全國快遞業者無人配送車數量最多的城市。2023年11月,Standing Committee of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress將在全國率先批准制定促進Internet of Vehicles和智慧網聯汽車發展、Decision on Promoting the Development of Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Connected Vehicles的法律。到2024年4月,41輛自動配送車將在蘇州市湘城區正常運營,每天配送約1.4萬個包裹。湘城區與SF Express、Yunda Express、STO Express等快遞企業建立深度合作。

2. "室外自動駕駛車+室內機器人" 可自主配送直達目的地。

2023年6月, "室外自動駕駛車+室內機器人" 一體化人工智慧投遞解決方案在China Postal Express & Logistics總部正式上線。這項新解決方案將戶外自動駕駛車輛與各種室內機器人結合,可在各種場景下將貨物直接運送到目的地。例如,室外自動駕駛汽車與室內機器人接觸,收發室工作人員操作機器人將物品投遞到投遞目的地,應用程式在WeChat上訂購咖啡,機器人投遞,應用程式發送EMS當您在WeChat上訂購時,機器人會接您的訂單。

"室外自動駕駛汽車+室內機器人" 的配送解決方案主要依托室外自動駕駛汽車的超級底盤和超級大腦,聯繫各種室內機器人,實現集約共享、廣泛協作、即時調度。而室內機器人則有完整的感知認知功能組件和成熟的定位導航功能組件,一鍵召喚電梯、打開電子門、通過檢票口、接入物聯網等都可以。

2024年4月,EMS的WeChat推出機器人送貨上門服務。該應用程式的送貨頁面現在包含 "機器人送貨上門" 選項。在大型公園、大學等地,快遞公司操作自動駕駛車輛將包裹運送到樓下,室內機器人自動將它們 "中繼" 到目的地。



在自動駕駛軟體技術層面,Neolix自動駕駛汽車X3 Plus嚴格遵循自動駕駛基礎技術架構邏輯,採用多模態BEV空間4D時間序列融合感知技術,並搭載Orion-X,實現預融合BEV。 Transformer感知基礎模型即時處理連續時間序列多感測器數據,實現零盲點、高精度、高穩健性環境感知。



第一章 無人配送產業概況

  • 自主配送行業定義及分類
  • 海外自主配送管理政策
  • 中國自動送貨車道路測試及營運區域總結(一)
  • 中國自動送貨車道路測試及營運領域綜述(二)
  • 中國自動送貨車道路測試及營運領域綜述(三)
  • 自動送貨車道路測試與商業示範控制措施政策範例:北京(2023 年 2 月)
  • 中國自動駕駛配送車正式營運地區總表
  • 中國發展自動駕駛送貨車的問題
  • 關於擴大自動駕駛配送車規模和推動商業化的建議
  • 自主配送產業鏈
  • 自動送貨車解決方案提供者總結
  • 與自動駕駛配送車應用程式提供者合作總結(一)
  • 與自動駕駛配送車應用程式提供者合作總結(二)
  • 自動送貨車應用程式/解決方案提供者摘要
  • 自主配送機器人解決方案提供者彙總(一)
  • 自主配送機器人解決方案供應商彙總(二)
  • 自主配送機器人解決方案供應商彙總(三)

第二章 自動配送車概論及應用實例

  • 自動送貨車概述
  • 7大產業鏈
  • DADA應用解決方案
  • Meituan應用解決方案
  • Cainiao應用解決方案
  • JD.com應用解決方案
  • SF應用解決方案
  • China Post應用解決方案
  • YTO應用解決方案
  • ZTO應用解決方案

第三章 自動送貨車解決方案提供商

  • Neolix
  • Go Further AI
  • Haomo.AI
  • White Rhino

第四章 自主配送機器人應用場景及解決方案

  • 自主配送機器人的類型
  • 飯店自主配送機器人應用場景及解決方案
  • 辦公室自主配送機器人應用場景及解決方案
  • 商場自主配送機器人應用場景及解決方案

第五章 自主配送機器人解決方案供應商

  • OrionStar
  • Keenon
  • PUDU
  • LimX Dynamics

第六章 自主配送發展趨勢

Product Code: CX003

Autonomous Delivery Research: Foundation Models Promote the Normal Application of Autonomous Delivery in Multiple Scenarios

Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024 released by ResearchInChina combs and studies the status quo of autonomous delivery vehicles in the autonomous delivery industry, the application scenarios of autonomous delivery robots and solution providers, as well as predicts the future development trends of autonomous delivery.

1. Autonomous delivery vehicles have entered normal operation, and Jiangsu Province is at the forefront of the country.

So far, autonomous delivery has been applied to express delivery, supermarkets, autonomous retail and other scenarios. The normal application of autonomous delivery has been realized in express delivery enterprises. By region, the normal operation of autonomous delivery vehicles in express delivery enterprises was mainly concentrated in East China, North China and Northwest China during the period from early 2023 to May 2024. Specifically: East China saw the most autonomous delivery vehicles, which mainly spread in Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang. By province, the ranking is Jiangsu > Anhui > Shaanxi > Zhejiang > Shanxi > Sichuan > Hebei/Beijing.

Jiangsu Province has the largest number of autonomous delivery vehicles in normal operation, and Suzhou is the city with the most autonomous delivery vehicles in express delivery enterprises in Jiangsu and even the whole country. In November 2023, Jiangsu took the lead in the country to enact legislation to promote the development of Internet of Vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles: the Standing Committee of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress approved the "Decision on Promoting the Development of Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Connected Vehicles", which made guiding and authoritative provisions on the passage and management of autonomous driving equipment such as autonomous delivery vehicles on roads and came into effect on January 1, 2024. By April 2024, there had been 41 autonomous delivery vehicles in normal operation in Xiangcheng District of Suzhou, delivering about 14,000 parcels every day. Xiangcheng District reached in-depth cooperation with express delivery companies such as SF Express, Yunda Express and STO Express.

The following indicates the normal operation of autonomous delivery vehicles in express delivery enterprises by province:

  • 2. "Outdoor autonomous vehicles + indoor robots" can accomplish autonomous direct delivery to destinations.

In June 2023, an "outdoor autonomous vehicles + indoor robots" integrated AI delivery solution was officially launched in the headquarters of China Postal Express & Logistics. The new solution can combine outdoor autonomous vehicles with different indoor robots to directly deliver goods to destinations in a variety of scenarios. For example, outdoor autonomous vehicles contact indoor robots, mailroom staff operate robots to deliver goods to destinations, users can order coffee via WeChat applets which is then delivered by robots, and robots pick up items after users place orders on the WeChat applet of EMS.

The "outdoor autonomous vehicles + indoor robots" delivery solution mainly relies on the super chassis and super brains of outdoor autonomous vehicles to contact different indoor robots for intensive sharing, wide cooperation and real-time scheduling, while indoor robots have complete perception and cognitive functional components as well as mature positioning and navigation functional components to summon elevators with one key, open electronic doors, pass turnstiles and access Internet of Things.

In April 2024, the WeChat applet of EMS launched the robot door-to-door delivery service. On the delivery page of the applet, there is an additional "robot door-to-door" delivery option. In large parks, universities and other places, couriers operate autonomous vehicles to transport parcels downstairs, and them indoor robots automatically "relay" them to destinations.

3. Autonomous delivery technology has been rapidly iterated, and BEV+Transformer perception technology has landed on vehicles.

The algorithm structure of NEOLIX has gone through three stages, from first stage of light perception and heavy maps, to the second stage of heavy perception and light maps, and to the third stage of real-time map generation based on 4D perception of foundation models.

On the technical level of autonomous driving software, X3 Plus, Neolix's autonomous vehicle, strictly follows the underlying technical architecture logic of autonomous driving, adopts the multi-modal BEV space 4D time sequence fusion perception technology, carries Orion-X to realize pre-fusion BEV perception, and leverages the Transformer perception foundation model to process multi-sensor data of continuous time series in real time and realize zero-blind-spot, high-precision and high-robustness environmental perception.

In BEV space, time sequence fusion is carried out to form 4D space. At the same time, complex traffic flow reinforcement learning (TFRL) allows autonomous vehicles to interact with other road participants and predict their future behavior, so as to conduct better planning and control. Neolix's autonomous driving system has the capability of autonomous learning, so that it can perceive more complex obstacles, handle more complicated roads, and make autonomous delivery easy.

In other words, all the features of 2 lidars and 11 panoramic cameras are converted into the BEV space for fusion, and more comprehensive perception is fulfilled based on the fused features. This system can make full use of the advantages of each sensor, and overcome the corresponding shortcomings, so as to perform perfect perception within a range of 40m front and rear and 30m left and right, and ensure that autonomous vehicles can accurately detect objects and lane lines and recognize traffic lights, thus guaranteeing the driving safety of autonomous vehicles.

Table of Contents

1 Overview of Autonomous Delivery Industry

  • 1.1 Definition and Classification of Autonomous Delivery Industry
  • 1.2 Overseas Autonomous Delivery Management Policies
  • 1.3 Summary of Road Tests and Operation Areas of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in China (1)
  • 1.3 Summary of Road Tests and Operation Areas of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in China (2)
  • 1.3 Summary of Road Tests and Operation Areas of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in China (3)
  • 1.4 Policy Example of Road Tests and Commercial Demonstration Management Measures for Autonomous Delivery Vehicles: Beijing (February 2023)
  • 1.5 Summary of Regions Where Autonomous Delivery Vehicles Officially Hit the Road in China
  • 1.6 Problems in the Development of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in China
  • 1.7 Suggestions on Promoting the Scale and Commercialization of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
  • 1.8 Autonomous Delivery Industry Chain
  • 1.9 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solution Providers
  • 1.10 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Application Providers and Cooperation (1)
  • 1.10 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Application Providers and Cooperation (2)
  • 1.11 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Application Providers and Solution Providers
  • 1.12 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Robot Solution Providers (1)
  • 1.12 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Robot Solution Providers (2)
  • 1.12 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Robot Solution Providers (3)

2 Overview and Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles

  • 2.1 Overview of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 2.1.1 Product Types
    • 2.1.2 Application Scenarios
    • 2.1.3 Composition
    • 2.1.4 Core Technology
    • 2.1.5 Core Parts
    • 2.1.6 Main Cost
  • 2.1. 7 Industry Chain
    • 2.1.8 Latest Financing
  • 2.2 Application Solutions of DADA
    • 2.2.1 Open Autonomous Delivery Platform
    • 2.2.2 Delivery Capacity Modes
    • 2.2.3 Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies
    • 2.2.4 Cases of Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies
    • 2.2.5 Application Cases
  • 2.3 Application and Solutions of Meituan
    • 2.3.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions
    • 2.3.2 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 2.3.3 The First Open Road Test of Automatic Delivery Vehicles
    • 2.3.4 Application Scenario Cases
  • 2.4 Application and Solutions of Cainiao
    • 2.4.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions
    • 2.4.2 Summary of Universities Where Autonomous Delivery Vehicles Are Used
    • 2.4.3 Application Scenario Cases
  • 2.5 Application and Solutions of JD.com
    • 2.5.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 2.5.2 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 2.5.3 Application Scenario Cases (1)
    • 2.5.4 Application Scenario Cases (2)
    • 2.5.5 Application Scenario Cases (3)
    • 2.5.6 Application Scenario Cases (4)
  • 2.6 Application and Solutions of SF
    • 2.6.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 2.6.2 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 2.6.3 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (3)
    • 2.6.4 Summary of the First Batch of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles on the Road in Cities
    • 2.6.5 Application Scenario Cases (1)
    • 2.6.6 Application Scenario Cases (2)
    • 2.6.7 Cases of Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies
  • 2.7 Application and Solutions of China Post
    • 2.7.1 Summary of Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies
    • 2.7.2 Latest Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 2.7.2 Latest Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 2.7.3 Usage of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in Cities and Outlets
    • 2.7.4 Application Cases (1)
    • 2.7.5 Application Cases (2)
  • 2.8 Application Solutions of YTO
    • 2.8.1 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (1)
    • 2.8.2 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (2)
    • 2.8.3 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (3)
    • 2.8.4 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (4)
    • 2.8.5 Summary of the First Batch of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles on the Road in Cities
    • 2.8.6 Application Cases
  • 2.9 Application Solutions of ZTO
    • 2.9.1 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (1)
    • 2.9.2 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (2)
    • 2.9.3 Solutions in Cooperation with Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Companies (3)
    • 2.9.4 Summary of the First Batch of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles on the Road in Cities
    • 2.9.5 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 2.9.6 Autonomous Vehicle Operation and Supervision Platform

3 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solution Providers

  • 3.1 Neolix
    • 3.1.1 Summary of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions
    • 3.1.2 Latest Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 3.1.2 Latest Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 3.1.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (1)
    • 3.1.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (2)
    • 3.1.4 Summary of Road Rights of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles in Key Cities in China
    • 3.1.5 Overseas Landing of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles and Cooperation
    • 3.1.6 Application Scenarios of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles and Cooperation
    • 3.1.7 Cases of Cooperation in Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Technology (1)
    • 3.1.8 Cases of Cooperation in Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Technology (2) and Financing Layout
  • 3.2 Go Further AI
    • 3.2.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 3.2.2 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 3.2.3 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (3)
    • 3.2.4 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (1)
    • 3.2.4 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (2)
    • 3.2.5 Summary of Application Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 3.2.6 Summary of Regions Where Autonomous Delivery Vehicles Are Used and Services
  • 3.3 ZELOS
    • 3.3.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions
    • 3.3.2 Technical Framework and Operation Platform of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 3.3.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (1)
    • 3.3.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles (2)
    • 3.3.4 Application Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
  • 3.4 Haomo.AI
    • 3.4.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (1)
    • 3.4.2 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions (2)
    • 3.4.3 Cooperation in Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Technology
    • 3.4.4 Manufacturing Bases of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
    • 3.4.5 Application Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles
  • 3.5 White Rhino
    • 3.5.1 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions and Application Solutions (1)
    • 3.5.2 Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Solutions and Application Solutions (2)
    • 3.5.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles

4 Application Scenarios and Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots

  • 4.1 Types of Autonomous Delivery Robots
  • 4.2 Application Scenarios and Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Hotels
    • 4.2.1 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Hotels (1)
    • 4.2.2 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Hotels (2)
    • 4.2.3 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Hotels (3)
    • 4.2.4 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Hotels (4)
  • 4.3 Application Scenarios and Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Office Buildings
    • 4.3.1 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Office Buildings (1)
    • 4.3.2 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Office Buildings (2)
    • 4.3.3 Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Office Buildings
  • 4.4 Application Scenarios and Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Shopping Malls
    • 4.4.1 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Shopping Malls (1)
    • 4.4.2 Application Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Shopping Malls (2)
    • 4.4.3 Solutions of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Shopping Malls

5 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solution Providers

  • 5.1 OrionStar
    • 5.1.1 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (1)
    • 5.1.1 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (1)
    • 5.1.2 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (2)
    • 5.1.2 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (2)
  • 5.2 Keenon
    • 5.2.1 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions
    • 5.2.2 Application Scenarios and Cooperation Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots
  • 5.3 PUDU
    • 5.3.1 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (1)
    • 5.3.1 Autonomous Delivery Robot Solutions (2)
    • 5.3.2 Application Scenarios and Cooperation Cases of Autonomous Delivery Robots
    • 5.3.3 Autonomous Quadruped Delivery Robot Solutions (1)
    • 5.3.3 Autonomous Quadruped Delivery Robot Solutions (2)
  • 5.4 LimX Dynamics
    • 5.4.1 Autonomous Quadruped Delivery Robot Solutions (1)
    • 5.4.1 Autonomous Quadruped Delivery Robot Solutions (2)
    • 5.4.2 Autonomous Bipedal Delivery Robot Solutions
    • 5.4.3 Core Technology of Autonomous Delivery Robots and Latest Financing

6 Development Trends of Autonomous Delivery

  • 6.1 Trend 1
  • 6.2 Trend 2
  • 6.3 Trend 3
  • 6.4 Trend 4
  • 6.5 Trend 5
  • 6.6 Trend 6
  • 6.7 Trend 7
  • 6.8 Trend 8
  • 6.9 Trend 9